"More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

((OOC: I can understand about the Sentinel, my bad (But at least Landslide landed a hit), but in what way did Blackarachnia disregard everything Rhinox said? In the way I saw it, Blackarachnia has no reason to trust anything Rhinox said to her, and if anything, she uses two people she may be able to exploit. But that's was just how I interpreted the situation. ))
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:He was more persuasive than you."
Blackarachnia growled and reloaded her weapon, aiming it towards Rhinox, when something grabbed her waist and made her fall on the ground with a shout of surprise coming from her.
NaitoKage wrote:Yer bird friend fired about 30 of those into me earlier..
"I'm just sorry none of them hit you in any place fatal," she spat at the beetle and tried to aimed at the table, but the shield was making hard for her to position herself probably. And thanks to the last shot she took from the big beetle, half of her body was throbbing in pain. But pain seemed to be a thing for her these days with Tarantulas fighting for dominance inside her head. Here she was trapped like she was in her own mind. Her optics glared contempt at the beetle. She wanted to kill him so badly. She screamed as she continued to struggle.

Phoenix wrote:"Whatever's happened to them, they deserve it,"
"A lot of people would agree with that statement," Whitegrazer wasn't sure she agreed fully. Though it was Megatron's choice to actually trust the shapeshifter, which was a bad decision on his part, she didn't relish in the suffering of others even if they did deserve it. She was disappointed, saddened, but understood that it was their choice that led them into this situation. Now, the Maximals held the key to save them from such suffering. Do they help them or watch them die a slow, painful death? And if they did let them die, it wasn't like their troubles were over. What if there were some that survive and retaliated? What if by holding on to the cure, they would be making a great mistake. The Predacons were already here and she knew they would do what they had to or more to make sure the Maximals didn't win... no matter how many bodies they drop. "But they would do whatever it takes to get what they came here for."
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"Blackarachnia was threatening me for the flask that she's seeking," he answered Whitegrazer. "Landslide has intervened and is handling the situation. Where is Aurora? I need her help reconstructing Optimus's face." He didn't seem to care about dancing around what needed to be done or sugar-coating the dire situation. "He won't be able to speak very well in this condition. Or see."
She was concerned with Rhinox's safety, but she kept herself still. They need a plan before running into it, but Rhinox was so calm and collected by it all that she wondered she might not need to take such action. Hearing about Optimus' injuries made her close her optics for a moment, focusing on washing away the sadness she felt to come back to the fact she must figure out a way to help her comrades, "Aurora is with me." Aurora locked optics on her. Whitegrazer couldn't help but feel the full weight of emotions from the little one, and then, Aurora ran past her despite her arm trying to block the little one from moving forwards, especially if there was an battle going on there, "No, wait!" She ran to catch up. Aurora was fast Maximal. Probably even faster than Cheetor, especially in her beast mode.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:Whitegrazer, I need eyes on the other intruder,"
"Another intruder?" And she didn't know who or where this intruder is, "All right, I will let you kn-" Her spark skipped a beat as she saw Umbra coming past the medical bay. "Aurora!" There was Aurora right in the middle of them. She was still running towards the little one when she dive over her, positioning herself inbetween Aurora and Umbra with her hand out, hoping the Predacon ceralpod stopped his rampage and listen to what she has to say, when she heard the loud roar and the swift approaching footsteps ahead of her.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Landslide leaned down grabbing Blackarachnia's gun from her pincher like pedipalp and tossed it away
Blackarachnia wrote:"I'm just sorry none of them hit you in any place fatal,"

Maybe this will.. he retorted, reaching to his side he pulled out a canister like object and hit a button on the end, a needle extending from it, he then swung the tranquilizer towards her shoulder.

Umbra almost smiled as he saw Aurora heading towards him, with Whitegrazer then suddenly diving infront of her. He then heard the roar, not the expected wild cat like roar of a rampaging werecat, but a strange low reverb like grow roar of a honey badger. This followed by the noise of clanking heavy steps moving swiftly on the metal floor, the octopus eyes on his legs noticing the blue light behind him. Save your pretty words Ma'am.. I don't have time for it. Umbra's visor then slid down over his optics, his back releasing a stream of obscuring smoke into the hall, he moved backwards into the smoke and turned facing towards Ironclaw with his hands on his swords, ready to draw.

A one on one fight with Whitegrazer alone would be a pain, but with Ironclaw and Aurora present, it'd be impossible. As far as combatants go, Ironclaw was even more reckless then Whitegrazer, he was a berserker. He would have to disable Ironclaw, then find a way past Whitegrazer. He could only hope her strange abilities didn't include a perception that could see through the cloud of smoke in the dark hallway.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: gonna get a short post in since its been a week, was waiting for Wintersong

"I wouldn't be so quick to divulge your secrets to the likes of him if I were you, Lord Megatron" spoke a smarmy voice that Predacon Megatron recognized in an instant, and just as quickly charged his tail cannon in reaction to it, pointing it at the shadows where a pair of glowing eye eyes peered back at him, oozing with unwarranted arrogance as he shouted back with pure venom in his voice "Step out into the light, Cryotek!"

"Awww, my prized pupil remembers his dear sweet teacher after all! I feared the fame and grandeur of becoming the one true leader of all predacons would have gone to your head by now and you'd tragically forget all about the little people you stepped on to get to where you are today" teased Cryotek, the hulking blue predacon gangster stepping out into the light in robot mode, his cybertronian form the same as Megatron had last seen him.

"An acquaintance of yours I trust?" inquired Decepticon Megatron, brow raised in amusement by this latest development.

"Indeed great one! I am Cryotek, leader of the Cybertronian underworld, and the proud mentor to the young lad with whom you've been conversing" Cryotek began to explain, before Megatron the Younger replied "He's a hasbeen who've I've long since outgrown, no one of importance."

Feigning heartbreak, Cryotek replied "Oooo, you break an old mech's spark my boy! Didn't I teach you everything I know? Loved you like a son? Made you my righthand mech?"

"You also planned to set me up for a fall while you made off with the golden disks, but I saw your treachery coming and turned it back on you, taking the prize for myself, proving that I alone was worthy of unlocking their secrets and leader our faction to glory" Megatron retorted without an ounce of guilt in his voice, treating Cryotek like a long lost disowned relative.

"Yes...That you did my boy, that you did...I REALLY should teach you a lesson for that" Cryotek menaced, his voice cold and filled with barely suppressed rage as he raised the massive freeze cannon that served as his primary weapon, one which had made him a force to be reckoned with back on cybertron amongst both maximals and predacons alike.

"Not if I teach you your place first old mech, IN THE SCRAPYARD!" Megatron raged, charging his plasma weapon, knowing the heat from his beam blasts would be able to counter Cryotek's ice based weaponry.

"This day just keeps getting more and more interesting" Decepticon Megatron mused as the former apprentice challenged his old master for the right to be the one true heir to the decepticon's legacy.

Meanwhile, outside of Megatron's fantasy, the other predacons took notice of the charging of Megatron's primary weapon, and were understandably nervous because of it.

"My Queen? What troubles you?" Inferno inquired worriedly, his leader's face a mask of undisguised hatred, the sort he'd save for the enemies of the colony or for traitors, but never for his loyal subcommander....

"Oh my Primus...HIT THE DECK!" Terrorsaur shrieked as he took off into the air to avoid the shot that followed, the energy discharge powerful enough to scorch the air around them, the blast continuing past the scrabbling predacons to strike an unused hover platform, which exploded spectacularly, and then continued onward to blow through the wall at the end of the command room...If such a shot had struck any of them it would have meant instant death.

"Royalty! Please! Tell me what we've done wrong?!" Inferno pleaded, confused as to why Megatron was taking such extreme action, especially against himself.

"He's LOST it bug brain! Can't you see that?!" Terrorsaur shrieked, preparing to fire on Megatron with his shoulder guns only to be shot by Meg's own shoulder cannons, the impact of which sent him spiraling down into the CR tanks.

"RESTRAIN HIM! The delusions have taken hold! If you fools love your master so much stop him for his own good!" Tarantulas shouted to the others, as he took cover again, annoyed by yet another psychotic episode breaking out so soon after the first.

Why couldn't the others be sane and control of themselves like he was? Some bots just had no self control.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc: Sorry, OOP, I can't wait any longer. :p I have a long weekend at work coming up. 30 hours over the course of the next three days, actually, so I won't have much time for anything else. I'll be back Tuesday but in the meanwhile I'll post for Nemesis and Aurora at least.)
"No, wait!"
Aurora barely heard Whitegrazer's warning as she continued down the hallway as fast as her legs would carry her, but she made no attempt at slowing down. She was perhaps not as fast as the speed demon Cheetor, but she was still quite nimble and quick for her size. Rounding the corner, she continued down the next hallway. Behind her she could hear Whitegrazer's steps, the mare now trying to catch up.
There was something in Whitegrazer's voice, a desperate plea perhaps, that finally caused the smaller fuzor to slow down. And then when she looked ahead she could see why the other female had been so desperate for her to stop. The Predacon cephalopod known as Umbra appeared in the hallway, very near her. Aurora's movements finally slowing to a halt, her mouth hanging open in surprise whereas her ears flattened against the white fur on her head, she merely stared at Umbra for a long moment.

What was he doing here..?

A moment later Whitegrazer dove over her, placing herself between the Predacon and Aurora. The smaller femme didn't take her optics off the intruder, however.

And then another roar, followed by heavy footsteps racing towards them. Aurora's hand darted towards the crossbow she carried on her person, fumbling rather clumsily before she managed to grab a hold of it. She was nervous and her face easily revealed just how she felt. Aiming the weapon in Umbra's general direction, she found that her hand was shaking and thus making it very difficult to aim. Since Whitegrazer had positioned herself between the two of them, she held her fire to avoid accidentally hitting the other female. And then, within nanoclicks, Ironclaw rounded the corner and stopped as well, his demeanor that of a feral animal about to attack his prey. Aurora's optics widened a bit, for a moment wondering if this truly was Ironclaw or if there had been some truth to the transmetal badger being the shape shifter.
Save your pretty words Ma'am.. I don't have time for it.
Much to her surprise, Umbra seemed to devote his attention to Ironclaw, readying himself for battle. And lastly a veil of smoke engulfed the Predacon invader.

Meanwhile Nemesis was approaching the medical bay as well. She could hear the commotion going on in the adjoining hallway, but for now she disregarded it. Umbra could handle himself, at least for a little while. Instead she slipped into a dark corner, making preparations for whoever was about to emerge out of the medical bay. From the sounds of their little squabble in there, it was Landslide and BlackArachnia.
Last edited by Phoenix on Mon May 25, 2015 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"Spare me this mockery of justice! I don't want your help""
Banshee blinked and frowned at Ironclaw's outburst, taking out her rifle as soon as Ironclaw freed himself, "STOP!" she chased after the badger and started firing at him, missing on purpose before opening a radio channel to Rattrap, "Banshee to Commander Rattrap. Ironclaw broke loose out of the brig and refused to cooperate during the interorgation and he's on a rampage in the ship! Your further orders, Sir?" Her crosshairs were trained on him. She had a bad feeling that it would be necessary to fight him one-on-one now that her co workers are busy with other tasks.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"I'm just sorry none of them hit you in any place fatal,"
Maybe this will..
It wasn't difficult for Rhinox to ignore Blackarachnia's words that had been directed toward Landslide, but then her scream of struggle pierced his audio sensors and he managed to spare a second to glare in her direction, noticing the beetle reaching for her weapon to disarm her and pulling out a tranquilizer until Whitegrazer answered him.

"Get her out of here, Landslide!" the rhinoceros hollered at him. She was too dangerous and he didn't want anymore risks around Optimus.
"Aurora is with me."
While he was relieved to know that the young Fuzor was with someone who would watch her back, he couldn't wait any longer for her assistance.

The functionality on both of Primal's new hands seemed to operate accordingly and accurately, so Rhinox closed his forearms and moved to the injuries on his head. He took a deep breath and shook his head to revitalize his awareness and concentration knowing this task was going to be the most time-consuming and delicate part to work on with their leader. The scientist grabbed a helmet and placed it on his head. Reaching up to it, he lowered several "arms" with higher magnification and placed them in front of his optics so he could zoom in quite closely on his work without having to adjust his optic sensors should he need them for an intruder's attack, like Blackarachnia trying to steal their antidote.

Carefully opening Optimus's mouth and propping it open wide enough so Rhinox's large fingers could fit with small tools inside of it, he started implanting his sharp teeth back to where they belonged, aligning them and straightening them. His tools slipped on a few from his tiredness, causing him to curse at himself under his breath, but he managed to get the job done. He then took some equipment and held it gently against his lips and cheeks, massaging them as the swelling decreased. There was little the rhinoceros could do about the gash on his lips, so he left it alone once it stopped leaking from his tools stretching it and probing it. Primal's optics were going to be the trickiest part. He wished he had smaller hands, or someone with very petite and steady fingers, but he was alone on this endeavor it seemed and it was up to him to do his best. Glancing at the gorilla's vitals, he was steadily improving, so Rhinox moved on to the most daunting task; his optic sensors.

Both had cracked external glass plates, but one was completely destroyed. Lifting his magnifiers from his vision, the engineer dug around for some spare lenses that would fit the Commander's sockets. Stumbling upon a good pair, he set them aside nearby and then lowered the magnifiers back over his own crimson optics and carefully removed the damaged lenses from Optimus. Rhinox then sucked up every shard of glass that laid in his most damaged optic sensor with a tiny vacuum, ensuring cleanliness. The light source which illuminated his optics also required a replacement for that eye, so Rhinox did so. Some wires were torn and stripped, so he replaced and reconnected them. Making sure everything else with the ape's vision was up to par, Big Green finally set the new glass lenses on securely that were the optic sensors' greatest protection.

As Rhinox began running diagnostics on the rest of Primal's head trauma, the Maximal Commander slowly started to come to. He groaned lightly as he was suddenly swamped with Whitegrazer's bond, warmth, energy and anxiety toward Aurora with whatever was going on. Not to mention the pain that still ached throughout his body. He felt most of his injuries had been repaired but he was in no shape for battle or a brawl. While his optics calibrated, they slowly came into focus, as did the memories of Megatron's brutality that had shaken him. Aurora had been shot, but she was alright. Nexus had been rescued as well, but he didn't know his condition. Had he survived? And the virus?! No wait... The virus was gone. That's right, Aurora had created a cure to end it. No more horrendous hallucinations, although in a distant memory, they still haunted him to some extent. "Rhinox...?" Primal's voice was weak but soft. He wiggled a few fingers without realizing that he had hands again. When it dawned on him a moment later, he slowly lifted his arms to look at them, moving them, flipping them back and forth from the palms to the back of the hands and balling them into fists a couple times. He was weak and tired but alive.

"Easy, Optimus. One step at a time," his old friend urged him with a deep yet comforting tone, putting the helmet away and glancing at Landslide with Blackarachnia across the room. "Your legs, hands and optic sensors are back in one piece and fully functional, but you still require the CR to repair the rest of your wounds."

When Rhinox listed the extent of repairs, Primal was suddenly flooded with the pain and fear of how they happened at the hands of the Predacons and the torturous time he had spent at the Darksyde. He started to tremble. And then he grew angry. Angry for what they did to him and Nexus. For what they put them through. For taking the golden disks back and gaining the upper hand again in this seemingly endless war.

Noticing the leader's behavior, Rhinox went to place a comforting hand on Optimus's forearm but the Commander involuntarily flinched and pulled his arm away from the touch as quickly as he could. The engineer nearly gasped at his reaction but frowned and kept his distance. "I'm sorry, Optimus," he said.

Looking angry for a moment, Primal's expression softened as he looked upon his friend. "It's not your fault... It's..." He trailed off, unwilling to finish his statement when Megatron's face invaded his mind. "What of Nexus and Aurora?"

"They're alright. Everyone is alright," he assured him.

"Then what is she doing here?" asked Optimus, looking in Blackarachnia's direction. Despite his condition, he was very much aware of his surroundings, which was a good sign, but Rhinox worried for his mental and emotional state. He was clearly in despair.

"She broke into the base to steal the antidote," he said too softly for the spider to hear him.

"How did she bypass our defenses?" he inquired with an irritated tone.

"We don't know yet. But she's not the only one."

"There's another Predacon in the base?!" He attempted to sit up but grumbled in pain and coughed only to lay back down.

"Optimus, I must insist that you remain still. You're in no condition to lead right now. Rattrap has it handled. ...As does Landslide," he tried convincing him since he probably thought things were out of control and felt like he needed to take command to end it.

Primal simply muttered in retort under his breath. His mouth was very sore, his lips ached from the split that remained, his head pounded and his legs tingled. He glanced down at the bluish glow on his chest, recalling the nanogel that Aurora had applied on him some time ago. It still worked? Interesting, and perhaps beneficial.

"Were the Predacons infected by the hallucinogen?" the ape inquired.

"I believe so."

Good, he thought bitterly. Finally, a taste of their own cruelty. "What do we know about the shapeshifter?"

"We haven't been able to locate him, or find out who he is right now," Rhinox explained. "But we do know how well he portrayed you in order to break into the brig, give Sonar the virus, and intentionally allow him to infect us."

"His portrayal of Aurora was uncanny," he added, remembering how he thought it was really her at the Darksyde in Megatron's grasp, fearing for her life despite how little it made sense that she was there, until Whitegrazer had warned him otherwise. And then he suddenly recalled that the t-rex now knew about his connection with the white mare. All the stress was coming back to him now, but he took a deep breath.

"Rattrap, Optimus is awake," Rhinox informed him via comm. link.

I read you. Ug.. Got a hole in my stomach but I'm alright.. Umbra is in the ship.. he seems to be sick.. and wants to avoid infecting any of us.. I just don't get. He's heading towards the bridge..
"Okay. The only thing dat made sense was that you're injured," Rattrap told Cheetor. "You better get to a CR."
"Another intruder?" "All right, I will let you kn-"
Even though he noticed she cut herself off with what she was saying, Rattrap informed Whitegrazer, "It's Umbra. At least, dat's who Cheetor saw."
"It probably looks worse than it is," "Believe me, I'll live," "Your crew did a good job manually patching me up.
"Yeah, well, we've had a lot of practice. Heck, we've even brought Optimus back from the dead, so dat's sayin' somethin' about our skills." Rattrap smirked when he added with recollection, "You shoulda seen de look on Megajerk's face that day. ...Good times..."
I'll have the details taken care of when the immediate threat is over."
The Spy gave a nod to the Admiral, his optics lingering on him and his remaining wounds for a moment before turning his attention back to the monitors before him. One caught his optic, the one keeping tabs on Nemesis. "Uh," he stammered, looking for the anklet's signal. "Slag!" How did she do that? Where did she go? "Anybody got a location on Nemesis?" he asked across all of the Maximals' comm. links. This was just getting ridiculous.
"Rattrap, Optimus is awake,"
"Just in time! I'm handin' over the reigns," the rodent responded.

"No, Rattrap. He needs rest and more recovery," Rhinox told him. "Let's just concentrate on getting rid of these pesky Predacons."

Rattrap moaned like he usually did at the mention of work and was interrupted by Banshee's call.
"Banshee to Commander Rattrap. Ironclaw broke loose out of the brig and refused to cooperate during the interorgation and he's on a rampage in the ship! Your further orders, Sir?"
"Well, you weren't supposed to take him off de bridge in the first place," the TransMetal rodent reminded her. Looking to the internal scanner's information, he located the badger and told the Doctor, "He's headin' to the medical bay, pretty much where everybody else is. Might also be where Umbra is. Go an' give 'im back-up; maybe he'll strangle Umbra with his own tentacles. But it's likely dat the sea monster is infected, so don't get near him. Whitegrazer an' Aurora are also in dat area. Actually, find Nemesis. I wanna know what she's up to. No matter where you go, dere's gonna be a problem!" He threw his arms into the air with frustration, uncertain where to direct who at this point. "Just get the Preds outta our base!"

"You disappoint me, Sentinel," Rattrap told the computer system.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by una »

Save your pretty words Ma'am.. I don't have time for it.
Umbra unleashed a gray cloud, blinding her. She knew Aurora was behind her, so she did her best to try and at least keep herself in that space, especially away from Umbra, who could be infected. Despite what Umbra told her, she refused his statement and tried to reason with him anyway, "If you keep like this, you will be out of time." She was still wondering about the large roar and footsteps she heard earlier. It did sound like Ironclaw. Oh dear, "Ironclaw, don't. He's infected."

It was then she felt the connection between Optimus and her grow, alerting to her that he was awake. Rhinox probably tired of all the interference from the Predacons that invade their base for the cure and just finished what he could. She was so happy that Optimus was awake, but she could feel the overwhelming emotions he was feeling. It made her face twitch in pain and agony over remembering what had happened to Optimus several hours ago. What happened to him... what she felt from him. To her, she could feel the dull aches shiver through many area of her body and face, the cruelty of those claws as well as the scraps and tightening of those bonds. Those were going to linger for awhile. She saw Megatron's face just as Optimus imagined it. She closed optics for a time. She had to focus on the task at hand, reminding herself that the pain she felt was from Optimus. She only felt what he did and he had to go through it. She just experienced. Experienced it like she did back when he exploded because of that alien weapon and Megatron's hands. What more was that tyrant going to put Optimus and everyone else through for his own ends? She took a breath, still feeling Optimus' emotions at what was going on. She too wished that Optimus woke up in a more peaceful time, as he was no doubt feeling the weight of what was going on around him. She felt it. She brightened her optics, determined. She will do her best to make sure this situation gets solved with little violence as possible. She will bring serenity and peace here. She will do what she could to make sure no one went through what Optimus did. Especially Aurora.

She breathed in and out and cleared her mind and keeping herself steady. Not just for herself but his as well. "Umbra, I know why you have come and you have been infected due to the actions of others who I do not wish to succeed. I can help you, but you must listen to me and stand down." She wished that she wasn't so blinded the smoke around her, so she knew what Ironclaw would do and where he was. "I can give you the cure."

Maybe this will.. he retorted, reaching to his side he pulled out a canister like object and hit a button on the end, a needle extending from it, he then swung the tranquilizer towards her shoulder.
Blackarachnia shut her mouth when she saw that needle and Landslide swinging it towards her. She let out a yelp, and since Landslide took her weapon, she was defenseless as well as unable to maneuver with this shield thingy he threw out her. She rolled, trying to avoid the tranquilizer. She narrowed her optics and screamed in his face when Rhinox bellowed at them.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"Get her out of here, Landslide!"
Blackarachnia realized she wasn't in a great spot to try and anger the green giant who towered above her. But she wasn't going to stop fighting! Oh no! She will find a way to escape from this bond. She will just have to be creative... like she always was and needed to be.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:Then what is she doing here?" asked Optimus, looking in Blackarachnia's direction. Despite his condition, he was very much aware of his surroundings, which was a good sign, but Rhinox worried for his mental and emotional state. He was clearly in despair.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"She broke into the base to steal the antidote," he said too softly for the spider to hear him.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:How did she bypass our defenses?" he inquired with an irritated tone.
"We don't know yet. But she's not the only one."
"There's another Predacon in the base?!"
Blackarachnia watched in amusement and false childlike wonder at the conversation between Rhinox and the newly-awaken Maximal leader. He seemed better, but that face of his... Well, she saw it as a major improvement. Heh. Though, she kept that to herself. From the tone and body language she could actually feel imitating from the big ape, she felt like her comment might leave her in pieces. So she just decided to laugh and laugh loud just to get the two boys attention, "What a way to wake up from your nice nap, huh?" She gave another laugh, but this one was short and mocking, "Though, this whole situation feels almost deja vu to me." It was true. She remembered how everything seemed to going in the favor of the Predacons when Optimus exploded everywhere in space. Of course, there were MAJOR differences now like her team was infected with a virus because of Night Terror, but she had no doubt the tables would turn soon. If her fellow Predacon comrade didn't, she sure as the Pit was going to make sure and take the cure even if she had to take it from Rhinox or another's cold corpse. Yet, she couldn't help but insultingly pity the Maximals and Optimus, "And still... your poor Maximals are lost without you. You know what if I wasn't incapacitated at the moment and I killed you. I wonder how long the Maximals would last. It's almost makes me sad thinking about." She shook her head then let out a grunt of disgust at such weakness.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

"Yeah, well, we've had a lot of practice. Heck, we've even brought Optimus back from the dead, so dat's sayin' somethin' about our skills." Rattrap smirked when he added with recollection, "You shoulda seen de look on Megajerk's face that day. ...Good times..."
The rodent's rather cocky reply did not go unnoticed by the veteran. Not that it came as the least bit surprising given the growing file he had been gathering on the acting commanding officer of the Maximals. Rattrap was distinctly different from Optimus, from the way he expressed himself to his leadership style. What the rodent lacked in patience and calmness.. and size.. he made up for with an ever running mouth. Sarcastic remarks would frequently pour out of the diminutive Maximal's mouth, yet still he was fairly well respected among the others. Well.. most of them at least. What he lacked in physical strength and intimidating presence, he made up for with his mouth. A highly unlikely candidate for a commanding position, surely, but interesting nonetheless.

"That is interesting," the admiral responded after mulling over Rattrap's answer for a bit. Of course he had read the reports on Primal's upgrade, in great detail in fact. The parts that had been left out of the report he had somewhat been able to piece together himself after realizing what powers Whitegrazer possessed, but of course he couldn't reveal such things to Rattrap or it would merely arouse more suspicions.

"Perhaps you can enlighten me on what happened when our current situation has been resolved," Nexus then added with the barest trace of a smile on his otherwise stoic face. He maintained eye contact for a moment longer before his optics drifted to the monitors again. He noticed that one of the cameras flickered a couple of times before the signal was lost. Not surprisingly it was the camera by the med lab entrance.
"Anybody got a location on Nemesis?"
Rattrap didn't exactly seem to be enjoying the perks of leadership, his stress level shooting through the roof at every little sign of trouble. Granted he hadn't exactly been granted the best cards when taking on the role as commander and chief, but it was becoming obvious the pressure was taking its toll. Naturally the pretender said nothing even if he was enjoying the fact that he was responsible for a great number of the acting commander's predicaments.

Since the rodent appeared to be distracted again, Nexus took the opportunity to slip out of the bridge.

After disabling the camera that was watching the entrance to the medical bay, Nemesis quickly got to work on setting up a trap for the Maximal beetle, Landslide, for when he exited the room. Fortunately it sounded as if the other Maximals were busy with what she presumed to be Ironclaw. Well, Umbra could take care of him. If he ended up needing assistance, she'd be willing to lend a hand after getting BlackArachnia out of this situation. The widow could prove to be a useful ally, but that required keeping the spider out of the brig. She temporarily disrupted the power to this junction so that she could work without putting herself in danger So it was with great care and some sense of urgency that Nemesis began splicing wires together inside the weapon system located right outside the medical bay, bypassing Sentinel's control over the unit and changing the settings so that it would only attack someone of Landslide's size and description. The procedure was difficult, but not impossible, given Nemesis' past experiences as a saboteur. As a fail safe she also left an exposed wire dangling at just the right height for Landslide to bump it while trying to pass. Once everything had been reconnected, she simply smashed the light fixture hanging overhead so that the exposed wires would be very difficult to see.. Especially when carrying a struggling Predacon. No doubt the jolt would cause BlackArachnia some pain too but given the fact she would no doubt be carried, it would be Landslide that would take the worst of it.

"Get her out of here, Landslide!"
Hearing Rhinox' words, Nemesis hurried over to the junction box and flicked the switch, turning the power back on. She then turned to leave.

She got no further than a few steps before she felt someone grabbing her by the back of her neck and another arm pressing up against her backside. The sudden change in momentum forcibly slammed her against the nearest wall, her attacker following the motion and pinning her arm behind her as they only pressed harder when she struggled.

The avian female grunted in surprise and discomfort, twisting her head as much as she could to see who was foolish enough to approach her like this.

"You always did get yourself in trouble," a familiar voice whispered into her audioreceptor, a hint of annoyance detectable in the words. Nemesis' optics narrowed, her struggling increasing tenfold but to no avail. Her attacker's hold on her was too strong and she was in a very awkward position that rendered her unable to even move, much less fight back.

"You are one to talk..," she hissed back at him, finally managing to twist her head enough to the side to look at him.. or.. her. For it was a female face that was looking back at her, one with bright red optics and long transmetalized dark feathers trailing down her head.. Her own face.

"You bastard!," Nemesis hissed angrily, kicking back with her leg against her clone's knee in an attempt to free herself. It worked to an extent, at least giving her enough room to twist around so she could face the shapeshifter. Of course now the fake Nemesis was free to grab her by the throat, slamming the back of her head hard against the wall. Nemesis made a grimace at that before locking her optics with.. her own. "If you think disguising yourself as me will discourage me from killing you, you are sadly mistaken," the real Nemesis growled.

"You weren't able to before, what makes you think that has changed?," the impostor retaliated, now having adapted her voice as well as her appearance. Still the voice almost seemed to soften a little bit, the impostor tilted her head a bit and used her free hand to brush some transmetal feathers away from Nemesis' face. This actually enraged her even more and she brought her knee up against her twin's abdomen in a most brutal fashion, causing her twin to stagger a bit for a moment as she brought her hands to her abdomen. "Don't touch me!," Nemesis spat at her twin, the warning all too clear. The response came in the form of a fist to the jaw, the punch far stronger than someone of her size and build should be capable of. It was powerful enough to send her sprawling onto the floor, the joint holding the jaw in place cracking from the blunt force. Nemesis' hands immediately went to her face and she made a whimpering noise as she felt the damage done. She glared at her other self, holding onto her jaw even as her nanites set to work with fixing the damage done.

"Don't push it," Zodiac warned her, his tone cold. "I only came to give you a warning. Stop this futile attempt to assist your Predacon friends. You don't owe them anything."

Nemesis maintained her glare as the repairs to her jaw finished, allowing her to speak once more. "So they can succumb to the virus."

It had not been a question.

Zodiac in Nemesis' form crossed his arms. "Would you care to join them?," he asked, the question sounding like a challenge.

Her optics narrowed once more.

"You know full well that we are immune to the virus. Stop playing your games."

"But I so enjoy them," the impostor responded, almost sounding a bit amused.

"So this is all a game to you. Surely you didn't come all this way just to toy with everyone, so who sent you?"

The clone shrugged at that.

"My dear, I think you have more important things to concern yourself with. Like where you can seek refuge next."

"You're implying I should leave."

"Now you're using your head. Why are you even here? You will never fit in here. You're not a Maximal. And quite frankly you're not very good at pretending to be one."

"You mean a fraud like you?" She smirked as she said those words, leaping up from her position on the floor. "I have a better idea. Why don't I just kill you? Or perhaps turn you in to either faction and earn some credit. I'm sure both faction leaders would love to get their hands on you for what you've done here. And then we can see how they deal with traitors."

The pretender smiled. "Like you're any better. Your history is as shaded as mine. And why wouldn't it be? We were both designed for the same purpose.. You just happen to be flawed."

That last comment is what finally broke her. She lunged at the male-in-disguise, sword in hand as she attempted to slice that annoying smugness straight off his.. her.. face. The clone side stepped, being every bit as flexible as she was. She followed up with a kick to the flank, which the pretender deflected easily enough. In fact he was eerily good at reading her movements, even countering them. Still he seemed reluctant to fight her, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to them.
Last edited by Phoenix on Tue May 26, 2015 11:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

"Royalty please! It is I, your loyal soldier! Don't you recognize me?" Inferno pleaded, trying in vain to bring his leader to his senses, his blind devotion preventing him from fighting back even if it was for Megatron's own good.

"YOU FOOL! He's not himself! SHOOT HIM!" Tarantulas screamed in absolute frustration, unable to fathom how anyone could be so damn loyal that even when their leader had gone mad and was threatening to shoot up the place he still wouldn't fight back even if only in self-defense.

"TRAITOR! I shall not hurt the Roya...RAAAHHH!" Inferno yelled in pain as Megatron returned his sentiment with shots from his tail gun, shots powerful enough to send the ant sprawling backwards head over heels....There had been a time when Inferno may have been the one predacon physically on par with Megatron but since the transwarp wave the transmetal tyrant was now in a league of his own, and even Inferno's unnatural tolerance for pain and thick armor plating could only take so much punishment.

"Bleh! Bleh! Sigh...Are we having fun yet?" Terrorsaur grumbled sarcastically as he pulled himself up out of the CR tank, ducking back under with a gasp as Megatron fired in his direction again, only to come flying out again in his beast mode, jet boosters blazing to give him the speed he needed to evade Megatron's shots.

"Megatron, I'd say it was a pleasure working with you, but it wasn't!" Terrorsaur proclaimed as he changed back to robot mode and fired his shoulder missiles at Megatron, fully intending to take him out and save his own skin...However, one of the two missiles was destroyed prematurely by a random fireball while the other was sent off course by the other's destruction, the projectile detonating beside Megatron rather than landing a direct hit.

"What the....Oh you have GOT to be kidding me?! REALLY?!" Terrorsaur spat at Inferno in irritation, the ant being the one responsible for intercepting his missiles.

"FOOL! We must defend the Royalty, not destroy him! He is unwell, it is our duty to bring him to his senses!" Inferno insisted, oversized gun now pointing at Terrorsaur to warn him off from attacking again.

"Our duty? OUR DUTY?! You braindead bug, our only duty now is to ourselves! Megatron's lost it and is trying to kill us, and unless you happen to have the antidote on hand and cure him in the next few kliks I don't think we can help him!" Terrorsaur shouted back, eyes glowing angrily as he charged his optic lasers, a weapon Inferno's guns couldn't intercept.

"CRYOTEK!!!" Megatron bellowed, his voice an unnatural mix between his normal speaking voice and that of his beast mode's roar, as he emerged from the smoke and fire Terrorsaur's missile had left and batted Terrorsaur into Inferno with his tail gun like a major league baseball player hitting a homer run, his two minions crashing together in a heap of twisted limbs.

"Cryotek? Oh poor Megatron, the nightmares you MUST be having" Tarantulas whispered to himself, desperately trying not to laugh aloud and draw the mad tyrant's attention, even as he prepared a dose of cybervenom, hoping the others would distract his target long enough for him to get a clear shot without having to join the battle himself.

Judging by what he heard however, it seemed like either he or Spineback would have to put an end to this madness, since Terrorsaur and Inferno were too at odds with one another to make an effective duo against Megatron, even in his maddened state.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

( Welp, it's been awhile, so.. guess I'll go with the faster peaceful route. )

Whitegrazer wrote: "If you keep like this, you will be out of time."

Whitegrazer wrote:"Umbra, I know why you have come and you have been infected due to the actions of others who I do not wish to succeed. I can help you, but you must listen to me and stand down."

Whitegrazer wrote:"I can give you the cure."

Rhinox wrote:"Get her out of here, Landslide!"
Optimus Primal wrote:"Rhinox...?"

Umbra cringed in the smoke as he heard Rhinox and Optimus speak. There were simply too many now. He hadn't mastered operating with his sonar vision completely yet, and he didn't benefit from destroying them either. He moved back towards the wall hopping up as his tentacles grabbed it climbing it before springing off towards Whitegrazer and Aurora, grabbing the arrow out of Aurora's crossbow, he then stood up with his visor sliding up as he looked towards Whitegrazer dropping the arrow to the floor. Alright.. You win. I'm not here to fight the entire Axalon on my own anyway.. I came for the puppetmaster pulling the strings on this farce since he has the cure.. and your right, I am out of time..

Umbra walked over to a wall leaning against it, taking a deep breath and exhaling I did hear you guys made a cure.. very well. I'll establish a contract with you.. for now. On agreement I will give you information I have on the enemy and work as you command with the objective of destroying our mutual enemy. On completion of taking his life, you will hold your end of the bargain and provide the cure. If you fail to provide your end of the bargain, I will do as I do with all contract breakers.. and take your life. Do you accept these terms of service?
(Technically Blackarachnia isn't defenseless, she has built in machineguns on her spider legs. Also she can't really roll in this situation. Basically Landslide's shield is the top shell or "elytra" wings that cover the flight wings of a beetle. When he's using it as a shield it's held or attached to his left arm, and currently Blackarachnia is held between the elytra like a gigantic pincer or scissors. The shield also has claws that flip out from the top to act as ladder racks, or catch enemy weapons in combat, though those aren't being used at the moment.)

Landslide observed as Blackarachnia leaned out of the way of his tranquilizer, even though she was held in place by his shield she was surprisingly limber.
Rhinox wrote:"Get her out of here, Landslide!"

Landslide then heard as Optimus woke up, Landslide stood up and lifted Blackarachnia into the air.
Blackarachnia wrote:"What a way to wake up from your nice nap, huh?""Though, this whole situation feels almost deja vu to me.""And still... your poor Maximals are lost without you. You know what if I wasn't incapacitated at the moment and I killed you. I wonder how long the Maximals would last. It's almost makes me sad thinking about."

Landslide pinched his shield a bit harder against Blackarachnia Don't run yer mouth runt. Lets go.

Landslide then made his way towards the doorway, which seemed to be obscured by a smoke cloud coming in slowly What is this mess? he muttered to himself waving his hand in the smoke and stepped out of the Medical bay. As Landslide stepped out, a turret opened fire onto him, he raised his arm to block the shots which started to ricochet from his body, stumbling back into the dangling wire the electric surge ran through him and into Blackarachnia as he let out a yell of pain, then dropped to the floor causing the ship to shake slightly from the 7 ton beetle's impact, the hydraulics on his shield loosening on Blackarachnia.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"What a way to wake up from your nice nap, huh?"
Optimus turned his head to look at Blackarachnia's laughter while he laid there on his back atop of the operation table. At first, his expression was neutral, waiting for more derogatory remarks to follow out of her mouth.
"Though, this whole situation feels almost deja vu to me." "And still... your poor Maximals are lost without you. You know what if I wasn't incapacitated at the moment and I killed you. I wonder how long the Maximals would last. It's almost makes me sad thinking about."
Anger and irritation were building up inside of the recently awakened ape despite him knowing that she was deliberately trying to get under his paint. With as much strength as he could muster, Primal slowly got his upper body to sit up, an arm wrapping around his upper abdomen where the energy bonds once nearly squeezed the life out of him and left his armor there crimped, groaning a little in pain. After catching his breath, he looked at her and said, to fire back at her mockery of his crew and remind her, "Lest we forget, you are of Maximal origin and were enlisted under my command. Tarantulas has been controlling and manipulating you since before you emerged from your stasis pod. Let me know when you grow tired of being his and Megatron's personal slave, when you grow tired of living in fear and being disrespected, because I will either grant you amnesty or end your suffering." His voice was low and cold. He vaguely recalled her somewhat helping him at the Darksyde, which told him she wasn't as bad as she always lead everyone to believe. Did she really know who she was? Did she really see a future under Megatron's iron fist? Even if she didn't, maybe she still saw it more successful than being under Primal's considering how "weak" the Maximals were, according to her.
Don't run yer mouth runt. Lets go.
The Commander's newly repaired optics followed Landslide taking the widow out of the medical bay, but then they looked curiously and questionably at the smoke seeping into the room from the doorway. Just after the beetle had left, there was gunfire and a bright spark that was fogged by the smoky air. Then there was a loud thud quickly followed by a tremor that shook the broken ship.

Although Rhinox was a little disturbed by his friend's words toward the black widow Predacon, which even seemed to hold an invitation for her to a "better" life by joining them, he was ready to catch Primal should he grow dizzy and fall to either side of the table, until his red optic senors also noticed the smoke wafting in and billowing the corridor outside of the room. Concerned eyes from Optimus looking at him told Rhinox to place himself between the doorway and the Maximal leader, pulling out one of his chain guns and prepared to defend their wounded commanding officer. His fingers lingered on the trigger with the massive weapon targeting the entrance when he heard the noises from the gun turret and Landslide, but he couldn't see what happened through the thick smoke. "Landslide...?" the engineer called to him. He and Optimus also heard other voices down the corridor, but the rhinoceros hesitated to enter the smoke in case it was an ambush. He knew there was another Predacon in their midst, and if Landslide had fallen, then what of Blackarachnia? "Whitegrazer, what's going on?" he asked over his comm. link, his voice wary, almost certain she was nearby probably not as close as Nemesis was, unbeknownst to him and evidently Rattrap as well.
"Anybody got a location on Nemesis?"
"Negative, Rattrap," Rhinox responded. "But there's definitely something going on down here at the infirmary."

Nemesis? Was she still here at the Axalon? Primal was a little surprised by that. Either he thought she would have taken off and handled it on her own, or that his Maximals would have kicked her out a long time ago. He was somewhat impressed. Optimus instinctively went to reach for his gun with his free hand, but it wasn't there. He went to reach, very slowly, over his shoulder for his clubs but they, too, were missing. Stumped for a moment, and feeling very vulnerable, he recalled that he had surrendered all of his weapons prior to falling into Megatron's hands with Nexus. Well, that was just prime...
"That is interesting," "Perhaps you can enlighten me on what happened when our current situation has been resolved,"
When one smiles when they speak, even in the slightest, it's usually detected through their speech. Unfortunately, Rattrap didn't pick up on it, nor did he look at Nexus while he concentrated on trying to get things back under control. However, the harder he seemed to try, the worse things seemed to get. "Yeah, yeah, maybe," the rodent replied dismissively to the Admiral without knowing that he had already vanished from the bridge.

"I got no cameras, Big Green. And Sentinel is bein' a bigger slacker than me. Besides Blackarachnia, Umbra is de other threat accordin' ta Cheetor. Ironclaw broke away from Banshee an' Wintersong and was headed yer way. 'Grazer and Aurora should also be nearby. De only one unaccounted for is Nemesis." Looking over his shoulder to see what the Admiral was up to, he discovered that he was even there. When had he left?! "Correction. Nemesis and Nexus," he sighed, disappointed with himself that Nexus Prime had somehow sneaked out from right under his nose.

"Something may have happened to Landslide," Rhinox warned him over their transmission. As much as he wanted his master marksman friend to be with them and ward off these Predacons, he knew it was better for Rattrap to stay put and guard the bridge. He remained in his defensive position, waiting for the white mare to give him any information on what she may see or hear. Right now, he and Optimus were blind.

Even with Whitegrazer's bond, Primal felt that she was concentrating on the matter at hand but he didn't know what was going on. She calmed herself and sent the same warmth to him but he wasn't as opened to it as he was before he had given himself to the Predacons. At any rate, he was also trying to focus on what was happening around him and Rhinox.

(( OOC: una, I'm just putting it out there for BA to consider changing allegiances at some point, even if she never does, since we don't have Silverbolt to convince her. :lol: ))
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Mystrea »

( I can change it if you want Una, just say the word)

Ironclaw, in his enraged state stood firm as the combat scenario unfolded in front of him. Umbra, the tentacled one, had dispersed some sort of black smoke into the hall way and now stood facing him. The badger's chest pushed out and his clawed hands further accentuated themselves, showing that he was ready for a challenge. Theatricality and deception were futile against the badger in this state. However the mercenary suddenly jumped from view, leaving Ironclaw unsatisfied. His breathing steadied as he reverted to his other senses, his ability to smell to hear small details. Eventually the spark beats of the individuals within close proximity become apparent to him. He gingerly moved forwards, once he was completely consumed by the smoke he was completely reliant on his other senses. He could see a large bot leaving what must have been the medical bay only to suddenly yelp and start to fall over. Ironclaw squinted towards him realising that he had hold of a Predacon spider. Landslide shook the ship as he hit the deck and let go of the she-spider. The badger's animalistic reactions took control as he steadied himself very quickly and leapt forward onto Landslide.

As he got his footing he reached down and plucked Blackarachnia from Landslide's grasp. The raging badger lifted her into the air by her throat. In the blackness of the smoke all that could be seen was Ironclaw's burning blue eyes and the electrical cable dancing and sparking above them. He drew her close and roared in her face.

Despite his over zealous capture of the female, he picked up on two other females further down the hallway. Deciding to investigate, Ironclaw grabbed hold with his other hand and twisted it violently. After he dropped her with thinking about it and leapt off Landslide to engage the other two females.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Save your pretty words Ma'am.. I don't have time for it.

Aurora stared at the intruder, a mixture of utter contempt and fright on her face. She hadn't exactly met Umbra up close before, so he was a bit of a wild card to her. But his choice of words was interesting. As was his choice to cover the area in smoke yet not try to escape when he had the chance to do so. Instead he backed away from Ironclaw, whose lingering presence weighed heavily on those present, the anger radiating from him so intense that it almost felt like a punch to the gut. Even for her. In the process the cephalopod also managed to grab the arrow she had been aiming at him, perhaps for the better since her arms had been shaking a little bit. She didn't move, not even to lower the crossbow, instead she followed every movement the intruder made with her green optics. She had another arrow ready in case she needed it, but for the time being the Predacon didn't seem like he was going to attack anyone.
Alright.. You win. I'm not here to fight the entire Axalon on my own anyway.. I came for the puppetmaster pulling the strings on this farce since he has the cure.. and your right, I am out of time..
Puppetmaster? What was this creature babbling on about now?

Aurora watched as the Predacon made his way to the wall, finally noticing that Umbra did not look well. He seemed to be struggling a bit, his movements a little shakier and slower than normal. And there was something in his voice.. not quite desperation, perhaps, but he certainly was strained. Before she had time to study him more closely, he disappeared into the thicker parts of the smoke and she could only make out a shape as he leaned up against the wall.
I did hear you guys made a cure.. very well. I'll establish a contract with you.. for now. On agreement I will give you information I have on the enemy and work as you command with the objective of destroying our mutual enemy. On completion of taking his life, you will hold your end of the bargain and provide the cure. If you fail to provide your end of the bargain, I will do as I do with all contract breakers.. and take your life. Do you accept these terms of service?
Wait.. what just happened?

Of all the things the cephalopod had said thus far, this was by far the more surprising. The Predacon soldier for hire was actually offering them a deal. The information they had been seeking for the cure.

"The cure in exchange for the shape shifter..," she muttered under her breath, for the first time giving genuine consideration the proposal. She was conflicted about it, to say the least, since obviously Umbra had a reputation of being quite dangerous. But at the same time the shape shifter had caused them a lot of problems, in fact he had even shot her and left her for dead. And right on cue the memories of what happened flooded her mind; of the sudden pain, the look of shock and despair on Whitegrazer's face, the voices as she had faded in and out of consciousness.

Indeed. Umbra's offer was an interesting one, provided he was telling the truth. Her optics darted over to Whitegrazer, hoping the older female would take charge on this matter.

In the background she could hear the sounds of an ongoing battle, but she didn't think too much of it. Even as she heard the heavy footsteps of Ironclaw rush over to investigate.

"Enough already!"

The pretender still in Nemesis' form wasn't heard as the avian female grabbed him by the arm and threw him over her shoulder, resulting in him slamming hard onto the ground. The shape shifter let out a growl as he swiftly rolled to the side, barely avoiding her kick to where he had landed moments before, and then used the added momentum to jump up. It was becoming apparent that his opponent wouldn't budge, far too consumed with anger, leaving him with little choice but to defend himself. Even if that did mean they would be attracting unwanted attention.

He countered by swinging his leg out in an attempt to knock her balance off, but the female leaped over it and followed up with her own kick to the side of the face. This sent the pretender crashing against a shelf with numerous spare parts that had yet to be moved into the infirmary, the shelf cracking from the impact which ended up sending both the fake Nemesis and all the equipemt sailing into the wall of the infirmary with a loud thud. Temporarily covered by the debris, Zodiac was out of sight when heavy footsteps could be heard barging towards them. Nemesis barely had time to look up before the angered badger was upon her, leaving Zodiac free to make his escape.

As he started getting up, Sentinel's monotone voice cut in on his private channel.

"Subject Umbra has been located by the southern wall of the infirmary hallway. Subject is surrounded." Sentinel paused, awaiting orders.

Zodiac sighed at that, knowing full well that the information Umbra had on him could thwart his plans when they were so close to coming to fruition. He could not allow that, not now.

"Dispatch the drones. Destroy him by any means necessary," Zodiac responded. These Predacons were becoming a nuisance. He then took the opportunity to sneak away while Nemesis was otherwise preoccupied with Ironclaw. Sentinel had already informed him that Optimus was awake so he would simply have to move up the time table on his plan.

Sentinel obeyed the order and discretely moved all available turret drones to the other side of the wall from where Umbra was standing. The Predacon had already cut the tracks in the wall he was standing, so it seemed the only viable choice available. They all aimed their weapons at the wall, directly at the spot Sentinel calculated Umbra was at, and then peppered the wall with powerful shots. Chunks of the wall started coming down within nanoclicks, the shots so concentrated in one location that they went straight through the wall and whoever was unfortunate enough to be standing there. Within moments the entire wall would collapse down on top of Umbra, making quite the suitable tomb for someone who devoted his life to violence.
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: I'm so sorry for taking a long time with my reply. I have been having serious problems in focusing properly.

@NK: Oh! Yeah, I forgot the machine gun legs she has. It slipped my mind. Oops. :oops:

@OOP: I'm still wondering if BA might change allegiances. I'm keeping it in mind. :wink: ))
NaitoKage wrote:Don't run yer mouth runt. Lets go.
Blackarachnia felt humiliated, but she wasn't as harmless as they thought she was. She still had her legs to fire some bullets, but as of right now, she didn't see the point of them... yet.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"Lest we forget, you are of Maximal origin and were enlisted under my command. Tarantulas has been controlling and manipulating you since before you emerged from your stasis pod. Let me know when you grow tired of being his and Megatron's personal slave, when you grow tired of living in fear and being disrespected, because I will either grant you amnesty or end your suffering."
Blackarachnia stared then narrowing her optics at Optimus who was talking about her predicament. She smirked at Optimus, noticing how he stressed the words slave and fear, "I may not have full control over myself, but you have the nerve give me alternatives? You people didn't seem so willing when I first was awaken here. I may have been a Maximal in creation, but I was forced to survive under Tarantulas' and Megatron's control. " She glared at Optimus, "I don't want your charity nor your mercy. I'm not some damsel in distress nor am I a monster for you to slain. If everyone is going to get me out of this situation, it is me because no one else's is going to do it."

Then she smelled smoke and was electrocuted. Landslide dropped her and the shield pincher that had a hold of her dropped as well. She was free! Free! But then she saw some monstrous eyes staring at her and was picked up by her throat. She struggled against his grasp then growled fiercly, "Down badger!" She fired at the badger and as the badger let her go, wondering if she did it or something else caught his attention, but as for right now, she was going to take this opportunity to finish what she came here for.

She went back inside the medbay and headed straight towards Rhinox, "Time for a cavity search." Maybe she will now see if Rhinox had or didn't have the cure.
NaitoKage wrote:Alright.. You win. I'm not here to fight the entire Axalon on my own anyway.. I came for the puppetmaster pulling the strings on this farce since he has the cure.. and your right, I am out of time..
Whitegrazer stood up fully and watched with a sigh of relief and contentment as the smoke cleared, "Yes, despite everything, we do have a common enemy who has betrayed us both." She was glad to see Umbra has decided to cease his rampage and was willing to talk.
Umbra walked over to a wall leaning against it, taking a deep breath and exhaling I did hear you guys made a cure.. very well. I'll establish a contract with you.. for now. On agreement I will give you information I have on the enemy and work as you command with the objective of destroying our mutual enemy. On completion of taking his life, you will hold your end of the bargain and provide the cure. If you fail to provide your end of the bargain, I will do as I do with all contract breakers.. and take your life. Do you accept these terms of service?
Whitegrazer was surprised. She was actually willing to give Umbra the cure and send both Predacons on their way towards their comrades, but if Umbra really wanted to get the shapeshifter and helped them, they can finally get the shapeshifter... His identity and end this madness once and for all. She nodded, "Yes, I accept those terms, Umbra. And if I fall back on my word, you may do as you see fit with me."
"The cure in exchange for the shape shifter..,"
She looked at Aurora who seemed a bit lost. Not lost per se towards the situation, but she seemed to be somewhere else. Someplace painful. She was concerned towards the little one, asking softly "Aurora? Are you okay?" Was the talk about the shapeshifter conjuring up the memories of her being shot. She reached over towards the little one, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort the little one, "I know your pain, Aurora." She had been shot several times throughout her life. Though she got used to the pain after several exposures to it, Aurora was still new to this. The first one is always... traumatic, "Aurora, it will fade in time. You know that your friends and I will always be here if you need it." She smiled down, warmly at the little one.

She heard a big spark and a pop behind her. She turned around... it was coming from the medbay!
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"Whitegrazer, what's going on?"
"Rhinox?" She heard her comlink, "I was about to ask you the same thing. Look, Umbra has decided-" She heard multiple shots behind the wall, keeping herself in front of Aurora. She took a split second to wonder what it was until she realized....the wall near Umbra was collapsing, "Umbra! Look out!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Whitegrazer wrote: "Yes, despite everything, we do have a common enemy who has betrayed us both."
Aurora wrote:"The cure in exchange for the shape shifter..,"
Whitegrazer wrote:"Yes, I accept those terms, Umbra. And if I fall back on my word, you may do as you see fit with me."

Whitegrazer wrote:"Aurora? Are you okay?" "I know your pain, Aurora."

Umbra gave a nod, observing Aurora for a moment. A spark of revenge perhaps? It didn't matter, as long as they held up their end of the deal. Umbra then looked towards Whitegrazer Very well, then first, you should be warned.. the entire-
Whitegrazer wrote:"Umbra! Look out!"

Umbra tilted his head as he heard the gunfire through the wall, but there was no time for him to react. a few of the shots tore through the wall into him, with the wall exploding and collapsing ontop of the Octopus, leaving one of his tentacles sticking out from the rubble in a seemingly deflated state. The sudden overwhelming impact stunning and knocking Umbra unconscious.


Landslide made a low moan as he came to from his sudden shock, noticing as Ironclaw stepped off him heading into the smoke, he then looked up as he noticed Cheetor walking towards him down the hall. You okay lad?

Cheetor nodded I've been through worse..
Blackarachnia wrote:"Time for a cavity search."

Landslide and Cheetor tilted their heads looking at Blackarachnia in the medbay, unsure how to even respond to that statement. Cheetor brought his arms together aiming at Blackarachnia's backside Freeze!