OOC: Is the old virus mentioned meant to be the homewrecker virus?
Thanks for the stats on Nexus, I hope what I wrote for the beginning of their battle is appropriate given their stats, if not I can change it, but I figured this would be more interesting than simply continuing to return fire.
P.S. its late so I may have missed something, but Wintersong hasn't posted yet has she? I know Rattrap ordered her to do something about Terry but I might have overlooked it. If so, I'll make an appropriate edit in the morning, sorry for the wait.
Alak wrote: "SHADDUP!!!"
The light turned from yellow to red and Buster fired his rocket launcher. The rocket itself flew forward with incredible speed, marginally missing Megatron's head by half a meter, for which Buster was glad that he did not accidentally assassinate his own leader.
Megatron whirled around to face whoever had nearly taken his head off with a rocket, anger burning in his optics when he spotted the culprit, the late AND incompetent newcomer who was skating on thin ice with him already.
In the midst of battle already, Megatron had no time to properly discipline the bumbling oaf, but instead grabbed him by the neck with his free hand and said "
Whether by sheer stupidity or deliberate design, you WILL suffer for that near miss my careless crony, yesss, but for now, go support Tantrum, and DO NOT FIRE ON ME AGAIN!"
And with that, Megatron threw the light weight llama overhead in the ballistic bovine's direction, where his firepower would hopefully aid in the ship's destruction, or at least keep him out of his way.
Phoenix wrote: As a sudden downpour of powerful shots rained down all around them, nearly drowning out Optimus' warning. A warning that the old admiral had no intention of heeding anyway.
"Do you take me for an old man, Optimus? Granted I have gotten up there in years, but I like to think that my age has not truly caught up with me yet," he said, his transformation already in progress. Nexus had never backed down from a fight and he was certainly not about to start now, even if he did officially retire a long time ago. The transformation was not quite as smooth as some of the newer generations, yet still all his parts slid into place to form an armored all-terrain vehicle with two rather impressive plasma cannons mounted on top. Engine roaring and wheels spinning, the old warrior sped towards the location the shots were being fired from. A few of Megatron's relentless shots bounced off his armor, not slowing the Maximal down in the least in this form. Still he attempted to avoid the incoming blasts as best he could since his armor did have its limits, his own cannons now returning fire.
Aurora nearly lost her balance as a few stray shots hit the ship, causing the already broken vessel to tremble, parts of the fragile hull threatening to fall down on top of the two females. A bit shakily she cast a concerned glance at the other femme, letting Whitegrazer take the lead.
Megatron growled as the living relic Nexus changed into an antiquated vehicular mode and began to charge his position, his own shots surprisingly bouncing off his armor while the transmetal dinopred evaded his new foe's shots.
Hmph, die cast construction I see, not bad, but this is the age of transmetals, Son of Primes, and you're simply obsolete, YESSS!" he proclaimed as he changed tactics and switched to beast mode, deciding he would meet this autobot throwback head on and show to one and all the power of the predacons! THE POWER OF MEGATRON!
Activating his jets and his wheels, Megatron raced down towards Nexus, easily dodging most of the old soldier's shots, the few that did hit bouncing off of his transmetal hide without a dent to show for it. With his head down like a battering ram, Megatron then collided with Nexus' vehicle mode with the full force of his own brute strength and high powered jet engines behind him, the sound of metal on metal and the terrain being torn apart filling the air as he pushed Nexus back, the two too close now for him to aim or fire his guns on him, while on the other hand his teeth were free to sink into his side with a bloodlust usually reserved only for Primal. So he did, and the sound of crunching metal and the taste of leaking mech fluid was most satisfying to the tyrant's sensors. Yes indeed.
This maximal scum or autobot spawn was descended from the line of the Primes, and thus was the enemy of all predacons, especially those worthy of bearing the name of Megatron. Nexus would die by his hand, and his people, the oppressed but ambitious predacons, would cheer for him when he brought his empty spark chamber home as a trophy to adorn his throne.
Blackrose wrote: "Tarantulas, there's the crashed pod over that way!" Arachnitron said to Tarantulas pointing in the direction of the pod. "Should we approach the pod and investigate?" she asked him. "So far, no sign of the Maximals," she added as an afterthought.
Yes, I see it now, excellent work my dear. Tarantulas to Umbra & Spineback, we've located the fallen stasis pod, follow us on foot and keep a look out for any unwelcome company, or for the protoform if its already come online. Tarantulas out" Tarantulas ordered his team, scanning the trees for signs of cybertronian life.
Lets keep moving Arachnitron, the sooner we recover our fallen friend the better" Tarantulas lied through his fangs, just in case the maximal was already out and listening...He still chuckled whenever he thought about how Megatron had inadvertently cemented Tigatron's allegiance to the maximals with his carelessness long ago in the arctic.
Tarantulas sprang from one tree to the next like a giant jumping spider, swinging by his webbing when the distance was too great, drawing closer and closer to the pod, his eyes watching, always watching for signs of movement or heat signature. This pod's occupant would be his if he could help it, or at least a token offering to Megatron to get him off his back and alleviate any lingering suspicions he may have over the mine incident.
Naitokage wrote: His back then felt multiple small explosions potting against his backside from Nemesis, followed by the laser beam hitting his backside, a small area pitting and cracking from the constant random spray of explosive gunfire, while the laser slowly heated up a point on his back forming a dark red glowing spot. Landslide pushed himself up as his side thrusters extended turning opposite directions,then let out a short burst of thrust turning in the same spot quickly tearing up the ground a bit with his legs.
Lowering his shoulder horns with anti air guns, the twin guns started to spin up, then release what could be described as a twin cyclone of bullets up towards Terrorsaur's missiles in a short burst, causing them to explode in mid air. His guns and upperbody moving as he then took aim on Terrorsaur firing off another short burst, having become distracted by the priority of taking out Terrorsaur. Even though his missiles weren't as powerful as Starshadow's attack against him, the AOE effect from the missiles was more dangerous to everyone around, including even Terrorsaur's own allies.
Slagging bug!" Terrorsaur cursed as the brutish beetle returned fire and took out his missiles, the transmetal pterodactyle nimbly avoiding his gun shots with a barrel roll as he returned fire with his lasers.
The sky is my domain dirt crawler, go back to the ground where you belong!" Terrorsaur jeered, firing more missiles his way to keep the beetle busy while he looked for an opening to attack something vital, the missiles twisting and turning in all directions as they all homed in on the same target, Landslide.
Wintersong wrote: That was when she heard Rattrap call out to her through the com. links and glanced towards Terrorsaur who was obviously having a little too much fun. "On it,"She responded as she activated her wrist launchers while ducking down behind another boulder and aimed towards the pteradon. After a few short seconds she fired four of her mini-missiles towards the flier but noticed movement from the corner of her optics to which she could see Blackarachnia was back on her feet. Well, the spiders certainly were resilient that was for sure.
Heh heh, Waspinator will regret missing out on all this fun...Ah slag" Terrorsaur cursed to himself as he noticed four incoming mini missiles incoming from the ground, quickly firing his eye beams to take out two of the projectiles, but having to use his wing blades to block the remaining two and, unprepared as he was, found himself being sent flying backwards head over heels away from Landslide by the impact of the blast.
SLAGGING MAXIS!" Terrorsaur screamed in outrage as he struggled to correct his flight pattern, switching into beast mode and flying up into the clouds to find some cover and strike back.