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Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 5:51 pm
by DarkSpark
OOC: sorry for a bit of delay, had a minor emergency to deal with today regarding my phone XD

Phoenix wrote: Megatron's response left the avian female with a grin on her face. "It will be my pleasure!," she told the Predacon leader, spreading her wings out and swooping down towards her target below. As she did her avian form changed to more of a jet form to allow for her weapons to drop down. Once in place, she took aim at the ground just a short distance in front of the traitorous pretender's path.

"I suspected it would be, happy hunting" Megatron said to Nemesis over the comm, confident that his second in command would put an end to Zodiac's pitiful attempts to elude predacon justice soon, and the sooner the better with the volcanic activity going on.

However, as he watched on from his hiding place, Megatron received a new communication from Umbra, who reported...
NaitoKage wrote: Activating his comlink he reported to Megatron He's poisoned and falling fast, I doubt it was enough to take him out but he should be alot weaker. Should I continue pursuit Lord Megatron?

"Is he now? Give me his location" Megatron inquired, grinning audio receptor to receptor, he couldn't believe this lucky news, the tyrant hazarding a peak out of his cave to hopefully spot the falling ape as he plummeted to his doom.

NaitoKage wrote: Waspinator gave a nod as he listened to Megatron, he then looked up towards the sky. Noticing something falling quickly. There! There'zz something falling! Waspinator pointed, his optics squinting as he attempted to zoom in.
OOP wrote: Grabbing his gun from his hip, he fired a few shots at the squid without the intention of actually hitting him, just as a distraction, and then quickly put his body into a dive to purposely fall even faster; head first and his arms straight against his sides. The speed through the air stung his wounds and he cringed, droplets of his blood slipping off his TransMetal armor and seemingly floating into the air as he out-fell them. Optimus dealt with the pain and tried remaining focused as the poison pulsed throughout his body. However, he hadn't realized how much further ahead that he had flown and placed himself because now he was falling through the snowy clouds right toward where the Predacons were waiting to ambush his Maximal team. He hadn't spotted any of them yet, and they might not have spotted him, but he pulled his body forward more in a belly-flop position and spread out his arms and legs to slow his fall as he tried gaining his surroundings.

"Ah, there's my favorite flying monkey now, yyyyeessss" Megatron mused as he spotted his injured foe, courtesy of Waspinator's multi-facetted optics of all bots, the sight of the oh so high and mighty maximal leader falling from the sky doing his spark more than good, truly it was a magnificent sight to behold.

"No way! Lemme see!" Terrorsaur crowed as his optics lit up with malicious glee, cackling as he watched Primal fall from the sky like a rock, served the damn dirty ape right for thinking he had any business flying amongst the clouds, that was HIS domain.

Deathroll and Inferno remained hidden, not risking a peek from their hiding places like the others, for their cover would be harder to put back into place than simply ducking back inside a hole in the mountainside.

"Never mind, Umbra, I see him now, do go ahead and catch him would you? As much as I'd relish the sight of him splattering across the ground below like a fruit fallen too high from the tree, I do believe we can yet again use the maximals love for their leader against them to ensure Zodiac comes back home with us instead of them, yyyyyeeesssss" Megatron commanded to the newly proven Predacon flyer as he then ordered over the comms "Terrorsaur, Waspinator, go assist Umbra in the capture of Primal, do it fast and don't make a spectacle of it, I want Primal alive and I don't want his flunkies to know we have him until I'm ready to cash my bargaining chip for Zodiac, understood?"

"Humiliating Primal is an order I can ALWAYS live with, Mighty Megatron" Terrorsaur replied, for once eager to be carrying out his arrogant leader's bidding as he took off from his hiding place, already flexing his claws in anticipation of having Primal at his mercy, teeth bared in a wicked sneer as Waspinator joined him as they soared up into the clouds as quickly and stealthily as they could after their quarry.

"Help is on the way Umbra, I suggest you catch up with Primal before them to ensure all goes smoothly" Megatron ordered Umbra, trusting that in Primal's weakened state the three of them could handle him but not wishing to take any foolish risks, he wanted Primal secured long before his allies stumbled across their ambush.

In the meantime, Megatron called Nemesis and asked "Status report, has Zodiac been dealt with?"

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:17 pm
by una
"Open up the door of my prison cell? How generous of you!"
This is not the end, Zodiac. It's just a new beginning. She understood his apprehension and disgust of being put into another cell. She sensed and seen flashes of the horrors those scientists did to him.
Then you understand what it's like having to do things against your own will. To be held accountable for crimes you were forced to commit..
Yes, Zodiac. I have. Whitegrazer nodded. Just to have those same people condemn for what they ordered me to do. After all, who would listen to war criminal? We were ordered, threatened, to do what no one else had the power or gumption to do. Could we have said no? Sometimes, you don't have the power to say no. Especially when the choice was lives lost or lives lost.
Unless you possess the power to control all of them at once, that is a very big promise to make..
That was true. It was a big promise, but it was a promise she would try her best to not to break. Hoped her plan would work.
"Whoops. My finger slipped,"
Whitegrazer gave Rattrap a look while giving a small smile.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"We're just full of surprises, aren't we?" the rodent dryly joked. "I'm just waitin' for you ta give me a reason,"
Whitegrazer watched as Nemesis was getting closer and closer to Zodiac. She watched from afar. As she watched, she felt Optimus' pain. Even if she wasn't actually poisoned, she felt the effects of Umbra's poison in a smaller dosage. She felt light-headed and felt like she was sinking to ground like it was quicksand sucking her down to the planet's core. She shook her head, though. Took a deep breath. Closed her optics. She felt an aching, throbbing pain on one side of her body. The same side she felt the stab from Optimus. The feeling of falling, not being able to feel the ground below her. Even though the snow was softer than rock or solid dirt, it was still a big drop and would cause some damage and disorientation. Optimus would be vulnerable to any attack when he would land. Gulped, trying to keep her spark from beating rapidly. Concern washed over her. But she made an effort to throw it away. It was hard, though. She felt his presence, as well as Zodiac, stronger than everyone else's. He was in the distance. Falling hard.

Whitegrazer chimed into Blackarachnia's comlink and whispered, "Blackarachnia, where are you?"

Blackarachnia was farther ahead. Closer to Optimus' location, but hide undernearth some snow. Not too much, but enough to hide herself and her weapon from sight. She was actually seeing the ape falling. "Watching monkeys fly. Well, fall."

"Can your webbing cushion his fall?"

Blackarachnia rolled her optics,"It can. But I think the falling is the least of his concerns. I need to take care of someone first. " She shook her head. As she saw Umbra, his back turned her in the air, who seemed to be talking to someone, probably Megatron, she took the opportunity and fired a missile at him. And if that missple connected, she went on to help break Optimus fall. She couldn't just burst out webbing. Especially webbing that needed to catch a Transmetal ape, who was bleeding, who weighed much, much more than her usual prey and herself. Sighed, she looked out to see the trajectory and angle Optimus was falling. If she did this, she would be exposed to any Predacons who decided to come at this direction. Why was she doing this? She didn't know why she was doing this. Evil people, such as herself, didn't do stuff like this.

Blackarachnia saw a hiding hole, conveniently where Optimus was heading towards, perfect to put three layers of her webbing. They might break when Optimus' landed, but at least, he wouldn't be crashing too hard.

Whitegrazer continued keeping an optic on Zodiac and Nemesis. She watched Nemesis kicked Zodiac. She held herself. Communicating to Zodiac through the link to not move. Not one sudden movement.

But Zodiac twitched. She closed her optics, feeling the sharp pain, and looked away. That was the part she realized her plan was going to go sour. Needed to a new one.
"Get up," she told him coldly, waiting for only a moment before kicking him harshly in the side of his chest. "I said get up!"

As much as Zodiac attempted to ignore the female standing next to her, spending every bit of his concentration on blocking out the pain radiating from his shoulder and on keeping perfectly still, he was not able to ignore the sharp pain of the kick. A second kick, even harder than the first, sent him rolling onto his backside with a pained gasp.

"You really.. need to work.. on your bedside manners..," he told her between gasps for air.

The female merely glared back at him, saying nothing for a moment. She then pulled out her sword and pointed it at his chest. For now she didn't activate the flames, preferring to keep him alive until Megatron had a chance to say his piece. "You could have avoided this if you hadn't tried to kill me off alongside the Maximals," she finally told him, her voice cold as ice and still it revealed the hurt she had felt. For but a moment Zodiac's gaze fell to the snowy ground. "I had no choice," he told her, his voice a bit more quiet than normal.

"Don't lie to me!," she screamed back at him, grabbing for his throat with her free hand. "We were partners! We looked out for each other, protected each other! And you were just going to have me killed in a fiery blaze!"

Zodiac twisted to try to force her to break the choke hold on his throat, finally forced to use his own still cuffed arms to do it. "And you left me behind to a fate even worse than death!," he accused her back, returning her glare once more. And for a moment the two merely stared at each other before Nemesis followed up with a punch to the side of the face that was hard enough to slam Zodiac's head against the ground. "I will not repeat myself again..," she warned, "Let's go!"
Her optics squeezed. Nemesis's kick were the full powerful of the woman's inner emotional state. She was ready to interfere, knowing Nemesis' forgiveness towards Zodiac for making her life a living Pit for a while, ready to jump and shield Zodiac from a killing blow and to keep Nemesis from doing a fatal mistake, but the conversation between Nemesis and Zodiac both intrigued her as well as gave her some focus in contemplating a new plan. Plan B. Nemesis was saying her piece towards Zodiac, which she understood the woman's hurt and betrayal towards a former comrade, or maybe it was more than that, it seemed to be, felt it to be,and she kicked and grabbed Zodiac's throat. She felt the effects. Suffocating, throbbing pain on her back. Nemesis made no move to kill him, though. Wondered if the woman changed her mind, but she felt like Nemesis was waiting for something. For someone. Despite her plan not working, maybe they could still had time to get out of this situation. Her head danced and face burned and grimaced due to Nemesis' punch.
"He ain't goin' no where with you!" Rattrap shouted as he ran toward them, firing his gun at Nemesis.
Rattrap and Landslide interfered. She breathed a sigh of relief, but that relief was soon thrown away as a horrible dread gripped her spark. Made it ache, pulse. She could see Megatron's arrogant face, and hear his horrible, pompous laughter ringing inside her ears. That is all she heard or saw. But despite not knowing the trigger, she felt it was a warning to her.
"Whitegrazer, where are the other Preds?!" he pleaded to her over his comm. link which was opened to all of the Maximals present so they could hear what was going on. "Can you sense them er what? Nemesis is interferin' with our plan," he added angrily.
"Give me a moment." She whispered into the comlink. Whitegrazer closed her optics. Feeling the vibrations of footsteps. She felt the presence of Landslide, Nemesis, Rattrap, and Zodiac. Where was Megatron? Where were the flyers. The newcomer? She concentrated, focusing on them, pushing everything aside. She must know where they were. Megatron. She felt that domineering, that passionate rage and fury, dark and ominous presence. Nearly suffocating in how it gripped her. "Megatron is still hiding. A few feet from your location. Terrorsaur and Waspinator..." She concentrated.... Her optics shot open. Concern overwhelmed her. Terrorsaur and Waspinator's presences were fuzzy, but she pushed until she felt...them. Because of... "They are heading towards Optimus. Blackarachnia is already there, but she is probably handling Umbra."

Whitegrazer would have to head towards that direction and she did, slithering towards them. "Blackarachnia, I'm heading towards your location. So is Terrorsaur and Wasipnator." Whitegrazer kept herself hidden in the snow, but she was adamant of making her way towards Optimus. Landslide and Rattrap could handle Nemesis and Megatron if he choose to interfere. Wait a minute... Where was Inferno and the newcomer?

"Oh great, three against two... wonderful."

As Whitegrazer, slowly yet steadily, moved towards Optimus, she communicated to Zodiac and Optimus through the links she had.

Zodiac, Rattrap and Landslide will help you. Do what you can to get away from Predacon hands.

Optimus...Blackarachnia is going to give you back-up. I'm making my way towards you now.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 1:33 am
by Phoenix
(ooc: Partially a joint post that OOP and I were simply getting too tired to finish properly..)

Yes, Zodiac. I have. Just to have those same people condemn for what they ordered me to do. After all, who would listen to war criminal? We were ordered, threatened, to do what no one else had the power or gumption to do. Could we have said no? Sometimes, you don't have the power to say no.

It would appear she was familiar with that sensation. The renegade recognized it all too well. And still, despite knowing more about the white mare than even most of her comrades were aware of, he still felt non-the-wiser. She was an enigma to him.
"Let's go!"
Zodiac merely shook his head as calmly as he could. Nemesis had truly lost it if she believed he would come along willingly to what would surely be his execution. Albeit he couldn't see the Predacon tyrant anywhere, he was certain he was still here.. somewhere.. just waiting for a chance to get his hands on the former shapeshifter whom he had deemed to be responsible for the recent virus that plagued the Predacons and Maximals alike. The renegade had indeed been responsible, but it wasn't something he planned to discuss with the Predacons at length.. or at all for that sake.

"I will have to pass on your most gracious offer,"
he told her as he glanced at her. Through the corner of his optic he saw Rattrap racing to reach them in time, his weapon firing at Nemesis.
"He ain't goin' no where with you!"
Not having expected Rattrap to arrive so quickly after she had seen him shoot Zodiac in the shoulder, Nemesis had ignored the rodent until now. Her focus was on the traitor at her feet, a scumbag she would love to bring to Megatron so that he could administer the punishment he so rightfully had deemed fitting for the crimes the traitor stood accused of. As much as she hated Zodiac for what he had done to her, she wanted to bring him to Megatron as her gift to him. A token of her appreciation for not only accepting her back but promoting her in the process. Impatiently she took a step closer to Zodiac, ready to cut him should he be foolish enough to keep resisting.

The female suddenly let out a yelp as one of Rattrap's shots penetrated straight through her hand that was holding the sword, the weapon falling into the snow where it landed with a soft thud mere inches from Zodiac's arm. It took the renegade but a moment to realize what had happened, his optics darting to the gaping hole in the newly appointed Predacon commander's hand. If Nemesis had been angry before, now what she was feeling could only be described as pure rage. She whirled on the approaching rodent, holding up the wounded hand while using the other as support it.

"Why do you foolish Maximals always insist on interfering?!," she demanded with a sneer, her hand already starting to heal. She gave the nanomachines a moment to finish their repairs before she lunged at the rodent, much like a feral beast about to dismember its prey.

The former shapeshifter merely watched for now, seriously considering using this distraction to slip away unnoticed.

Rattrap's optics enlarged a bit when he realized who he had just picked a fight with. Nemesis still had her nanotech abilities, and she was known for injuring and killing others just to heal herself. She could easily overpower him considering their size and strength differences. He hadn't intended on shooting off her hand, which obviously infuriated her, and now had her charging at him, but it was what it was.

"It'll grow back! Don't be such a drama queen," he said jokingly as her hand, indeed, was healing rather quickly. The Spy fired a few more shots at her as a distraction before quickly grabbing one of his electrocuting demo charges from one of his compartments with his free hand, activating it, and tossing it at her when she got closer. It had a magnet that could cling to her armor and once ignited, it would send enough voltage to numb the area or an entire limb but only temporarily.

"A pity you won't," she sarcastically growled back at him, swiftly making a couple of rolls on the ground to avoid the remainder of the incoming shots. Flexibility had always been her strong suit, a trait she shared with Zodiac. Perhaps it had to do with their training, or maybe the selection process itself only called for individuals who'd be good at combat in close quarters. She maneuvered herself closer to Rattrap while at the same time trying to make her movements unpredictable as to make it much harder for him to hit her again. Of course she hadn't anticipated his next move would involve a magnetic demo charge so despite the fact she attempted to avoid it when she got within range to grab a hold of the annoying critter, it still stuck onto her arm.

Nemesis grabbed the smaller Maximal with both arms, using her larger size to tackle him to the ground with her on top. For the time being she was so focused on Rattrap that she didn't really consider the fact she'd left her backside available to attack by someone else. That attack came in the form of Landslide, who fired a number of shots directly at her. Her wings managed to block several of them, but a few still pierced through the transmetal armor and hit her in the shoulder and lower backside. Wincing from the new blows, Nemesis wasted no time and wrapped her fingers of the arm that now had the magnetic disc on it tightly around Rattrap's neck in order to keep him still while she used the other hand to plunge her sai deep into his spark. But as fate would have it, the charge suddenly went off and sent a powerful surge through the arm. The pain was much worse than the shots had been, likely due to the fact the electric shock had effectively rendered her nanomachines useless in that extremity. It was as if someone had ripped the arm out from its socket, leaving the useless limb feeling like it wasn't even there.

Unable to maintain her grip with her twitching, numb fingers, Nemesis yanked the arm back with her remaining, functional one, the grimace on her face more than revealing how painful and thus effective the rat's new toy truly was.

Rattrap gasped as he was tackled to the ground by the bigger Pred. This wasn't exactly how he had planned things to go, but he waited for the charge to do its thing and maintained his grip on his gun. Fortunately, while Nemesis was on top of him, Landslide threw in a few shots which prevented her from driving her sai into his spark. No doubt that's what she intended. And then, with impeccable timing, his charge went off and electrocuted her. Even though it was his first test with one, it went better than he had expected. Likely numbing her arm, she finally released his neck as he coughed from her tight grip and withdrew from her initial attack. Rattrap sighed with relief, grateful for the beetle's gunfire buying him those few extra seconds.

"A pity I won't? You and I both know you don't want me around anyway so spare me you're fake sympathy. Deep down you'd miss me, though." Lifting his weapon, the barrel resting in close proximity to her lower abdomen, the rodent fired several shots in a desperate attempt to get her off of him and away from him.

Nemesis caught a glimpse of Rattrap moving his weapon against her abdomen, quickly using her functional arm to grab for the weapon as well to smack its aim away from herself. It wasn't that such an onslaught would kill her or even seriously damage her given her ability to regenerate, no, and upon getting injured like that she could merely absorb the metal from the weapon or perhaps even the rat himself. Instead her instincts told her to prevent further damage to herself, at least until her nanomachines were fully operational again. Most of them still were but some had temporarily been shut down due to the earlier sneak attack on her arm. So she grabbed Rattrap's wrist, violently slamming the arm with the weapon away from herself with such force it actually could have caused some damage if the rodent wasn't as sturdy as he was.

"I wouldn't bet on it," she hissed once the threat had been neutralized. By now the sensation in the other arm was starting to return as well, her nanomachines coming back online in that arm too. "But perhaps I'll keep a small momentum." She grabbed for her sai with the fully functional arm again, letting the other push Rattrap against the ground.

Meanwhile Zodiac had slowly, very carefully, forced himself to his feet again. His shoulder still ached from Rattrap's earlier shot and he knew it would continue to do so for quite a while since he had no means to repair himself right now. Well.. He'd worry about that later. He glanced around, still tempted to just use this opportunity to run. Of course if he did that still left him with a rather significant problem.. The Predacons would no doubt come after him and he'd have no way to fight them. Unless..

Zodiac, Rattrap and Landslide will help you. Do what you can to get away from Predacon hands.

I can handle myself!, he told her firmly via their shared link but there was the smallest amount of hesitation in his otherwise determined statement. Rattrap and to a lesser extent Landslide had gone out of their way to protect him, a fact he found strange still.

His optics fell on the two combatants, Nemesis presently on top and preparing to impale the Maximal. The renegade would certainly not mourn the rat if he met his demise in a moment, however the opportunity was simply too good to pass up on.

He looked around, trying to locate Nemesis' sword that had fallen mere moments ago, but he couldn't see it in the snow. Oh well, he'd just have to make do.

As Nemesis lifted her sai, preparing to plunge it into Rattrap's chest, a sudden pressure around her throat caused her to stop her movement in an instant. She gasped for air as the force only got tighter before she got yanked up to a standing position. Her still numb hand grabbed for whatever was choking her, only to realize it was a pair of handcuffs that were now digging into her neck. Zodiac!

Feeling the female struggle against him, the renegade merely tightened his grip around her throat even more and yanked her backwards another step before he spoke. "I'm leaving this place. Call your goons off or I will rip your head straight off, Commander," he told her bluntly before turning his gaze to Rattrap. "That goes for you as well, Maximal."

Now nothing seemed to be working in his favor. Rattrap was about to give up. His arm slammed to the ground made it throb, nearly bending his elbow in the wrong direction. He gave a shriek of pain and was forced to release his weapon upon impact. Trying to get up, he was pushed back against the ground again onto his back into the impression of the snow that he had already created with an, "Oof!" Dis is it. Dis is the end. I'm gonna die, he thought, helpless against Nemesis in his position. She was just too quick and healed too fast. Groaning as he desperately wiggled around to free himself, his panicked optics glued to the sai in her hand that lifted up and was about to pierce his TransMetal armor.

Then, she stopped. What happened? Someone had come up behind her and basically had her in a choke hold. He thought it might be his Maximal comrade Landslide but the handcuffs he spotted wrapped around her neck suggested that it was actually Zodiac. The former shapeshifter lifted her up to her feet with a hard yank, pulling her off of him. Without any hesitation, he grabbed his gun and rolled in the snow away from both of them, quickly jumping to his feet and targeting them with his weapon. Well, he focused it more on Nemesis than Zodiac since he had seemingly just assisted in helping him in his dire situation and prevented her from murdering him.

"I can't let you go, Zodiac, but we can get you outta here. Either help us or let the Preds take you back to your coffin," Rattrap reminded him.

Zodiac merely shook his head, slowly walking backwards with Nemesis held in front of him as a shield. She was still struggling, leaving him little choice but to tighten his hold on her to a point where the cuffs were almost starting to crush the armor of her neck. Almost. Nemesis let out a slight gurgling sound but stopped struggling as much.

"So you can haul me back to prison?," he almost snorted at the thought, "Yeah, I think I prefer my alternative to that option. Now back away or you'll have to live with the guilt of having her death on your conscience." He jerked a little harder at the cuffs, trying to get Nemesis to move a little faster. It was true Rattrap wasn't as sentimental as most Maximals, but despite it all he still had that flawed core programming that all Maximals suffered.. To preserve life, all life, even the ones who so clearly didn't deserve it.

Nemesis was starting to feel more than a little lightheaded by now, so much so that her movements were slowed and she nearly stumbled a couple of times while Zodiac backed off with her. Where did he even think he was going? Even if he killed her, the Predacons would come for him. And with as much pressure as the renegade was applying to her throat, she couldn't even speak up and certainly wasn't able to abide to his request.

As if on cue, Megatron's voice cut in and wanted a status update. The tyrant had many skills.. and bad timing was certainly one of them!
"Status report, has Zodiac been dealt with?"
For obvious reasons, Nemesis was unable to respond at this very moment. She avoided opening the channel so that Megatron would remain clueless as to what was going on. For now at least.

"Don't get me confused with Optimus. I ain't as forgiving as he is, and he ain't here." It was somewhat of a threat but Zodiac probably knew better.

"You think I really care what you do to her? She obviously wants me dead so you'd be doin' me a favor."
Rattrap took slow steps toward them as Zodiac forcefully led them both backwards away from him.

"Anyway, Optimus just wants ta talk to ya. Beyond dat, I don't know yer fate. But it's either a chance with us and stayin' alive or death by Predacons." He kept his gun targeted on them, trying to ignore Nemesis' gagging and struggling. Why wasn't she just letting her nanobots devour the handcuffs or his hands? "Come on, Zodiac. You kill her and I'll just have ta open fire on ya and THAT'S gonna hurt." He got quiet when he also heard Megatron's voice over his new "Commander's" comm. link.

For a moment, Zodiac slowed down a bit, Rattrap's words making a bigger impact than he would care to admit. Although he'd been careful not to break Nemesis' armor, thus preventing her from using her nanomachines against him since she wasn't able to control them like he had been able to, there was no telling what she'd do if Rattrap opened fire on them and hit her in the process.

"Look who you're trying to bluff," he started, again attempting to persuade the rodent to leave, "Now shouldn't you be helping your comrades against.."

That is as far as he got. Nemesis, who had been clutching onto the handle of the sai since her earlier attack on Rattrap, suddenly plunged the sharp weapon deep into the renegade's thigh, twisting it as she forced it deeper as to do more damage. As the renegade cried out from the sudden pain, his leg twisting away from her which prompted her to release the sai but now it was sticking out of his leg and inflicting even more pain for every movement he attempted to make. The female wasted no time, grabbing a hold of her attacker's arms and using his surprise to her advantage as she pulled him hard enough to yank him over herself and send him slamming into the ground once more.

"That.. was the last straw..," she threatened after initially letting out a gasp, her voice sounding a lot raspier than normal but otherwise she seemed no worse for wear while the renegade clutched his wounded leg.

The smaller Maximal watched with almost as much surprise as Zodiac showed on his face when Nemesis stabbed him in the leg with her weapon and effortlessly flipped him over herself, slamming him onto his back in the snow with her sai still stuck in his thigh. It looked really painful, making Rattrap cringe a little with just the sight of it. He tried not to stare.

"Hold it right there, Nemesis!" he said in an attempt to distract her not wanting her to kill him. He fired a warning shot at the snowy ground between where Zodiac laid and where she stood. The ground trembled beneath all of them, violently shaking with the volcano. "We're runnin' outta time, and I ain't handin' him over, not until we get the information we want."

"What do I care about your wanted information?," she hissed back as some snow whirled up from the warning shot right in front of her, pulling out her own assault rifle for good measure before pointing the weapon at Zodiac, "Megatron wants him dead!"

"Since when did you start following orders?," countered the renegade, wincing as he pulled the sai out of his leg and leaving three puncture wounds in the leg in the process. He wasn't quite sure which part of the process was worse; the pain, the grinding sound as the metal of his armor was bent from the strain exerted on it, or the mech fluid that now started seeping through the open wounds. Nemesis merely grimaced at him in return, her finger lingering dangerously close to the trigger while she maintained her aim straight at his chest. She had wanted to save the honor for Megatron, but he had given her permission.. Deciding to go for it, to finally rid herself of the traitor she once considered a friend, her finger moved so that she'd be able to fire the weapon.

Nemesis looked a bit hesitant for a moment, finding it oddly difficult to execute someone she'd come to rely so much on during her darkest days. But the expression changed, however, when she made her decision.

"Just about to meet his maker," she finally responded to Megatron, her finger starting to apply the barest amount of pressure to the trigger when.. Another earthquake, this one so powerful it almost knocked her over, hit them with an unrelenting force. Zodiac took the opportunity to move a little bit, as much as his wounded shoulder and leg would allow him to, at least to get out of Nemesis' aim should she actually fire at him. He was already in a substantial amount of pain and really had no intention of getting shot again.. or worse. The onset of another quake caused him to glance from his two foes back to the mountain. "We're short on time. Do you really wish to continue this here.. now?," he asked of Nemesis, his hands applying pressure to his bleeding leg as he attempted to get back up.

Yet another quake hit them mere nanoclicks after the previous one, this one accompanied by a deep rumbling from the mountain. Zodiac had forced himself to his feet by the time the quake hit but he was barely able to sustain himself in this position with all the movement underneath their very feet. If the ground collapsed underneath them, they would no doubt end up in the tunnel system and get swallowed up by the lava that flowed through them.

"Do you care about ANYthing?"
Rattrap asked her rhetorically. What was the point of existing if you didn't care about someone or something? He also wondered how they ever gave her refuge and helped her clear her name.

The acting Maximal Commander shuddered slightly as Zodiac pulled Nemesis's weapon out of his leg and managed to get to his feet. Rattrap was about to squeezed his trigger when he saw the female target Zodiac again but a powerful quake interrupted all of them nearly knocking them on to their skid plates. The rodent found it easier to maintain his balance with his center of gravity being closer to the ground, but it still took some effort to remain standing, gun in hand.

The Maximal's question was bewildering to her. It was true she tried to keep her emotions under wraps, mostly because such a thing was usually deemed weak and useless by her kind. "He's a traitor to us all," she finally told Rattrap after mulling over his accusation for a bit. "Killing him is the only way to restore order to the chaos he created. Surely you can see that?" Her optics drifted to Rattrap but it was obvious he disagreed. "I'm wasting my time here..," she finally stated, aiming her weapon at Zodiac once more. And fired.

Rarely had a delay caused by two individuals talking been more welcome than this one was for the renegade. The distraction was enough for him to be able to twist to the side, not enough to avoid the shot entirely, unfortunately, but still enough to keep it from doing any severe damage. Instead the shot went straight through his thus far undamaged wing and extracting another painful yelp from the dragon.
"Perhaps. But how can one trust anything Zodiac says?" he asked rhetorically. "And even if he does get the answers he seeks, I'm more concerned about how he will handle the information. He has been put through a lot, as we all have, but everyone has a tipping point. I have known Optimus for a long time, but this is nothing he has ever been through before. Nothing could have prepared him for this war," the engineer explained as he finished up covering the hole and reinforcing it with more metal sheets. "He's strong and he has a pure spark, but even this is beyond all of our expertise combined. If we ever make it home, none of us will be the same."
Aurora grew silent while Rhinox shared his thoughts on Optimus' mental state and even as he brought up Cybertron. Such a foreign concept to her, this home that everyone else kept talking about. From what she knew of the place, which was only information gathered via the computer and stories shared by the others, it was a planet consisting of metal.. With no organic creatures roaming about. No Earth vegetation. Just a somewhat sterile and cold environment. She honestly didn't care how many energon cubes they had over there. It would never be home to her.

"I'm sure it's.. lovely there," she said after a brief pause to find a suitable word to describe this world she'd never seen. Well, that probably wasn't the right word to use but she couldn't really imagine living in such a place. "Sounds like Optimus could use a vacation," she said next, acknowledging the horrors her leader and friend had gone through recently. That they all had gone through. Her thoughts then drifted, as was often the case.

"What do you think happened to Nexus? The real one I mean. Zodiac seemed to know so much about him, and he did show up here in Nexus' ship."

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 1:44 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Our joint post was longer than I thought I was, Phoenix. XD I'll post for Optimus and Rhinox now. ))

As Optimus fell with ease, he glanced up over his shoulder every so often to see if Umbra was pursuing him. He hoped not but he doubted he would give up on whatever his orders were from Megatron. Now that he finally got the squid off of him, he knew it would be wise to keep him off. However, he still felt slow responses to his systems and movements. Would the poison eventually wear off on its own, or did he need an antidote?

We've got company, the voice told Primal and he looked over to where Terrorsaur and Waspinator had originated from. Good. He was glad his seemingly helpless presence was luring out some of their enemies. There were some peaks in the way so he couldn't determine the TransMetal 'dactyl's exact location, which was quite possibly where the rest of the Predacons were hiding, but he sent the coordinates to the other Maximals, including Blackarachnia, so they would be aware of that area when they'd approach.

Optimus...Blackarachnia is going to give you back-up. I'm making my way towards you now.

Stay hidden, he told Whitegrazer. I've sent the coordinates from which Terrorsaur and Waspinator appeared. The others could be waiting in the vicinity. It was then when he noticed a missile piercing upward through the air, clearly coming from the ground some where. It wasn't targeting Optimus, however, nor the two fliers approaching him, it was zipping toward someone further behind or above him; Umbra. He followed the wake of the missile's heat trail with his orange optics to find its origin where he spotted very familiar bluish glowing webbing. It told him to head down there since it was likely to belong to Blackarachnia and he could use her help.

As his altitude dropped quickly, he reverted to his vehicle mode - albeit a slow and sluggish transformation because of the poison - and stopped himself just short above the web-like tarp that he assumed was meant to help break his fall. At least in this form, his wounds would be concealed and protected, except for the blood from his lacerations and stabbing that trickled down his back underneath his "backpack" which held his clubs. Hovering above the bed of webs, he managed a small smile and looked at Blackarachnia, asking her with an appreciative tone, "Is this for me?" He moved himself lower and closer to her. "I need your help, Blackarachnia. In this mode, my weapons are limited, but together we can take these Predacons down. We can use your webbing and firepower." Putting any skepticism and doubts of her shooting him in the back aside, Primal motioned her to hop onto his hoverboard behind him so he could have a clear view in front of him and use his clubs to deflect incoming gunfire. Then he blasted off into the snowy sky, looping around so they ((if you wish to have Blackarachnia on board, una)) were coming directly toward Umbra, Terrorsaur and Waspinator.

We're outnumbered, the whisper bluntly pointed out.

Let me concentrate and we can get this done, Optimus returned coldly. "Umbra and Waspinator should be the weakest to take down. We may have some trouble with Terrorsaur," he warned the spider. "But if we can lead them toward our team and seclude them from the other Predacons, we'll have a much better chance defeating them." He felt weaker now from the toxin inside of him but tried to brush it off. It would have been much better for them if he had been functioning at 100% and not impaired but he would just have to deal with it. "Umbra injected me with some kind of poison... A minimal dosage, I think," he admitted to Blackarachnia. "You wouldn't happen to be equipped with an antidote, would you? And if I can get us close enough, can you fire your webbing like a net at them? Entangling them could be an efficient way of disabling their flight."

"I'm sure it's.. lovely there,"
Rhinox recognized the hesitation in her voice and gave her a small smile while he finished up reinforcing the hull. "I know it's not your 'home', and as much as I enjoy this planet full of organic life, we simply can't stay here. It's too unpredictable and too dangerous. But once we make it back to Cybertron, whenever that may be, you can always join another exploration crew and set out to discover new planets with more life to peak your interests than Cybertron may be able to." Deep down he wished he could stay on Earth, too. He loved the vegetation and plant life, and all of the wildlife and marine life. This planet just offered so much more for a scientist such as himself.
"What do you think happened to Nexus? The real one I mean. Zodiac seemed to know so much about him, and he did show up here in Nexus' ship."
The young Fuzor's question made him pause in thought before putting his tools away. "Yes, he did. I would hope it to not be true, but... I think it would be safe to assume that Nexus was killed..." That probably wasn't the best way to say it, and maybe he should have lied to her, but he felt that it was the reality of the situation and he had to be honest with Aurora. "And if that's the case, it would devastate Optimus. Nexus was like a father to him..." He turned to look at the smaller Maximal, who was like a daughter to Primal, and asked her, "Aurora, you have been through so much in this war. Are you alright? I'm just asking as a concerned friend. This has been a lot for anyone to handle, especially someone at your age and a lack of experience with so much... death and pain. It can have a terrible impact on individuals no matter how tough or mature they may seem. I need to make sure that you are doing alright."

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 7:23 pm
by NaitoKage
After firing on Nemesis, Landslide observed as the battle drawed on. Landslide wasn't surprised to see Zodiac start choking Nemesis, but with her breaking free again, it was clear she was more of a problem at the moment. Sliding away his rifle, his forearm opened extending the lightning laser once again. Guess it was a good idea to make this bug zapper.. Landslide thought to himself. Though it was less useful for mining, it made a fairly good suppression weapon and was a bit more accurate then his grenade launcher or anti air guns.

With Nemesis once again distracted between Rattrap and Zodiac and now firing on Zodiac, Landslide leveled his aim and took his chance, firing off a lightning blast into Nemesis's backside. After firing, he folded away his landing gear and crouched, then sprung up with his thrusters kicking in, flying in a low arc as he then came down near Nemesis with his shield held up. His lightning gun flipping away once again as he reached onto his back drawing his chainsword. You sure you wanna keep up this fight Lass?

Megatron wrote:"Is he now? Give me his location"
Megatron wrote:"Never mind, Umbra, I see him now, do go ahead and catch him would you? As much as I'd relish the sight of him splattering across the ground below like a fruit fallen too high from the tree, I do believe we can yet again use the maximals love for their leader against them to ensure Zodiac comes back home with us instead of them, yyyyyeeesssss"

Umbra altered his position, starting to dive down further in the sky after Optimus, when he noticed a flash come from the ground. What the? he muttered to himself, then strafed in the air with his thrusters as he noticed Blackarachnia's golden rocket fly by. He was only lucky that he was so high up and the Spiders weren't known for carrying guided missiles.
Megatron wrote:"Help is on the way Umbra, I suggest you catch up with Primal before them to ensure all goes smoothly"

Umbra tilted his head as he saw Terrorsaur and Waspinator in the air, then activated his comlink. Understood.

Umbra then changed channels sending a message to Waspinator Waspinator, coordinates Gamma 23 by Beta 64. Make a sweeping pass from the air with your jet mode's guns to buy me an opening, I'll take out their anti air.

Waspinator blinked a bit confused that the Ninja would give him orders, but it sounded like a good idea since Waspinator didn't want to get shot. He transformed to his jet mode as he flew into a high arc with a burst of speed from his afterburners towards the position Umbra had given him, noticing Blackarachnia and Optimus on the ground. Cutting his afterburner, his twin plasma cannons came online, firing rapidly in a line across the ground on their general position, then pulled up with a burst of speed into the sky.

After Waspinator's surprisingly impressive means of following orders, Umbra turned in the air and opened his tentacles extending their webbing and activated his thrusters to reduce his fall speed. Sliding both his hands past each wrist he drew a throwing blade from the hidden compartments in his wrists. Coming near the ground, Umbra tossed one of the throwing blades near Blackarachnia's legs, the blade hitting the ground and exploding near her.

Landing on the ground, Umbra looked towards Optimus, his camouflage shifting revealing his usual gold and black color scheme. Well isn't that touching, she tried to make a crash pad for you. You're wasting your time on Zodiac Optimus.. If you want those answers, you'll have to kill him and hack his datatracks if you don't want lies.. But that wont matter now. Umbra drew his poison sword once again, raking the throwing blade along it putting some poison slime on it's edge, then activated his comlink. Waspinator, keep Blackarachnia pinned down from range. Terrorsaur, lets do this!


Meanwhile at the Axalon...

A low hiss was heard as one of the CR chambers opened with some fire retardent foam seen pouring out of the chamber, Cheetor stepped out a bit disoriented as he looked at the foam, then looked around the room. Stepping further out of the pod the mechanical cheetah shook the foam off much like a wet dog, then transformed to robot mode. Ug.. What is going on and who turned up the heat? Cheetor said to himself. Stepping out of the medical bay, Cheetor looked around noticing burnmarks and warped floor pannels. He then activated his comlink Cheetor to Rhinox, What is going on around here? I just woke up in the CR chamber and the fire suppression system went off. Probably have to clean the foam later.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 3:14 pm
by DarkSpark
OOC: Thanks Una, hope this post is alright.

Phoenix wrote: "Just about to meet his maker," she finally responded to Megatron, her finger starting to apply the barest amount of pressure to the trigger when.. Another earthquake, this one so powerful it almost knocked her over, hit them with an unrelenting force. Zodiac took the opportunity to move a little bit, as much as his wounded shoulder and leg would allow him to, at least to get out of Nemesis' aim should she actually fire at him. He was already in a substantial amount of pain and really had no intention of getting shot again.. or worse. The onset of another quake caused him to glance from his two foes back to the mountain. "We're short on time. Do you really wish to continue this here.. now?," he asked of Nemesis, his hands applying pressure to his bleeding leg as he attempted to get back up.

"Splendid news, carry on then" Megatron replied, pleased that things appeared to be going his way, now if only the flyers would do their jobs right all would be right with the universe once more.

"Patience everyone, our part in all of this will come to fruition soon I suspect, yyyyessss" Megatron assured the rest of his troops.

"I would wait an eternity to carry out your will, Royalty!" Inferno proclaimed proudly over the comms, while Deathroll, with more controlled enthusiasm thankfully, answered "As you wish my liege, good things come to those who wait."

"Excellent attitudes to have, both of you" Megatron commended, but he too was looking forward to the grand finale despite his skill for patience.

NaitoKage wrote: Umbra tilted his head as he saw Terrorsaur and Waspinator in the air, then activated his comlink. Understood.

Umbra then changed channels sending a message to Waspinator Waspinator, coordinates Gamma 23 by Beta 64. Make a sweeping pass from the air with your jet mode's guns to buy me an opening, I'll take out their anti air.

Waspinator blinked a bit confused that the Ninja would give him orders, but it sounded like a good idea since Waspinator didn't want to get shot. He transformed to his jet mode as he flew into a high arc with a burst of speed from his afterburners towards the position Umbra had given him, noticing Blackarachnia and Optimus on the ground. Cutting his afterburner, his twin plasma cannons came online, firing rapidly in a line across the ground on their general position, then pulled up with a burst of speed into the sky.

Terrorsaur followed after Waspinator, odd that he of all bots would willingly choose to take the lead considering his hatred of getting blown up all the time, but he added his laser fire to his gunshots all the same to cutoff Primal's & Blackarachnia's progression across the ground, cackling wildly as they pulled up and returned to the sky, savoring the looks of shock and anger on his enemies faces.

"Heh heh heh, nice shots Wasp" Terrorsaur said to his partner in crime, every so often the bug would do something right, especially since his upgrade, so why not praise him a little? Especially if it made him more inclined to back him up when the time finally came for him overthrow Megatron and assume leadership.

NaitoKage wrote: After Waspinator's surprisingly impressive means of following orders, Umbra turned in the air and opened his tentacles extending their webbing and activated his thrusters to reduce his fall speed. Sliding both his hands past each wrist he drew a throwing blade from the hidden compartments in his wrists. Coming near the ground, Umbra tossed one of the throwing blades near Blackarachnia's legs, the blade hitting the ground and exploding near her.

Landing on the ground, Umbra looked towards Optimus, his camouflage shifting revealing his usual gold and black color scheme. Well isn't that touching, she tried to make a crash pad for you. You're wasting your time on Zodiac Optimus.. If you want those answers, you'll have to kill him and hack his datatracks if you don't want lies.. But that wont matter now. Umbra drew his poison sword once again, raking the throwing blade along it putting some poison slime on it's edge, then activated his comlink. Waspinator, keep Blackarachnia pinned down from range. Terrorsaur, lets do this!

"Oh! Well that explains it" Terrorsaur thought to himself as he noticed Umbra, clearly he had been the one giving Waspinator instructions, pity, he had thought the bug had been showing some initiative for a change.

Terrorsaur circled around and landed beside Umbra as he received his communications and brandished his own twin swords and smirked "Is that seriously why you're dragging this all out Primal? Because you want to know if the big bad dragon killed your daddy figure? You don't need to scan his datatrax for that intel, if he's made contact with the guy then he's deader than the autobots were after the "Autobot City Massacre," there's no need for someone that efficient to leave behind any loose ends, especially if he was kill crazy enough to come all this way just to finish little old you! Heheheheheh! And with that said, Umbra, don't mind if I do!"

With that, Terrorsaur joined Umbra in a joint attack against the wounded and poisoned Optimus Primal, a sadistic smile stretched across his face as he swung his swords at Primal, seeing the weariness in his optics, pleased as punch that the oh so mighty hero wasn't feeling his best at the moment...He was going down SO hard this time, he could feel it in his endoskeleton!

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 5:35 pm
by una
Stay hidden, he told Whitegrazer. I've sent the coordinates from which Terrorsaur and Waspinator appeared. The others could be waiting in the vicinity.
All right, Whitegrazer acknowledged. Her mind turning ideas of how to assist Optimus and Blackarachnia without giving away her position. It wasn't her fight, though. She wasn't a flyer nor did she have the materials to assist them without getting in the way. Also, Megatron, Inferno, and the other new Predacon were still making no move. They have to waiting for something. Probably Inferno and the other Predacon were waiting for a signal of some sort from Megatron. She wanted to know what the Predacon leader was up to. I'm concerned about Inferno and the other Predacon we just been introduced to. I'm not sure where they are, but yet, I still sense them. I believe they are waiting for a signal from Megatron. I have a bad feeling about this, Optimus. Watch yourselves.
"Is this for me?" He moved himself lower and closer to her. "I need your help, Blackarachnia. In this mode, my weapons are limited, but together we can take these Predacons down. We can use your webbing and firepower."
Waspinator's shots towards Blackarachnia made a dance a bit. A couple of the annoying bug's shots nicked her left shoudler and side. Fired a missle at the bug while gripping her side, growled and hissed at the wasp. Moved away a bit, watching Optimus' descend closer and closer.

Until he slowed and stopped. She shook her head at the Maximal ape hovering above the webs that were there to catch him, "It was your white mare's idea." She got what Optimus was implying and nodded her head, "I don't have any love for those flyers. Maybe I get a chance to shut that annoying voice of Terrorsaur's up." As she spoke to him, she reloaded her cybervenom, making it a double dose, and webbing. Hopefully, with some good shots, they could bring all three of those Predacons down.

Umbra threw a blade close to her legs. "Move it, monkey!" She jumped on board with Optimus. Hissed a bit at her injured side and moved her letft shoulder to work out the stinging sensation. Fired a missile at Umbra for his little sneaky shot! She was anooyed by all of them now.
"Umbra and Waspinator should be the weakest to take down. We may have some trouble with Terrorsaur,""But if we can lead them toward our team and seclude them from the other Predacons, we'll have a much better chance defeating them."
Optimus had a point about Umbra and Waspinator. They should be easier to take down. After all, Umbra wasn't much of a flyer, and Waspinator... was Waspinator. Even though, sometimes, that bug got in a few lucky shots, and she wasn't going let that bug embarrass her in front of her former comrades. Since Optimus was all too willing to block incoming gunfire. She saw that her chance were extremely good. She got a cover and she was still in good shape firepower wise.
"Umbra injected me with some kind of poison... A minimal dosage, I think," he admitted to Blackarachnia. "You wouldn't happen to be equipped with an antidote, would you? And if I can get us close enough, can you fire your webbing like a net at them? Entangling them could be an efficient way of disabling their flight."
"Yeah, I do, after your freckled kitty-cat injected me with my own venom. I keep an antidote just in case." Blackarachnia quickly got out one of the shots and... "It would take effect immediately. You will feel a pinch and a burning sensation, but that would wear off in a second." She injected it in his poisoned side, listening to Optimus's plan as she did. "I can, but I will have to get close to them individually or they could easily dodge it."
"Is that seriously why you're dragging this all out Primal? Because you want to know if the big bad dragon killed your daddy figure? You don't need to scan his datatrax for that intel, if he's made contact with the guy then he's deader than the autobots were after the "Autobot City Massacre," there's no need for someone that efficient to leave behind any loose ends, especially if he was kill crazy enough to come all this way just to finish little old you! Heheheheheh! And with that said, Umbra, don't mind if I do!"
Blackarachnia reloaded and fired another missile at Terrorsaur from behind Optimus, "Watch your mouth, Ptedactyl! It has got you in trouble beforehand."

Whitegrazer remained hidden from everyone. Keeping an eye on Optimus and Blackarachnia, feeling a burning sensation than cooling, was that Blackarachnia's doing? Maybe she healed the poison Umbra gave to Optimus. At least, Optimus would think and fight better without those needling effecst from the poison. Though, it seemed Optimus and Blackarachnia seemed to have a good hand on the situation now. As for what was going with Zodiac, she as dealing with mixed emotions. It was because of Nemesis' involvement. She felt the intense rage, betrayal, and struggle for survival from Zodiac. Felt her entire body throbbing. Her thigh shook from a sharp pain like someone had stabbed her there.
I can handle myself!,
You are in a vulnerable position. As she spoke towards Zodiac through their bond, her body shook from the quakes underneath her. They were wasting too much time with the Predacons. The mountain was going to come down and all that lava inside is going to come out through the tunnels below. You need to get out of there. She could feel it. Something was in the air. Her shoulder burned. She gripped it, breathing in and out. Maybe having her tactics transfer over to Zodiac, so that the pain wouldn't stall him.

This fighting had to stop. She stared at the area where she sensed Megatron's presence.

Staying hidden like Optimus told her to. But if this got too hot on both sides, she would have to step in. Somehow. But for now, it was best to do what Optimus told her. Her friends' safety comes first. She laid down on the snowy mountain pass. To make it even more difficult for anyoen to see her. Put her hands together in front of her, closed her optics, and she meditated. Felt the presences of her friends. Breathed in. Out. Focusing. Her spark pulsed once more. Healing. She opened her optics. Feeling her surroundings, the intense emotions of the battles she was in between as well as the chaos of different people fighting around her. If she must stay hidden, she would at least prove herself that she is more dangerous when she was not around. If she can't fight now, she would let her friends feel her energy, warmth, and compassion. Let them absorb her own will onto themselves. She closed her optics. Let her embrace this entire area with her energy.

My friends, let my strength and will become yours.

Remember what is at stake.... Remember who you are....

Let go of your pain... Anger. Hatred. Fear. Replace it with your duty. Serenity. Love. Courage.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:54 pm
by Phoenix
"I know it's not your 'home', and as much as I enjoy this planet full of organic life, we simply can't stay here. It's too unpredictable and too dangerous. But once we make it back to Cybertron, whenever that may be, you can always join another exploration crew and set out to discover new planets with more life to peak your interests than Cybertron may be able to."
Aurora hesitated a bit as she listened to Rhinox' words. They seemed to make sense, but she still wasn't sure how she felt about the idea.

"But any other planet wouldn't be this one," she finally told him, her voice a bit quieter. "There are still so many more mysteries to explore on this world. I'm not sure I want to leave that behind and go elsewhere. But if the Predacons are taken out of the equation, it would be all right to come back here.. right?"

She had a hard time wrapping her mind about the fact they were on Earth in the past so even if they were to return, they may not even find the planet in the same state. Or anything similar. Yes, she had read up on as much history as she could find. But really, this was the only world she knew and anything else just seemed foreign and strange to her.
"What do you think happened to Nexus? The real one I mean. Zodiac seemed to know so much about him, and he did show up here in Nexus' ship."
"Yes, he did. I would hope it to not be true, but... I think it would be safe to assume that Nexus was killed..."
Curious yet also saddened green optics settled on Rhinox before Aurora quickly turned her gaze away, not particularly caring for the bluntness of truth in his words. It certainly sounded like the logical answer, but if that truly was the case then she dreaded to see how it would affect Optimus should he find out. She blew the annoying lock of white fur out of her face before she responded.

"So you think he really did kill him? I mean.. Nexus would surely have been worth more alive. I mean.. could this guy really hate someone enough to.."

She stopped herself mid sentence as she realized she was talking about the same guy who had tried to kill them all with a bomb just so Optimus could feel the pain of losing everyone he cared about. "Bummer..," she added.
"And if that's the case, it would devastate Optimus. Nexus was like a father to him..."
Merely nodding in agreement, Aurora now resorted to brushing that pesky lock of fur out of her eyes with her hand instead of attempting to merely blow it away again. She knew all too well what it was like to lose a father figure. It was not a pain she'd wish upon anyone, let alone Optimus.
"Aurora, you have been through so much in this war. Are you alright? I'm just asking as a concerned friend. This has been a lot for anyone to handle, especially someone at your age and a lack of experience with so much... death and pain. It can have a terrible impact on individuals no matter how tough or mature they may seem. I need to make sure that you are doing alright."
She let the question linger for a moment, contemplating her response for a while before giving it. "I think I am holding up okay..," she finally said, honestly not sure how to answer such a question. It was tough, sure, but it was all she'd known so far. Unlike the others, she had no recollection of a past life before coming to in the lab here at the Axalon. "Though I haven't really had the chance to process all of this. The last few days have been chaotic and I'm still trying to make sense of it."

Trying to avoid thinking too much about it, not wishing to dwell on the events that had shaped them all in some sense or another, Aurora really hadn't gotten a chance to really sit down and contemplate things. She remembered all of it, of course, such as the bullet that embedded itself into her spark and the look of true horror on Whitegrazer's face when she realized it. The memory caused the fuzor to turn away with a slight shudder. She had really come close to dying, to ending her life in the arms of Whitegrazer, had the white mare not realized to use the nanogel Aurora herself created to save her.

And then Sentinel had gone berserk, attacking friend and foe alike while under the control of a shapeshifter. At least Rattrap had managed to solve that situation even if it did leave Aurora questioning if they weren't relying a bit much on their technological advancements. It all had flaws that could be abused by those who wished them ill.

She sighed deeply as she reflected upon this. Honestly she wished Rhinox hadn't said anything about it, merely let her focus on her work. Sure, she would have to take a while to really get her thoughts about all of this cleared up at some point soon, but she didn't want to just yet. Not until they were all safe back at base and she didn't have to worry anymore.

Just then a familiar voice cut in through the comlink. Cheetor! The transmetal cheetah had finally emerged from his CR chamber, and his voice was certainly a pleasant surprise as well as a welcome distraction.

"Great to hear your voice, Cheetor!," she exclaimed back to her fellow Maximal, "Rhinox and I are down in the brig doing some repairs. The rest of the crew are on their way back."
"Splendid news, carry on then"
Oh, Nemesis would be more than happy to carry on as Megatron so eloquently put it. Of course the situation was slightly more complicated than she had let on, as the Maximals were putting on quite the fight to keep the mischievous changeling alive. The avian female couldn't fathom why they would bother. It was true that Maximals were weak and forgiving, but why risk their own lives for someone who so clearly had no respect for them? It just made no sense.

You are in a vulnerable position.
And whose fault is that?!, Zodiac demanded through their link although his once extremely dominant presence felt a bit subdued at this point. As much as he hated to admit it, Whitegrazer's words held some truth to them. He was vulnerable. Normally he'd be able to heal up instantly but without his nanomachines whereas his opponent still had hers, he was at a distinct disadvantage. And the aching pain from his shoulder where Rattrap had shot him, his thigh where Nemesis had plunged her sai deep into his circuits, and now his one wing that had escaped damage until now, were all painful reminders of that.. vulnerability. And that sensation was worse than any pain any of them could possibly inflict upon him.

You need to get out of there.

You don't think I'm trying to?, he asked her back, his emotional state a strange mixture of rage and desperation. He glanced up at the avian female who was yet again aiming straight at him, preparing to fire.

"What were your words to Primal not long ago?," she asked him, revealing that she had been watching them closely for long enough to know what had transpired before she intervened. "Oh yes, I remember.. Give my regards to Nexus. Granted he's probably not where you're going. Only a special kind of traitors are allowed there."

Zodiac narrowed his optics at those words, preparing himself as far as it was possible to do so. Of course he would attempt to dodge the shot as best he could but since he was wounded and Nemesis was at close range, she definitely had the upper hand right now. So this was it, huh, the end of an era.. The greatest creation in the Predacons' possession going out like this. Pitiful. Somehow he always envisioned his own end to be grander, certainly not in a heap on the ground. Well, to the extent he had ever even considered his own death. His nanomachines had virtually given him a sense of immortality and now that they were gone, he was forced to face the limitations of being normal.

But the shot never came. Instead Nemesis hollered out in pain as an electric surge spread rapidly through her systems before exiting through her legs. It was quick and effective, the surge causing an overload in her system which swiftly brought her down to a kneeling position when her legs weren't able to hold her up anymore. The electricity was strong enough to cause an instant reboot of her nanomachines, a fact that became all too clear to the female as she was forced to use her arms to keep from collapsing as the process took place.
You sure you wanna keep up this fight Lass?
She sneered at Landslide for taking advantage of her weak point at the moment of her victory, effectively taking that away from her. Her fingers had curled up from the electrical overload and the entrance point on her backside was smoking a bit and was covered in what appeared like soot. But it was the expression on her face, that pained shocked expression, that encouraged Zodiac to take advantage of the situation. Rattrap was no doubt distracted for a moment, so Zodiac forced himself to his feet despite the agonizing pain in his own limbs that begged him to stay put.

Still, he couldn't. He had the opportunity to get the upper hand. And he was taking it.

Before Rattrap had a chance to react, Zodiac grabbed for Nemesis' assault rifle that now lay on the ground right in front of her. The gaping hole in his thigh that had threatened to bring him down earlier, left his motions a bit stumbling and far less fluent than what was normal for him. Still, he was not about to let this chance go. Not this time.

My friends, let my strength and will become yours.

Remember what is at stake.... Remember who you are....

Let go of your pain... Anger. Hatred. Fear. Replace it with your duty. Serenity. Love. Courage.

The female's words couldn't have come at a more inopportune time. Zodiac paid her no heed, however.

I can't. Not now.

He took aim with Nemesis' own weapon, firing at her at point blank range before she even had the opportunity to escape her temporary paralysis. The shot impacted between her neck and shoulder, tearing into her armor as it made its way into the circuits of her chest. His aim was a bit off due to his own weakened state and lack of ability to stand up straight, but he didn't care. He was a survivor and if taking a life could save him then that's what he would do. There was no hesitation, no mercy, no guilt.

Nemesis watched in horror as the situation was suddenly flipped and she was now the target. "No," she tried to say, tried to bargain with him, but it was too late. The shot hit her, shredding her armor to pieces and damaging circuits as it made its way down her chest. She didn't even cry out, merely let out a whimpering "Oomf.." before she collapsed on the ground with Zodiac standing over her, the weapon still trained on her.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:02 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"It was your white mare's idea."
Still, although she'd never admit it, Blackarachnia's compliance with Whitegrazer's suggestion showed some kind of level of care, to which he showed appreciation for even though his plummeting wasn't out of control like everyone seemed to think it was. But it was a good feeling again to know that the Empath was "watching" out for him and having a positive influence on others, even those formerly under Megatron's command.
I'm concerned about Inferno and the other Predacon we just been introduced to. I'm not sure where they are, but yet, I still sense them. I believe they are waiting for a signal from Megatron. I have a bad feeling about this, Optimus. Watch yourselves.
We can only do so much, he told Whitegrazer.

"Maximals, Blackarachnia and I are going to try and lead some Predacon fliers to your location. We could use your assistance," Optimus warned them as he informed all of them via his comm. link.
"Yeah, I do, after your freckled kitty-cat injected me with my own venom. I keep an antidote just in case." "It would take effect immediately. You will feel a pinch and a burning sensation, but that would wear off in a second."
Primal inhaled deeply, feeling the antidote rush through his body and break down the poison that Umbra had ruthlessly pierced him with. After the pinch and the side effect of burning, he sighed in relief feeling his strength and concentration returning. It didn't stop the bleeding from his wounds but it wasn't like they were gushing out like geysers. Now he would just have to make sure to keep his distance from the squid for both of their sake. "Thank you," he said to her, almost surprised that she had some "medicine" with her in the first place. He wasn't that serious about it when he asked but now he was very grateful for it.
"I don't have any love for those flyers. Maybe I get a chance to shut that annoying voice of Terrorsaur's up."
Optimus gave a smirk, sharing the same opinion of Terrorsaur's voice, and particularly his cockiness.
"I can, but I will have to get close to them individually or they could easily dodge it."
"Alright, we'll see what we can do," the ape said with confidence.
Well isn't that touching, she tried to make a crash pad for you. You're wasting your time on Zodiac Optimus.. If you want those answers, you'll have to kill him and hack his datatracks if you don't want lies.. But that wont matter now.
Now it was Primal's turn to roll his optics at Umbra.
"Is that seriously why you're dragging this all out Primal? Because you want to know if the big bad dragon killed your daddy figure? You don't need to scan his datatrax for that intel, if he's made contact with the guy then he's deader than the autobots were after the "Autobot City Massacre," there's no need for someone that efficient to leave behind any loose ends, especially if he was kill crazy enough to come all this way just to finish little old you! Heheheheheh! And with that said, Umbra, don't mind if I do!"
"Watch your mouth, Ptedactyl! It has got you in trouble beforehand."
Terrorsaur's insensitive words fueled Primal's temper, no doubt on purpose, but it also assisted with his focus. As Waspinator's shots rained down around Blackarachnia and Optimus, one actually hitting the spider in her shoulder which angered him even more, the Maximal used his clubs to swing at them with a lot of force and accurate hand-eye coordination, hitting some of them like baseballs or tennis balls to deflect them off in different directions, two of them zipping toward Umbra.

My friends, let my strength and will become yours. Remember what is at stake.... Remember who you are.... Let go of your pain... Anger. Hatred. Fear. Replace it with your duty. Serenity. Love. Courage.

After absorbing Whitegrazer's words that seemed to refresh Primal, taking in her energy and peace, he blasted off with his passenger as he used his wrists to twirl the twin weapons in his hands, taunting the incompetent Predacons to encourage them to get arrogant and chase him and Blackarachnia as they "escaped" their clutches and headed toward Rattrap, Landslide and Whitegrazer. "You have yet to impress me with you aerial skills, Terrorsaur, even now as a TransMetal!" Optimus teased him.

"Maximals, Blackarachnia and I are going to try and lead some Predacon fliers to your location. We could use your assistance,"
"Copy dat," Rattrap returned to the monkey while he dealt with his own problems, although he was relieved to finally hear from him.
"What were your words to Primal not long ago?," "Oh yes, I remember.. Give my regards to Nexus. Granted he's probably not where you're going. Only a special kind of traitors are allowed there."
And actually, Landslide was doing a great job offering the rodent some back up just as Nemesis was about to unleash her firepower upon Zodiac. The beetle hammered her in the back with a bright lightning bolt, resulting in Rattrap's expression of awe and acceptance of the maneuver.
You sure you wanna keep up this fight Lass?
The spy grinned, watching Landslide leap toward them and unveil his shield before returning his attention to Nemesis where his own gun was still trained on.

My friends, let my strength and will become yours. Remember what is at stake.... Remember who you are.... Let go of your pain... Anger. Hatred. Fear. Replace it with your duty. Serenity. Love. Courage.

Who dat?! thought the rat, almost jumping out of his paint, having not much experience with the Empath when she would reach out to all of them and some how convey things to them. He could understand the complexity of bombs and other weapons and computer programming but he still didn't understand how Whitegrazer worked with her powers, especially when she could blow up missiles without touching them. Oddly enough, her words did help him to relax and focus on the situation at hand, but they didn't prepare him for what Zodiac was about to do.

Unfortunately, Rattrap couldn't react fast enough when the former shapeshifter grabbed Nemesis's own gun and approached her with surprising determination and speed despite his injuries that the rodent almost regretted giving him since his plan hadn't worked out. Almost. But why did he care so much about what he was doing now? If Zodiac killed Nemesis, he'd be doing him a favor. Of course... those thoughts of Optimus trusting her and allowing her refuge with them in their own base and she hadn't harmed anyone, including himself some how, made him think that maybe the boss monkey was right and she wasn't as monstrous as she tried to portray herself to be whether intentionally or unintentionally. She was also a victim of experimentation, so it wasn't entirely her fault for being so angry and rude to everyone with her bad attitude. However, she could do much better if she really wanted to, she probably just didn't want to admit it. It was easier to be bad and follow orders from someone - *cough* Megatron *cough* - who ruled with an iron fist than to be on the other side of that same fist trying to save the universe from said power like he and the rest of the Maximals on this planet were doing. At nay rate, he supposed he had to intervene before Zodiac killed her...
"No," "Oomf.."
He watched her collapse at Zodiac's feet. Was he too late? Changing his target, Rattrap's gun now aimed at Zodiac's hand and the rifle that didn't belong to him, and fired a single shot to knock it out of his possession. "Dat's enough," he told the black dragon. I can't believe I'm takin' pity on her, he thought after he witnessed the damage that Zodiac had done to the former Decepticon with her own weapon; her armor ripped and blown apart. It wasn't pretty, and he certainly wouldn't want that to happen to him. Maybe it was because of Whitegrazer's influence that he felt sorry for Nemesis. Or maybe it was because of Primal's influence knowing that what Zodiac was doing was wrong and he wouldn't allow him to take one more life.

"But any other planet wouldn't be this one," "There are still so many more mysteries to explore on this world. I'm not sure I want to leave that behind and go elsewhere. But if the Predacons are taken out of the equation, it would be all right to come back here.. right?"
Rhinox gave her a brief small, admiring the young one's innocence and ambition. "I'm afraid it might be a little more complicated than that," he told Aurora. After all, depending on how far back in time they were on Earth, it could spell a whole lot more trouble for them. "Far from now, yes, I think you could return, but it will look much different than what you're familiar with now."
"So you think he really did kill him? I mean.. Nexus would surely have been worth more alive. I mean.. could this guy really hate someone enough to.."
The engineer was about to remind her of the stunts Zodiac had pulled, the great lengths he went to, just to make all of them suffer, even her, and especially Optimus who had played a hand in his developments and torture of experimentation, when Aurora suddenly seemed to realize of that for herself...
"He's probably the most extreme individual bent on vengeance or 'justice' that I have ever met," Rhinox added. He still wanted to know how exactly Zodiac had found them when he not only had to have a physical destination but also a lapse of time, or rather a "rewind". And how did he know about the Vok's weapon? All he could he assume was that he had something to do with the aliens at one point or another. The Vok knew where they were after all, so they could have passed on the information to him or to whomever could relay it to him as well the their earth quake contraption.
"I think I am holding up okay..," "Though I haven't really had the chance to process all of this. The last few days have been chaotic and I'm still trying to make sense of it."
Aurora may have been more comfortable to talk about it with Whitegrazer, so he didn't push the matter any further. She seemed to be alright, as she had explained, but he wanted to do everything he could to keep her from being emotionally or mentally traumatized by all of the events that had taken place ever since she came on-line.
Cheetor to Rhinox, What is going on around here? I just woke up in the CR chamber and the fire suppression system went off. Probably have to clean the foam later.
"Great to hear your voice, Cheetor!," "Rhinox and I are down in the brig doing some repairs. The rest of the crew are on their way back."
As thrilled as Rhinox was to hear Cheetor's voice and know that he was repaired and probably anxious for something to do since he was always on the go and could hardly sit still, he remained focused. "But they've been delayed by the Predacons. And they're outnumbered. How would you feel about providing them with back up, Cheetor?"

"Aurora, we're both concerned about Zodiac being honest, right?" he asked her. "We're done with repairs here so let's move on to another project. Let's develop something that will ensure us that Zodiac is telling the truth if and when he can be questioned. What say you?"

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 12:38 pm
by NaitoKage
With the missile flying up towards Waspinator, he made a hard banking turn as the missile passed by, then started to circle the area in a wide circle maneuver while looking for an opportunity to attack.

Umbra raises his poison sword in a swift motion deflecting the deflected shots Optimus directed towards him. Going to need more then that. Umbra then said. He was then taken by surprise as Blackarachnia jumped onto Optimus's backside, then fired off a missile towards him.

Instinctively Umbra raised a tentacle to block the missile, dropping the throwing blade in his hand. He swiftly drew his second short sword from his back, cutting through the now poisoned tentacle before the cybervenom could course through his system. Umbra's optics narrowed while gritting his teeth, a burning pain seared the cut limb with the other half twitching violently on the ground. At first the cut looked clean, but started to bubble profusely a luminescence green with metal, flesh, and other components at the stump seeming to rot off in black chunks from the acid.

Watching as Terrorsaur took on Optimus, Umbra took a deep breath to center himself. He couldn't allow the pain and anger he was experiencing to cloud his judgement.

As Optimus started to fly off, Umbra activated his comlink to Waspinator. Fly in 50 meters, then rake Optimus's backside with your Optic blast and pull back.You can do this, I'll catch up. While many saw Waspinator as a joke, the Ninja already knew better. His mental faculties and courage may be weak, but his transmetal body was probably the strongest of the predacon fliers from his observations, a habit of studying not only his enemies but allies alike, in attempt to work better with them.. or perhaps more darker reasoning if such a need came.

Umbra sprung into the air activating his thrusters, six of his tentacles opening their webbing as he took to the air, his injured 8th and 7th tentacles held closer to keep his balance while in flight.

Making a hard banking turn in the air, Waspinator flew down transforming to his robot mode. Seeing Blackarachnia on Optimus's back, Waspinator let out a dark chuckle, his optics then flashed as he whipped his head firing a continuous laser and raking it across Blackarachnia and Optimus, then started to fly back, to avoid possible attacks back.


Landslide watched as Zodiac fired into Nemesis, he then moved in raising his shield to block further attack on the pred, until Rattrap shot the gun out of Zodiac's hand.
Optimus Primal wrote:"Dat's enough,"
Landslide stepped back holding his shield at his side, he then kneeled down examining Nemesis. Doesn't look too fatal, well.. in her case anyway.. She'll probably be back on er' feet soon when her nanites reboot. The beetle stood up, then looked towards Zodiac and Rattrap I don't think that's somethin' you want to stick around fer though.. She might try to repair herself with parts of you two.

Aurora wrote:"Great to hear your voice, Cheetor!," "Rhinox and I are down in the brig doing some repairs. The rest of the crew are on their way back."

Rhinox wrote: "But they've been delayed by the Predacons. And they're outnumbered. How would you feel about providing them with back up, Cheetor?"

Cheetor looked around at the trashed base, then responded Alright,Send me the coordinates. I'll try to help Bigbot and the others. Cheetor then made his way towards a door at the side of the ship, normally used for loading when at a dock. Considering how bad the ship looked, he didn't think the lift was still working, but he could manually open the side door. typing into a keypad, he was surprised to see the sidedoor still worked, then hopped out transforming to his vehicle mode and started to fly in the air.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:03 pm
by una
((OOC: Hopefully, I got everything. :D ))
We can only do so much,
I know. The only thing you can do is the best you can. No one could be at two places at once. She meant physically anyway. Even in a spiritual sense, power becomes limited. But she wanted to reassure him. I will keep an optic on Megatron and the other two. Hopefully, she could warn those she loved if they tried or pulled anything. So far they remained the same.
"Thank you,"
"Don't mention it." And Blackarachnia really meant those words. She didn't want the Maximals thinking she was going soft. The action was an one-time deal. She was only trying to be convincing. To scare and anger her former comrades, so they felt the betrayal firsthand. So she could actually stick to them. With a sparkling smile of satisfaction.
"Alright, we'll see what we can do,"
Blackarachnia nodded. Going with Optimus' plan of having the three flyers chase them towards the little battle the shapeshifter, the stinky rat, and the big Maximal beetle were having with Nemesis, before she enacted her plan to tie them all up one by one, she would wait and see what happens. Waspinator was zipping around her and Optimus. She wanted to shoot him down so bad, but she was going to wait until he attacks before she fired on him. She still waited for Terrorsaur's powerful yet cocky maneuvers towards her and Optimus. Her focus went towards Umbra. To her, he was the bigger threat while Waspinator was making her dizzy. She fired another missile towards Umbra as Optimus talked to Terrorsaur. Saw that Umbra was making an attempt closer to their position. A burning sensation zipped past her back.
"You have yet to impress me with you aerial skills, Terrorsaur, even now as a TransMetal!"
Terrorsaur was all show and no substance. Heh. That's why she tended to pull a gun at him or a powerplay to get him to do what she wanted him to do back on the Darksyde. And he always lost. No wonder Megatron didn't feel frightened by the pterodactyl's attempts at leadership. He was just a loud-mouthed fool.

When Optimus was done, she swiped one of his twin weapons, Let me borrow this a second. She quickly used one of teh weapons to deflect Waspinator's remaining attacks. She gave it back. Thank you!
And whose fault is that?!,
The only way to stop Zodiac from any further harm was to strip him of his power. Despite attempts to try and reason with him, to try and get him to stop of his own free will, he only answered her and others with arrogant condescension and revengeful indignant. There was no other option that would insure he harmed no one else without actually kill him. But she owned up to her plan putting him in greater danger. And if anything happened to him, it would be her fault because her plan failed.

I will do my best to rectify my part in this and get you out of this sticky situation.
You don't think I'm trying to?,
Whitegrazer felt Zodiac's intense emotions. The bot was struggling with his new found weakened state as well as the fact he was reliance on the very people who he tried to hurt and kill for the past few days. The people who he lied and pretended to be a friend towards. The people for a moment he couldn't wait to see die in front of his eyes to get his greatest revenge towards Optimus. Yet, here he was, working with them for his own survival against the person who he had hurt and betrayed.
I can't. Not now.
She sensed Zodiac's finger on the trigger. His anger, vengeance towards his former ally. Her hand raised made a stop motion at Zodiac. Zodiac, don't kill her. Despite what has happened to both of you, there is still hope. She is a part of your past. A good one, if you let it. But you need to focus on getting out of there. No time for revenge. Get away from her before she rejuvenates. A part wanted to try and mend Zodiac and Nemesis' relationship, even if it wouldn't make sense. She didn't know. It was probably crazy to the others. But because of her part in the creation of nanomachines and the experiments, she wanted some good to come out of those horrific events.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 9:54 pm
by DarkSpark
OOC: Sorry for the delay everyone, been a busy, busy weekend for me, but I'm back now. Thanks for your patience, & please do correct me if I overlooked something in my post.
Una wrote: Blackarachnia reloaded and fired another missile at Terrorsaur from behind Optimus, "Watch your mouth, Ptedactyl! It has got you in trouble beforehand."

Whitegrazer remained hidden from everyone. Keeping an eye on Optimus and Blackarachnia, feeling a burning sensation than cooling, was that Blackarachnia's doing? Maybe she healed the poison Umbra gave to Optimus. At least, Optimus would think and fight better without those needling effecst from the poison. Though, it seemed Optimus and Blackarachnia seemed to have a good hand on the situation now. As for what was going with Zodiac, she as dealing with mixed emotions. It was because of Nemesis' involvement. She felt the intense rage, betrayal, and struggle for survival from Zodiac. Felt her entire body throbbing. Her thigh shook from a sharp pain like someone had stabbed her there.

"RAWK!" screamed Terrorsaur as he deflected Blackarachnia's missiles with his left sword, sending it careening to off course to explode harmlessly away from him, while he took a swipe at Primal's gun hand with his free blade.

"Not nearly as much trouble as YOU'LL be in when Megatron gets his hands on you, TRAITOR!" Terrorsaur spat back with utter contempt in his voice, making it clear in no uncertain terms that even he of all predacons felt she had crossed the moral event horizon by siding with the maximals, utterly shameless.

He followed up with optic blasts fired at BA, hoping to hit her before she ducked behind Primal again, but not really caring if he hit her or him, they both needed to go, and one would easily fall once the other was out of the picture.

OOP wrote: After absorbing Whitegrazer's words that seemed to refresh Primal, taking in her energy and peace, he blasted off with his passenger as he used his wrists to twirl the twin weapons in his hands, taunting the incompetent Predacons to encourage them to get arrogant and chase him and Blackarachnia as they "escaped" their clutches and headed toward Rattrap, Landslide and Whitegrazer. "You have yet to impress me with you aerial skills, Terrorsaur, even now as a TransMetal!" Optimus teased him.

"As if your opinion matters to me you spineless Ape!" Terrorsaur snarled as he fired a volley of shoulder missiles after him, wanting so very badly for the blasted maximal to go up in flames like a firecracker, hating the fact that someone who's beast form wasn't even designed for flight had the GALL to insult his own aerial capabilities.

"Well?! What are you two waiting for? LETS GET THEM!" Terrorsaur yelled at Umbra and Waspinator, expecting them to follow him as he became airborne again, looking back at in annoyance when they didn't immediately join him in the sky.

"WELL?!" Terrorsaur yelled, as if predacons needed written invitations to hunt down maximals.

Naito wrote: Making a hard banking turn in the air, Waspinator flew down transforming to his robot mode. Seeing Blackarachnia on Optimus's back, Waspinator let out a dark chuckle, his optics then flashed as he whipped his head firing a continuous laser and raking it across Blackarachnia and Optimus, then started to fly back, to avoid possible attacks back.

"Now that's the spirit Wasp!" Terrorsaur cackled as he followed the bug, mimicking his optic blast attack and flying off in the opposite direction so Primal and BA couldn't fire on both of them as they pulled away from their targets.

"Heheheheheheh! Hey Umbra, you gonna join in on the fun before Wasp and I finish them off or what?" Terrorsaur laughed into the comm link, as he circled around for another attack, eye beams charging.

Elsewhere, Megatron grew impatient at the ambush site, beginning to wonder what was taking his second in command.

"Nemesis, this is Megatron, report" Megatron inquired, growling when she didn't immediately reply, "Nemesis, REPORT! What is happening out there? ARGH...Umbra, this is Megatron, status report, quickly. Any sign of Nemesis or Zodiac from your end?"

Megatron was beginning to worry that his ambush would have to be abandoned in favor of a more aggressive pursuit of his quarry, the maximals and Zodiac should have fallen into his grasp by now, but he didn't want to abandon a sound strategy needlessly and lose the element of surprise if his enemies were literally right around the corner.

"Heavy is the head that bears the crown" Megatron mused to himself as he considered his options.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 12:14 am
by Phoenix
One of the many gifts his excessive training had taught the former shapeshifter, was to block out any emotions he himself might harbor in order to get the mission done. It was a talent he often relied on, especially during his earlier missions, and soon it had become almost second nature to him. He considered it a gift since it made his job a lot easier, especially when he was forced to make some tough decisions along the way.

So it hadn't been a problem for him to put aside any memories he might have had of a better time with Nemesis. As far as he was concerned, her fate was sealed the moment she turned on him. But whereas her response was filled with a burning irrational rage, his had been as calm, collected, and frigid as it could get. Perhaps if Nemesis had stayed on with the project, she could have learned to mask her feelings as well as he could. Well.. It hardly mattered anymore.

He had approached her with a silent mask of unforgiving determination on his face, aiming his own weapon at her head once she was incapacitated by his previous attack. Two departing shots was all he'd need now that her nanomachines were temporarily out of commission. One to the head, at least he'd grant her that mercy and render her unaware as he placed the second and final shot through her spark. The combination of the two would surely end her, provided he could get the shots in before the technology within her rebooted. Technology he was all too keenly aware of which immense capabilities they possessed. And should the female be allowed to live, it would surely come at the cost of his own life.

His finger resting on the trigger, he placed the weapon against the unconscious female's head. No goodbyes, not now. There would be time for that later should he feel the need to.

A sudden blast against his hand sent the weapon flying out of his grasp as it dropped to the ground. The renegade gasped in surprise and pain, most of the blast had hit the weapon itself but some residual parts of the impact still hit his hand. He grabbed the newest of his ever growing number of wounds, clutching his hand with his other arm, while sending the rodent a glare that would surely have brought a lesser bot to his knees. Of course he was still wearing the cuffs so his movements were as such very limited.
"Dat's enough,"
That rat was truly starting to get on his nerves. How many times was he going to interfere?!

The burning sensation in his hand started to disappear, alerting Zodiac that the damage done to his hand wasn't serious. Only some superficial damage that wouldn't cost him the use of his hand. Well, for as much as he could use the hands anyway with these restraints keeping his wrists locked together. Well.. at any rate he didn't have to add another limb to his list of what needed repairs. At least that was a bit of good news in an otherwise dreadful day.

"Since when did you care what happens to Predacons?," he hissed back at the rodent, his annoyance evident in his voice.

Nemesis, meanwhile, remained still on the ground. Only the occasional sound and very slight twitch revealed that she was even still alive.
Doesn't look too fatal, well.. in her case anyway.. She'll probably be back on er' feet soon when her nanites reboot. I don't think that's somethin' you want to stick around fer though.. She might try to repair herself with parts of you two.
Zodiac's glare went in Landslide's direction next. It wasn't that the beetle was incorrect in his assumption, in fact the renegade was almost certain his words held true, but right now the beetle was another nuisance.. another Maximal he'd have to rid himself with so he could once again be free.

I will do my best to rectify my part in this and get you out of this sticky situation.

The renegade could barely hold back the dark chuckle the voice in his head prompted. She certainly had impeccable timing, didn't she, always finding a way to remind him that she was ever watching his every move.

Zodiac, don't kill her. Despite what has happened to both of you, there is still hope. She is a part of your past. A good one, if you let it. But you need to focus on getting out of there. No time for revenge. Get away from her before she rejuvenates

"You don't say..," the former shapeshifter said to either Landslide or Whitegrazer, it hardly mattered which, while giving Nemesis a hard kick to the back of the head for good measure before he removed himself from her immediate surroundings. He did so mostly as an act of defiance against the Maximals who were all dictating what he could and could not do. And although the kick was hard enough to send Nemesis rolling onto her backside, it wouldn't be enough to kill her. By now the nanomachines should be in the final stages of the reboot, so more than likely she'd be coming after them again soon. Deciding to pay heed to Landslide and Whitegrazer's warnings, Zodiac started to wander off.

Hope died a long time ago, he reminded the female in his head, when she abandoned me to save herself. Need I remind you of the severity of the punishment for attempting escape? I paid for hers.

Nemesis was still unconscious and was unable to answer Megatron's hail. Of course that was all about to change now that her nanomachines were starting to come back online.
"I'm afraid it might be a little more complicated than that," "Far from now, yes, I think you could return, but it will look much different than what you're familiar with now."
Aurora looked at Rhinox with some confusion. Yes, she was aware of how they had ended up on Earth some millions of years in the past, but unlike the others she had never experienced life elsewhere prior to waking up here.. on this planet, in this time period. It was all she knew of, all she cared about. So the thought of this world being vastly different in the future seemed so strange to her.

"Because of the humans?," she asked of him, genuinely curious if one species could really change that much. Such a strange species these humans were from what research she had done on the topic. Surely the few Autobots and Decepticons that had crashed on this planet couldn't have altered the course of history that much.
"He's probably the most extreme individual bent on vengeance or 'justice' that I have ever met,"
The fuzor looked away for a moment, only to be reminded of all the damage caused because of one individual. Rhinox and Aurora had done as good of a job as they could with repairs, but it was not perfect. The base still looked like a mess.

"I don't think I understand how anyone can be so fueled by hatred and vengeance," she finally said after surveying the damages despite their repairs. "He must have more than one screw loose."

Yet what was even more scary was that the shapeshifter had proven himself to be dangerously intelligent and crafty, and had been able to almost manipulate Optimus into killing all of them. Even Megatron hadn't attempted something that cruel.

She remained quiet while Rhinox told Cheetor to assist Optimus and the others, secretly hoping the cheetah would make it there safely and that the rest could head home soon. The waiting was making her a bit nervous.
"Aurora, we're both concerned about Zodiac being honest, right?" he asked her. "We're done with repairs here so let's move on to another project. Let's develop something that will ensure us that Zodiac is telling the truth if and when he can be questioned. What say you?"
"I think that's a splendid idea," she told Rhinox almost immediately before growing a bit more quiet as she realized she honestly didn't know how to even begin such a thing. The guy had proven himself capable of lying even during the most extreme situations, as was his job as an infiltrator and spy.

"Well.. We could probably create a lie detector, but that wouldn't do more than tell us when he's being dishonest if it would even work. He'd still be able to hide the truth from us."

She paused for a moment, thinking.

"How about more of a biological-chemical approach? Humans used certain medications to force people to tell the truth," she started before suddenly realizing that she was talking about something humans did in past tense when they hadn't even evolved as a species yet. Her history books didn't exactly apply to Earth millions of years in the past. Or present as the case was for her.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 9:47 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
Going to need more then that.
"We're just getting started," Primal confidently returned to Umbra as he and the black widow blasted off just after she fired her missile at him.
I know. The only thing you can do is the best you can. No one could be at two places at once. I will keep an optic on Megatron and the other two.
Alright. Stay alert, Optimus told Whitegrazer as he sensed her still communicating with someone else. Was it Zodiac?

Ooooohhhh, wouldn't we like to have a go with him through an Empath's bond? the voice cheered.

No! We need to concentrate. I will not put all of our lives in danger because you refuse to be QUIET!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! the whisper laughed into silence.
"As if your opinion matters to me you spineless Ape!"
"I'm pretty sure it does to some extent," he muttered bluntly out loud, mostly to himself but Blackarachnia could very well have had heard him. Anyone else would not have. And Terrorsaur... always resulting to name-calling. It was quite unbecoming and immature, but he never expected anything else from the egotistical flier.
"Don't mention it."
The Maximal picked up the sincerity in her voice and left it alone. He knew it would take time for her to warm up to them, if she ever decided to do so and ditch this bad-girl act that she clearly didn't need in order to survive in this faction. He simply tried showing her the respect she probably never received from Megatron.
"Not nearly as much trouble as YOU'LL be in when Megatron gets his hands on you, TRAITOR!"
Optimus took those threats seriously, especially when Megatron had killed Glowstick for under-handing him and seemed determined to punish Nemesis as well for a "crime" she didn't commit. He would do everything he could to make sure Blackarachnia didn't suffer the same fate. After all, there was still hope for her, and they might still be able to help her be rid of Tarantulas.
Let me borrow this a second.
Primal released the grip on his club when she reached for it, allowing her to take it. As she ricocheted a few more shots from Waspinator, he kept his optics on Terrorsaur and Umbra.
Thank you!
Taking back his weapon, he spun it a few times again in his hand and braced himself for their next attack. "Nicely done," he complimented her actions, especially since she had pincers instead of hands, which could not have made it easy to use. As Waspinator flanked them with a steady stream of his optic lasers, Optimus told his passenger, "Hold on!" and he immediately leaned away from the wasp while dramatically dropping his altitude at the same time to avoid getting hit. While Waspinator turned around, the blue ape's pink optics made sure of Terrorsaur's location.
"Now that's the spirit Wasp!"
Now Terrorsaur was flanking them on their other side. They couldn't afford to be trapped by them, so Optimus warned her, "I'm going to do some evasive maneuvers, so hang on. And do you have a spare weapon that I could use?" He returned his clubs to his back where they latched on to since they would be of little use to laser beams and suddenly sped up to avoid Terrorsaur's attack and he began weaving back and forth in the air to cut off the two Predacons' straight line of attacks along their sides so they would have to move as well or increase or decrease their speed to follow him and the spider. But this was only the beginning, not to mention they were nearing the other Maximals on the ground now.

Doesn't look too fatal, well.. in her case anyway.. She'll probably be back on er' feet soon when her nanites reboot.
Rattrap kept a close eye on Zodiac when Landslide stepped in and knelt down to examine Nemesis. Her prognosis sounded well enough, but even the rat didn't know how much Nemesis could take before her creepy nanobots couldn't keep up or could no longer repair her. Zodiac obviously seemed more advanced than she was so he could take a whooping. How much could she endure? He didn't really want to find out. And he didn't want a dead Pred on his head if he could avoid it. ...Unless maybe it was Megatron...
"Since when did you care what happens to Predacons?,"
"Since when did you care what I care about?" Rattrap threw back. "You don't know me. I'm a paradox of mysteries," he added with a short-lived grin, satisfied that his shot knocked the rifle out of his restrained hands before it could do any more damage to Nemesis. He glanced at her as she laid there almost quietly and motionless.
I don't think that's somethin' you want to stick around fer though.. She might try to repair herself with parts of you two.
"You don't say..,"
"Why me?!" Rattrap asked the beetle, offended that he included him. I just saved her life, he thought. The Spy sighed when Zodiac brutally kicked Nem's head before turning away and after Landslide got back to his feet, but he didn't lower his weapon from the former shapeshifter.

"Where do you think yer goin', Zodiac? Yer comin' with us, remember?" the acting Commander told him. "Or would you rather want Megatron ta capture you and rip out yer spark? ...Assumin' you have one ta be taken," he added much more quietly.

"Landslide, you got anythin' ta keep her down or restrain her dat her annoying nanobots won't eat?" he motioned at Nemesis. "I really don't feel like goin' through this over and over and over again."

I don't think that's somethin' you want to stick around fer though.. She might try to repair herself with parts of you two.
Sending Cheetor the coordinates to the mountain, Rhinox added, "Be very careful. They've subdued Zodiac but I think Megatron is after him. And it sounds like it's an active volcano now... It's all a very long story, Cheetor, but I think they could use the back-up, especially a flier, just be careful. I cannot stress that enough."
"Because of the humans?,"
The engineer smiled lightly at Aurora. "Well, yes, but I also meant the planet itself is always changing. Earth is very much alive," he explained, bewildered by the planet's beauty and its ability to sustain such wondrous life and so many kinds of species, animal and plant alike.
"I don't think I understand how anyone can be so fueled by hatred and vengeance," "He must have more than one screw loose."
"That's what concerns me. He's not insane. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he can... or rather could," he corrected himself, "adapt to any situation and environment and manipulate anyone as he needed. He's very complex which makes him extremely dangerous."
"I think that's a splendid idea," "Well.. We could probably create a lie detector, but that wouldn't do more than tell us when he's being dishonest if it would even work. He'd still be able to hide the truth from us." "How about more of a biological-chemical approach? Humans used certain medications to force people to tell the truth,"
Rhinox enjoyed watching the little Fuzor's cogs and gears turn in her brilliant head as her mind began giving her all kinds of ideas it seemed. "That sounds like a good idea, Aurora. You go ahead and get started with that while I notify the others that Cheetor is on his way." He briefly laid a large, reassuring hand on her petite shoulder with a smile as he walked by her and headed for the bridge.

Reaching the command center, he patched into all of the Maximals' comm. links out in the field by the snowy mountain, and said, "Maximals, this is Rhinox. Cheetor has finished his repairs and is en route to provide you with back-up. Do you copy?"
"Maximals, this is Rhinox. Cheetor has finished his repairs and is en route to provide you with back-up. Do you copy?"
"We read ya, Big Green. We could use the help! We're still tryin' ta get through these slaggin' Preds and bring Zodiac back in one piece... er... in the least amount of pieces as possible," Rattrap responded.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part III"

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:00 am
by NaitoKage
Zodiac wrote:"Since when did you care what happens to Predacons?,"
Rattrap wrote:"Since when did you care what I care about?" "You don't know me. I'm a paradox of mysteries,"

Zodiac wrote:"You don't say..,"

Rattrap wrote:"Why me?!"
Landslide stiffled a snicker hearing Rattrap, then watched as Zodiac kicked Nemesis.
Rattrap wrote:"Where do you think yer goin', Zodiac? Yer comin' with us, remember?""Or would you rather want Megatron ta capture you and rip out yer spark? ...Assumin' you have one ta be taken,"

"Landslide, you got anythin' ta keep her down or restrain her dat her annoying nanobots won't eat?" he motioned at Nemesis. "I really don't feel like goin' through this over and over and over again."
The beetle gave a sigh If they didn't have the light of Primus, this planet would be gone like the colony on J'asik.. Hm? Restrain.. Landslide looked towards Nemesis as he spoke up The only thing I have that nanomachines can't eat is me.. or.. parts of me. Landslide said glancing towards his chainsword. He stabbed it into the ground and opened his back, a mechanical arm extending pulling out a spare heavy chain for his chainsword that he grabbed, then some tools to undo some links, then wrap the chain tight around Nemesis's arms and torso to the point it was biting in as he locked the links together with a new pin. He then used some of the remaining chain to bind Nemesis's legs together. It's not really made fer this..However it's heavy duty fer cuttin' rock an' metal, and it's got Rheanimum in it. She'll be helpless until one of er' buddies arrives.
Rhinox wrote: "Maximals, this is Rhinox. Cheetor has finished his repairs and is en route to provide you with back-up. Do you copy?"
Rattrap wrote:"We read ya, Big Green. We could use the help! We're still tryin' ta get through these slaggin' Preds and bring Zodiac back in one piece... er... in the least amount of pieces as possible,"

Landslide stood up overhearing the radio. Thankfully Cheetor is alright.. Dirge really put a number on him.. Though that doesn't solve our flier problem. Cheetor can't fly in robot mode.. Unless you want to act as his gunner. Landslide looks towards Rattrap with a smirk. But it was true, while the Maximals did have some fliers, most of them couldn't fight on equal footings with the Predacon fliers.. Alot of those fliers were too fast, or better equipped for aerial combat.

Rhinox wrote:"Be very careful. They've subdued Zodiac but I think Megatron is after him. And it sounds like it's an active volcano now... It's all a very long story, Cheetor, but I think they could use the back-up, especially a flier, just be careful. I cannot stress that enough."

Cheetor responded Got it Rhinox, I'll do what I can.

Cheetor turned off his comlink, holding his front cheetah paws forward as he turned and headed towards the mountains coordinates that Rhinox sent him. Jets Maximum burn! Cheetor then said, his thrusters afterburners kicking sending him accelerating at high speed.

Terrorsaur wrote:"Now that's the spirit Wasp!" "Heheheheheheh! Hey Umbra, you gonna join in on the fun before Wasp and I finish them off or what?"

Waspinator strafed to the side watching as Optimus made evasive manuvers while Blackarachnia attempted to defend against a possible attack.

Umbra watched as the missile fired from Blackarachnia at him, though he had much more distance compared to the last time she fired at him. Shifting the direction of his back thruster and closing some webbing on his tentacles, Umbra strafed and rolled out of the way of the missile, he then sheathed his swords away opening the webbing on his tentacles, continuing to fly after Optimus. Star broke my gun, but I think I got a trick that might work.. Keep some distance, then after it goes off, both of you flank Optimus and hammer him with missile and gun fire. If you do a pincer strike he'll probably lead you to both shoot each other..

Umbra opened his leg pulling out a democharge from his leg, setting the timer on it, he squeezed it and pulled out a magazine for his old coilgun. Placing the magazine on the Democharge's magnetic surface to hold it, he closed his leg compartment and continued following Optimus, then altered the position of his tentacles and turned the thrusters on his body, causing him to make a sudden spin as he threw and released the democharge using the added Centrifugal force to the throw.

As the Democharge hurlted through the air, came near Optimus, then exploded in midair showering him and his passenger in shrapnel.

Waspinator watched in surprise, then came down flying after Optimus holding up his Toxic stinger and started firing Cyber venom blasts rapidly at him and Blackarachnia.
Megatron wrote: "Umbra, this is Megatron, status report, quickly. Any sign of Nemesis or Zodiac from your end?"

Umbra responded No, not yet. We've still been tailing Primal and Blackarachnia. I'll report if I see them my Lord.