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Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:08 am
by Blackrosefencer
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:Great audition, Wildfire! Thank you. I'm looking for someone who's a little more reliable to play him since Cheetor is a fun character and one with a lot of development, not to mention his bond with Optimus. So he's yours if you want him.
Sorry, Alak. I need to see more activity from you with Orcariner (whom I love and miss in the game right now) before you should add one of the major characters to your list. Get crackin'!

Oh....if I had known you were going to say that I would have auditioned for Cheetor! I was aiming to play Cheetor too because he's so different from my other characters, but since Alak had expressed an interest in him, I didn't.
Wildfire: What are you intentions with Dinobot? Did you want him too?
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:17 pm
by Wildfire94
Actually I decided not to take Dinobot, I just can't see getting into his character.
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:50 am
by Blackrosefencer
So sorry for the wait......I kept getting the dreaded General Error message. That really needs to be fixed. It's getting really frustrating. Anyway here is my audition for Dinobot
Role: Dinobot
Player: Blackrosefencer
Reason for Audition: My other characters are Predacons so having a Maximal would be a nice change and since he's a Predacon turned Maximal, he wouldn't be too hard for me to portray. And Dinobot's awesome!
*Side note: I didn't want to write an outside of battle post based on the show and end up falling victim to reusing lines so I took some inspiration from his pre-beast wars days and what may have been how things played out between Megatron and Dinobot on Cybertron.
Outside of Battle:
Dinobot found his mind wandering as he completed his assigned patrolling duties. He hadn't encountered any Predacons on his assignment so he had turned around and headed back to the Axalon. He generally was much more thorough than that, but he was anxious to return to his search for information on the infamous golden disks that he had helped Megatron to steal from the Maximals. He figured the information would be readily available in the Axalon's archives, but much to his chagrin, there was very little to be learned about the mysterious artifact. He still only knew the legends and rumors that his kind had passed among themselves for centuries.
His kind. He scoffed at the thought. So much had changed since crash landing on this once unknown planet. It was hard to believe that he had been among those who he was now fighting against and he had once shared their ideals. He thought back to those days just before leaving Cybertron. Dinobot remembered them well.
His battle days had been long behind him and he had been in charge of training new Predacon troops. He hadn't seen Megatron in megacycles having fought along side him in battles long past. So he was shocked to have him approaching him one day after a long, hard day of strenuous training. Megatron had a proposition and Dinobot had originally refused, but Megatron was persistent.
"My dear comrade," Megatron had said using his most persuasive tone. "This is an opportunity to have our kind prevail over the Maximals once and for all."
"No," Dinobot had countered. "This is an opportunity to get ourselves killed!"
"But you are a warrior," Megatron continued. "Surely you'd rather spend your days fighting for the survival of the Predacons instead of wasting away here at the training compound."
He struck a was true, but Dinobot hadn't wanted to admit it. "If I am to spend my last days fighting for the survival of the Predacons, then I would much prefer to be fighting for something I will not regret as I take my dying breath. This plan will fail."
"The plan is fool-proof! We will not fail!"
"Only a fool believes his plan to be fool-proof!"
Megatron had contemplated this for a moment acting as though that was the first time the thought had crossed his mind, but Dinobot realized afterwards that this was just an act. "I do believe you're right," Megatron had said slyly. "All the more reason I should have you to help me with my endeavor."
Dinobot snarled at that and did not reply, but finally Megatron had said the one thing that Dinobot couldn't refuse.
"This is an opportunity to find the answer to all of life's unanswerable questions."
Dinobot shook his head as he recalled how they had, in fact, succeeded in stealing the disk, but the plan had not been fool proof has Megatron had promised.
In Battle:
There were six of them total sneaking around the Maximal compound on Cybertron attempting to locate the famed golden disks. Megatron and Dinobot had led the crew. Only Megatron had actually seen the disks, but he needed the rag tag group of Predacons to help him to steal it. He counted on Dinobot to back him up and enforce his authority over the others.
Dinobot followed closely behind Megatron and kept a sharp eye on the others. Out of the rest of the group, there was only one other who had the intelligence to keep up with Megatron and Dinobot. The others were bumbling fools. In fact, one of them was the reason the plan had almost failed!
Without realizing it, one of the six Predacons had stepped on a small button that triggered a silent alarm alerting the Maximal authorities of their presence. It was Dinobot that spotted them first.
"Behind you!" he had shouted as one the Maximals raised his weapon to shoot at the unsuspecting Predacons. They all took cover behind boxes and crates and other clutter.
One of the Maximals nearest to him, shot at him with an energon pistol. Dinobot returned fire with his eye lasers. The maximal fired at him again taking a large chunk out of the crate Dinobot had been using for cover.
Having no cover, Dinobot emerged from behind the box and lunged towards his opponent with his rotating sword. The Maximal parried with his energon pistol and then unsheathed his own sabre with which to duel.
"Hurry!" Dinobot called over his shoulder as he thrust his weapon towards the Maximal again. "We must retreat! We have been discovered!"
The Maximal raised his weapon and aimed for vital circuitry. Dinobot elbowed the weapon arm out of way knocking the Maximals' blade towards the ground. With one swift motion, Dinobot speared the Maximal through the chest with his blade. He pulled it out roughly and watch the last of the Maximal guard's fall to the ground in stasis lock.
Megatron had suddenly reappeared holding the golden disk. He had succeeded! "Let us take our leave," Megatron had said. "They will be sending back up quickly." He looked down at the damaged Maximal and looked back at Dinobot. "You've done well, yes. It appears you haven't lost your touch after all."
Out of Battle:
As Dinobot neared the Axalon his thoughts returned to the present. In the end, he had turned on the Predacons and left them thinking that Megatron had taken them to the wrong planet. How wrong he had been.
But now, his thoughts returned to the thoughts that had driven him to help Megatron in the first place. What of these golden disks? He knew they contained images from the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons, but they had gone back in time. So what of the future now? What did their presence mean to the images on the disks? Were they pre-determined outcomes or were his actions his choice and his alone? How could he find out the answers to these questions if he no longer fought along side Megatron?
Dinobot shook his head clear of all thoughts for the moment as he stepped upon the lift to take him back up to the Maximal ship's bridge.
“O teach me how I should forget to think," Dinobot said to himself.
The velociraptor stepped off the lift sullenly and returned to his research on the golden disks. There had to be an answer in the Maximal's data somewhere. He was determined to find it.
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:03 am
by Optimal Optimus Primal
Nicely done, Blackrose! I like it. And since you don't really have a Maximal, and you said Dinobot is awesome (which suggests you will take care of him and enjoy writing for him

), you are welcome to have him! Thank you so much.

Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:18 pm
by DarkSpark
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:Nicely done, Blackrose! I like it. And since you don't really have a Maximal, and you said Dinobot is awesome (which suggests you will take care of him and enjoy writing for him

), you are welcome to have him! Thank you so much.

OOC: Congrats Blackrose, this will certainly make future battles between Tarantulas and Dinobot alot easier

Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:02 pm
by una
I just want to apologize right now. I decided against taking up Tigatron because I feel that I will not do this character justice, especially with how I'm getting busier and slower on this RPG. I'm sorry.

Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:26 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"That's it! You're out of the herd!"

Just kidding, una. No worries. Thanks for the FYI.
Would anyone else be interested in playing him?
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:21 pm
by Wintersong
Character: Tigerhawk
Player: Wintersong
Reason for Audition: Not normally one for canons but I think Tigerhawk deserves some attention. I know he's not the first choice for anyone for obvious reasons, but I intend to go a completely different direction with this character, which I will give a little sample of that in this audition. Hope you guys like it!
Outside Battle:
Light green optics shifted back and forth, gaze fixed upon the monitor in front of him as he read through past information taken up by his new comrades. At least, the little research they had gotten to gather as previously intended despite this war going on, one that should never have been started. Tigerhawk was interested in knowing this information, hoping to maybe find something that would apply to his own field of science as a geologist from Cybertron. Thus far, he was satisfied with classifications of animals, flora, and some soil samples taken. It intrigued him how diverse Earth was, considering it was the planet they had been confirmed to be on from what he had discovered or heard from others.
Though the one thing he had discovered was that they were in Prehistoric times, and the only thing that had shown through that was that evolution was just starting to take it's grip on some of the species. But what he really needed to look into was earth and soil samples or even plant ones. There was research shown that things could change over time, especially the land and plants as a planet changed over time. The newest Transmetal fuzor hoped that if a break ever came within the Beast Wars he could have that chance, adding onto the research already there in the ship's database. But alas, that was likely to not happen for some time.
The unfortunate thing was Tigerhawk was on monitor duty, keeping an eye out for signs of Predacon foes. While he did look at the research information he was luckily an excellent multitasker and his gaze often shifted to the radars, having seen no blips or signs of movement close to the base. Everything was quiet and peaceful, which was both ominous and welcoming at the same time for the Maximals, but it could always mean the Predacons were planning something and he had to be ready at a moments notice to jump into the fray. But for the time being the Maximal emissary turned geologist was content that things would be just fine.
In Battle:
Tigerhawk grunted as he lifted his transmetalized wing as a way to serve as temporary cover, incoming fire battering his frame from his opponents across barren field. Him and his comrades had to be only a few miles away from the Axalon, trying to keep the Predacons at bay from getting any closer with who knows what of their intentions. Of course, with Predacons you could never know what they were planning next, from stealing information to just downright lowering their resources...the possibilities were a long list.
At the moment, Tigerhawk had to take point from the air since he was one of the few aerial supports for the Maximal side and thus he had to careful. Choosing his central location was vital and just on wrong move he could be blasted out of the air, especially clipping one of his wings bad enough they would not be functional could be a bad spot for the Maximals. But it was luckily even ground for now as he barrel rolled in the air towards the right to avoid more rapid fire in his direction and quickly flying closer towards his targets, his Thermo Energon Scimitar in hand which was meant for if he were to engage any of the Predacon fliers. Luckily, they were distracted elsewhere on the field, leaving it open to attack the Predacons while he had the chance.
"Time to bring the rain!" Tigerhawk declared as his shoulder mounted Machine Gun folded out from behind his shoulder, aimed downwards towards the Predacons. With their focus upon his more ground based companions he open fire on them from above, letting his armor piercing rounds making some contact and forcing the Predacons to scatter slightly. Now it was Tigerhawk's turn to be the distracted one, his gaze solely focused upon keeping the Predacons pinned and getting some leverage in this meaningless fight it felt like. His systems giving a last minute warning as a single missile came up behind him, causing the fuzor to look back with wide optics, yelling as the missile made it's mark, causing an explosion from the collision with enough force to send him soaring through the air and crash landing into the ground.
Unfortunately, it was enough to make his wing joints spark and part of his armor crack. Though he was still capable of fighting Tigerhawk had the wind knocked out of him, making him struggle to stand and fight, 'I can't give up...not yet...' He thought, trying to force his body to move, despite the pain going through his systems.
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:43 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
Nicely done, Wintersong.
Please note, everyone, that I allowed Wintersong to take on Tigerhawk but on a couple of conditions that she and I agreed on. One, he doesn't have those fancy meteorological powers that Vok had given him in the show so he can't control the weather. Two, he's not made from Airazor's and Tigatron's sparks combined, he has his own. I know he wasn't everyone's favorite character because of those issues and his short life span in the show, like he was just a filler or an excuse to bring the Vok back into the mix, but Wintersong will be making him his own person so ignore everything you know about him in the show except for his appearance, weapons and some of his personality.

Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:52 pm
by Wintersong
Thanks OOP! ^^ And yes, he's still keeping some of his weapons, like the machine gun he had on his wings which I will move to the shoulders instead. And his appearance generally shall remain mostly the same in robot and beast mode, with some slight modifications such as being a Transmetal I with a similar metallic look Quickstrike has and actually have a hawk-related appearance to make more sense. I also liked his wisdom sort of persona in the series, and that is one thing I will be keeping in his personality but the rest he is getting a complete make over to become his own individual bot. I shall work on his profile sometime tonight.
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:53 pm
by NaitoKage
I don't really have much issue, however there is one slight thing. Doesn't he go against the no more cats rule?

Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:55 pm
by Wintersong
Wasn't there exceptions to canons though? 0.0 I probably forgot since been a while I last read the rules.
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:13 pm
by NaitoKage
Well technically yes, but also Tigerhawk wasn't going to be around towards the end. But I'm just joking around. You already have OOP's approval, so it's fine.
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:40 pm
by DarkSpark
I know Wintersong has OOP's approval & I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but aren't transmetal fuzors against the rules as well?
Re: Second Season Canon Auditions
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:50 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
I actually forgot that Tigerhawk was a white tiger. ...But he's also part hawk. Well, he can be an exception since he was on the show so his character already exists.
I know Wintersong has OOP's approval & I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but aren't transmetal fuzors against the rules as well?
No. I've always considered Quickstrike as a "TransMetal Fuzor" because he's all metal, unlike Silverbolt who's a Fuzor but mostly fur and feathers and whom I wouldn't consider a TransMetal.