(( OOC: Just FYI, here are my current plans. Rattrap's going to go with Whitegrazer so he's there with Airazor at the 'shroom. Since OP isn't supposed to show up right away, he's going to search for Aurora and find her message on her computer, and maybe have the chance to speak with Orcariner.
Once OP is needed at the Grid Trion, he'll be asking Cheetor to follow him on foot who will be big enough to help drag Whitegrazer out of the Vok mushroom like Rattrap will be dragging Airazor (as both females will probably be temporarily paralyzed) because OP will be staying behind inside of it - if that's okay with you, Blazemane. Just thought you might like a little more involvement with Cheetor than you've had with the last episode or two.
If Rhinox and Dinobot are going to be out in the field now, is that going to change them getting cybervenomed by the spiders? I'll likely be leaving Tigatron behind at the base since there's nothing else for him to do.
Oh, and una, both sides of OP's hand are pretty much scarred since Nemesis' weapon went right through it, but it won't matter much longer.

It's healed on the outside save for the scarring, but inside it's just mechanically messed up a little.
Don't mention it, Phoenix. It's my "job" to keep track of all the Maximals. I was getting around to searching for her shortly. I haven't forgotten.
As Whitegrazer took his other hand, he looked at her's for a moment before returning his optics to her own and smiling lightly.
"Cybertronian Empaths are different than organic types. Because of the physical representation of our souls as blue orbs of postronic energy, we use our spark as the means of sensing the emotions and feelings of others around us, the universe, a single planet. It's our souls that tell us who we are. Our sparks react to the pulses and lines of energy of each individual spark. Basicially, the individual's aura. Despite the Classes we all put on, all empaths can form bonds towards people they are close to, friends and family. These connections are felt by the others, but they don't need to be empaths themselves to be able to sense it. The closer the person is, the stronger the bond is. Connections can be blocked, though by other person's own will. Like a barrier until they lift the block. Pain can also be felt through the bonds. We can feel each other's pain, thoughts, and it is understandably if both parties use the block to shield the bonds to protect the pain from others. There is also known connections which are forced. Forced connections are violations to us. Connections are beautiful things, not something for people to manipulate and use." "Connections can't be broken unless through extreme scenarios. Not even in death can bonds be severed. But when the person dies, it is an unbearable sensation. It almost feels like you yourself is dying like a piercing scream then sudden silence."
"Wanted to get that out there as we, Empaths, get alot of misunderstandings and myths surrounding us despite how rare we are. There is more to it than I have said. More complicated. I don't want to fry your processors."
A lot of more about Empaths made sense coming from her than anything he had read or was told by some corrupt politician or nutty scientist. He couldn't imagine all of the ridicule she must have gone through during her entire life. In a way, he felt honored to know an Empath personally and to have such a connection or a bond with someone. Optimus wondered if he had inadvertently created a block last night when Valkyrie's death had hit him at such a low time for him. Fortunately, Rhinox's wise words had helped him significantly to overcome the pain and guilt. So, the bond remains even after death? If she had felt such anguish once before - and it sounded like she was speaking from personal experience, - hopefully she wouldn't have to feel it again. Chuckling, Primal joked,
"Do you mean to say I can't handle all of the information? I appreciate the explanation, Whitegrazer. I was not aware of this much about Empaths. It does me great pleasure to have one among my crew."
"This scar was given to me by-"
The Maximal leader grew perplexed as he watched Whitegrazer's gaze slowly drift away, seemingly suddenly lost in her own thoughts. Perhaps it had been too traumatic for her to discuss so openly.
"Whitegrazer...?" he asked quietly after glancing to the corner of her room where her focus landed. She seemed so distant until Rhinox's voice broke in on both of their comm. links.
"Whitegrazer," "Are you able to deploy to Alpha Grid Trion? We need someone to provide back-up to Airazor."
So much for an answer. But it could wait even if Optimus wished he could spend an eternity in that peaceful moment with her. It was time for duty as the afternoon was moving on without them, and comrades were falling from the sky.
"Permission to go to Alpha Grid Trion to be Airazor's backup, Optimus?"
"Permission granted," Optimus said, returning her smile and gently squeezing her hands.
"You are right. We have lived different lives back on Cybertron, but despite those differences, I believe we are kindred spirits. We both have burdens we hold close to our sparks. Scars. Responsiblities. But I'm here for you whatever you need a ear or shoulder. "
Grateful for her kindness and offer, he said,
"Thank you, Whitegrazer. I couldn't agree with you more. And I hope you know that I'm here for you as well." For all of them, really. But she and Rhinox were his best listeners and always offered the best advice for him.
"Optimus," "Ironclaw and Wintersong are already on route to one of the stasis pods while Whitegrazer will rendezvous with Airazor at the second site. I'm taking Frilla and Dinobot with me to the third location. However, once you have everything under control here at base, you should probably take Rattrap with you and meet up at Alpha Grid Trion. Something seems... off... about that place. We could use the extra firepower just in case."
Glad to hear that Wintersong and Ironclaw were already on their way to help one of the pods, Optimus stood up and walked to Whitegrazer's door, gesturing her to follow and walk with him, and allowing her to proceed him through her quarter's door into the corridor.
((OOC: Hope you don't mind a little speed-up here, una.
)) "Copy that, Rhinox," he replied over comm. link. While Primal began walking to the command center with Whitegrazer, he explained,
"Rattrap will go with you to Grid Trion. If there's alien activity, I'm positive Megatron will make a run for that instead of the pods. We'll need to secure it before he and his Predacons get there." As for himself, he was going to hang back at the base a little longer to see how Aurora and Orcariner were doing after having gone through everything they did the day before. He prayed, though, that the alien signal was a fluke and nothing would come of it. He didn't like sending his Maximals any where near the Vok locations because they were always incredibly dangerous, but they couldn't let the Predacons get the upper hand.
"We'll have to probably talk to Orcanier before he goes on another mission Rattrap he seems to be having a harder time then he let on about Icebreaker."
Leave Orcariner where he is because I don't want his instability compromising our mission."
Rattrap frowned a little and gave Frilla and Rhinox a nod. They were probably right. He hoped the big guy would be all right. After all, things were about to get even worse for them.
"If you need another hand I'll go with Dinobot to retrieve the one near the ocean, Wintersong and Ironclaw seem to have the forest covered."
Like Frilla, Rattrap was surprised to see Feralnight speak up and volunteer aerial support for Dinobot. Maybe it was a good thing for her to get out and stretch her wings, but he hoped she wouldn't pull another stunt and skip out on the mission to pay another visit to the Preds.
However, once you have everything under control here at base, you should probably take Rattrap with you and meet up at Alpha Grid Trion. Something seems... off... about that place. We could use the extra firepower just in case." "Let's move out!"
Firepower? He hoped not. After all, they were still under a truce. But this was just his luck. Rattrap was getting stuck checking out the possible alien site. And with their leader who attracted them. Greeeaaaat. He wanted to say it, his infamous phrase, but he withheld and watched the others starting to move out at Rhinox's command before glancing at Tigatron.
"War is simply not the place to cultivate a romance. It creates emotional weaknesses in a fighter and obscures one's focus. The sooner they learn this, the better."
Wow, Rattrap and Dinobot actually agreed on something! It really was the end of the world coming.
There was some concern that crossed the taller turquoise Maximal's face. With Airazor out there on her own at a place that was going to attract a lot of attention from both sides, all Tigatron could do was hope for the best for his beloved falcon companion.
Be safe, Airazor, he thought.
Upon entering the main bridge just as Rhinox and the rest were leaving, Optimus looked at the rat and said,
"You'll be going with Whitegrazer, Rattrap. Immediately. Airazor will be expecting back-up. Report to me if you need additional support. I have a hunch Megatron will be making this site his priority, and I need you three to secure the area before he gets there."
"What?" Rattrap whined, looking at him.
"What're you gonna do?"
"What I have to before leaving here," Optimus vaguely answered his curiosity.
"Look, the location isn't that far away. If you need me, I'll be there in no time. Now, move out. And be careful." His optics lingered on Whitegrazer for a moment as he said the last sentence.
Sighing loudly in irritation, Rattrap hopped down off of the chair he had been occupying and walked over to the lift, impatiently waiting for Whitegrazer.
"By the way, Boss Monkey, it looked like Starshadow was tryin' ta eat herself, so she put herself in the CR for repairs."
Eat herself? Optimus looked confused for a moment but shook it off. It was good to know where she was but he wondered what could have possibly happened to her in her quarters where she should have been resting. Hm.
"Airazor, this is Optimus," he radioed to her,
"Whitegrazer and Rattrap are on their way."