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Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:25 am
by NaitoKage
The trees swayed at a short distance of Steelclaw, with the birds suddenly squawking as they flew up from them, seeming to be startled. Umbra glanced noticing something a bit large on the ground, well large compared to any of the other lifeforms in the area. It seemed out of place. Stopping on a tree, he swung around it as he transformed to his beast mode, dropping onto the ground bellow with barely a sound.

Was it a local creature or a cybertronian? It was probably worth investigating. His skin altered it's camo pattern as he creeped across the ground, coming up behind a few trees to the left of Steelclaw possibly 15 feet away, he coiled part of his body up to the tree as he laid up against it, the skin shifting texture to match the bark texture and color, with a few tentacles on the ground matching an appearance of roots with moss growing on them.

If it wasn't a cybertronian, that wasn't a problem either. The resting period would bring his field dampers back up and allow him to resume a faster pace of exploring afterwards.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:24 am
by starshadow
Cecaelia was already swimming in the ocean in her beast mode. It was good to feel the coolness of the ocean water. So far, she did not see any pod from the coordinates she was given. Maybe the pod landed near the shore, or somewhere deeper in the ocean. She transformed into her robot mode, swimming up to the surface and spotted a land. There was a pod lying at the beach. Quickly making her way to the shore, she walked towards it and found it empty. The protoform must've found an alternate mode. No matter where the newcomer ran off to, she cannot allow it to be a Maximal.

"Cecaelia to Starshadow-sama."

Radio statics were heard.

"Cecaelia to Starshadow-sama."

More radio statics. It was probably the range.

It was strange that she did not return to the Darksyde. What could be the reason for her staying outside for so long? Pushing her thoughts aside, she ran into the rainforest.

I bet I'll find nothing but leeches and huge arachnids...yuck! hate them!

"Computer, scan for any predacons or maximals within my area." she ordered as she extended an arm to a tree branch, landing on it steadily.

Predacon unit: Steelclaw detected.


70 degrees to your North.

Jumping off the branch, she made her way to his position and waved, "Steelclaw-kun!"

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:33 pm
by DarkSpark
Blackrosefencer wrote: Tarantulas pointed his spider turrets at Blackarachnia waiting for her to flinch. Arachnitron did not have this weaponry on her spider legs in robot form. She, instead, unholstered her energon pistol. She didn't point it at Blackarachnia, she merely pulled it out and held it by her side with her trigger finger at the ready.

"Indeed," she agreed, again with a voice that contained a slight hint of sass to it. "In fact, that's the best idea I heard all day."

Now that she was taking her cues from Tarantulas, she felt a sense of belonging (no matter how false it may be) that inspired her to let some of her previous inhibitions down. The inhibitor chip, of course, would keep her from acting in certain ways. She didn't have access, for example, to the Predacon's ruthlessness or aggression. Nor did she have access to the Maximal's compassion or friendly demeanor, but she did share some of the same traits as the others. She hoped now that the others were gone, she could finally show her true self.
"So glad you agree my dear, Bwahahahahaha!"

Tarantulas allowed himself a few mad chuckles of delight over how he'd turned the tables on Blackarachnia, how she was now the one reduced to a mere prisoner who had only two options available to her, obey or die. It had to hurt really, given her inflated opinion of herself, easily rivaling Megatron's arrogance at times. She's gone to so much trouble to back him into a corner only to be outmaneuvered and outdone...Fool should have killed him when she had the chance instead of toying with him. Tarantulas was NOT someone to be trifled with, under any circumstances.

He was also pleased to observe how his new "assistant" was following his lead over the wench's after all, that was the icing on the energon cake after how BA had used Arachnitron to strongarm him before. Arachnitron would be quite useful to him, he could, at least for as long as they had left on this planet before he made his escape.

Una wrote: ((OOC: Again, sorry it took so long to get this post out, Darkspark and Blackrosefencer. XDD And I hope you gusy don't mind how I'm having BA trying to start a fight for a distraction. :wink: ))

Blackarachnia assessed the situation before her. She leered at Tarantulas and gave a quick glance at Arachnitron who took advantage. Not like she wouldn't have if she was stuck in the same situation except for letting that sneaking slagger into her processor. She really couldn't take a chance at moving and no way was she going to be left on this planet to die.

Hmmm it was then she had noticed that the transwarp cell was in reach from the corner of her optic, hiding in plain sight and quite clumsily she had to add. It made her reassess what she thought previously because she knew Tarantulas wouldn't want to risk dying from the resulting explosion. She would think Tarantulas might of had it with him.

Blinking her optics like a woman flashing her eyelashes in a false sense of innocence, she acted vulnerable and placed her hands behind her back, swinging her hips like she had been a very bad girl.

"Oh looks like you have me, partner," she smirked, "But really, you still need me and not just for manual work...."

"After all, we did have some fun times, didn't we?" She gave him a seductive wink before she slowly turned around to face Arachnitron who was holding a gun at her, putting her pinchers up to signal she wasn't going to try anything

Tarantulas's laughter ceased and his optics narrowed as Blackarachnia put on her all too familiar "I've been a bad girl" routine, an act of seduction that he'd once been blind enough to fall for until he'd gotten to know the wench better. Power was all she craved, nothing more, nothing less, in many ways the two of them were alot alike...Which is what made them incompatible. No matter how alluring she was, Tarantulas would not allow his lust to get the better of him again, his life and the fate of the Tripredacus Council depended on him escaping this world unscathed and leaving all rebel insurgents and Maximals behind to die on this deathtrap of a planet. He wouldn't allow himself to slip up over a well built femme, she had her chance with him before and she'd blown it, now she could either serve him as a package mule until he left her to die on this planet with all the rest or he could end her miserable, lying existence here and now. Either way, he won, she lost.

Una wrote: Staring into the optics of the widow, it was different than earlier. They were more uncertain, vulnerable than what she had saw before she left to get the laser coil. Inwardly, she smiled, but outwardly, she studied the black widow spider before her with scrutiny

"I noticed a change in your personality. You are more submissive and obedient than you were before." Taking a moment to think, she nodded her head and made a little sound, "Tarantulas got himself a fine deal, hasn't he?"

Maybe if she planted a seed of doubt inside Arachnitron's mind and started a fight, she could get a chance to grab the transwarp cell.

If this didn't work, she had another trick up her sleeve...

Tarantulas cursed inwardly as he watched BA examining Arachnitron and whispering easily misconstrued words into her audio receptors. Was this her little scheme? Turn Arachnitron against him for the second time? Though Arachnitron had more to lose than to gain from turning on him no matter what the she spider said, still, he wouldn't let it be that easy for her.

"Don't flatter yourself demon, I cannot recall any point in time in which any member of this crew, let alone myself, had a "fun time" with you present, so spare me the "remorseful bad girl routine." And don't soil Arachnitron's thought processors with your vile insinuations, just because you're a shameless wench doesn't mean she is as well. She and I have a mutually beneficial arrangement, unlike any of our past alliances. So either shutup and do as we say or die here and now, the options available to you are so simple even someone as single-minded as you can comprehend them" he said, countering her words with words of his own, as well as pointing his cybervenom launcher straight at her for added emphasis.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:40 pm
by una
"It would seem you and I lived very different lives back on Cybertron," Optimus commented but failed to elaborate. He was far more interested in learning about her than revealing some of his darker secrets; ones he was ashamed of by this point and wished he could make right. "I understand why you didn't tell me what you were doing, Whitegrazer," he jumped back on topic with a lighter tone. "We were both in a rush. But for future clarification, just let me know when you meet him again so I know where you are in case anything were to happen." Optimus gave her a faint smile and reached across to her, gently taking her delicate hand into his good hand and holding it, adding a light squeeze.

When Whitegrazer had begun to say more, Optimus almost thought it was about the visions she had shared with him before. Had she seen more? Fortunately, it was about something else. Something deeper. But he wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing according to the way she inquiring. "Yes," he answered. "How...?"
She smiled warmly at Optimus, looking at her hand which was being held by Optimus'. Glancing at his other hand that was injured still, her other hand slipped under the injured one, holding the underside so she didn't touch the side that wasn't healed. There was a time where she was able to heal injuries as small as what was before her and large ones that spelled death. But that was gone now.

She gazed at Optimus, studying his crimson optics. There was something behind them that she sensed.

((OOC: I hope this isn't tooo much and hopefully, my intent is clear. >.< Just wanted to put this out here to get some info to what Whitegrazer is. XD Rest will come later. :twisted: ))

"Cybertronian Empaths are different than organic types. Because of the physical representation of our souls as blue orbs of postronic energy, we use our spark as the means of sensing the emotions and feelings of others around us, the universe, a single planet. It's our souls that tell us who we are. Our sparks react to the pulses and lines of energy of each individual spark. Basicially, the individual's aura. Despite the Classes we all put on, all empaths can form bonds towards people they are close to, friends and family. These connections are felt by the others, but they don't need to be empaths themselves to be able to sense it. The closer the person is, the stronger the bond is. Connections can be blocked, though by other person's own will. Like a barrier until they lift the block. Pain can also be felt through the bonds. We can feel each other's pain, thoughts, and it is understandably if both parties use the block to shield the bonds to protect the pain from others. There is also known connections which are forced. Forced connections are violations to us. Connections are beautiful things, not something for people to manipulate and use." She paused, knowing this was alot, "Connections can't be broken unless through extreme scenarios. Not even in death can bonds be severed. But when the person dies, it is an unbearable sensation. It almost feels like you yourself is dying like a piercing scream then sudden silence."

"Wanted to get that out there as we, Empaths, get alot of misunderstandings and myths surrounding us despite how rare we are. There is more to it than I have said. More complicated. I don't want to fry your processors." She chuckled.
Primal was a little taken aback by that, and he had suddenly felt some sorrow from her. He didn't think he'd ever get used to it, not that he minded it. He had only heard about them but had never met one. Things began to make a little more sense now. "Then I can only assume that that wound you acquired so along has something to do with your current injuries, and why I felt compelled to see you after feeling some sort of disturbance." His concerned optics glanced down at her cracked armor. "Whitegrazer, what happened to you?" Optimus asked in an almost desperate voice, looking in her eyes and seeking her trust.
"How can I say no to those optics?"

"This scar was given to me by-"

Flashes of her vision came to her in full force with distorted images like watching from a monitor. Each distort lead to a different image; it was same thing with what she saw last time with the Unicron head and some dark closed space with ominous-looking pillars. No sound except static yet for some odd reason, she felt called.

She soon realized she wasn't looking at Optimus anymore, but was staring at the left side of her room. Optics focused and body tensed like she was being squeezed.
"Whitegrazer," he radioed, "Are you able to deploy to Alpha Grid Trion? We need someone to provide back-up to Airazor."
Hearing Rhinox's voice from her link, a sudden flash of Airazor in that same enclosed space told her that she had to go with the feeling she had. Alpha Grid Trion was where she needed to be.

Optimus seemed to have gotten a call too.

Looking at their hands held, she lightly squeezed back towards Optimus with a smile, "Permission to go to Alpha Grid Trion to be Airazor's backup, Optimus?"

Seeing those flashes turned her for a loop, but if this is where she had to go, maybe..well, she will just have to see what happens. One step at a time.

But before she stood to leave, she gazed at Optimus one last time, "You are right. We have lived different lives back on Cybertron, but despite those differences, I believe we are kindred spirits. We both have burdens we hold close to our sparks. Scars. Responsiblities. But I'm here for you whatever you need a ear or shoulder. "

((OOC: Whitegrazer will be sad when she finds out that Aurora is gone. :( ))

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:31 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Just FYI, here are my current plans. Rattrap's going to go with Whitegrazer so he's there with Airazor at the 'shroom. Since OP isn't supposed to show up right away, he's going to search for Aurora and find her message on her computer, and maybe have the chance to speak with Orcariner.

Once OP is needed at the Grid Trion, he'll be asking Cheetor to follow him on foot who will be big enough to help drag Whitegrazer out of the Vok mushroom like Rattrap will be dragging Airazor (as both females will probably be temporarily paralyzed) because OP will be staying behind inside of it - if that's okay with you, Blazemane. Just thought you might like a little more involvement with Cheetor than you've had with the last episode or two.

If Rhinox and Dinobot are going to be out in the field now, is that going to change them getting cybervenomed by the spiders? I'll likely be leaving Tigatron behind at the base since there's nothing else for him to do.

Oh, and una, both sides of OP's hand are pretty much scarred since Nemesis' weapon went right through it, but it won't matter much longer. :lol: It's healed on the outside save for the scarring, but inside it's just mechanically messed up a little.

Don't mention it, Phoenix. It's my "job" to keep track of all the Maximals. I was getting around to searching for her shortly. I haven't forgotten. ))


As Whitegrazer took his other hand, he looked at her's for a moment before returning his optics to her own and smiling lightly.
"Cybertronian Empaths are different than organic types. Because of the physical representation of our souls as blue orbs of postronic energy, we use our spark as the means of sensing the emotions and feelings of others around us, the universe, a single planet. It's our souls that tell us who we are. Our sparks react to the pulses and lines of energy of each individual spark. Basicially, the individual's aura. Despite the Classes we all put on, all empaths can form bonds towards people they are close to, friends and family. These connections are felt by the others, but they don't need to be empaths themselves to be able to sense it. The closer the person is, the stronger the bond is. Connections can be blocked, though by other person's own will. Like a barrier until they lift the block. Pain can also be felt through the bonds. We can feel each other's pain, thoughts, and it is understandably if both parties use the block to shield the bonds to protect the pain from others. There is also known connections which are forced. Forced connections are violations to us. Connections are beautiful things, not something for people to manipulate and use." "Connections can't be broken unless through extreme scenarios. Not even in death can bonds be severed. But when the person dies, it is an unbearable sensation. It almost feels like you yourself is dying like a piercing scream then sudden silence."

"Wanted to get that out there as we, Empaths, get alot of misunderstandings and myths surrounding us despite how rare we are. There is more to it than I have said. More complicated. I don't want to fry your processors."
A lot of more about Empaths made sense coming from her than anything he had read or was told by some corrupt politician or nutty scientist. He couldn't imagine all of the ridicule she must have gone through during her entire life. In a way, he felt honored to know an Empath personally and to have such a connection or a bond with someone. Optimus wondered if he had inadvertently created a block last night when Valkyrie's death had hit him at such a low time for him. Fortunately, Rhinox's wise words had helped him significantly to overcome the pain and guilt. So, the bond remains even after death? If she had felt such anguish once before - and it sounded like she was speaking from personal experience, - hopefully she wouldn't have to feel it again. Chuckling, Primal joked, "Do you mean to say I can't handle all of the information? I appreciate the explanation, Whitegrazer. I was not aware of this much about Empaths. It does me great pleasure to have one among my crew."
"This scar was given to me by-"
The Maximal leader grew perplexed as he watched Whitegrazer's gaze slowly drift away, seemingly suddenly lost in her own thoughts. Perhaps it had been too traumatic for her to discuss so openly. "Whitegrazer...?" he asked quietly after glancing to the corner of her room where her focus landed. She seemed so distant until Rhinox's voice broke in on both of their comm. links.
"Whitegrazer," "Are you able to deploy to Alpha Grid Trion? We need someone to provide back-up to Airazor."
So much for an answer. But it could wait even if Optimus wished he could spend an eternity in that peaceful moment with her. It was time for duty as the afternoon was moving on without them, and comrades were falling from the sky.
"Permission to go to Alpha Grid Trion to be Airazor's backup, Optimus?"
"Permission granted," Optimus said, returning her smile and gently squeezing her hands.
"You are right. We have lived different lives back on Cybertron, but despite those differences, I believe we are kindred spirits. We both have burdens we hold close to our sparks. Scars. Responsiblities. But I'm here for you whatever you need a ear or shoulder. "
Grateful for her kindness and offer, he said, "Thank you, Whitegrazer. I couldn't agree with you more. And I hope you know that I'm here for you as well." For all of them, really. But she and Rhinox were his best listeners and always offered the best advice for him.
"Optimus," "Ironclaw and Wintersong are already on route to one of the stasis pods while Whitegrazer will rendezvous with Airazor at the second site. I'm taking Frilla and Dinobot with me to the third location. However, once you have everything under control here at base, you should probably take Rattrap with you and meet up at Alpha Grid Trion. Something seems... off... about that place. We could use the extra firepower just in case."
Glad to hear that Wintersong and Ironclaw were already on their way to help one of the pods, Optimus stood up and walked to Whitegrazer's door, gesturing her to follow and walk with him, and allowing her to proceed him through her quarter's door into the corridor. ((OOC: Hope you don't mind a little speed-up here, una.)) "Copy that, Rhinox," he replied over comm. link. While Primal began walking to the command center with Whitegrazer, he explained, "Rattrap will go with you to Grid Trion. If there's alien activity, I'm positive Megatron will make a run for that instead of the pods. We'll need to secure it before he and his Predacons get there." As for himself, he was going to hang back at the base a little longer to see how Aurora and Orcariner were doing after having gone through everything they did the day before. He prayed, though, that the alien signal was a fluke and nothing would come of it. He didn't like sending his Maximals any where near the Vok locations because they were always incredibly dangerous, but they couldn't let the Predacons get the upper hand.
"We'll have to probably talk to Orcanier before he goes on another mission Rattrap he seems to be having a harder time then he let on about Icebreaker."
Leave Orcariner where he is because I don't want his instability compromising our mission."
Rattrap frowned a little and gave Frilla and Rhinox a nod. They were probably right. He hoped the big guy would be all right. After all, things were about to get even worse for them.
"If you need another hand I'll go with Dinobot to retrieve the one near the ocean, Wintersong and Ironclaw seem to have the forest covered."
Like Frilla, Rattrap was surprised to see Feralnight speak up and volunteer aerial support for Dinobot. Maybe it was a good thing for her to get out and stretch her wings, but he hoped she wouldn't pull another stunt and skip out on the mission to pay another visit to the Preds.
However, once you have everything under control here at base, you should probably take Rattrap with you and meet up at Alpha Grid Trion. Something seems... off... about that place. We could use the extra firepower just in case." "Let's move out!"
Firepower? He hoped not. After all, they were still under a truce. But this was just his luck. Rattrap was getting stuck checking out the possible alien site. And with their leader who attracted them. Greeeaaaat. He wanted to say it, his infamous phrase, but he withheld and watched the others starting to move out at Rhinox's command before glancing at Tigatron.
"War is simply not the place to cultivate a romance. It creates emotional weaknesses in a fighter and obscures one's focus. The sooner they learn this, the better."
Wow, Rattrap and Dinobot actually agreed on something! It really was the end of the world coming.

There was some concern that crossed the taller turquoise Maximal's face. With Airazor out there on her own at a place that was going to attract a lot of attention from both sides, all Tigatron could do was hope for the best for his beloved falcon companion. Be safe, Airazor, he thought.

Upon entering the main bridge just as Rhinox and the rest were leaving, Optimus looked at the rat and said, "You'll be going with Whitegrazer, Rattrap. Immediately. Airazor will be expecting back-up. Report to me if you need additional support. I have a hunch Megatron will be making this site his priority, and I need you three to secure the area before he gets there."

"What?" Rattrap whined, looking at him. "What're you gonna do?"

"What I have to before leaving here," Optimus vaguely answered his curiosity. "Look, the location isn't that far away. If you need me, I'll be there in no time. Now, move out. And be careful." His optics lingered on Whitegrazer for a moment as he said the last sentence.

Sighing loudly in irritation, Rattrap hopped down off of the chair he had been occupying and walked over to the lift, impatiently waiting for Whitegrazer. "By the way, Boss Monkey, it looked like Starshadow was tryin' ta eat herself, so she put herself in the CR for repairs."

Eat herself? Optimus looked confused for a moment but shook it off. It was good to know where she was but he wondered what could have possibly happened to her in her quarters where she should have been resting. Hm. "Airazor, this is Optimus," he radioed to her, "Whitegrazer and Rattrap are on their way."

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:15 pm
by Blackrosefencer
OOC: Thanks. That cleared it up. That's what I figured, I was just a little confused about where she was looking.

DarkSpark wrote: "So glad you agree my dear, Bwahahahahaha!"
Arachnitron gave Tarantulas a wink as the two turned on Blackarachnia. Arachnitron's weapon was drawn, but not aimed at anything...just near by should she need it. Tarantulas had his weaponry trained on Blackarachnia waiting for her to make any kind of false move. Arachnitron could sense Tarantulas' delight as he chuckled to himself, but she wasn't quick to revel in their victory just yet. Blackarachnia, after all, was a black widow spider....She and Arachnitron were two of a kind. If it were her in this position, she would still try to be in control of this situation somehow. That would mean trying to turn the tides back to the way they were before...the two widows working together against Tarantulas. She imagined Blackarachnia would do the same.

She watched as Blackarachnia reacted much like Arachnitron's Predacon personality would have. The two were startlingly similar. BA swung her hips seductively in Tarantulas' direction, hoping that his libido would interfere with the control he had over the situation at the moment. She smirked at Tarantulas and flirted:
"Oh looks like you have me, partner," she smirked, "But really, you still need me and not just for manual work...."

"After all, we did have some fun times, didn't we?"
When she didn't get the intended response from Tarantulas, she turned towards Arachnitron. Arachnitron raised her energon pistol as Blackarachnia took a step in her direction, but BA lifted in pincers to show she was unarmed.
"I noticed a change in your personality. You are more submissive and obedient than you were before." Taking a moment to think, she nodded her head and made a little sound, "Tarantulas got himself a fine deal, hasn't he?"
Arachnitron lowered her weapon slightly, but gazed at BA emotionless. The Predacon programming is the one who would have given Blackarachnia the fight she must be looking for. The Predacon would have turned the situation into a femme-fight for dominance over the situation. The Maximal would have politely pointed out that obedience sometimes gets one what he or she wants most, which, in this case anyway, it did.

The Hybrid was different. Easily influenced, perhaps, but not easily intimidated. Nor was she one to be affected by taunts and teasing. She shrugged in indifference and replied calmly in a voice resembling that of her former Maximal-self:

"Obedient and submissive, yes, but it was part of the deal. I wouldn't be doing it without getting something in return." Arachnitron paused and in a blink of an eye, her words were suddenly dripping with the same sardonic tone used by the Predacon programming. "I believe we have a word for this....ah, yes! We call them allies."

Tarantulas chimed in:
Don't flatter yourself demon, I cannot recall any point in time in which any member of this crew, let alone myself, had a "fun time" with you present, so spare me the "remorseful bad girl routine." And don't soil Arachnitron's thought processors with your vile insinuations, just because you're a shameless wench doesn't mean she is as well. She and I have a mutually beneficial arrangement, unlike any of our past alliances. So either shutup and do as we say or die here and now, the options available to you are so simple even someone as single-minded as you can comprehend them" he said, countering her words with words of his own, as well as pointing his cybervenom launcher straight at her for added emphasis.
Arachnitron chuckled and raised her weapon again continuing to taunt the other she-spider. "An ally would probably help right about now, wouldn't it? Too bad you don't seem to have one." She grinned maliciously keeping her weapon steady.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:59 pm
by Alak
((OOC: I'll find some way to incapacitate Rhinox so he'll be CR Chambered during the crisis.))

Following Dinobot to the lift, Rhinox pressed the elevator button and lowered the two soldiers out of the ship.

"Beast mode!"

Transforming back into his rhinoceros form with a loud growl, the officer charged in the direction of their objective. Knowing that the raptor was significantly faster than he was, Rhinox told his companion to make haste.

"No need to hold yourself back, Dinobot!" he yelled, "All that matters is that one of us needs to get to that pod first!"

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:46 pm
by Wildfire94
With the Predacons responding to the stasis pods Megatron turned his attention back to the origin of the signal, finding it a little interesting that it proved to be so similar to that of the Standing Stones and possibly proving to be a useful lead. Perhaps he could even use it to his advantage with the Maximals since he was sure they would have caught the signal as well as facing interference. With a wicked grin coming to the t-rex's face Megatron stood from his seat ready to leave his quarters with finding something that could prove useful it seemed one of the Predacons was resourceful enough to locate the coordinates of where to find the main source,"Understood Nemesis, in fact I want you to rendevous with me and Onyx with you two being the closest and leave the pod for now. I'm sure our Maximal 'friends' will already have a comrade by now." He said before abruptly cutting the transmission and heading off to the hanger.

When he arrived to the hanger her let out a growl as he transformed and began running at the fullest speed his beast mode would allow, heading towards Grid Trion to discover what exactly this alien phenomenon could be.


Searching the area had become futile for Onyx meanwhile, lacking any tracks or signs of the new protoform that had emerged from the crashed stasis pod so the stallion had decided to give up the search and began to trot away from the forest. With the time he had gotten to the location there was no doubt whomever had come from the pod had had time to scan a form and bolt off to find one of the factions, but it appeared it might have been a successful activation of a new Maximal which was likely a good thing for the Maximals with so many loses they might have faced so far but Onyx wasn't sure of the sheer number they had lost within the time they had been stranded on the organic planet. Not like it was his business anyhow.

However, no sooner had Onyx left one location did Megatron contact him to meet at another, one not too far from where he was now and apparently not too far from the Decepticon turned Predacon Nemesis. But being confined to quarters he hadn't known she had rejoined their ranks not too long ago but he merely decided to follow orders and changed course, briefly sniffing the air for a moment though it was blowing towards him and preventing chances of catching much of scent. Shaking his head and tossing his mane the robust black stallion just took off in full gallop to meet with Nemesis and Megatron, recalling in seeing one flier not too long ago and guessed it had been her which meant she wasn't too far away at all.


Silverstreak in the meantime was having some bad case of energon interference when trying her communication system, finding it frustrating that there was such a high level of energon on the planet to cause it. It also made it all the harder to find any chances of the Maximal crew being there or knowing any where alive at all. Making due with her senses the silver fox pushed herself through some underbrush, finally making her way to the other edge of the forest after talking a detour to bypass the chances of running into more enemies within the range she had been traveling. Though her black-gray fur was already full of leaves and small twigs from having to deal with the bushes and shrubbery when taking the path she chose, now she was glad to be in more open space and hoping to spot some form of life other then those of organics.

"Maximize."She said while giving a low bark before transforming to robot form, her visor flashing green from behind as to scan for thermal signatures even if it had to be from a distance at least she could know if anyone else was in the area. Turning her gaze slowly in both directions the cyber ninja in training was careful to not miss a single flash of movement, knowing it would be vital if it proved to be cybertronian in nature...though no sooner had she started did she discover two heading to her location and despite the fact she could be facing enemies again she was hopeful this would be a turn around plus the wind was blowing towards the two approaching figures. Excitedly transforming she quickly took off towards them, her hopes high that she had found fellow Maximals.

((I'm assuming we're getting pretty close to the mushroom so improvising in bringing two with Megs since Inferno and Waspy seem to be incapacitated, but if you guys want Megatron to have another just let me know or feel free to just join. :D Oh and the two Maximals Silverstreak is referring to are Ironclaw and Wintersong))

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:59 pm
by New Moon
Frilla looked towards the lift, hesitating for a moment to actually join Rhinox and Dinobot even though she could easily keep up with the rhinoceros with running on her hind legs but she felt she would be better suited in trying to discover the source of the alien interference or discover why it was occurring. Besides there was little she could do near an ocean where both mechs would do far better. Looking towards Rattrap and Optimus as they exchanged words she turned her attention to the fuzor who seemed a little crestfallen that she couldn't go,"Feral I want you to go in place. The ocean just wouldn't be the best place for a frilled lizard and DInobot was right, they need aerial support not someone who will mostly get in the way and besides I think this alien interference is more my forte."She said though she also thought Feralnight getting out for a bit might help with her odd behavior.

Slightly crestfallen that Rhinox chose to take Frilla instead the fuzor sighed and was fixing to just go to monitor duty until needed before Frilla spoke up of her taking her place instead, giving the former predacon and surprised look but also a grateful one. "Thanks Frilla and I think your right. Especially since my fellow fliers will be busy elsewhere."She said giving a glance towards Optimus and Rattrap and knowing Airazor would be busy elsewhere with the rat as well, making her one of the only fliers available if anything were to go wrong for Rhinox and Dinobot. Spreading her wings as the hatch above opened the wolf/raven fuzor shot up into the air,"Beast mode!"She commanded and transformed mid-flight before flying towards the ocean knowing she would be faster then the two land transformers.

Watching Feralnight take off Frilla looked towards Optimus and Rattrap,"Good luck to you two by the way, if anything goes wrong feel free to call one of us. Or well if anything comes up here I'll let you know."She assured them before turning back to the monitor though activated her com-link,"Rhinox, Dinobot Feralnight will be going in my place on this retrieval, I'll be working on that signal and see if I can't discover something else behind it but be careful out there."She said while typing quickly on the console and once more looking over the data.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:09 pm
by Wintersong
"No it doesn't bother me in the least, and if it came off that way I apologize for that."Wintersong said recalling when Ironclaw had quickly removed his hand from her back and hip, guessing he had taken it a different way. "Honestly those two just were teasing really Ironclaw, normally it's not really meant to be anything mean though sometimes I do admit it gets annoying but again I never really let it bother me. As for what's going on I don't quite know yet Ironclaw since I've started to grow fond of you as well. Just that it could maybe be a close friendship or maybe more." She spoke honestly, not even slowing in pace as she spoke and would keep her gaze forward a couple times while also looking back at the badger to make sure she didn't almost run into anything.

Fact was though she spoke from the truth of her thoughts, not about to lie to Ironclaw when some things were in need of answers and even the white tigress wasn't about to hide everything she thought. Some things though Wintersong did keep to herself unless absolutely needed to be said. Though she took the pause in the conversation to sniff the air for a moment as it blew in their direction and her ears perked forward as she caught a few scents, one was a distant familiar scent of a predacon, possibly Onyx but the other was a newer scent. "I think though we're about to meet our new teammate."She said as she soon caught a movement a little ways away but once more looked at the badger,"But I can tell you more when the chance comes again Ironclaw, I give you my word on that."

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:56 pm
by WorpeX
"Not without back-up, Standby, Birdlady."
Airazor took the hint and looked out in the distance to see if she could get a better look. The aliens were surrounded in mystery and she secretly wished to know more about them, or at the very least, know more about what they wanted with this planet and the cybertronians. The alien signature she detected was only a few clicks from her tree and she zoomed her eyes in to see if she could get a better look. Her ability to be able to see far distances was a blessing to her and the rest of the maximals. It was what made her such a great scout. Sadly, in this instance, a small hill blocked her vision. It appears as if the signature was nestled inside a valley. A shame. Luckily, her wait for back-up wasn't very long.
"Airazor, this is Optimus, Whitegrazer and Rattrap are on their way."
"Great. I'll meet them there" She responded back and took to the sky. Within only a short moments she spotted the area in question. "Looks like i've found the source of the anomaly! She spoke to herself and flew in closer to get a better look. She didn't land, instead, she simply few circles around the object and waited for her companions. So far she found no predicon activity, but she kept herself aware just in case. With this cease fire, she shouldn't have to worry about being shot down... No harm in being careful though.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:45 am
by Blazemane
@OOP- Yeah, it's fine with me if Cheetor runs after Optimus.
@Blackrosefencer and Una- Thanks! :) ))

Burying himself deeper into the forest produced exactly the results Steelclaw had expected: more trees; no pod or protoform.

He would have pressed on anyways, but he stopped and turned slightly when he heard another voice.
Cecaelia wrote:"Steelclaw-kun!"
Steelclaw raised a forepaw in salutation and then dropped it heavily back onto the ground.

"Cecaelia! Kun...ness...skip it. Have you found anything yet?"

* * *
Rhinox wrote:No need to hold yourself back, Dinobot! All that matters is that one of us needs to get to that pod first!
Dinobot nodded with a grunt, and then took off at his top speed. With all that had happened recently, he wanted to welcome new companions to the Maximals ranks. And, perhaps even more so, he wanted to meet some of the Predacons out on the field. He was ready for this mission.
Frilla wrote:Rhinox, Dinobot Feralnight will be going in my place on this retrieval, I'll be working on that signal and see if I can't discover something else behind it but be careful out there.
"Acknowledged," he answered simply.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:09 am
by starshadow
Cecaelia! Kun...ness...skip it. Have you found anything yet?"
"Not yet but I did found an empty pod at the beach. It seems the protoform has chosen a beast mode. We have to get to him or her first before the Maxies." drawing out her venom blaster and scanning the area, Cecaelia moved on without Steelclaw, "Hurry up! Or we'll lose a comrade!"

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:36 am
by Mystrea
Ironclaw listened to Wintersong, she seemed more at ease than he had first thought. He wanted to have a professional attitude, meaning that others accuse them of anything. Although he didn't mind people knowing. However this was all for nothing if they weren't that close. "Let's see how things go" Ironclaw said wondering whether they were just close friends or something. He wouldn't deny that he was attracted to though. She kept glancing at him, "What are you looking at?" he asked looking himself over. All he saw was a fur ball.
Ironclaw noticed he creature infront of them which Wintersong had mentioned. He put his paw on her leg, stopping her gently. "Careful" he warned. Although the protoforms in the stasis pods are inherently Maximal, there was no way to tell from this distance.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:47 am
by Phoenix
Megatron wrote:"Understood Nemesis, in fact I want you to rendevous with me and Onyx with you two being the closest and leave the pod for now. I'm sure our Maximal 'friends' will already have a comrade by now."
A faint grin was almost visible on the avian Predacon's face as Megatron severed the connection. She could only assume he was already on his way to meet up with them, a fact that suggested some rather interesting turn of events were about to take place. Albeit Megatron was not one to openly debate his plans for the future, the Decepticon-turned-Predacon had come to trust such a plan did indeed exist and that Megatron knew more than he was letting on. She, on the other hand, had been a late-comer to the ranks of the Predacons and as such had never been made fully aware of the initial purpose of coming to this planet. So she could only assume, from the bits and pieces she had picked up from the bickering of other Predacons, that Megatron did indeed hold some trump cards and as such it would be wise to keep an eye on the situation as it progressed.

Being so high up in the air, Nemesis had a good visual on the terrain below. In the distance she noticed a lone, black horse moving closer. Not having seen any herds around here, she was fairly certain this individual was Onyx. Like a couple of the other Predacons, she wasn't entirely sure what to make of this particular one. Onyx did not appear to share the goals of some of the more hardcore troops. Nemesis herself did not care much for world domination either, but she had been a Decepticon her entire life until coming here so she firmly believed the Maximals and Autobots before them were weak and undeserving of survival.

Knowing Megatron would surely show his purple mug soon enough, Nemesis decided to descend to ground level before he arrived. Perhaps a closer inspection would reveal something about the mysterious object that was not detectable through air surveillance. She swooped down, touching the ground moments before Onyx made his arrival.