"OC Episode #3"
Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One
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- RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
- Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger
(( OOC: I know! They are so evil but Whitegrazer is ready for anything.
Just can't wait to see what happens next! XDD So excited!!!)

Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogppFDSlhRE Her Master's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODGVz2g-yGA
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Feralnight raised an 'eyebrow' at Icebreaker's first words but shook her head and nodded, "Then allow me to give some assistance." She said and flew a bit ahead of the two to scout ahead and keep an eye out for water nearby or signs of the tundra. She zoomed in on some areas on occasion but she suspected it wouldn't be too much longer before they reached the tundra.
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- RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
- Location: Precicpice of insanity
"Indeed, considering the strange object that landed." Wintersong trotted up next to TIgatron, ears back and eyes slightly closed against the wind. "Hopefully before we get to our destination this weather will let up." She said over the wind.
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Saber looked up when she heard the sound of wings approaching.
As ready as we'll ever be. Saber thought."Are we all set? The Preds are probably well on their way there already, so we better get a move on it!"
Saber raised an eye brow but liked Optimus' plan, miss-direction was always a great plan."Cheetor and I will take point," "Megatron will be sending fliers to the pod, and likely any other Predacon deemed unsuitable for the mission to the unknown object that landed in the tundra. I want the rest of you to hang back a little until we draw out the fliers. If we'll be outnumbered, hopefully we can still take them by surprise when you conveniently show up a little late behind us."
The large cat nodded, but she also got her signal and COM link dampener ready just in case..."Secure your communication links if you need to use them amongst each other,"
I just hope that this day goes well and without any unwanted complications... She hoped before running after the cheeta once he was out of sight."Let's hit it, Cheetor," "Prime jets, on!"
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Working in the intelligence field, its important to remember that for all of the information flying around in a situation- the cover stories, the technical data and so forth- the effectiveness of a bot's interactions with another will always still be bound by the subjective rules of interpersonal communication. In poker, a lousy hand can still be powerful under the right hands. By the same token, the most flawless false identity can be made worthless by one's own fear, or another's appropriate paranoia.
Steelclaw knew full well that the gaze he was being given was not one of simple communication. Whitegrazer was searching for an unspoken answer. And that meant he would do well to give her one- one that could be believed. In that case, one that was real.
"You have a good memory," he said, allowing the smile to come back, but this time it was weak, and it disappeared into something contemplative. "I did come from a pod." Then came a pause. "I worked with the Maximal Government Investigations Division. As you might imagine, the theft of the Golden Disk caused quite a stir. Before it even happened, we knew something was amiss- hacked databases, attacks on unexpected personnel. We tried to stop Megatron, but we didn't know what his plans were until it was too late."
Here he met Whitegrazer's gaze fully- openly- and the next breath of his beast mode came in ragged, followed by a weak voice. He himself had not expected this, but he knew when it was happening that it was right. "Things got ugly after that. We had some agents at the site where the Disk was stolen. They got defeated soundly. The things the Predacons did to the agents and guards whose only fault lay in doing their job..."
He had to pause again, although he kept walking with the Maximal.
"Well, the Predacons got away like they'd always planned. I wanted to chase after 'em, but the very next day I was pulled off to join the Axalon, which was just about to launch. HQ never explained why they wanted me there- maybe there's something about the Axalon mission I'm not entitled to know. But I got in a pod, we launched that same day, and somewhere along the way the ship got diverted to take Megatron."
By now, he had calmed down.
"So, you were at the military academy? What'd you teach?"
* * *
Cheetor didn't need to be told twice, and he went off running at full speed behind Optimus. He hated waiting to try to get a pod, because the Predacons always tried something.
It just didn't make sense to him. How did they feel at all right about reprogramming a protoform to be on their side? Or if it wasn't even an issue of feeling right about it, how did they ignore the question so easily?
Either way, he'd be there to stop them.
Dinobot followed behind at a run, but as Optimus expected, he did not maintain either of the frontrunner's speeds.
Steelclaw knew full well that the gaze he was being given was not one of simple communication. Whitegrazer was searching for an unspoken answer. And that meant he would do well to give her one- one that could be believed. In that case, one that was real.
"You have a good memory," he said, allowing the smile to come back, but this time it was weak, and it disappeared into something contemplative. "I did come from a pod." Then came a pause. "I worked with the Maximal Government Investigations Division. As you might imagine, the theft of the Golden Disk caused quite a stir. Before it even happened, we knew something was amiss- hacked databases, attacks on unexpected personnel. We tried to stop Megatron, but we didn't know what his plans were until it was too late."
Here he met Whitegrazer's gaze fully- openly- and the next breath of his beast mode came in ragged, followed by a weak voice. He himself had not expected this, but he knew when it was happening that it was right. "Things got ugly after that. We had some agents at the site where the Disk was stolen. They got defeated soundly. The things the Predacons did to the agents and guards whose only fault lay in doing their job..."
He had to pause again, although he kept walking with the Maximal.
"Well, the Predacons got away like they'd always planned. I wanted to chase after 'em, but the very next day I was pulled off to join the Axalon, which was just about to launch. HQ never explained why they wanted me there- maybe there's something about the Axalon mission I'm not entitled to know. But I got in a pod, we launched that same day, and somewhere along the way the ship got diverted to take Megatron."
By now, he had calmed down.
"So, you were at the military academy? What'd you teach?"
* * *
Cheetor didn't need to be told twice, and he went off running at full speed behind Optimus. He hated waiting to try to get a pod, because the Predacons always tried something.
It just didn't make sense to him. How did they feel at all right about reprogramming a protoform to be on their side? Or if it wasn't even an issue of feeling right about it, how did they ignore the question so easily?
Either way, he'd be there to stop them.
Dinobot followed behind at a run, but as Optimus expected, he did not maintain either of the frontrunner's speeds.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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The strong gusts of wind appeared to be increasing in strength as the two Maximals progressed further into the harsh tundra. Not many other animals ever came here due to the fierce forces of nature at work in this area, and any that did would soon leave no trace behind due to the drifting snow. Most of the landscape consisted of snow and ice, with a few areas where the ice had broken off to expose the freezing waters below.
For every few steps Wintersong and Tigatron took, the ice would creak underneath their paws. A larger creature would likely fall straight through the ice, as it was barely keeping up the weight of the tigers.
Just a short distance up ahead, however, a larger body of water appeared in the midst of the ice. The shattered formation of the ice, looking almost like a spider-web if seen from above, indicated that something large had recently crashed through.
Nightmist acknowledged the order and flew overhead, keeping a bit distance to Primal and Cheetor. Although she was not keen on the idea of potentially going into battle, her hopes were that she would merely end up doing repairs as needed and not have to inflict damage on anyone.
For every few steps Wintersong and Tigatron took, the ice would creak underneath their paws. A larger creature would likely fall straight through the ice, as it was barely keeping up the weight of the tigers.
Just a short distance up ahead, however, a larger body of water appeared in the midst of the ice. The shattered formation of the ice, looking almost like a spider-web if seen from above, indicated that something large had recently crashed through.
Nightmist acknowledged the order and flew overhead, keeping a bit distance to Primal and Cheetor. Although she was not keen on the idea of potentially going into battle, her hopes were that she would merely end up doing repairs as needed and not have to inflict damage on anyone.
- NaitoKage
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Megatron turned his head back as he suddenly noticed his faithful second in command was in fact missing. His eyelids slid half way annoyed as he activated his comlink This is not what I would call redeeming yourself before my optics..Nooo.. Meet us up at coordinates RO sector 42 Scorponok, now get moving!
(Oh yeah, is Steelclaw really taking Whitegrazer to the Pred base or away from it? I remember one of the previous posts saying they were going north.
As for the Predacons being evil.. Ofcourse! All the fun of being a villain..Yesss..)
Icebreaker's body started to show signs of energon surging as they were moving, he leaned low then sprigged up still holding the cord as he swung above Orcariner Yahoo! Beast mode! he then shouted transforming to his penguin mode and landing on Orcariner's back, holding the cord with his flippers. The Momentum of being pulled so fast causing Orcariner to continue along at high speed as they started to see a sea coast ahead, one of two they would have to travel to catch up with Tigatron.
(Yes due to er.. Time compression Icebreaker was able to drag 6 tons at high speed through Africa while only now suffering energon radiation. lol)
I do have a few other tricks up my mantle if we run into Maximals.. don't worry. I have far from played all my cards.. Glowstick then said, one of his feeder tentacles balling into a fist as the three photophores on it glowed for a moment, he then set the limb down.
As Leviathan continued on course, Glowstick glancing around at the scenery as he listened to music at a medium level from his headphones on his neck 'Protomen-Father of death', his optics narrowing slightly at the view. While the maximals and even some of the predacons loved the beauty this planet offered, to him he only saw a hostel landscape that forced him to work harder in his beast mode then any of the others. The unnatural burning light of the sun compared to the dark depths he originated from drying his body out, the soil sticking to that dried out sticky body. He hated the surface, even more he hated the Predacon base itself surrounded in fire and lava, a reflection of his building hatred. He glanced towards the two seas bellow giving a slight Heh.. as they moved along, his soundtrack changing to 'Protomen-The hounds'
(Oh yeah, is Steelclaw really taking Whitegrazer to the Pred base or away from it? I remember one of the previous posts saying they were going north.
As for the Predacons being evil.. Ofcourse! All the fun of being a villain..Yesss..)
Icebreaker's body started to show signs of energon surging as they were moving, he leaned low then sprigged up still holding the cord as he swung above Orcariner Yahoo! Beast mode! he then shouted transforming to his penguin mode and landing on Orcariner's back, holding the cord with his flippers. The Momentum of being pulled so fast causing Orcariner to continue along at high speed as they started to see a sea coast ahead, one of two they would have to travel to catch up with Tigatron.
(Yes due to er.. Time compression Icebreaker was able to drag 6 tons at high speed through Africa while only now suffering energon radiation. lol)
I do have a few other tricks up my mantle if we run into Maximals.. don't worry. I have far from played all my cards.. Glowstick then said, one of his feeder tentacles balling into a fist as the three photophores on it glowed for a moment, he then set the limb down.
As Leviathan continued on course, Glowstick glancing around at the scenery as he listened to music at a medium level from his headphones on his neck 'Protomen-Father of death', his optics narrowing slightly at the view. While the maximals and even some of the predacons loved the beauty this planet offered, to him he only saw a hostel landscape that forced him to work harder in his beast mode then any of the others. The unnatural burning light of the sun compared to the dark depths he originated from drying his body out, the soil sticking to that dried out sticky body. He hated the surface, even more he hated the Predacon base itself surrounded in fire and lava, a reflection of his building hatred. He glanced towards the two seas bellow giving a slight Heh.. as they moved along, his soundtrack changing to 'Protomen-The hounds'
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- RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
- Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger
She kept her gaze at Steelclaw, listening to every word, every sentence that spilled out from his mouth. Listening carefully towards every detail and body movement the bear transformer conveyed towards her to find the truth. What was the truth? Was there a real truth? She could be listening to a convenient, constructed lie or a half-truth. Her soldier instincts were kicking in again, they crept up on her like the old, long since healed scars that she got from each battle, a gift from her unreasonable enemies who rather die than surrender. Despite how long it has been since she had been in a battlefield, she never forgot them because in those battlefields, she forged her identity, in those fights, hand to hand that determined life or death, the necessary evil to keep the peace, to protect the innocent. The scars she carried were of experience and respect, not murder or malice.
"I taught a style called Diffusion. It is a dying fighting art which I plan to reflourish again towards our society which seems to favor brutality instead of care, lies instead of truth, passion instead of serenity."
No paranoia, no fear, nor madness covered her features as she suddenly transformed back into her robot form. Every shade of white, silver and grey on her form glistened in the sun.
"I must apologize. I am a warrior. I have been for awhile. My joints are aching so are the scars that are burned upon me."
The sensations weren't going away. They were signs long ago warning of danger.
"This area is so wide in every direction. We are exposed. Open. Even if we reach the border, I'm afraid we will still be smack dap in the optics of our foes. Our confrontation is inevitable and evil is relentless." Her eyes looked around then stared back at Steelclaw, glancing at his arsenal.
"You are well-armed but are you well in spirit?" she asked.
Now, Whitegrazer knew what was coming. Her teaching instincts were now surfacing which always conflicted with her soldier one. Was it a weakness? Yes and no. No clear cut answer because both sides argued with no sense of consensus within her.
She chuckled to herself as she realized the answer to her next question, "I don't mean anything by it but may I train you?"
It was madness to fight when two sides were going to collide but as she was a teacher, she was also a learner. She learned hand to hand combat, her form of expression. That was her language.
There was something she needed to know....if he, of course, accepted.
But if he did, she may find the unspoken answer she was looking for...
If not, she may soon find out.
Win-win solution for her either way.
(( OOC: Dang! I write a lot! XDDD ))
"I taught a style called Diffusion. It is a dying fighting art which I plan to reflourish again towards our society which seems to favor brutality instead of care, lies instead of truth, passion instead of serenity."
No paranoia, no fear, nor madness covered her features as she suddenly transformed back into her robot form. Every shade of white, silver and grey on her form glistened in the sun.
"I must apologize. I am a warrior. I have been for awhile. My joints are aching so are the scars that are burned upon me."
The sensations weren't going away. They were signs long ago warning of danger.
"This area is so wide in every direction. We are exposed. Open. Even if we reach the border, I'm afraid we will still be smack dap in the optics of our foes. Our confrontation is inevitable and evil is relentless." Her eyes looked around then stared back at Steelclaw, glancing at his arsenal.
"You are well-armed but are you well in spirit?" she asked.
Now, Whitegrazer knew what was coming. Her teaching instincts were now surfacing which always conflicted with her soldier one. Was it a weakness? Yes and no. No clear cut answer because both sides argued with no sense of consensus within her.
She chuckled to herself as she realized the answer to her next question, "I don't mean anything by it but may I train you?"
It was madness to fight when two sides were going to collide but as she was a teacher, she was also a learner. She learned hand to hand combat, her form of expression. That was her language.
There was something she needed to know....if he, of course, accepted.
But if he did, she may find the unspoken answer she was looking for...
If not, she may soon find out.
Win-win solution for her either way.
(( OOC: Dang! I write a lot! XDDD ))
Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogppFDSlhRE Her Master's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODGVz2g-yGA
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- RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
- Location: Precicpice of insanity
"By now I wouldn't be surprised." Snow Trix replied leaning back in her chair and watching the landscape idly. So far nothing interesting showed and little seemed to be going on save for the few animals that showed themselves then were gone shortly after. It was both a hostile and boring planet. Least to Snow Trix it was, nothing like Cybertron. After a while Snow Trix closed her optics to rest until they reached their destination or found the strange object or even ran into the Maximals.
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After a long time of running to the plains, Starshadow could feel the wind blowing against her black fur. The cat hardly go to the green fields with nice views to relax and enjoy the breeze. She looked back, noticing Megatron and the others were still far behind.
"Guess I could enjoy myself for awhile." she slowed down and walked around the green plains, feeling the grass under her paws. It was like she was in her new lair in the jungle. A white figure caught her attention. It was a horse bot with a bear- Steelclaw! Starshadow was smiling as she sneaked behind a small bush nearest to the bots and it was a good thing that there were enough tall grass to hide herself. Her ears perked up and listened.
"Guess I could enjoy myself for awhile." she slowed down and walked around the green plains, feeling the grass under her paws. It was like she was in her new lair in the jungle. A white figure caught her attention. It was a horse bot with a bear- Steelclaw! Starshadow was smiling as she sneaked behind a small bush nearest to the bots and it was a good thing that there were enough tall grass to hide herself. Her ears perked up and listened.
the feline ignored the other things the horse bot said until she stated an interesting fact."I taught a style called Diffusion. It is a dying fighting art which I plan to reflourish again towards our society which seems to favor brutality instead of care, lies instead of truth, passion instead of serenity."
Quite true...about being out in the open, a bot could be an easy target to snipers if he doesn't find a place to take cover. she thought as her ears droop."This area is so wide in every direction. We are exposed. Open. Even if we reach the border, I'm afraid we will still be smack dap in the optics of our foes."
That kind of question made Starshadow fix her scarlet eyes on the horse. She shook her thoughts that were whirling in her mind and waited for any useful tips and notes coming out from that silver fembot's mouth."You are well-armed but are you well in spirit?"

- NaitoKage
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Megatron soon came upon Starshadow with Frilla at his side, he looked towards Starshadow. His red and green eyes glanced into the distance seeing Steelclaw next to the horse, assumed to be the new maximal. A rather large and graceful animal, such a pity he thought to himself as he then walked towards Steelclaw. Ah Steelclaw, excellent.. It appears you two are not harmed. he then says as he walks closer to them, his tiny dinosaur arms making gestures as he speaks.
He then cleared his throat Ahem.. I am er, Optimus Primal.. Leader of the maximals, I see you have met my Munitions expert, and these two behind me are my associates, Cheetor and Rattrap. Megatron then made gestures to StarShadow, and then Frilla.
It's a pleasure meeting you, miss..?
(Heh, if you still want to attempt fighting him, feel free Megatron and the others will watch. But just to warn you Steelclaw is about the size of Rattrap. Whitegrazer is the size of Megatron.)
Glowstick turned his head looking towards Snowtrix, noticing her optics closed. He turned the volume down on his headphones and spoke up If your tired, you can sleep in the quarters in the back. he then turned his head forward focusing on flying the vehicle again, passing the second sea and flying past what looked like a small desert from the height the vehicle was flying, with touches of white starting to be seen far off in the distance.
He then cleared his throat Ahem.. I am er, Optimus Primal.. Leader of the maximals, I see you have met my Munitions expert, and these two behind me are my associates, Cheetor and Rattrap. Megatron then made gestures to StarShadow, and then Frilla.
It's a pleasure meeting you, miss..?
(Heh, if you still want to attempt fighting him, feel free Megatron and the others will watch. But just to warn you Steelclaw is about the size of Rattrap. Whitegrazer is the size of Megatron.)
Glowstick turned his head looking towards Snowtrix, noticing her optics closed. He turned the volume down on his headphones and spoke up If your tired, you can sleep in the quarters in the back. he then turned his head forward focusing on flying the vehicle again, passing the second sea and flying past what looked like a small desert from the height the vehicle was flying, with touches of white starting to be seen far off in the distance.
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- RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
- Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger
((OOC: Really?
I thought he was bigger than that. XDDDDD Oh my. Well...she was going to train him anyway so if he accepted. XDD I will see his response. Now that Megatron and the others are here, things have just gotten interesting. XDD ))

Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogppFDSlhRE Her Master's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODGVz2g-yGA
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((OOC: Yeah, I've always picture Megatron to be the largest. I just think of the T-Rex from Jurassic Park as his beast form... which then gets taller when he transforms.))
Meanwhile, Orcariner focused his energy on maintaining power towards his gravity lifts. The momentum alone was already a great factor given his sheer mass and the velocity at which they were previously traveling before. Being in beast mode, it was not difficult to have his processor focus on this task with little else to do. He figured they would be able to maintain an adequate speed for a couple of cycles. They were rapidly approaching water, but should they slow down before the arrival, Icebreaker should have enough time to have his dampers recharged.
Terrorsaur flapped his wings and yawned as he and Waspinator were engaged with their usual conversations of random topics. Scouting was a boring duty and having only one person to fly with all the time meant that they would have to come up with something new to talk about every time. Otherwise, repetition would make the job even more dull to the point where Terrorsaur would refuse to flap his wings any longer and simply fall down into a volcano or some other land formation that would guarantee sweet release from this very drone world. Today's topic was about rabbits. Terrorsaur liked to eat these animals and stated that if given the chance, he would try and steal a leg from Snowtrix to see if Cybertronian rabbits tasted any different from purely organic ones. His flyer buddy, on the other hand, thought they were too cute and cuddly to be harmed unless if said bunnies were to declare their allegiance to the Maximal faction. Hence, a debate ensued.
"Hold on," interrupted Terrorsaur, "I think I see something."
His optics focused and zoomed in on the dark spec in the sky that was quickly approaching.
He growled, "Optimus."
He looked once more to Waspinator and nodded.
Scorponok jumped at the sound of his master's voice. Too embarrassed to provide a response, the Predacon scurried out of the ship at blinding speed. For a Cybertronian who took on the form of a scorpion, he was shockingly fast when highly emotional. It was times like these where Scorponok appreciated the unusual trait.NaitoKage wrote:This is not what I would call redeeming yourself before my optics..Nooo.. Meet us up at coordinates RO sector 42 Scorponok, now get moving!
Meanwhile, Orcariner focused his energy on maintaining power towards his gravity lifts. The momentum alone was already a great factor given his sheer mass and the velocity at which they were previously traveling before. Being in beast mode, it was not difficult to have his processor focus on this task with little else to do. He figured they would be able to maintain an adequate speed for a couple of cycles. They were rapidly approaching water, but should they slow down before the arrival, Icebreaker should have enough time to have his dampers recharged.
Terrorsaur flapped his wings and yawned as he and Waspinator were engaged with their usual conversations of random topics. Scouting was a boring duty and having only one person to fly with all the time meant that they would have to come up with something new to talk about every time. Otherwise, repetition would make the job even more dull to the point where Terrorsaur would refuse to flap his wings any longer and simply fall down into a volcano or some other land formation that would guarantee sweet release from this very drone world. Today's topic was about rabbits. Terrorsaur liked to eat these animals and stated that if given the chance, he would try and steal a leg from Snowtrix to see if Cybertronian rabbits tasted any different from purely organic ones. His flyer buddy, on the other hand, thought they were too cute and cuddly to be harmed unless if said bunnies were to declare their allegiance to the Maximal faction. Hence, a debate ensued.
"Hold on," interrupted Terrorsaur, "I think I see something."
His optics focused and zoomed in on the dark spec in the sky that was quickly approaching.
He growled, "Optimus."
He looked once more to Waspinator and nodded.

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Sonar ignored most of the conversation between Terrorsuar and Waspinator, in his opinion organic rabbits tasted a whole better then Cybertronian ones. It had some thing to do with the fact that the oragns of the creature gave the meat a rather unique taste to it.
"Sonar, terrorize!"
* * *
"Optimuzzz izzz going to get a surpizzze." He said with a childish giggle.
Sonar looked over his shoulder to see what Terrorsaur had spotted."Hold on," "I think I see something."
The bat smiled darkly, this is just what he needed a little action to stir things up a bit."Optimus."
"Sonar, terrorize!"
* * *
Waspinator waited until Sonar had transformed into his robotic form before he transformed as well."Optimus."
"Optimuzzz izzz going to get a surpizzze." He said with a childish giggle.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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(( OOC: LoL at Megs. How dare he steal Optimus's identity and call him and his Preds Maximals!
Awesome, guys. Too bad Primal looks too much like Prime to be considered Megatron. 
I actually thought Steelclaw was much bigger than Rattrap since he's a bear; more like Rhinox's size.
una, don't worry about writing so much. Several of us do the same.
I'd rather have more written than not enough. ))
"Maximum burn!" Optimus commanded his internal computer, and his prime jets lit up brighter, burning more fuel and slicing through the air like a bullet. To others who could see him, he looked like a comet racing across the sky, even in the daylight.
Approaching the boundary of the site, Primal decreased his speed which dimmed the brightness of his thrusters and started scanning the area with his optics as well as his internal scanners. He couldn't spot any Predacon fliers yet, which surprised him. The sky was as open as the plains below him and he should have stuck out like a sore thu... A small group on the ground suddenly caught his attention, just up ahead. With his optics zooming in, he found them to be Steelclaw, Megatron, Frilla, Starshadow, and a bot that shone in the sun like a star with her silver armor. No... he thought. Could that be the protoform? An expression of worry and sadness settled on the leader's face. Were they too late? Had the Predacons reprogrammed another one of their Maximals? Anger washed away the concern. Anger for knowing how Predacons changed an unwilling protoform's allegiance just to gain numbers on their side in hopes to defeat the Maximals. With his attention on the group and calling others about the situation, he temporarily left himself vulnerable to any aerial attacks while he flew at normal speed. ((Hint, hint, Terry, Sonar and Waspy.
Opening a secured transmission, so eavesdroppers on the opposing faction couldn't pick them up, to the cheetah somewhere below, as well as Nightmist, Saber-Fang and Dinobot who were behind them a little ways, Primal informed them, "This is Optimus. I've spotted the protoform. She appears to be on-line and fully funtional. There are four Predacons surrounding her but no one looks hostile. ...We may have been too late." He paused before adding, "The entire area is quite clear up ahead, so finding cover will be difficult. Stand by."
"Cheetor, hold your fire when you approach the site. We don't want to start a battle that can be avoided. We have to make sure whether or not she was reprogrammed first," Optimus told him and prayed she was not. It was possible that she came on-line before anyone showed up and now the Predacons might try holding her hostage as soon as the Maximals arrive. Not too far off in the distance, he noticed a herd of horses grazing on the open plains.
"Icebreaker, this is Tigatron. Can you read me?" Stripes called through his comm. link. He just wanted to see if his team was in range yet. However, the storm might interfer with their transmissions. If he or Wintersong fell through this ice, they would need a lot of help getting out, hopefully before their systems would freeze in the running water below it.

I actually thought Steelclaw was much bigger than Rattrap since he's a bear; more like Rhinox's size.
una, don't worry about writing so much. Several of us do the same.

"Maximum burn!" Optimus commanded his internal computer, and his prime jets lit up brighter, burning more fuel and slicing through the air like a bullet. To others who could see him, he looked like a comet racing across the sky, even in the daylight.
Approaching the boundary of the site, Primal decreased his speed which dimmed the brightness of his thrusters and started scanning the area with his optics as well as his internal scanners. He couldn't spot any Predacon fliers yet, which surprised him. The sky was as open as the plains below him and he should have stuck out like a sore thu... A small group on the ground suddenly caught his attention, just up ahead. With his optics zooming in, he found them to be Steelclaw, Megatron, Frilla, Starshadow, and a bot that shone in the sun like a star with her silver armor. No... he thought. Could that be the protoform? An expression of worry and sadness settled on the leader's face. Were they too late? Had the Predacons reprogrammed another one of their Maximals? Anger washed away the concern. Anger for knowing how Predacons changed an unwilling protoform's allegiance just to gain numbers on their side in hopes to defeat the Maximals. With his attention on the group and calling others about the situation, he temporarily left himself vulnerable to any aerial attacks while he flew at normal speed. ((Hint, hint, Terry, Sonar and Waspy.

Opening a secured transmission, so eavesdroppers on the opposing faction couldn't pick them up, to the cheetah somewhere below, as well as Nightmist, Saber-Fang and Dinobot who were behind them a little ways, Primal informed them, "This is Optimus. I've spotted the protoform. She appears to be on-line and fully funtional. There are four Predacons surrounding her but no one looks hostile. ...We may have been too late." He paused before adding, "The entire area is quite clear up ahead, so finding cover will be difficult. Stand by."
"Cheetor, hold your fire when you approach the site. We don't want to start a battle that can be avoided. We have to make sure whether or not she was reprogrammed first," Optimus told him and prayed she was not. It was possible that she came on-line before anyone showed up and now the Predacons might try holding her hostage as soon as the Maximals arrive. Not too far off in the distance, he noticed a herd of horses grazing on the open plains.
"Some of these storms can last for days up here," Tigatron commented, "but I do not think that will be the case with this one. The snow should descipate soon and the winds will die down but there may still be gusts as the front continues to move out." In this particular situation, he wished the storm would clear up and let the sun shine a little."Indeed, considering the strange object that landed." "Hopefully before we get to our destination this weather will let up."
Slowing down to a walk, the white tiger came to a stop. "Wintersong," he called to her in a concerned voice. He felt the ground shift beneath his large paws and then took another step. One paw felt another shift, but the other didn't. They weren't on solid ground anymore... Wiping the snow away with one of his front paws, he could see the ice there with several large cracks running in several directions. "Watch your step. We are on thin ice," Tigatron warned her. He had miscalculated their time and destination. With the layers of snow covering every inch of the tundra, he lost track where this large body water had begun and now found himself with his friend in possibly grave danger. "We should find thicker ice or solid ground." He pointed a little northward and carefully began walking across the frozen water.For every few steps Wintersong and Tigatron took, the ice would creak underneath their paws. A larger creature would likely fall straight through the ice, as it was barely keeping up the weight of the tigers.
Just a short distance up ahead, however, a larger body of water appeared in the midst of the ice. The shattered formation of the ice, looking almost like a spider-web if seen from above, indicated that something large had recently crashed through.
"Icebreaker, this is Tigatron. Can you read me?" Stripes called through his comm. link. He just wanted to see if his team was in range yet. However, the storm might interfer with their transmissions. If he or Wintersong fell through this ice, they would need a lot of help getting out, hopefully before their systems would freeze in the running water below it.
"Well, that's just prime!"