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Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 9:00 pm
by una
((OOC: I hate rushing to write a post but I must because my area might be hit by a tropical storm. We might lose power all day or not. It's all guesses but we are prepared. Gosh, I hope not. It's too hot and humid to be without AC. :shock: Also, I'm suffering from a virus I caught two days ago. Sorry, if I missed anything or errors, maybe this won't happen and I will still have power. YAY! But just in case. XD

@Blackrosefencer and Darkspark: I hope my Blackarachnia post is okay and clear. Lots of stuff is going on in the post I know. Sorry :oops: If there is any problems, I will get to edit them. I again hope I don't lose power, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for a response so that's why I quickly had Blackarachnia grab the transwarp cell and get away. Also, if I do lose power, I don't know how long. Could be hours or a couple of days. :shock: Of course, if there is any problems, I will gladly edit them. We better not lose power in our house. >.< Or you can react to the post with whatever you wish. Arachnition could have block her move and stuff like I making any sense? :lol: Sorry, if I'm rambling, again, I'm not feeling too good. ))
"Thank you, Whitegrazer. I couldn't agree with you more. And I hope you know that I'm here for you as well."
Whitegrazer smiled and got up to follow Optimus to the command bridge, seeing Rattrap, Dinobot, Tigratron, and Rhinox. She nodded at them in greeting.

Upon entering the main bridge just as Rhinox and the rest were leaving, Optimus looked at the rat and said, "You'll be going with Whitegrazer, Rattrap. Immediately. Airazor will be expecting back-up. Report to me if you need additional support. I have a hunch Megatron will be making this site his priority, and I need you three to secure the area before he gets there."

"What?" Rattrap whined, looking at him. "What're you gonna do?"

"What I have to before leaving here," Optimus vaguely answered his curiosity. "Look, the location isn't that far away. If you need me, I'll be there in no time. Now, move out. And be careful." His optics lingered on Whitegrazer for a moment as he said the last sentence.
Using their connection, Whitegrazer gave Optimus reassurance and peace as she stared and noticed his lingering optics. Though, she expected something would happen. But she was ready and with Rattrap and Airazor, hopefully, there won't be too much trouble especially with the Predacons. At least, if the truce is still on. She really didn't want to fight with anyone especially Megatron. If he or should the Predacons go back on their word...primus, she hoped not.

Stepping on the platform, she smirked at Rattrap's impatience, but went concern with what he said about Starshadow. She wondered what happened.

Interesting conversation between you and Optimus. But I wonder how he will react when you tell him you can speak to dead people?

Actually, I think I hinted at that to him. I wonder if he got the implications of what I meant by connections even in death. I think he knows.

She looked at Rattrap and nodded, "I don't know what we will face at this site, but I know we will be all right. We just have to stay alert. Hopefully, things wouldn't be too...crazy."

As they stepped off, she transformed into her beast mode and asked jokily, "Wanna a ride or am I too fast for you?"


Blackarachnia had to laugh at Tarantulas. She really didn't care for his comments and just rolled her optics.

Arachnitron was interesting, but she didn't know who Tarantulas really was. She tried to talk some sense into her, but she had no time to deal with this gullible spider

"I tried to help you, little spider, and some day you will regret your mistake. Something you might not learn when this planet destroys us."

Immediately as she finished her statement towards Arachnitron, she swiftly moved her body forward, grabbing the wrist that held the weapon and pulled it forward along with the force of her other hand that pushed Arachnitron towards Tarantulas' body. Side-flipping, she grabbed the transwarp cell and held it forward.

"Don't even try it" she hissed at the two, "unless you want to be caught in a transwarp explosion."

Taking out her weapon with her other hand, she pointed it at the transwarp cell then fired inside the pod, damaging it further.

Now, she held all the cards now.

"Catch me if you can."

She used her grappling hook to grapple a tree further away and zipped away.