Hey everyone! I am so sorry for the wait! Pheonix PMed me and pointed out that I said I'd be back in June and it is now August. I really should have checked back in to let people know how things were going because they were not going well for a while there and my recovery took longer than expected.
My health situation got a bit complicated. They said that I had a bad infection and allergic reaction to bites from some unknown insect (original theory was fleas, second theory was chiggers), but it turns out the rash was misdiagnosed entirely. I actually had a type of staph infection. Not to mention it was pretty resilient so pretty much everything they gave me wasn't working. I was still dealing with the infection right up until the honeymoon. We almost had to cancel because we weren't sure we'd be able to leave the country. I was in so much pain and was so sick from the infection and combination of drugs I was on to get rid of it.
Anyway, once I was feeling better which was towards the end of June, maybe beginning of July, I had to get caught up with everything that I fell behind in while I was sick. One of the things I fell way behind in was a class I was taking. As I explained to Pheonix via a PM, it is crucial that I focus on this class right now. I have just a few more assignments to go plus two tests to take. My goal is to finish by the end of the summer or sooner if I can. So hopefully you'll see me back in the next few weeks, but I have no idea how I will jump back in.....is there a new episode starting soon? That might be easier than trying to read EVERYTHING I've missed in the last, what, six months? Just someone needs to fill me in on how the virus gets/got cured so I can retcon some stuff with Arachnitron.
Sig by WorpeX.
"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
Welcome back, I assumed you were probably busy with life.
As for the game, I have no idea if it'll be done in the next coming weeks.. but to recap..
Pretty much at this point all the Predacons other then Blackarachnia and Nemesis were infected. Aurora had managed to make the cure and vaccinate the maximals. Megatron eventually went insane listening to all the voices in his head, Starshadow started trouble, got infected, and later got into a fight with Megatron. Lets see.. Tarantulas's suit got ripped, he also got infected.
Meanwhile realizing Night terror was Zodiac's underling, Umbra went to pursue Zodiac at the Maximal base while for er.. plothole reasons, Blackarachnia went to the Maximal base to find the cure.Blackarachnia got shot up, Umbra decided it was better to make friends with the Maximals as trying to fight them all to get to Zodiac is a bad idea, Zodiac used Sentinal to shoot Umbra and drop a wall on him in an attempt to shut him up.
Lets see.. then Optimus was repaired, Umbra was awaken and told Whitegrazer and the others that Nexus was Zodiac, only Whitegrazer believed him. Zodiac tricked Optimus into luring everyone to the hanger where he had constructed a bombproof chamber with stairway mounted to the ceiling connected to a scanner in the hanger. (How he did this without the beetle that lives there noticing.. No idea, I blame Nanomachines and move on.)
Zodiac attempts to get Optimus to have the scanner scan the room, Ironclaw gets blamed as being the shapeshifter, freaks out and claws his way out of the ship running off, only to end up in a short battle with Dirge outside in the lake at the base of the waterfall, then get free and run off further while Cheetor pursues him slowly. Whitegrazer has a vision about everyone dying in an explosion, runs up and interferes, causing Nexus/Zodiac to act strangely which Optimus notices while Whitegrazer senses his nanomachines confirming his disguise. Zodiac shapeshifts his hand into a blade and rams it into Whitegrazer, then Optimus snaps and starts shooting Zodiac, the scanner comes back on in an attempt to try to blow everyone up with a hidden bomb in the stasis pod at the beginning of the episode, but the scanner is destroyed by Landslide. Rhinox pulls Whitegrazer out of the room and Landslide shoots Zodiac in the back with his makeshift lightning laser cannon.
With Zodiac captured, and the Maximals not wanting the virus spread further, the cure is given to Nemesis and she flies off to the Predacon base to reclaim her place among them. Blackarachnia on the other hand decides to stay with the Maximals as she's tired of Tarantulas having control of her, and being under Megatron's tyranny.
Now currently Optimus and Whitegrazer are being repaired again/more, Zodiac woke up from being tranquilized and put back to sleep, Rattrap got control of Sentinel again and is now attempting to disarm the stasis pod bomb, Ironclaw is still running,Landslide and Rhinox eventually plan to build a containment, and Megatron is pondering why NOT to destroy Starshadow..
Clearly that's not all of the small details, but more or less most of it. Part of the reason there are less details for the Predacons is Darkspark went on hiatus for awhile to focus on a writing contest, and at this point he plays a majority of the Predacons on his own as there is only 6-7 active players in the game at the moment.
Also considering how long it was taking to resolve the Maximal side of the story, there really wasn't anything for the Predacons to do for the past few months. So you've managed to come back around the time that the Predacons can progress again, but other then Umbra none of them have been cured yet. That's coming.
So...yea, three months and two days. Don't blame anyone if they're incredibly angry or annoyed with me right about now but I've been having a lot of stuff going on primarily involving school and just draws too much attention from most other things I do. Even on other forums I have fallen in activity and here definitely was one of them. This past summer proved a lot busier then expected and I have five classes each semester this year on top of two tests I have to take in a month (both of which are required because I didn't graduate in the state of Gerogia ).
I am deeply sorry for so many off and on absences and plans I had with others, in particular Una and Mysteria. A lot of this was rather unforeseen and thought I could make time between the stuff I love to do and real life responsibilities but I just couldn't find the right medium for both. Honestly, I wasn't sure where else I should have put this to explain my current going-ons and lately I've also had some family stuff going on involving my stepsister and extended family.
Right now, I am doubtful I can return to the game again without showing concern for another long disappearance. Just think it's time I called it quits and not keep causing frustration and hold ups. Three years back it was easier since I wasn't dealing with college but nowadays it seems too much to really keep up any longer.
My contacts:
Sorry to see you go, but I believe we all understand. Real life always comes first, so don't let it bother you too much. Least we know your doing alright, just busy. Good luck with college and have fun!
*gives everyone a Rampage sized hug*Minus the death part of course. But I have greatly enjoyed my time here, even if I've had bouts of long absences that I always kick myself for. I certainly can say I hate real life sometimes and it's curve balls but as I said I have been doubtful for a real return. But I did talk with Una the other day when I had a bit more time and it has had me getting an idea, something that really didn't occur to me honestly.
I REALLY don't want to give this place up, especially when I enjoy all the times we have here. I still have reservations for trying one more time but I thought maybe at least checking in every 2, 3 days I can still keep up and find time to answer. It'd mostly be late at night but I'm really not ready to give this place up. Guess if you guys haven't yet killed my characters, which I doubt would happen right off the bat, maybe I can get back into the game. But maybe when the new one episode starts this time since I also need time to catch up with where I left off...
*clings to forum*I will not give up yet!
My contacts:
Usually if a character or player is away for awhile, they just go into hiatus, not death. Story wise they could be wandering around scouting the earth,mining resources, training out in the wilds.. Any sort of excuse really. So Winter and Spiny are okay.
Honestly, even if I wanted to get back in the game I wouldn't begin to know how this time around. Unless you guys have suggestions I'm all ears for them. Last I left them Spiny (like this nickname by the way NK) was starting to suffer the hallucinations from that virus and Winter was about to join Ironclaw and Banshee for interrogation. By now I'm sure all this has past so I'm kinda left with not knowing what to do until I catch up from...page 5 I think it was?
Also, if possible I still am interested in bringing in Tigerhawk. His entrance is still up in the air for just a good chance of timing.
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