Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"
Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:37 pm
The rhinoceros appreciated the Admiral's words, recognizing the desperation and grave concern for his younger student. All of them seemed to be against Ironclaw's actions, so he hoped the badger would calm down before someone would have to take care of him."Rhinox is correct. If you must settle your differences, do it elsewhere. This is a place of healing. And your bickering will not help Optimus on his path to recovery,"
Rhinox lifted his gaze from Optimus for a moment to see Landslide's progress on Nexus. He was impressed with his skills for someone so large; larger than himself, anyway. Just how many skills did this beetle have?Alright, this Nullray should numb the area, I'm going to grind off the paint and apply the patches. It may take a bit for them to cool but just come back and I'll grind em' flush for ya, otherwise yer ready for the Cr chamber.
"Do you think you can rebuild his hands?" the rhinoceros asked him while he worked on their leader's legs down toward his ankles and feet. Not that he asked for his assistance but if he could help, then it would save both him and Primal's time. There's wasn't too much room to spare between the both of them working on him due to their sizes, but since Rhinox was down on one end, Landslide should be able to handle the ape's hands near his torso. Nothing against the big beetle, but he would have preferred Aurora's help. She and her hands were petite, and she was a quick learner with the aspiration to be a great a medical officer. Optimus would have been great experience for her, not just for the physical learning aspect but to also work on someone who meant a lot to her. It made it personal which made it more difficult but in this war that was often the case. Unfortunately, she was still in the CR chamber, so Landslide would have to make do.Alright, now I can help you with Optimus.. I'm no surgeon but I can do structural and fabrication work.
Harsh words. Would Ironclaw have said that to Dinobot as well? He did realize that Onyx was part of their team now, didn't he? At least, Rhinox was almost certain that Optimus had accepted him under his command... hadn't he? Now that he thought about it, he wasn't entirely sure the discussion ever happened since Onyx had been so terribly damaged. In any case, he glanced up at the badger as he left the room, sighing quietly to himself as his aggression left with him."I have made no false claims thus far" "Your existence here is not guaranteed"
"Don't apologize for his actions, Whitegrazer," Rhinox said while he flexed Optimus's feet up and down to test his connections. "They are his and his alone. He must take responsibility for the consequences they cause.""I apologize for the actions of my comrade, Nemesis, but the words you spoke towards him were very true. Hopefully, those words would sink in and make him better person before his actions cause anymore harm towards those he seeks to help."
"Are you alright, Nemesis?" the engineer inquired.
By some, including Rhinox and Optimus. Most were tolerating Onyx, others probably couldn't wait for Nemesis to leave. Ironclaw was proving to be more of a challenge about it than Rattrap. And it was just one more issue that Big Green didn't care to deal with right now."Both of your existence here are very welcomed."
"If you permit me, Nexus, may I offer my company to escort you to a CR Chamber?""I believe Nemesis and I should let you two work. "
This time Rhinox didn't look up from his work, he remained silent and diligent. He didn't mind who was in there. He could work well under pressure, and under curious and watchful eyes. What he didn't want to deal with was rough-housing and bickering that could lead to physical fighting which could damage equipment as well as his patients."I would appreciate that,"
"Leave him,"
Rhinox didn't bother turning to see what was going on until he heard the female Predacon's sai hit the floor. Curiously, he watched how well Nexus was doing on his feet and keeping control of Nemesis at the same time after his operation and the injuries that the CR had yet to repair."I will not!,"
"Why did you interfere, old man? You've seen first hand just how much damage that one is capable of."
The robust Maximal, thoughtful about what Nexus said to Nemesis before he left the infirmary, wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, especially to someone who not only had armor infested with nanobot technology but also had a difficult time getting along with others. He was curious still."I have. But I believe this is one of those times where you need to look beneath the surface for the answers you seek,"
Well, that was easy. Good.Saber's been given the cure, so all clear.
"I'm gonna check on Aurora for a sec," he told Silverstreak and Cheetor as he stood up. "Be right back." He walked out and over to the repair chambers, stepping up to the one that the ermine/butterfly Fuzor was occupying. Looking over her status for her improving condition, he peeked inside the door's window and thoughtfully watched her for a few moments, thankful that she was still alive. Aurora was like a niece to Rattrap. He wish he knew who had shot her so he could return the favor. He was certain his marksmanship would outshine their's. Walking away, the rat returned to the command center, sat back down at his console and started reviewing some of the footage again of the fake Optimus and the fake Nemesis, ever searching for more clues.