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Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:06 pm
by SkyxDB
Yes, I got one! though Skyfire. But Tarantulas down for now but she didn't know for long. But still the other Maximals needed help. She then concentarted on helping Optimus and the other fight off the rest of Predacons and keep them getting the energon cyrstals buried here. She then aimed her shots at the two Predacon flyers.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:26 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Yeah, I noticed that, Dal. Megs doesn't even transform! :lol: I also remembered that later when they come back to see the alien probe, Waspinator gets a nice shot on Optimus! Probably the only great moment out of Waspy's Predacon career. :lol: ))

Rattrap watched the freaky femme blast his shots with her mouth. Yikes. Gotta remember that move, he thought. Once he saw Starshadow flick her whip, he hid behind his standing stone which shielded him from the spikes that flew through the air.

Dinobot's sword blocked by one of her blades, his red optics followed Venatrix's other blade and he swung his rotating shield downward to put it between himself and her weapon. She wasn't bluffing when she said she had been training. Apparently she developed a few tricky tactics. Dinobot pushed at her with a growl, baring his sharp teeth.

The Maximal leader took notice of the Predacon fliers swooping in from above with their weapons drawn, preparing to fire another round. "Oh no you don't," he said and ignited his prime jets. Optimus flew straight up to their altitude, facing the on-comers, and activated his shoulder-mounted missiles. Hovering there in mid air, he targeted Terrorsaur and Waspinator and with a glare fired one missile, and then another.

(( OOC: Hey, let Optimus get some action, Sky! :wink: Sorry, I posted right after you following the show. XD Well, we'll let Dal figure out who hits who. :P ))

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:28 pm
by Alak
(OOC: Orcariner is already sort of already part of the current battle. If I choose to have him follow Valkyrie later, I'll let you know ahead of time.)

"Thanks for the assist!" said Orcariner.

The Maximal took note of Megatron's presence as the leader was observing the standing stones. The Predacon was just as large as he was, therefore, making just as easy of a target in the battlefield. Taking aim with his carbine, the sound of jet thrusts and vibrating wings grabbed the giant's attention.

"Blast," he snarled, "They always have fliers!"

Orcariner immediately redirected his aim and opened fire at Terrorsaur and Waspinator, but the two were much too evasive for his already horrible aim to gun down. The Maximal continued his relentless fire hoping that he could somehow land a lucky shot.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:38 pm
by SkyxDB
(( OOC: Hey, let Optimus get some action, Sky! Sorry, I posted right after you following the show. XD Well, we'll let Dal figure out who hits who. ))
((OOC: Oops! Sorry OOP, I forgot about that.))

Skyfire noticed Optimus going in to take on the flyers as well. She stopped firing, since she didn't wnat to risk hitting her leader by mistake.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:55 pm
by Venatrix
Alak wrote:(OOC: Orcariner is already sort of already part of the current battle. If I choose to have him follow Valkyrie later, I'll let you know ahead of time.)
((OOC: Valkyrie is there as well, so the mission will start after they get back to base.))
Dinobot's sword blocked by one of her blades, his red optics followed Venatrix's other blade and he swung his rotating shield downward to put it between himself and her weapon. She wasn't bluffing when she said she had been training. Apparently she developed a few tricky tactics. Dinobot pushed at her with a growl, baring his sharp teeth.
Venatrix fell forwards as Dinobot pushed at her, and while she fell she kicked her legs back, attempting to kick Dinobot back.
She wasn't much for words, as she was concentrating fully on fighting a superior foe.


Valkyrie was in mid air as the battle begone suddenly below her.
She was planning to go back to base already, but the situation chanded and thought she was needed.
As the battle progressed, she identified a target that needed to be neutralized. Megatron.

She dove down, and landed on the purple T-rex's neck, digging her talons into his flesh to have a better hold on him, as he will struggle violently to get her off.
Now it was time for her next move.
"Got you where you cant reach me. Now for the finishing move... Valkyrie maximize!"

She quickly transformed and moved her wings forwards and prepared o fire her missiles at pointblank range at the Predacon leader.
She knew she would end up damaged as well, but she calculated the dino would take most of the force of her attack.

((I dug the bird in so Megs could, for example, slam her into a pillar before Terry wil fire his missle at the pile of rocks :P))

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:28 pm
by Night-Hunter
"I've done that a million times. It's good to try something new." "Besides, he has good features."
Saber quickly got back to her feet after she kick her off.
"That maybe true but stick to flirting with your own. He is a Maximal, you are a Predicon."
She easily dodged the plasma ball then again attacked Starshadow from the side, knocking her off her feet.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:35 pm
by starshadow
Starshadow growled and got up.
"You know what?" she unsheathed her blades from her hands and heated it with the plasma energy.
"KISS THIS!!!" she ran towards Saber with great speed and slashed the sabertooth's back.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:44 pm
by Blazemane
Seeing Lineos' large frame, Cheetor began to wonder if even Rhinox's impressive weapons could bring the Predacon down, so he decided to join the fight. What was the bad guy gonna do? Try to tackle him?

Readjusting his aim, he sent multiple quasar shots in Lineos' direction.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:03 pm
by Alak
Orcariner stopped firing at the airborne Predacons as he knew he would never hit them; not to mention his bad aim would sooner inadvertently shoot his own leader instead.
starshadow wrote:"KISS THIS!!!"
Looking to his right, he caught sight of Starshadow striking down Saber. His optics widened, only to just as quickly narrow into a glare. Approaching the female Predacon from behind, the giant Maximal raised his left leg.

He growled as he slammed it down on her, "The only kissing going on around here is between you and my foot!"

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:56 pm
by starshadow
The feline struggled abit. She noticed Lineos and tried to get off Orcariner's foot.

"Alittle help here sweetheart?" she called out to him. "Ugh...never mind." Starshadow reached for her spikey whip and coiled it around the whale's leg, piercing it through his skin.

"Looks like you need a predacon massage therapy here Big Guy!!!" she smirked and waited for Orcariner's foot to be off her body so that she could bite his neck with her shiny white fangs.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:20 pm
by NaitoKage
Tarantulus shaked his head getting up again, the hit left him a bit dazed but soon back to his senses. He looked towards the battle, then saw Megatron as he pointed his gun firing off a grappling hook style missile at Valkyrie. This battle is getting out of hand! he then shouted to Megatron.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:48 am
by Night-Hunter
Before Saber give Orcariner her thanks she saw Starshadow attack him.
"Alittle help here sweetheart?" "Ugh...never mind."
Saber growled Starshadow's flirting was getting on her nerves, she then spotted Starshadow's spiky whip it suddenly wrapped around his leg.
"Looks like you need a predacon massage therapy here Big Guy!!!"
Saber snarled then attacked Starshadow taking the whip out of her hand and throwing it aside out of the vampire cats reach.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:20 am
by starshadow
Starshadow was trying hard to get off Orcariner's foot.
"Leg weight..c-crushing me!!"
Without her whip, she is as good as a helpless bot. Well, not really.

The feline scratched the ground. "I..can't breathe..TOO HEAVY!! I will not be defeated."

Then, she looked at the whale's gigantic leg.
She managed to reach out a hand and pulled out the spikes that was "sticking" on Orcariner's skin and threw some at his face and the remaining to Saber like ninja stars.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:50 pm
by Dalgaroth
((OOC: :3 Yeah, poor Waspy. ))

Terrorsaur managed to dodge Skyfire's shots and then Optimus's, but Waspinator was hit square in the chest. With a strained gurgle, the insect was thrown back forcefully. He would have cursed, but his next thoughts were mainly worrying ones about where he'd land or if he'd get hit again.

Terrorsaur took the shot as a warning not to get closer and slowed down, but just sitting there wasn't going to do him any good. He wanted to take Optimus down, but... he was big. Primal was big enough that going in now, especialyl since he lost his momentum, would only mean certain defeat. With that plan cut down, he thought of the energon crystals.

They were valuable, but they also exploded and there was more to be found around here anyway. What was so special about a bunch inside that rocky mound there? If he could set them off, they'd explode, which meant the Maximals might be destroyed. He saved himself pin by not tackling Optimus, so he'd make it off the battlefiel in time to not be caught in the explosion.

The reasoning flashed through his mind in a nanosecond, and a nanosecond later, he leveled his rifle at the pile of rocks below and fired, the bolt slicing through the air and hitting home right at the core. The pile exploded in a bright flash of orange.
Megatron roared, his investigation cut short by the large bird on his back, and reared, tail thrashing, to dislodge her. She had found the one spot that was impossible for him to reach in his beast mode without a backscrubber and he was furious. Thinking quickly, he stomped towards a pillar as fast he could before pulling sideways and slamming into it. He wasn't hurt badly, but her talons were cutting into the pseudoskin on his back. Hopefully, the impact would prevent her from firing, which surely would do damage.

A moment later, in the middle of slamming into the rock again, he did a double take when he saw the glint of a rifle being fire in the direction of the energon but could only watch in dismay as the reason they were there in the first place was destroyed. As he took cover, his state of being went from calm, analytical, and vengeful to extremely annoyed. That idiot!

"Terrorsaur, you fool! You've released the crystal's energy! It is useless to us now! Back to base! Beast Mode!"

He stormed out of the stone ring as the crystals started to sing.

But Terrorsaur wasn't fazed. This was part of his plan afterall.

((OOC: Edited! Sorry, Venatrix!))

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:45 pm
by Alak
Orcariner felt most of the spikes bounce off his spiked helmet but one caught him in the right optic. Roaring in pain, the iron giant was about to add more pressure on his foe when a large explosion erupted from the rock pile that hid the energon.

"Oh not good," he said.

Leaving Starshadow, Orcariner ran towards the other Maximals knowing full well what kind of damage would be inflicted should they continue their stay.