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Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:37 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"Rhinox is correct. If you must settle your differences, do it elsewhere. This is a place of healing. And your bickering will not help Optimus on his path to recovery,"
The rhinoceros appreciated the Admiral's words, recognizing the desperation and grave concern for his younger student. All of them seemed to be against Ironclaw's actions, so he hoped the badger would calm down before someone would have to take care of him.
Alright, this Nullray should numb the area, I'm going to grind off the paint and apply the patches. It may take a bit for them to cool but just come back and I'll grind em' flush for ya, otherwise yer ready for the Cr chamber.
Rhinox lifted his gaze from Optimus for a moment to see Landslide's progress on Nexus. He was impressed with his skills for someone so large; larger than himself, anyway. Just how many skills did this beetle have?
Alright, now I can help you with Optimus.. I'm no surgeon but I can do structural and fabrication work.
"Do you think you can rebuild his hands?" the rhinoceros asked him while he worked on their leader's legs down toward his ankles and feet. Not that he asked for his assistance but if he could help, then it would save both him and Primal's time. There's wasn't too much room to spare between the both of them working on him due to their sizes, but since Rhinox was down on one end, Landslide should be able to handle the ape's hands near his torso. Nothing against the big beetle, but he would have preferred Aurora's help. She and her hands were petite, and she was a quick learner with the aspiration to be a great a medical officer. Optimus would have been great experience for her, not just for the physical learning aspect but to also work on someone who meant a lot to her. It made it personal which made it more difficult but in this war that was often the case. Unfortunately, she was still in the CR chamber, so Landslide would have to make do.
"I have made no false claims thus far" "Your existence here is not guaranteed"
Harsh words. Would Ironclaw have said that to Dinobot as well? He did realize that Onyx was part of their team now, didn't he? At least, Rhinox was almost certain that Optimus had accepted him under his command... hadn't he? Now that he thought about it, he wasn't entirely sure the discussion ever happened since Onyx had been so terribly damaged. In any case, he glanced up at the badger as he left the room, sighing quietly to himself as his aggression left with him.
"I apologize for the actions of my comrade, Nemesis, but the words you spoke towards him were very true. Hopefully, those words would sink in and make him better person before his actions cause anymore harm towards those he seeks to help."
"Don't apologize for his actions, Whitegrazer," Rhinox said while he flexed Optimus's feet up and down to test his connections. "They are his and his alone. He must take responsibility for the consequences they cause."

"Are you alright, Nemesis?" the engineer inquired.
"Both of your existence here are very welcomed."
By some, including Rhinox and Optimus. Most were tolerating Onyx, others probably couldn't wait for Nemesis to leave. Ironclaw was proving to be more of a challenge about it than Rattrap. And it was just one more issue that Big Green didn't care to deal with right now.
"If you permit me, Nexus, may I offer my company to escort you to a CR Chamber?""I believe Nemesis and I should let you two work. "
"I would appreciate that,"
This time Rhinox didn't look up from his work, he remained silent and diligent. He didn't mind who was in there. He could work well under pressure, and under curious and watchful eyes. What he didn't want to deal with was rough-housing and bickering that could lead to physical fighting which could damage equipment as well as his patients.
"Leave him,"
"I will not!,"
Rhinox didn't bother turning to see what was going on until he heard the female Predacon's sai hit the floor. Curiously, he watched how well Nexus was doing on his feet and keeping control of Nemesis at the same time after his operation and the injuries that the CR had yet to repair.
"Why did you interfere, old man? You've seen first hand just how much damage that one is capable of."
"I have. But I believe this is one of those times where you need to look beneath the surface for the answers you seek,"
The robust Maximal, thoughtful about what Nexus said to Nemesis before he left the infirmary, wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, especially to someone who not only had armor infested with nanobot technology but also had a difficult time getting along with others. He was curious still.

Saber's been given the cure, so all clear.
Well, that was easy. Good.

"I'm gonna check on Aurora for a sec," he told Silverstreak and Cheetor as he stood up. "Be right back." He walked out and over to the repair chambers, stepping up to the one that the ermine/butterfly Fuzor was occupying. Looking over her status for her improving condition, he peeked inside the door's window and thoughtfully watched her for a few moments, thankful that she was still alive. Aurora was like a niece to Rattrap. He wish he knew who had shot her so he could return the favor. He was certain his marksmanship would outshine their's. Walking away, the rat returned to the command center, sat back down at his console and started reviewing some of the footage again of the fake Optimus and the fake Nemesis, ever searching for more clues.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:55 pm
by NaitoKage
(OOC: Not sure if AdmiralGrim is still around, so.. I guess we'll see? Also.. no idea where or what Dirge is doing at this point. )
Megatron wrote:"Wonderful news""Umbra, it comes to my attention that the traitor may know the cure to this ailment, extract the information from him by any means necessary. Tarantulas and Spineback are currently pursuing other avenues for a solution to this crisis, but until they come up with something that turncoat is our only lead. You may interrogate him where you are or take him to another location if you feel Dirge may interfere despite his restraints, so long as the traitor remains secured and isolated from the rest of the ship. I trust you to give it your best efforts, keep me posted on your progress. Megatron out"

Umbra looked at Night Terror, opening the cell he picked up the Bat with one of his tentacles and slammed him up against the wall hard, another one moving in slapping Night Terror across the face Wake up!

Terrorsaur wrote:"Yeah Quickstrike, Megatron had the place remodeled recently, don't you like the new curtains and wallpaper?""Oh, I'm sure she won't slip past you Quickstrike, you're far too fast on the draw for the likes of her to get the better of you"

Quickstrike looked towards Terrorsaur Uh yeah! Damn right I a-OOF!
starshadow wrote: "SLAG!" "miss me?"

Quickstrike fell over from the vent cover slaming down ontop of him, Waspinator fell to the floor with a thud from the Cybervenom blasts.

Rattrap wrote:"I'm gonna check on Aurora for a sec," "Be right back."

Cheetor waved to Rattrap Yeah sure!
Rhinox wrote:"Do you think you can rebuild his hands?"

Landslide reached over to a small medical computer pad, the back of his clawed fingertip retracting as a small manipulator extended picking up the pad, he then started to tap into the pad with his other finger going through the menus bringing up Optimus's schematics Aye.. I think I can do that, I'll have to build them at my work bench but it hasn't be the first time. Accidents happen in the mines after all. One minute yer digging a hole, the next some idiot mangles an arm in a pulverizer. Landslide then walked out of the Med bay to the hanger, picking up some metal, he started work on milling a few components with a lathe.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:30 pm
by DarkSpark
OOC: @Starshadow: I think Quickstrike is only hallucinating because he got kicked by Megatron too hard, but I suppose the virus will affect him eventually too. I don't think Terrorsaur touched Quickstrike yet, though if people want Terry to be infected from OP I could make that happen instead, though coming up with ways to keep Meg's delusions entertaining is hard enough at the moment lol.

@Una: Deal! TAKE ALL MY SNOW! TAKE IT! "teleports piles of snow from my yard and neighborhood to Una while cackling madly" :twisted: :lol:

Naitokage wrote:
Quickstrike fell over from the vent cover slaming down ontop of him, Waspinator fell to the floor with a thud from the Cybervenom blasts.

Terrorsaur watched in disappointment as both Quickstrike and Waspinator were both easily taken out by Starshadow and a mix of their own incompetence.

"Couldn't even last a few nanokliks, seriously guys?" Terrorsaur sighed in annoyance, gritting his teeth as he realized he'd have to deal with the creepy vampire cat himself...Alone...Oh joy.
Starshadow wrote: Starshadow rolled her optics listening to Terrorsaur and his yabbering. Clearly if she gave away her position by shooting down any of those three mechs in the vents, she would have a greater disadvantage. Though she could just keep silent and pretend she was not around but that would not get her anywhere since they would not be splitting up if they moved on. Starshadow crawled slowly and silently as possible but as she took her third step, a low metallic creak was produced.

"SLAG!" she bolted for the vent's opening kicking the cover open hard with it flying towards Quickstrike and fired her cybervenom blaster three times at Waspinator before facing towards Terrorsaur, "hello sweetheart," she smiled as her jaws splits slowly, "miss me?"

((BOSS FIGHT! Well..not really.. :

"Like metal fatigue, Honey" Terrorsaur replied as he fired his optics beams at her, aiming first for her blaster hand and then her face and torso, hoping to disarm her at least if he couldn't burn some holes in her head and spark chamber.

He kept his swords out in front of himself to block her attacks if need be even as he fired upon her, he didn't want to be poisoned like Waspinator and left at the mercy of their vampiric former comrade.

"If you two aren't too busy, you could make yourselves useful!" Terrorsaur spat out to the others in case either of them were still online, Quickstrike being pretty tough despite his stupidity and Waspinator...Well, just had an uncanny ability to pull himself together no matter how badly slagged he got during battle, and as a transmetal he'd toughened up somewhat, even if his bad luck persisted.

Meanwhile, as Terrorsaur and the others fought Starshadow, Megatron did battle against demons of the mind instead.

"You think you can hide from me in your puny little ship? I am a fortress unto myself!" roared the giant outside as he shook the Darksyde and tore away at the roof with its massive claws, the opening it created finally revealing his identity as none other than...

"Scorponok..." Megatron said in a mixture of awe and growing annoyance, finding it harder to convince himself that his hallucinations weren't real as they became more creative and elaborate.

"The original, not that pitiful crony you dared to name after me, arrogant reptile! You believe just because you stole the REAL Megatron's name you could give mine away as well?!" roared the angry titan, largest and strongest of the decepticon headmasters during the Great War, and rival for leadership of the decepticons against Galvatron.

"Spineback, the security station, NOW!" Megatron growled in irritation, fighting to keep his composure and not open fire inside his own throne room as the enraged face of Scorponok glared down at him, peeling away more of the roof so he could get a better look at him inside...Or perhaps provide his over-sized pincers a better chance at grabbing him.

Tarantulas meanwhile ignored Megatron for the most part, simply remarking "Fascinating" before he returned to his work.

He cared nothing for Megatron and did not care if he lost his mind so long as his hallucinations didn't lead him to open fire upon his own person, or so long as the mad tyrant didn't fulfill his threat of taking Tarantulas down with him so he fail to find a cure.

"Whoever designed this virus knew what they were doing, expose a colony of unknowing bots to this little beauty and the chaos brought about by the mass hysteria would likely lead them to destroy themselves long before the disease itself did the job. A lovely piece of work really...I wonder if it was based off any of my old research?" Tarantulas pondered aloud, fondly remembering all the truly horrific experiments he himself had conducted for the Predacon Alliance back on Cybertron, things so morbid and heinous even some of his own comrades on the Darksyde would likely turn ill at the prospect of his total lack of regard for life in general.

"While you're at the security station Spineback, be a dear and contact Arachnitron for me would you? I haven't seen her for a while and we could use her assistance at the very least...I doubt Inferno here would know what to do with our medical equipment besides break it" Tarantulas said, treating Spineback like a telephone operator and openly insulting the predacon "subcommander" to his face.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:14 am
by starshadow
((OOC: Ooooooohhhhhhh...okay. :3))
"Like metal fatigue, Honey"
Starshadow quickly crouched to avoid the optic lasers and stood up, keeping away the blaster. "Well that wasn't very-" she paused. For some reason, her vision was blurring out and getting darker. A sharp pain was felt in her head, causing her to roar like some alien creature. Normally, one would panick about such a pain with an unknown cause at such a critical moment but instead, she was laughing but that laugh was not hers. It was another femme's laugh. What was going on?! Starshadow finally blacked out but yet her body was still standing, as if ready for combat. The blue glows from her body slowly shifted to black and red, her black claws emitting red sparks.

A different feminine voice speaking through Starshadow's lips, "no one's safe while I'm FREE!"

Alas, the original Decepticon Starshadow finally emerges to conciousness, taking over her current body. She cracked her knuckles, looking towards the transmetal pterodactyl, "Terrorsaur right?" she asked even though she knew who he is, "after so long in that dark and empty place I was trapped in, I hope you can can amuse me in a cycle. Fail to do so...." her tone got darker, "and you'll see how beautiful your internal parts are," she dashed towards him in maximum speed with highly charged red electric blades drawn out of both arms and started slashing against his swords, attempting to cut them or at least damage it.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:00 pm
by una
((OOC: I'm not posting for Blackarachnia just yet.

@DarkSpark: YESSSSSSS!!! Give it to me! *runs around in the snow*))
Phoenix wrote:"I would appreciate that,"
Whitegrazer smiled and kept an optic on the admiral very closely as she wallked beside him.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"Don't apologize for his actions, Whitegrazer," Rhinox said while he flexed Optimus's feet up and down to test his connections. "They are his and his alone. He must take responsibility for the consequences they cause."
That was true, but she wondered if her not having a chance to talk to him about what he saw had something to do with it. Then there was that dark aura she felt before she went with Rhinox to help get Optimus back. Maybe she was partially responsible for such animosity, but like Rhinox said, the actions he had taken were his and his alone. She looked at Optimus. Part of her didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay. She sighed to herself.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"Are you alright, Nemesis?"
She glanced at Nemesis and saw her dashing out with her sai, ready as she raced towards Ironclaw. She quickly ran towards Nemesis, but it was Nexus, who got ahead of her and grabbed Nemesis' wrist before she made a hit.
Phoenix wrote:"Leave him,"
Phoenix wrote:"I will not!," "Why did you interfere, old man? You've seen first hand just how much damage that one is capable of."
Phoenix wrote:"I have. But I believe this is one of those times where you need to look beneath the surface for the answers you seek,"
Her head tilted, wondering what Nexus meant by those words. She watched the scene between Nemesis and Nexus. She didn't know what relation Nemesis had with the shapeshifter. But... something told her defeating the shapeshifter was going to get even more difficult. Only Nemesis truly knew the shapeshifter and with such body language... Was he a mentor to her? Were they comrades in some point? She didn't know, but there was something there. They knew each other. They carried the same nanomachines (she still couldn't see them on Nexus. She needed a bit more time).

"I agree," she smiled towards the admiral. She continued to make sure Nexus went to a CR chamber safely, but when she was beside Nemesis, she turned and spoke, "Nemesis, I wish to discuss something important with you after I make sure Nexus gets into a CR chamber."

She helped lead Nexus into a chamber (she put him in a chamber that wasn't anywhere near Aurora's or around her vicinity, the bridge), and if he needed a hand, she helped him into it, "Now, you stay in there and get better. Hopefully, once you wake up, Optimus will be too." She gave the admiral a smile and a head bow as the chamber's door closed.

She then headed back to Nemesis and smiled warmly, "I haven't showed you my quarters yet, have I? Or the holonet area?" Any place where Nemesis and her could be alone for a bit without anyone... interrupting or trying to instigate something with Nemesis. She walked beside Nemesis, "I know it has been difficult for you here." She glanced at the leg bracelet Nemesis was forced to wear. She grimaced and shook her head in disagreement of her comrades. Nemesis didn't have to come here, but she did. It was her choice to leave or her choice to stay. She didn't approved of an action that made her feel like a prisoner or worse, a slave. "I don't approve of such conduct my friends have put you through. But you can't let Ironclaw or others like him get to you. Those type of people are only looking for one thing: a reason. They want a reaction, they want you to hit them, so they have an excuse to pull a trigger or any sort of cruelty. I don't want that to happen to you, Nemesis."

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:16 am
by Phoenix
(ooc: Dang it, windows update, did you have to reboot so I lost the post I had already prepared? Oh well, here's take #2!)

At last she was at peace. Her body relaxing, movements stilled aside from perhaps a few twitches in her fingers on occasion, Aurora had almost started enjoying the dream like state she was in while the CR chamber finished repairs on her. The process was tedious due to the delicate nature of her injuries. There may not have been many of them, but any intervention that involved someone's spark chamber and the armor plating surrounding it had to be intricate. And so the repairs came along slower than normal but were now finally nearing a finish.

Meanwhile she remained unaware of the recent developments, perhaps blissfully so, as seeing the state Optimus was in when he returned would surely have torn her apart. Initially after entering the chamber she'd been having dreams, or at least fragments thereof, that disturbed her. She saw faces of lost comrades, their lifeless gaze peering at her, shaking her down to the very core. Slowly those faces had faded away, replaced by a lingering nothingness. She had appreciated that, her tense aching limbs relaxing once more.

Ever so slowly her consciousness was returning now that repairs were virtually complete, her optics flickering on and off a few times as Rattrap came to check on her. One could say what one liked about the rodent, but Aurora liked him. She enjoyed his witty and often straight forward comments, his presence was always soothing to her.
"Nemesis, I wish to discuss something important with you after I make sure Nexus gets into a CR chamber."
The avian female merely ruffled her transmetalized feathers, not responding to the other female. Her focus was on where Ironclaw had disappeared to, the old admiral's words still lingering in her mind.

Look beneath the surface..

It very much sounded like he was telling her there was more to Ironclaw than met the optic, but how would the admiral come to suspect such a thing? Of course it would make sense if this attitude of Ironclaw's was due to him not truly being a Maximal but rather a someone doing a poor job of acting out the part. Someone pretending to be one. But as Darkwind Zodiac had kept up the facade of a cool and relatively collected individual whereas Ironclaw was anything but. Was he exaggerating those personality traits to avoid suspicion?

Nexus maintained his characteristic slight limp as he walked with determined steps towards the CR chamber. He wasn't hurrying, exactly, but nor was he going slower than normal. He heard the female equine, the one he'd come to know as Optimus' consort as well as the psychic link that had kept Optimus from breaking. Her voice was always so sweet, so caring, and still hearing it gave him an increasing sense of unease. Paranoia, perhaps, but there was no way of telling what this Whitegrazer was capable of. His powers were physical, merely hidden by a layer of armor, whereas hers were of the mind.. More subtle.. less defined. She could be a threat if she learned the truth. Definitely a priority target, yet someone he could potentially manipulate or perhaps use against Optimus. It was definitely something to consider.

As he stepped into the empty chamber, helped inside by the female, his thoughts drifted briefly to the Predacons and their predicament. By now the virus should be spreading like wildfire, overpowering the Predacons with horrific visions and rendering them virtually helpless. Trapped inside their own minds, inside their own nightmares. Part of him was disappointed he was not there to see it, but hopefully Night Terror and Dirge were still functional enough to keep track. No doubt imprisoned, but knowing Dirge that wouldn't be an issue for long.
"Now, you stay in there and get better. Hopefully, once you wake up, Optimus will be too."
Nexus nodded at her words, offering what seemed like a genuinely grateful smile despite all the cuts and dents on his face.

"Take care of him," he urged her as the chamber doors closed, sealing him inside with only a small window to the outside world. He followed her movements as she left, no doubt hurrying on back to Nemesis after that comment she made earlier. He then dimmed his single functioning optic, feeling the chamber come alive all around him. It was not a sensation he was accustomed to, given his own remarkable ability to heal which by far exceeded that of the CR chamber.
"I haven't showed you my quarters yet, have I? Or the holonet area?"
Nemesis had picked up her sai again and almost looked a bit annoyed when the other female came back so quickly. She actually enjoyed the brief moment of solitude, the only she had gotten since arriving here at the Axalon. But she didn't say anything, hoping the other female would get the hint.
"I know it has been difficult for you here."
No such luck unfortunately.
"I don't approve of such conduct my friends have put you through. But you can't let Ironclaw or others like him get to you. Those type of people are only looking for one thing: a reason. They want a reaction, they want you to hit them, so they have an excuse to pull a trigger or any sort of cruelty. I don't want that to happen to you, Nemesis."
Don't you have someone else to bother? Nemesis truly wondered but quickly realized the answer when the white mare kept talking. So she walked with her, still pondering the quickest, most painful way to take out the shapeshifter.

"Unless you haven't noticed, I'm fairly difficult to kill," came the blunt response as she briefly glanced over her own remarkably flawless armor. Most others had battle scars to show for their many battles, but Nemesis had no such luck. "So your concern is futile. I'm only here to kill someone who wronged me, that's all. I'm not looking for sympathy or friendship."

There was a trace of resentment in her voice that she was unable to hold back.

Now alone in a sealed container, Nexus activated his secret weapon.

"Computer, delay repairs."

He paused for a moment, listening to the faint humming noise of the chamber ceasing before he continued.

"Sentinel, activate protocol beta-delta-eleven on nearby cameras."

The camera in the room suddenly started a loop-feedback, showing a repeated cycle of the room to make it appear as if everything was normal. He then started the physical changes, his armor shifting and stretching until he was about two feet taller, his appearance changing rapidly to that of the transmetal badger. Once the process was complete, the chamber opened and an exact replica of Ironclaw stepped out. He wasted no time, moving to the doorway just out of the camera's view before giving the order to stop the loop and resume ordinary function. As soon as the camera was rolling again, the large transmetal stomped into the room. His face was that of fury, his hands balled into fists, and he marched determinedly over to the CR chamber he had occupied a mere few nanoclicks before. He then glanced through the looking glass before hitting several buttons, appearing to be sabotaging the machine. Apparently not satisfied, he then proceeded to smash the machine numerous times in an attempt to jam the locking mechanism. Finally satisfied, he then started to stomp away before suddenly stopping, only to stare straight into the camera as if just noticing it was there.

With a growl the transmetal badger aimed his weapon at the camera, firing a single shot at it. Sparks flew and the now smoking and useless device came crashing onto the floor. The shapeshifter then acted quickly, rushing back over to the pod before the other camera across the room had a chance to focus in on him, and pulled the door of the CR chamber open. He barely got inside before the other camera's lens focused on the destruction across the room. Then he changed back to Nexus' form and proceeded to bang desperately against the inside walls of the now malfunctioning chamber, hoping the commotion would catch the attention of one of the other Maximals.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:55 am
by Wintersong
((Again so sorry for the lateness guys! I have been on and off feeling sick and have had literally no muse to write at all, making it difficult to come up with a post. But I'll do what I can with this one and will try and keep up from here on out.))

Wintersong didn't know what was more disturbing, the sight of Optimus' twisted, mangled body or the fact the fighting seemed to not stop back on the battle field. Her amber optics narrowed ever so slightly towards the fight, wondering what was bringing Ironclaw to act in such a state when it seemed rather unnecessary and something she was becoming rather worried about. Strangely, she expected him to do something towards Onyx next, half expecting more then one fight from the transmetal badger but instead he met her own gaze and stormed off like a sparkling having a temper tantrum, making her frown slightly. Had her presence stopped him for furthering his continued hostility towards Nemesis and Onyx or had he decided enough really was enough? At the moment she couldn't be sure.

But when he left, the transmetal tigress took a brief moment to look towards her stasis locked leader, cringing visibly at seeing the wounds and wondered if they would be close to losing Optimus yet again in this war. That was something they didn't need, they had lost too many already. Her gaze though soon went to Nemesis as she took off after recovering from what seemed to be from disorientation, her Spark falling slightly in concern for the badger as she quickly left the room, not wanting to further think about the prospect of losing more teammates. Luckily, and rather strangely, it was Nexus who stopped the avian female but Wintersong didn't stick around long to listen to them or Whitegrazer, having taken off further down the hall to catch up to the angered Ironclaw, hoping that maybe she could talk to him, help him through whatever was really causing all this trouble.

Maybe there was something her and the others were missing, something they couldn't see on the surface. Not everyone revealed their feelings, their true ones and she had a hard time thinking there couldn't be some reason Ironclaw was acting so volatile in his emotions. "Ironclaw, wait a klik!" She called as she lengthened her stride and grabbed his arm, unaware of what was taking place elsewhere on the ship as her attentions were for now on the mech before her which she used all her strength to turn him to face her. "Ironclaw what has gotten into you? Don't you think you've taken this a little too far?" She inquired to him, meeting his gaze with worried optics but also having a stern look in them, wanting to try and get answers and help him at the same time.


"Working on it sir." Spineback said, moving to the security station and trying to scan for any signs of trouble, yet the sensors and radars were picking up nothing abnormal. There were no Maximals, no large masses, nothing, it was clear as it could get around their territory and she wondered if Megatron was just being cautious or the hallucinations were taking it's toll. As she turned to report her optics widened, finding at her feet the dead husks of friends and passing acquaintances, single point blank shots blown through their chassis, energon and mech fluid splattered everywhere. Even her own new beast form was cover in specks of it, least that's what she was at first beginning to believe before she shook her head vigorously until the images seemed to disappear again.

Her will to fight the virus was slowly ebbing, and she knew she had taken quite a risk not having the proper attire just to focus upon her job. "Sir, everything is clear outside the base and the ship itself. If your concern is for the Maximals I have a feeling they must be occupied." She reported, her gaze shooting towards Tarantulas and wanting nothing more then to blast the wretched spider clear through the back and extinguish that traitorous spark herself. Oh how she would have loved to do such a thing, or at least torture the mech a little just so he knew similar pain others might have known under his greasy, dark fingers but for now she merely gritted her teeth, "Haven't heard from her huh? Having trouble tracking your own subordinates now Tarantulas or just not a tight enough leash?" She commented back as she turned back to the monitor, having to bite hard on her lip to force back temptation of just tearing the spider apart one treacherous limb at a time.

But again the image of fore filled her vision, making her grab her helm for a moment and close her optics, taking deep intakes to try and calm the growing nausea she had once experienced back then, the first time she had truly seen close friends and those she cared about killed before her optics. Was this the work of the virus, replaying her old life before she made the conscious choice to become a Decepticon? It had to be and she tried to focus on a single thought as she realized her thoughts were beginning to slip in and out of those events, the day she had eventually overcome the initial shock and disgust and became what she is now.

A single thought, that's all she had to do. That what the warrior-turned-medic at least was telling herself, having to take a few minutes to get her mind to focus back on the task at hand as she ignored Tarantulas' ramblings about his experiments in the past. Reaching out she pressed a sharp, clawed digit on one of the buttons to activate the communications, "Darkside to Arachnitron, do you copy?" She inquired, her optics still closed as her mind was for the moment working to retain some form of control of her own thoughts.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:10 pm
by DarkSpark
OOC: no worries Wintersong! I hope you feel better soon, being sick stinks :(. And I left it open regarding who gets sent to help out Terrorsaur since I know you and Blackrose have been having trouble finding time to post lately, so whoever wants to go kick Starshadow's butt when they get the chance, go for it lol.
Starshadow wrote: Starshadow quickly crouched to avoid the optic lasers and stood up, keeping away the blaster. "Well that wasn't very-" she paused. For some reason, her vision was blurring out and getting darker. A sharp pain was felt in her head, causing her to roar like some alien creature. Normally, one would panick about such a pain with an unknown cause at such a critical moment but instead, she was laughing but that laugh was not hers. It was another femme's laugh. What was going on?! Starshadow finally blacked out but yet her body was still standing, as if ready for combat. The blue glows from her body slowly shifted to black and red, her black claws emitting red sparks.

A different feminine voice speaking through Starshadow's lips, "no one's safe while I'm FREE!"

Alas, the original Decepticon Starshadow finally emerges to conciousness, taking over her current body. She cracked her knuckles, looking towards the transmetal pterodactyl, "Terrorsaur right?" she asked even though she knew who he is, "after so long in that dark and empty place I was trapped in, I hope you can can amuse me in a cycle. Fail to do so...." her tone got darker, "and you'll see how beautiful your internal parts are," she dashed towards him in maximum speed with highly charged red electric blades drawn out of both arms and started slashing against his swords, attempting to cut them or at least damage it.

Terrorsaur's optics widened as he beheld Starshadow's change in appearance and personality from creepy and crazy to creepier and crazier!

"Just one SANE comrade in arms would be nice, but no, I signed up for the Good Ship Cray-Cray, where ever cycle is like one spent in the looney bin" Terrorsaur sighed in exasperation, wondering if Starshadow was about to reveal she was possessed like Waspinator that one time or was about to sprout two heads or something.

Terrosaur stared blankly at Starshadow, eyes shifting left and then right, before answering her question with "Uh, no duh? We used to flirt and we've tried to kill each other a few times...You should know my name by now Starshadow."

Her change in demeanor was odd, even for her, and her voice had changed...Possession was beginning to look quite likely at this point.

"Oh slag not again! Can't you dead bots stay out of people's frames?! Who is it this time? Scourge? Cyclonus? Wanko the Sane?!" Terrorsaur began to complain, half serious and half joking, just totally fed up with all these mad bots ruining his life and making things difficult.

Terrorsaur scowled as the insane femme charged, attacking him with fancy new weapons he'd never seen her use before, blocking and parrying as best he could but still being forced back from her sudden change in fighting style and increased ferocity. He let out a gasp as one of the blades managed to cut his side, fresh mech fluid seeping out, making him grit his teeth in pain and anger as his eyes lit up and he fired his optic beams, this time at her face, hoping to blow her head clean off as he yelled "Not as pretty as the ship will be after I decorate the halls with your shrapnel! "

Not taking any chances, Terrorsaur pressed his assault by slashing at the mad femme with his blades, not caring if his laser shot hit its mark or not, he totally intended to hack her to pieces to ensure this blasted vampire stayed dead after this encounter, sick and tired of whatever twisted secrets her frame might hold.

Despite his determination, Terrorsaur was still Terrorsaur, and he had no intention of "dying in a blaze of glory" as Dinobot might put it, so he opened his comm when he had the chance and said "Terrorsaur to everyone else, I've engaged Starshadow and she's changed...AGAIN! Waspinator and Quickstrike are down, could use some back up here, ANYTIME NOW!"

Wintersong: "Working on it sir." Spineback said, moving to the security station and trying to scan for any signs of trouble, yet the sensors and radars were picking up nothing abnormal. There were no Maximals, no large masses, nothing, it was clear as it could get around their territory and she wondered if Megatron was just being cautious or the hallucinations were taking it's toll. As she turned to report her optics widened, finding at her feet the dead husks of friends and passing acquaintances, single point blank shots blown through their chassis, energon and mech fluid splattered everywhere. Even her own new beast form was cover in specks of it, least that's what she was at first beginning to believe before she shook her head vigorously until the images seemed to disappear again.

Her will to fight the virus was slowly ebbing, and she knew she had taken quite a risk not having the proper attire just to focus upon her job. "Sir, everything is clear outside the base and the ship itself. If your concern is for the Maximals I have a feeling they must be occupied." She reported, her gaze shooting towards Tarantulas and wanting nothing more then to blast the wretched spider clear through the back and extinguish that traitorous spark herself. Oh how she would have loved to do such a thing, or at least torture the mech a little just so he knew similar pain others might have known under his greasy, dark fingers but for now she merely gritted her teeth, "Haven't heard from her huh? Having trouble tracking your own subordinates now Tarantulas or just not a tight enough leash?" She commented back as she turned back to the monitor, having to bite hard on her lip to force back temptation of just tearing the spider apart one treacherous limb at a time.

But again the image of fore filled her vision, making her grab her helm for a moment and close her optics, taking deep intakes to try and calm the growing nausea she had once experienced back then, the first time she had truly seen close friends and those she cared about killed before her optics. Was this the work of the virus, replaying her old life before she made the conscious choice to become a Decepticon? It had to be and she tried to focus on a single thought as she realized her thoughts were beginning to slip in and out of those events, the day she had eventually overcome the initial shock and disgust and became what she is now.

A single thought, that's all she had to do. That what the warrior-turned-medic at least was telling herself, having to take a few minutes to get her mind to focus back on the task at hand as she ignored Tarantulas' ramblings about his experiments in the past. Reaching out she pressed a sharp, clawed digit on one of the buttons to activate the communications, "Darkside to Arachnitron, do you copy?" She inquired, her optics still closed as her mind was for the moment working to retain some form of control of her own thoughts.

Megatron sighed in relief, pleased to hear someone else confirm what he already knew, that the goliath he faced looming over him was not real and thus did not warrant his attention, no matter how admittedly elaborate his hallucinations had become.

"Keep telling yourself that Pretender, you won't feel that way once I get my claws on you!" Scorponok swore, Megatron again having to tell himself he wasn't real no matter how much the base seemed to shake, no matter how vivid the sight of him ripping open the Darksyde to get to him appeared to be, he was not real!

Fortunately, a distraction came in the form of Terrorsaur over the comm, perhaps the first time Megatron had ever been pleased to hear the schemer's raspy voice, though the news he brought was far from pleasing.

"Do something useful for once and slag her! If not, someone else will be there to aid you shortly, Megatron out!" he commanded over the comms, wondering why he bothered with these fools, as he then turned to those present and said "One of you go out there and help those idiots subdue the traitor, if you're not infected yet then obviously don't touch anyone who is, NOW GO!"

He honestly did not care which of them left to do the deed, Tarantulas was exempted because he needed him to treat his condition, and he needed at least one person present to watch his back against the spider while he worked on his treatment, so as long as he had either Inferno or Spineback with him it all worked out.

Meanwhile, Tarantulas scowled at Spineback and lied "Oh please Spineback, Arachnitron is Megatron's subordinate, same as you and me, though I'd say I'm of far greater value in the grand scheme of things at the rate you've been performing. I've already isolated the virus and done a thorough scan of its makeup, now its a simple matter of taking it apart to reverse engineer an antidote."

"Then stop bragging and DO IT!" Megatron snapped, sick of all this infighting and incompetence going on all around him, infuriating him to no end even as he fought for control of his mind and sanity.

"Yes Lord Megatron" Tarantulas replied, inwardly imagining how fun it would be to shoot him full of cyber venom shots til his mech fluid turned green with venom, but restrained himself and opened up psychic contact with Blackarachnia, asking "Widow! Report, what have you learned so far? Something useful I hope."

Tarantulas believed he could cure the plague, but was uncertain how long it would take and didn't feel like risking Megatron's wrath and/or getting infected himself. If he could find any means by which to skip ahead to the solution to this mess, he would exploit it.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:12 pm
by Mystrea
(Joint post)

Ironclaw was not angry as such, he was trouble by what was happening around him. He felt like he had no control over it and was worried who it might affect. It was a bad feeling he could not shake and the fight didn't help either. He barely noticed the female voice calling after him as he tried to walk away from the situation. As soon as the hand was placed upon his arm it only took him half a second to build up a rage assuming it was Nemesis but when he turned around the anger fell away as fast as it had risen. The badger recognised the female form in front of him he did back down immediately. He usually held his own and not much phased him but she was strong and graceful, every bit the warrior he was if not more. "Things are getting worse around here. Everyone is under the false pretence that things are looking up because Optimus is back. I can feel. There's going to be a power struggle. And I don't want to bring you to any unnecessary risk." Ironclaw said with dismay, looking away from her.

Wintersong looked at Ironclaw, watching the brief anger that had shown before it died away, proving her immediate theory that she seemed to be one of the few things that settled his volatile rage. "Unnecessary risk? Ironclaw I'm already in the middle of it, and we all know something is likely going to happen. But right now is not the time to bring in that anger and rage, especially not when we might have two injured bots that need less violence then what you showed today." She told him, wondering if Ironclaw could truly just wait until Optimus was on the mend or fully recovered before bringing this up. "Right now the Maximals can't afford to be fighting among ourselves Ironclaw, and quite frankly I don't want to see you end up with you stabbed in the back because you've ticked off the wrong bot." She added, indicating that Nemesis had about done just that if he hadn't been paying attention, but there was clear underlying concern towards the badger, knowing eventually her loyalties might become split.

But did it truly have to be difficult all the time? "Ironclaw, it doesn't...nothing has to lead to you and Optimus coming to blows over power. We're meant to be a team, working together, not against one another like the Predacons." Wintersong said, her voice a bit softer and showing that same concern that this was getting out of hand. However she started to sound like the others

Ironclaw was still looking away from her when she dismissed the risk, he almost smirked, she was brave or stubborn. It was something he could not accept and he knew he had a target on him and she may share his enemies, both Maximal and Predacon. She could be used against him to stop him doing what he needed to do. But she started to sound like the others, putting focus on him and all the concern on their injured. She didn't realize that even if Optimus did live, the Maximals would fall apart anyway. "You don't understand, I have my suspicions but I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen." He said anxiously, still unable to look at her. They hadn't spoken in awhile and it showed, however there was tension between them."What's happening with me and Optimus could come between us. I know you have a love for Optimus like the rest" Ironclaw ended and started to walk away thinking she had picked her loyalties.

"Oh for Primus sake Ironclaw." Wintersong growled, grabbing his arm once more and pressing him against the wall, moving his face so their optics met. "Yes, I hold loyalty to Optimus because he has proven himself a good leader, one more then willing to give others a chance even to a stowaway like me and he has allowed you to stay regardless of your attitude. He is a friend, a team mate...but he isn't you." Wintersong told him, her voice firm but caring as she looked at him with a mix of emotion. "I care about you Ironclaw, your not just another team mate to me as I know it's the same for you. The fact is the Maximals shouldn't have to pick sides and I don' want to have to choose between a good friend and someone I love." She said as the tension was clear in her body language and concern in her expression.

As if to solidify her point, Wintersong impulsively kissed the badger, trying to make him understand the things didn't have to be this way, yet she had a feeling I wouldn't be that easy to convince him.

Ironclaw tired to leave but she persisted and showed that strength again. She pushed him to the wall and showed her dominance in the situation. Despite that he still disagreed with her. "That's where we differ, I don't think he is a good leader. I can't let that go" the badger be fore Wintersong looked at him with a strange expression, he couldn't quite read it. " It's only going to get wors-" he tried to contradict her but she said that word he could not handle. It's meant something, something that was extremely difficult to take back. Before he could react to it she leaned into him and kissed him.the badger was distracted for that moment but then pushed away from the wall, ending the kiss. He stood with her for a moment in the hallway. She was tempting to him, but he was thinking of the future. He stalled for a moment.

Wintersong stepped back when Ironclaw pushed off the wall, breaking the kiss in the process as she looked at him. "It'll only get worse if you allow it to Ironclaw. The problem is if we fight among ourselves we'll fall apart, the Predacons can take advantage and then we'll all be in trouble." Wintersong tried to reason, trying to make him see the fighting was unnecessary but he seemed to simply not listen which was becoming worrying. His reputation among the others wasn't good, and she already had a feeling a majority of the team would side with Optimus hands down and if that day came...the tigress didn't really know what she would do. "Please Ironclaw, if you won't at least try and compromise with Optimus and the others, or even me, can you at least try for your sake? Surely there has to be a way, a balance for you and Optimus." Wintersong asked, for once almost looking pleading to the mech as she truly didn't want to see anything happen to him.

"The situation is worse than you think and I don't think so highly of Optimus. Things can't carry on as they are, I know you think things are as long as Optimus is okay but it's not. I'm sorry, don't bet on me Wint" Ironclaw finished his sentence regretfully then walked away. He didn't want to but she would be at risk and didn't see things the way he did. The badger made his way to the bridge, trying to stay away from the medical bay.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:22 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Great posts, guys. ))
Aye.. I think I can do that, I'll have to build them at my work bench but it hasn't be the first time. Accidents happen in the mines after all. One minute yer digging a hole, the next some idiot mangles an arm in a pulverizer.
There was a very small tug of a smile at the corner of Rhinox's wide mouth while he listened to Landslide and watched him step out to do what he could to help. It faded while he observed Whitegrazer walking out with Nexus to escort him to a CR chamber before he went back to work on Primal's torn and punctured legs. It grew quiet in the infirmary despite Onyx and Wintersong lingering nearby. Noticing the tigress's despair and concern for Optimus written all over her face, Rhinox told her softly, "He'll be alright. I'll make sure of it." He sounded confident enough, but there was a tiny pinch of uncertainty hidden deep within his voice. He glanced at her as she took off after Ironclaw and resumed his repair work. He hoped she or someone could talk some sense into the badger even though Ironclaw was never one to sit down for an intervention. He either always walked away or lashed out in violence. Not even Rhinox understood him. Perhaps what Nexus had told Nemesis really was meant more toward Ironclaw and not her. But how could the Admiral, who had only just shown up, know anything about the badger that the Maximals wouldn't already know; like if he wasn't who he claimed to be, or if there was more than met the eye? Nemesis, by the way, didn't have it so bad here. They allowed her to hold on to her weapons, which should have said a lot for the Maximals, and the beacon on her ankle was just that, a location beacon. It was only meant to keep an eye on her whereabouts within the Axalon. It wasn't like she was under house arrest; she could come and go as she pleased.

Finishing most of the internal repairs on the ape's legs, Big Green moved to his head and examined it carefully. Most of it would have to be left for the CR. He frowned and held his large hand over Primal's swollen and cut face, hesitating to touch it as if it would cause him more pain even though he was unconscious. Using two fingers, he placed them on the Commander's chin and gently turned his head to the left and then to the right, inspecting his optic sensors, before he straightened it again. Then he opened his mouth to look inside and sighed, taking in his horrendous wounds. "All of this because he refused to talk," he said out loud. Well, that was what he assumed. It was probably for Megatron's own sick satisfaction as well. Surely the tyrant would have aimed to get valuable information from him but he knew Optimus would sooner die than give anything to them and let them have the upper hand over his Maximals. And what about Nexus, and Nemesis' accusation? Was there really more that the Admiral could have done? Perhaps not seeing how the port on the side of Primal's head was opened, suggesting that someone, likely Tarantulas, was going to gain access to the Maximal leader's information forcefully. Had he succeeded? The port itself didn't appear to have been tampered with so Rhinox guessed not.

Moving to the computer he had hooked up to Optimus, he typed in a command to transform only his lower half to make sure the connections and internal repairs on his legs and feet were functioning properly. So far so good, so he reverted them back to his robot mode and checked his vitals.


As quiet as things were in the command center, Rattrap started hearing some noises coming from the room nearby where two of the CR chambers were located. It sounded like banging, but it was the gun shot that made him jump to his feet and cry out, "Aurora?!" Worried for her safety with whatever the heck was going on, he ran to the doorway only to be suddenly blocked by Ironclaw who stood in his way.

"What was that?! What's goin' on?!" he immediately asked the badger as he tried looking past the big brute, obviously frantic to make sure Aurora wasn't involved.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:08 am
by starshadow
((OOC: I hope this post is okay. I really need to prepare my college interview tomorrow...))
"Not as pretty as the ship will be after I decorate the halls with your shrapnel!"
Starshadow brought her electro blades up to her face as he fired his optic lasers, gaining burn marks on the side of her arms before hopping backwards and doing a few backflips to avoid his blades but a gash was made on her left shin, her odd colored mech fluid oozing out, landing on her feet just like a cat. She deactivated the blades and licked the burn mark on her right arm like a cat while watching Terrorsaur radioing his "friends".
Terrorsaur to everyone else, I've engaged Starshadow and she's changed...AGAIN! Waspinator and Quickstrike are down, could use some back up here, ANYTIME NOW!"
Starshadow gave him an aggressively twisted psychotic look on her face. The burning desire of bloodshed filled her mind with excitement. Oh how his mech fluid would taste so delicious once she has him in pieces with the walls stained with his fluids. "I smell desperation...and fear," she stood up walking towards him, "do you fear me Terrorsaur? Fear that I will rip you apart slowly and painfully? Fear that I will eviscerate you quickly? To fall victim of my wonderful torturing methods? Or what sort of BEAST I can be?!"

She was taunting him, or rather playing mind games, to see if she could mentally break him. Starshadow ran towards him at maximum speed, jumping to the ceiling and kicking herself off it, landing right behind him where she wanted and wrapped her arms around his neck and chest, sending a highly charged shock with red electricity dancing around them. Hopefully it would knock him out, otherwise she would have to use Plan B.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:39 pm
by una
Phoenix wrote:"Take care of him,"
"I promise," she smiled at the admiral and watched the doors close. Her expression changed, wondering if she should stay to watch him. It was then she felt TyCross' presence behind her. Destroy him. Destroy him now! I can't do that. There is doubt among the crew if he is or isn't. Even part of me is questioning. It is because of your connection towards Optimus. You were so clear that it was Nexus, but now, your perception twisted because of your closeness to Optimus. You know better than to allow emotions to cloud your judgements What was I supposed to do? I had to do what I could to ease the suffering the Predacons inflicted upon him. He didn't deserve that. No, he was stupid to give himself up to the enemy. If he knew better, he would had punished Ironclaw from allowing Cheetor and Banshee to get captured and refused Megatron demands. Megatron would have killed Cheetor and Banshee then. Are you sure? Megatron doesn't seem to be the bluffing type, but that doesn't mean he would have had fun inflicting harm on them before he did. You don't know, and it is too late. What is done is done. Fine! Then I will kill Nexus. You can't do that, master. She shook her head. You are dead and even the dead have rules. My patience is waning, Whitegrazer. I will not watch your death because of your friends' and your stupidity!

TyCross' presence vaporized. She just bowed her head before she walked away.
Phoenix wrote:"Unless you haven't noticed, I'm fairly difficult to kill," came the blunt response as she briefly glanced over her own remarkably flawless armor. Most others had battle scars to show for their many battles, but Nemesis had no such luck. "So your concern is futile. I'm only here to kill someone who wronged me, that's all. I'm not looking for sympathy or friendship."
Whitegrazer remembered the time she fought Nemesis when Optimus was returned to them. She questioned Nemesis' nanobots and their pain. Nemesis didn't actually answer her, but she saw something within the female's eyes that told her everything as well as her attacks towards herself. She also remembered what she said to Nemesis, "I know, but I haven't forgotten what I said to you when we fought last time. I want to give your chance. I want to do my best to persuade you to stay, but if you wish, after you deal with the shapeshifter, you can do whatever you wish and leave back to the Predacons. I wish to help you, and if we get the shapeshifter, there may be a way to show to Megatron that it wasn't you that night. You don't have to fight your way out of here." Nemesis was the one that came them. And she believed there may be a way to help Nemesis go back to the Predacons without anyone getting hurt.

"But I really hope you do stay. You may not be looking for friends, but you did make one."

It was then she heard a gunshot echoing through the hall and looked at the direction before she looked at Nemesis, "The CR Chambers. " And rushed towards the scene, wondering what was the shapeshifter doing or maybe it was something else? She saw Rattrap when she arrived, "We heard a gunshot."


As a black widow uncovered one of the steel platings, watching as the Maximal horse and the Predacon went the opposite direction.
DarkSpark wrote:"Widow! Report, what have you learned so far? Something useful I hope."
She hissed and shooed away Tarantulas' dull voice, which because of the distance was just an annoyance, "You try invading their Sentinel program."

She hoped whatever disturbance caught their attention could give her clear access to the medical bay without being seen. She sneaked a bit and peeked swiftly over the medical bay to see it preoccupied. She cursed and went back to a safe space underneath the steel plating. She needed a plan. If there was any cure, it would be in there.

((OOC: I hope my post is okay, especially the Blackarachnia part. If there is anything I need to fix, I will do it. :D ))

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:00 pm
by Phoenix
Nexus' attempts to break out of the sealed chamber grew a little more frantic as help did not arrive as quickly as he had initially anticipated. What was the hold up now, he thought impatiently, his fists banging against the door to try to get someone's attention. His earlier attempt at sabotaging the lock had worked, perhaps a bit too well, as the door was now jammed from the inside. It wasn't a huge deal, really, if he truly wanted to he could still escape fairly easily. But he needed the situation to look authentic so the Maximals could be persuaded to side with him more easily. That white female made him feel uneasy. He couldn't tell if it was the way she smiled at him or those feelings she hid behind the smile, but he already more than suspected her of having abilities beyond that of her peers. It made her a threat, one that needed to be taken care of sooner rather than later.

His extensive training as an infiltrator.. a spy.. had made him a good judge of character. And the female's demeanor, polite and sweet as she was, gave off a vibe of something else.. something dwelling beneath the surface. In his experience with the Maximals, there were two main emotional types. One was the open book variety, whose emotions and thoughts were on display for everyone to see. Rattrap was such an individual. Then there was the silent, secretive kind, the one that kept up a facade but rarely shared their innermost thoughts. Like Whitegrazer. And that automatically made her the more dangerous of the two.

"Warning. Predacon presence in vicinity," Sentinel's voice suddenly alerted him, privately as he had changed the settings to notify him prior to anyone else and also had increased the security status for the time being. The notification caused Nexus to stop thrashing the chamber for a moment. He thought for a moment, then addressed the issue. "Disregard. You're only detecting Nemesis' signature."

The computer paused for a brief moment, rechecking the data. "Negative," Sentinel's voice then told him, "Additional Predacon energy signature is present. Unable to locate source."

Nexus sighed. So one of the Predacons was here, whether to check up on him or to try to locate a cure for the virus he had infected them with, or both.. Either way their presence was not welcome right now. The fact that sentinel was unable to locate the whereabouts of the intruder also suggested they were attempting to stay stealthy and staying out of sight, meaning that only an occasional signal would be detected as they passed near a sensor. Under normal circumstances Sentinel would likely have disregarded these signals as mere background static, but Nexus had set the system to high alert for this exact reason. Also the intruder was on the move..

"Keep monitoring and try to pinpoint a location. Also track Whitegrazer's location and movements."

"Acknowledged," came the brief response from the security system before it went silent. Nexus then proceeded to bang repeatedly against the broken door once more.
"I know, but I haven't forgotten what I said to you when we fought last time. I want to give your chance. I want to do my best to persuade you to stay, but if you wish, after you deal with the shapeshifter, you can do whatever you wish and leave back to the Predacons. I wish to help you, and if we get the shapeshifter, there may be a way to show to Megatron that it wasn't you that night. You don't have to fight your way out of here."
Nemesis smiled ever so slightly at that remark. It wasn't a friendly smile, exactly, nor was it especially vicious. Indeed she'd been thinking about a solution to all of this, something to get her back into Megatron's good favor once again. These Maximals were just too unlike her, too judgmental of the things she had done, and very unlikely to ever accept her for who she was. She was not one of them, never would be. How the pretender was able to keep up appearances as a Maximal was beyond her. Or perhaps he wasn't.. Perhaps that is what the old admiral had meant when he told her to look beneath the surface. Her suspicion of that transmetal badger was growing more and more, but she'd need some proof.. Something that would expose him.

Darkwind had no doubt been feeding false information to Megatron, even if she was fairly certain that he had revealed himself to the tyrant. Their little stunt with the fake Aurora that Whitegrazer had called their bluff on had proved that much. But now that Megatron had both the disks in his possession, what was going on over at the Darksyde? Since Megatron evidently knew about the shapeshifter's abilities, perhaps she could persuade him that he was behind her so-called defection.. If only she knew what the situation was over there..

"But I really hope you do stay. You may not be looking for friends, but you did make one."
Nemesis had not responded as they continued walking through the hallways but it seemed like the white female wasn't done talking yet. Of course she was talking more nonsense, about friendship and such things that Nemesis had no interest in. The avian Predacon had not often offered someone her friendship, let alone her trust. The few times she had, she'd always ended up hurt.. or worse.. betrayed. Zodiac, or Darkwind, or whatever he went by these days was a perfect example of that. They had been friends once, companions, almost.. something more. And look at the misery it had brought her. The sense of betrayal was ever growing as she realized more and more that he had been using her, using their relationship. And for that he had to die.

And this foolish Maximal thought they could be friends.. Well, one sided as that friendship might be, perhaps something good could come out of it.

"I.. appreciate that," Nemesis told her, the words sounding strange.. foreign to her as they came out. This would take some getting used to for sure. "It's not often that I'm given such a privilege." The words came out a bit more smoothly as she kept talking, and she suddenly stopped and placed her arm on the other female's shoulder to halt her motion as well.

"So tell me, friend, what went down at the exchange?," she encouraged, curiosity getting the better of her.

The sound of gunfire interrupted them, a single shot echoing through the hallways. Just a short distance up ahead she heard the rodent's voice cry out for Aurora, the two females closing the gap in a few fast steps. The badger was there too, causing Nemesis to keep her distance as she eyed him suspiciously.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:39 pm
by NaitoKage
( Well, I emailed Admiralgrim, no response. So.. I think I'll just move on from that. Also this comes to mind... How did Blackarachnia figure the Maximals have a cure for the virus? As for Quickstrike and the seeing Pink, that's the effect of the virus on him. Basically everything looks like a weird mix of Barbie and Disney to Quickstrike now. )

With no response from Night Terror, Umbra dropped the bat to the floor and left the cell, locking it as he made his way out of the brig. So all that's left is that idiot then.. Umbra muttered to himself, watching as the dead crawled along the walls of the base.

Taking a deep breath he refocused himself, while the illusions tried to make him feel guilt or sorrow, he mostly just felt hate. Intense hate building deep inside from the interference. Such feelings were a hindrance, like fear or even joy. These disturbances had to be taken care of..

Making his way towards one of the exits for the ship, he raised an optic ridge as the blast doors had been sealed. Hrm.. Ship's on lockdown.. Starshadow must still be running around inside.

He activated his comlink to Megatron I couldn't get anything out of the bat. Where's our current trouble maker's location? I'll dispatch with her and proceed to find Zodiac. Considering how chummy Night Terror was with him, I can only assume he's the key to our problem.. all our problems.

As Umbra looked around, he heard a voice speak up behind him. "Still playing the hero? You know you aren't fit for that..Just an astray Maximal blinded by a path of avarice and destruction.. "

Umbra's optics narrowed, attempting to ignore the voice. He didn't need to justify his methods, specially not to those who'd already lost their life.


Cheetor blinked hearing the shot fired off, looking up he stood by the entrance to the hallway watching Rattrap.

Meanwhile in the hanger, Landslide looked up as he heard Orcariner's security center start to peep up, as well as the gunshot echoing through the hallway. Landslide stood up from his workbench walking over to to Orcariner's desk, he raised an optic ridge Camera's out in the CR bay?

He then made his way down the hall towards the CR bay, seeing Rattrap and Ironclaw at the bridge, he turned and flipped out his electro laser from his right arm, opening the door he pointed the weapon out and sweeped the room with the weapon, scanning for abnormalities. but other then a broken camera and damaged CR chamber, there didn't appear to be anyone else inside. Clear. Landslide said as he walked into the room. Flipping his Electro laser away, he walked over to the CR chamber which a loud pounding was coming from. He leaned down pulling the locks out from the base of the CR chamber door, then lifted it open with relative ease. What in Alpha Trion's beard is goin' on in here?

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:51 pm
by DarkSpark
OOC: If my latest post isn't okay with you Starshadow I can change it, just let me know, and nope, you're post is fine Una, no worries :3
Naitokage wrote:
He activated his comlink to Megatron I couldn't get anything out of the bat. Where's our current trouble maker's location? I'll dispatch with her and proceed to find Zodiac. Considering how chummy Night Terror was with him, I can only assume he's the key to our problem.. all our problems.
Megatron was both pleased by Umbra's communication for it distracted him from Scorponok, and displeased to hear that the bat had ultimately proven uncooperative...He would make him suffer for that later, oh yessss indeed!

"I'm sending you Terrorsaur's coordinates, he and whats left of Waspinator and Quickstrike should be by the crew's quarters, be warned, Starshadow has allegedly undergone yet another change if Terrorsaur's last cry for help is any indication. Once you're done with her, you may proceed to deal with Zodiac, the sooner the better" Megatron ordered, gritting his teeth in anger at the thought of that slipper shapeshifter, vowing to destroy him on sight if he had a hand in any of this madness.

"The mighty "Megatron" deceived by an underling? Gasp! Will wonders ever cease?" Scorponok mocked, the opening in the Darksyde becoming wide enough for his claws to finally fit inside, debris falling down all around them, making it increasingly more difficult for Megatron to continue telling himself it was all in his head, though he still knew it to be true.

"You do not exist, ergo your taunts are meaningless" Megatron insisted, fighting to keep his conversation with the phantom inward even as reality became harder to distinguish from fiction, his tail gun pulsing on and off as he resisted the urge to fire at the non-existent phantasm and damage his own base.

"Will they still be meaningless after I crush you like an Insecticon with my bare pincers? Your ambitions left unfulfilled as your spark is extinguished and you join the ranks of all who tried to follow in your namesake's footsteps and FAILED?! I was an Emperor of Destruction, rivaled only by Galvatron himself, I left my mark on history Little Tyrant, but have you? Have you accomplished anything noteworthy enough to be remembered in the history books as anything more than a pretender to the throne and a short lived thorn in the side of the Tripredacus Council? Well, HAVE YOU?!" Scorponok jeered as his pincers reached for Megatron closer and closer, his shadow engulfing the entire room, though only Megatron again seemed to notice, the tyrant's optics locked on the giant's, fighting in vain not to react to the figment, to not go out of control and attack something that was not there!
Una wrote:
She hissed and shooed away Tarantulas' dull voice, which because of the distance was just an annoyance, "You try invading their Sentinel program."

She hoped whatever disturbance caught their attention could give her clear access to the medical bay without being seen. She sneaked a bit and peeked swiftly over the medical bay to see it preoccupied. She cursed and went back to a safe space underneath the steel plating. She needed a plan. If there was any cure, it would be in there.

"I would if I could, but alas, I'm forced to resort to you! Just be quick about it, Megatron is sending someone over to the Axalon shortly to hunt for the cure as well, it would be best for you not to be there when he arrives, so find the antidote before then" Tarantulas forwarded to Blackarachnia via their link, having overhead part of Megatron's communication with whoever was on the other end, most likely Umbra since he was one of those not currently locked up, fighting Starshadow, or busy playing "nursemaid" to Megatron.

Tarantulas could only continue his work in the meantime, and either discover the cure or piece together enough of the puzzle so that when BA returned with the missing pieces he could resolve the crisis immediately, or wait for an opportunity to either exploit Megatron's condition or escape with his own health in tact.

Starshadow wrote: Starshadow gave him an aggressively twisted psychotic look on her face. The burning desire of bloodshed filled her mind with excitement. Oh how his mech fluid would taste so delicious once she has him in pieces with the walls stained with his fluids. "I smell desperation...and fear," she stood up walking towards him, "do you fear me Terrorsaur? Fear that I will rip you apart slowly and painfully? Fear that I will eviscerate you quickly? To fall victim of my wonderful torturing methods? Or what sort of BEAST I can be?!"

She was taunting him, or rather playing mind games, to see if she could mentally break him. Starshadow ran towards him at maximum speed, jumping to the ceiling and kicking herself off it, landing right behind him where she wanted and wrapped her arms around his neck and chest, sending a highly charged shock with red electricity dancing around them. Hopefully it would knock him out, otherwise she would have to use Plan B.
"OH SHUT UP!" Terrorsaur screamed as he fired his full powered optic beams, no longer caring how much damage he did to the interior of the ship or about his fallen comrades...Waspinator would survive cuz he always did, and Quickstrike was useless anyway.

He didn't know what was wrong with Starshadow, and he didn't care, all he knew was that she had taken a whole new level of weird today and it was creeping him out and ticking him off, he just wanted her dead and silent and that was that. Unfortunately, the vampire somehow managed to land right behind him and electrocuted him with some freaky red energy, the transmetal pterosaur screaming in pain she shocked his systems! Desperate to survive at any cost, Terrorsaur activated his jets and took Starshadow for a wild ride down the hall, the two of them bumping into the walls, floor, and ceiling.

"HOPE YOU ENJOY THE RIDE FLEABAG!" Terrorsaur yelled over the sound of his engines, wincing in pain from both the internal damage done by Starshadow's shocks and the self-inflicted pain caused by their impacts with the ship's interior, unsure how long he could keep this up, but hoping she wouldn't be able to shock him any further due to lack of concentration, or better yet, would finally let him go thanks to either the impacts with the ship or the speed at which they were recklessly going....Just being touched by this creepy freak of nature was bad enough, he didn't need any of her undead cooties too!

OOC: I apologize profusely for introducing the word "cooties" into the Beast Wars universe, Primus forgive me XD