(( OOC: Thanks, NK. I'll try my best to catch up here. If I miss something, guys, I apologize. Let me know and I'll correct it.
As for the remote demo charges that Rattrap was supposed to put around the field, technically it hasn't happened because LJ disappeared and I haven't had time to post for the rat. But we can pretend Rattrap followed through with Orcariner's plan and I'll pick up with the rat again. Also, Orcariner told Rattrap that after Optimus and Icebreaker took off to help Feralnight and Cheetor, so OP doesn't know about the charges, but I could pretend he does because I could use that. I'll work it into my post here.
Before the huge battle broke out, Rattrap had made his way around almost half of the energon field in beast mode, maximizing very briefly to open his forearms and pulls out a demolition charge. Setting them for remote detonation. Then he would quickly revert back to beast mode and move on, doing the same for three more charges that he planted. When he had finished, he had radioed his successful accomplishment to Optimus, making him aware of Orcariner's plan, and to Orcariner so he knew he was done.
Rattrap had made his way back to the
Nomad, joining Wintersong and Tigatron inside.
(( OOC: Pretend he's been there the whole time; just works easier for me.
)) After all, if he was shot down by the Preds or the alien, who would blow up the energon? You could call it cowardly, or lazy, but they also needed to defend their energon and their transport back to the
Tigatron gasped lightly at the
Leviathan's shot hitting the
Nomad, shaking the transport a little, but was surprised at what little damage it did. This "flying box" was very well reinforced. But next time, he could try strafing the shots to avoid anymore damage. The Predacons turned their attention away from their transport to his Maximal comrades on the battlefield, firing at the group near Orcariner. Then, on the scanners, Glowstick's signature appeared. Peculiar. A 'bot like him intrigued Tigatron's curiosity, but what was he going to do? It didn't take long to find out.
Feralnight! Everything was happening so quickly. The battle heated up, and he had shamefully lost track of their leader and the alien. Where was he? His optics sweeped the monitor until he spotted a fainter signature just inside of the energon field. Definitely not the safest place to be... And the rest of the Maximals out there were taking heavy damage. This was a sad day. And it was only going to get worse.
Just then, there was another shot to Orcariner from the opposing transport. However, it hammered Terrorsaur and Waspinator instead! What was going on with these Predacons?! They seemed so disorganized and didn't care about firing at their own, which they proved earlier when Sonar had been battling the alien. Tigatron shook his head with a sigh. Perhaps this battle would have had a different outcome had Megatron been in control of his Predacons. He imagined he would be one disappointed leader when his Predacons return scrapped and failed.
"This is Feralnight, I'm returning to the Nomad. I can't last another fight otherwise I'll be the next one in stasis lock."
"We copy," Tigatron told Feralnight.
"Wintersong, perhaps you can watch her back while she returns? Rattrap can guard the cargo bay door." The white tigress seemed eager to get some fresh air... and knock a Predacon around if one should stalk their exhausted comrade.
The rodent nodded up at Tigatron after helping Cheetor at their make-shift medical bay. In robot mode, he walked over to Winter and drew his gun.
Meanwhile, Optimus Primal and the Vok continued with their sword fight, wrapping themselves around the raw energon. Although the alien clone had been damaged, he was not showing much signs of slowing down or growing tired. And it was obvious that he was immuned to the energon fields. Optimus was growing exhausted. His arm throbbed with Steelclaw's bullet from the constant swinging and slamming of swords. His footing and reactions were slower now, and his circuits were beginning to short out from the exposure to the energon.
The Vok pressed on, getting more confident in his skills; weaker but showing more force in his attacks than his opponent was. Swinging his swords with speed and great force, he hammered Primal's sword in his right hand, knocking it out his grip.
Seeing the weapon fly out of his hand, the Maximal's weaker arm still held the other, but it didn't matter. At that moment, his dampers were failing and the raw energon began surging through his entire body. Growling from the pain, he momentarily left himself vulnerable to the alien.
Watching the leader, the "Ghost" took advantage of the situation and slipped in for its final move. Taking one of its swords, it drove it right through the side of the Maximal's waist, the end of it sticking out on the other side. And if that wasn't enough, it turned the blade slowly back and forth, ripping wires, stripping gears and spilling some mechanical fluid. Leaving the sword in him, the alien released it and stepped back, watching the Maximal, studying him, calculating data.
"HHAAARRGH!" Optimus cried out as he was stabbed, feeling the sword tearing him inside. And the energon surges were not helping. As the alien let go of the weapon, Primal dropped his other sword and grabbed the one lodged through his side, falling to his knees. While he started to pull it out, his optics dark as he attempted to cope with the pain, he sent a text message to all of his Maximals.
From Optimus Primal: Maximals, evacuate the area. Immediately. Prepare for energon waves. Yanking out the sword that was covered in his fluid, he dropped it on the ground and fell on to his palms, breathing heavily. There was one way to stop this alien. If its body truly was identical to his, for the most part, then it would not survive a massive energon explosion. It was a drone. He doubted it had a spark, and he doubted it was capable of stasis lock. Holding a hand to his new wound as the mech fluid dripped from the hole through his fingers and onto the dirt, he held himself up with his other hand while he kneeled, and sent a text to Rattrap.
From Optimus Primal: Detonate the charges, Rattrap!
From Optimus Primal: Detonate the charges, Rattrap.
Receiving the monkey's text, Rattrap looked at Tigatron and the monitors.
"Where's Optimus?" he asked.
Glancing down at Rattrap in the bay, the tiger said,
"He appears to be inside the energon field. I assume he is still battling the alien clone."
No way, Boss Monkey. Not until you're outta there, he texted back. Why was he texting anyway? Maybe he was in a bad situation with the clone and didn't want to reveal his intentions. But Rattrap couldn't blow the field while he was still in there. Well, he could, but he wouldn't. He didn't want to be responsible for killing their leader, for crying outloud.
Apparently it took a lot more to stop this Maximal Commander. Stepping forward, the Vok kicked Optimus right in the face, flipping the leader backwards to make him lay on his back. Then he placed a foot on Primal's chest and pressed down to him hold there, forcing him to remain in robot mode.
Optimus suddenly felt his head knocked back, and then his entire body following the motion. Laying there on his back, coughing, with his arms laying straight out from his sides, one of his swords was within reach, and he carefully and quietly activated his wrist cannons on his other arm that targeted some large energon crystals. Agony filtered throughout his body. Blue and white waves of energon circulated in his circuits.
"Warning: Stasis lock imminent. Transform to beast mode immediately," reported his internal computer.
No way, Boss Monkey. Not until you're outta there
Primus, just do it! I don't have time for this! Primal thought angrily.
"Your interferance on this planet will not be tolerated," the Vok spoke, looking down at Optimus under his foot.
"We will exterminate you and your kind. You have no comprehension of what you are up against."
"And you have... no idea what... we're... capable of!" Primal growled back at the clone.
"You want to... learn something? I... will do whatever... it takes to... stop you. No matter the cost," he sneered, coughing and twitching from the energon surges.
A small smile tugged at the corner of the clone's mouth.
"It will not be enough."
Without wasting anymore time, Optimus grabbed his sword, and then fired with his other arm at the energon. BOOM! The crystals created a large explosion that blew the alien off of his feet. The waves skimmed over Primal's body before he gathered enough energy to get up with the sword and walk over to his clone. While the explosion started a chain reaction with the energon field, Optimus lifted the sword up by its handle with the sharp end of it pointing down over the alien drone, who laid on his chest, and shoved it through his shoulder straight into the ground. That would keep him from escaping. Turning around, Primal spotted a nearby clearing that might actually help him survive this ordeal, so he headed to it as quickly as the energon surges would allow him.
"Warning: Damages are too extensive. Internal systems shutting down. Stasis lock commencing." "Beast mo-!" Another strong energon surge crippled the Maximal leader before he could transform. Everything went black before he fell to the ground, just inside of the small clearing.
Seemingly unconscious, the alien never got up after Optimus left it there "attached" to the ground, so to speak. But his body wouldn't remain there by the time all of the energon would ignite.