(( OOC: Gee whiz, now Tigatron will feel even worse having not come to Airazor's aid but then she came to his. Aye! This whole thing did not play out well for me as Stripes.

Sorry about that, WorpeX.
Airazor's voice had awoken Tigatron as he slowly came to.
"Airazor?" He grabbed the back of his head while it ached a bit and gave a low growl. He managed to smile at her, but it was brief because he quickly recalled what had been going on, and who he was supposed to be guarding. Not to mention noticing her injuries.
"Are you all right?" he asked with great concern, sitting up and looking into her dark green optics.
"I am sorry, I should have been by your side. But between our weapons, I thought I would stand a greater chance protecting Optimus with mine than would Frilla and Whitegrazer. It would seem that was not the case," he frowned in self disappointment and failure. Speaking of their leader,
"Where is Optimus?" asked Tigatron as he sat there with Airazor, glancing around and seeing that he was gone. As was the mantis.
"And Manterror?" He feared the worst, and it would have been his fault.
"Easy, Optimus. We just ran into alittle detour but we will be getting you into a CR chamber in no time. You just save your energy, okay?"
The gorilla returned a very, very small smile to Whitegrazer, and winced a little in her arms after she had jumped down from her perch in the tree. The fluids under Primal's bandages had begun to dry which meant he was no longer leaking as perfusely as he had been earlier from the hole in his shoulder. Still, he had lost a lot and was running out of time before he'd slip into stasis lock.
"Guess we have two swingers now."
Optimus heard Frilla below but had no idea what she was talking about and made no movement to try and look at her. What adrenaline he must have had during the battle was long gone now and he could feel all of the aches and pain all at once now through his body that he had acquired that day. He hadn't thought he had taken that much damage but maybe that was the fatigue taking over. Before he could say anything, his eyes slowly closed and he quickly drifted off again into unconsciousness to conserve what energy he had left, knowing that he was in good hands.
(( OOC: Going to make a bit time skip here, New Moon. Just FYI.
With Feralnight following just above, Rattrap flew the
Nomad straight back to the others who were waiting with the unconscious Orcariner, as quickly as he could. Approaching the group, he slowed down the transport and then turned it around, backing it up toward the largest Maximal's position. He was glad that the Predacons hadn't come by and attacked them. Where had they gotten to? Simply gave up and went back to their base? Shutting it down, Rattrap slid down the ladder and hurried to the cargo bay door, opening it and greeting everyone outside.
"All right. Any ideas gettin' him inside? Think we can pull 'im in?" He thought finding a winch big enough to sustain Orcariner's weight and a thick cable to tie him to, essentially towing the big guy inside.