"OC Episode #3"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Alak »

((OOC: Whoops, that was a really big slip up lol. My bad on that, but I'll keep my post the way it is since yours made me laugh.))

Scorponok cocked a brow.

"The runt betrayed us!" he snapped, "I told her to assist me in eliminating Optimus Primal, but instead she told me..."

The Predacon recalled her words but due to pride issues he chose not to reiterate them.

"Erm... she spewed out what she thought were witty insults and shot me in the face with her acid pellets."
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Unread post by Phoenix »

What the..?

As the tree she was resting in suddenly evaporated from the blast, Nemesis immediately flapped her wings enough to get airborne once more before the remains of the remains of the tree collapsed to the ground.

She did not have to wait long for her answer, however, as the squid from earlier approached her. Indeed Glowstick appeared rather misplaced in a volcanic area such as this, and Nemesis found herself wondering how long it would take for the squid to merely dry up.

Yet before she could do anything else, the creature spoke.
Well Well.. I didn't expect you to show up here Nightmist..You must be malfunctioning Maximal.
So he mistook her for this Nightmist, did he? Nemesis was finding the situation increasingly amusing. So much so, in fact, she had a very hard time holding back a burst of laughter.

"Shouldn't you find a pond somewhere to play in?," she then responded, a smirk visible even in this avian mode. "Unless, of course, your messed up team is so short-staffed they had nobody else available to form the welcoming committee."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick's optics narrowed as he heard the voice. Well well.. looks like I'm not the only one to be expected to dry up and die. Looks like you fused with Nightmist to deal with this planet's radiation.. I was sent out as punishment for not bringing you in, but.. I guess nobody needs to know any different if I cook your hide.. he snickered darkly as he was about to fire, his comlink then activated Hold it! was suddenly heard.

Glowstick sighed turning off his music, then raised one of his arms as a holographic image of Megatron's head suddenly emitted from it Still watching I see..

Megatron then responded Yes. Ahem, Greetings miss. I am Megatron, leader of the Predacons. I take from overhearing my communications officer, you are not who you appear to be. Perhaps you would wish to speak more in person, I imagine we both have many things to discuss..Yesss..

Glowstick lowered his head rubbing his face with a tentacle Great.. just what we need, another unstable loose cannon among the ranks. And this one is practically a walking biohazard.

Glowstick, escort this young lady back to base.

Glowstick sighed turning off the hologram and turned off his radio, then turned his back as he spoke up You have two choices.. you can either follow me back to the Darksyde, or you can run off and be hunted like a dog by the Maximals as I doubt they'd let you live after skinning their cute little innocent nurse.. Simply a crowd of overbearing barbaric hypocritical scum.. Not that the Predacons are better, but at least they don't hide what they are. Che.. Beast mode. he then stated, transforming to his squid mode and starting to float back towards the ship.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Steelclaw was just about to ask what, specifically, the insults were that Frilla had spewed, but he changed his mind. Scorponok would be mad at the question. He might have even ended up thinking Steelclaw was trying to embarrass him.

"Seems pretty abrupt," he remarked instead. "Do you know if Glowstick and Snow Trix have gotten back yet?"
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Phoenix »

You have two choices.. you can either follow me back to the Darksyde, or you can run off and be hunted like a dog by the Maximals as I doubt they'd let you live after skinning their cute little innocent nurse.. Simply a crowd of overbearing barbaric hypocritical scum.. Not that the Predacons are better, but at least they don't hide what they are. Che.. Beast mode.
At this point Nemesis could not hold back the laughter any longer. Not even having flinched when the squid aimed at her, having faced weapons many times throughout her lifetime, the attitude of these protoforms gone beasts continued to amuse her to no end. And then the squid had been told off by some purple dinosaur who for some reason introduced himself as Megatron, who promptly invited her into their base..

After the initial burst of laughter calmed down, the avian finally responded to Glowstick's comment.

"You seem to have forgotten, my tentacled friend, that I was the one who came here on my own accord. I have already met, and probably left an impression with your Maximal buddies, and I am still alive to tell the tale."

She turned her gaze to Glowstick for a moment as she flew above him while following him casually towards the base, her tone of voice rapidly becoming more serious.

"So do not lecture me on what my choices are.. The choice I already made should be blatantly clear by now."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick heard Nemesis, but remained silent as he made his way back towards the Darksyde. He was still in a sour mood having to repair the transport of all the damage she put onto it. As he floated into the ship, Megatron appeared to be standing in the hanger, Glowstick shrugged and continued on his way, then stopped as he noticed Steelclaw and Scorponok in the hall talking, he floated above the two, then lowered his altitude after passing over Steelclaw, heading towards his quarters. Least I can put this day behind me.. he then mumbled to himself.
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Unread post by Alak »

Blazemane wrote:"Seems pretty abrupt," he remarked instead. "Do you know if Glowstick and Snow Trix have gotten back yet?"
"I do not..." started Scorponok.

He paused as Glowstick eerily floated over their heads. At least he was polite enough not to step in between the two.

"Uh," he continued, "Glowstick's back."