"Aftermath: Part II - Resurrections"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:(( OOC: Thanks, guys. Been having a lot of trouble with the "General Error" errors tonight, so hopefully this post will go through without any hitches. *grumble* ))

There was a sense of someone creeping up behind him, but Optimus had been too focused on targeting Megatron to turn around. Suddenly, he felt small shocks surge through his maces that traveled to his back and dissolved. Small sparks flew off of their handles as Starshadow's electric blade swiped across them. He gave a light grunt in his own disappointment for letting his guard down and for her continuing to attack when she was clearly growing weak. He could have chased her down before when she landed after her previous attack from the air and made sure of her retreat, but he let her go thinking she would have made the wiser decision. Nope. So now it was time to take action.

Immediately, Primal spun around and with a glare at the female Predacon, he aimed his gun at her right shoulder nearly point blank and fired once. It was her own fault for being that close to him, sneaking up on him like that and trying to take him down on her own. She should be grateful he didn't fire directly at her chest, lower abdomen or her head, or Starshadow might be on the ground in a similar fashion as Terrosaur. These Predacons were relentless.

Just as he had fired at the TransMetal panther, he heard a motorcycle-like rumbling quickly approaching. In search of its origin, the Maximal leader found Tarantulas driving straight toward him. With little time to react, Optimus lifted his arm and fired a shot at the spider's front wheel and then strafed to the side just in case his shot missed or while the wheeled arachnid lost control might try to trip him. However, at the end of his side-step, Primal stumbled a little on his weak legs, catching himself with his left arm on a boulder as he fell to a crouch, his gun still grasped in his right hand. He felt some of the pain in his shoulder's wound tingle down to his hand but it faded quickly and he went to stand back on his feet.

(( OOC: Kind of rushed this; getting late. Must sleep! ))

"RRRAAHHH!" Tarantulas exclaimed as Primal shot at his front wheel, the explosion sending him flipping head over heels through the air.

However, he quickly got his bearings and cried out "Tarantulas TERRORIZE!" and landed on his feet in robot mode, turned around to face Primal, and delivered a spinning round house kick to Primal's gun hand, followed up by a series of quick punches, his new and improved fists certainly making melee combat more versatile than his old pincers...As did his new claws. With speed and precision, Tarantulas quickly jabbed at Primal's shoulder wound with his talons, drawing mech fluid before pulling back into a defensive fighting stance.

"You've got power Primal, but not the skill to back it up!" Tarantulas bragged, having always believed skill and cunning with a touch of cyber venom was superior to brute strength.

As if to add insult upon injury, Tarantulas licked the mech fluid off his clawed hand with his chelicera, right in front of Primal, making sickening slurping noises as he did...Like a wild animal relishing the thought of the kill, or a serial killer enjoying himself entirely too much. Either way, it was a disturbing sight to see, even by predacon standards, and if Cheetor or Rattrap had been present, it would have been a reminder of the time he'd tried to eat the feline in his lair.

OOC: Hope this post checks out OOP, and no worries, your post last night works fine as the set up for a wee tuffle between Legs and Primal, even if time constraints force it to be a brief one.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Even though Wintersong didn't get an answer Ironclaw's look towards her at first seemed like he was alright but it seemed she picked the worst time to send the message when the missiles belonging to Terrorsaur struck the distracted badger. Optics widening at the damage he took she didn't wait much longer to take action as she bolted towards the mech, but to cover the distance faster the transmetal white tigress shifted to her vehicle mode, her lower legs folding up to lower her tires as the boosters along her sides popped open burst to life to send her speeding towards Ironclaw, taking only a short time to cover the distance and shifting back to running now, reaching his side just as the large mech was working to trying to stand up.

"Wintersong, maximize."She commanded and transformed, skidding to a stop beside him while wincing slightly from the pain that shot up her leg which right now was the worse pain she had. But again she clenched her teeth and dealt with it, knowing she would have to suck it up for now. Walking and partly limping in her left leg the dark silver and black femme came beside Ironclaw, crouching a bit to pull one of his arms over her shoulders and slowly helping him up. "Let's get you back to the Axalon big guy, think even you are at your limits." She told him with a concerned voice, retracting her mask for now and surveying the damage done by the missiles which concerned Wintersong that he might once again fall into a long stasis lock. Though so far he seemed to be holding up, the question was for how long?
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: No worries, New Moon. I'm just happy to see you had the time to post. And it was perfect because now Rhinox can come back and start helping. :D ))
With Starshadow down, and hopefully giving up the fight this time, Optimus let her be and focused more on Tarantulas who made an impressive maneuver as he flew through the air and transformed before landing on his feet. He didn't think the TransMetal arachnid could react that quickly. Having just gotten to his feet, the spider wasted no time on his assault.

With the roundhouse to his hand, Primal was forced to drop his weapon as it flew out of his grasp and rolled across the ground out of his reach. As soon as Tarantulas began punching the Maximal leader, Optimus held up his arms in defense and blocked his blows to his chest and face, much like a boxer. It wasn't until the Predacon's wicked claws dug into the wound on his shoulder that made him cringe with a low growl from the pain and jump to an offensive position. Lowering his arms, he placed his right hand over his injury on the opposite shoulder for a moment and looked at the liquid on his palm.
"You've got power Primal, but not the skill to back it up!"
"The only skill needed in this war comes from my entire crew who managed to bring me back from the dead. You're just upset that it worked, completely overshadowing your amateur scientific tricks of sealing me in that pod in the first place," Optimus said and assumed. Even though Megatron seemed to have taken credit for Primal's demise, he was certain Tarantulas was involved with it as well. Watching him lick his mech fluid off of his claws was rather disturbing, and the sounds he made managed to make Primal squint an orange optic in disgust, but he didn't dwell on it. Now was the perfect opportunity to charge while the crude spider savored his clawed fingers like lollipops.

Reaching back, Optimus grabbed one of his clubs with his right hand and swung downward for more power and speed as he brought it upward with all his strength toward Tarantulas's chin for an upper cut.

But it might be a little while longer before he's up and moving again at full capacity."
Groggy and still in some pain, Rhinox slowly came to, picking up Frilla's voice. At first it sounded distant, but as his systems began reconnecting and working again, it became clearer. His red optics flickered on and he slowly moved his head to the side, groaning lightly. "What... What happened?" he asked in a soft voice to no one in particular. He was weak, merely patched up by Frilla's handiwork, but grateful to be functioning at all. Holding a hand to his chest where the hole once was, he still experienced some anguish but not nearly as bad as it had been when it happened. It would take time for his systems to heal properly. "Frilla?" the engineer called to her. "Is everyone safe? Are they all right?" he inquired, almost desperately. As he recalled, most of them had been heavily injured outside, but even worse off was Cheetor and Orcariner. Trying to sit up too fast, he groaned and was forced to lay back down on his back.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: Great post OOP, lemme know if this newest post is too much or anything, otherwise, prepare to wrestle with a giant spider :twisted:, for however long ya wish to before tossing him aside of course in favor of Megs :lol:.

OOP wrote: With Starshadow down, and hopefully giving up the fight this time, Optimus let her be and focused more on Tarantulas who made an impressive maneuver as he flew through the air and transformed before landing on his feet. He didn't think the TransMetal arachnid could react that quickly. Having just gotten to his feet, the spider wasted no time on his assault.

With the roundhouse to his hand, Primal was forced to drop his weapon as it flew out of his grasp and rolled across the ground out of his reach. As soon as Tarantulas began punching the Maximal leader, Optimus held up his arms in defense and blocked his blows to his chest and face, much like a boxer. It wasn't until the Predacon's wicked claws dug into the wound on his shoulder that made him cringe with a low growl from the pain and jump to an offensive position. Lowering his arms, he placed his right hand over his injury on the opposite shoulder for a moment and looked at the liquid on his palm.

"You've got power Primal, but not the skill to back it up!"

"The only skill needed in this war comes from my entire crew who managed to bring me back from the dead. You're just upset that it worked, completely overshadowing your amateur scientific tricks of sealing me in that pod in the first place," Optimus said and assumed. Even though Megatron seemed to have taken credit for Primal's demise, he was certain Tarantulas was involved with it as well. Watching him lick his mech fluid off of his claws was rather disturbing, and the sounds he made managed to make Primal squint an orange optic in disgust, but he didn't dwell on it. Now was the perfect opportunity to charge while the crude spider savored his clawed fingers like lollipops.

Reaching back, Optimus grabbed one of his clubs with his right hand and swung downward for more power and speed as he brought it upward with all his strength toward Tarantulas's chin for an upper cut.

Tarantulas hissed in surprise at Primal's move, dodging the downward mace swing but taking an uppercut to the face that sent him tumbling backwards a few feet, dust and dirt filling the air as he skidded across the ground. Despite the spitting headache he now suffered, Tarantulas forced himself back to his feet, pushing off the ground with his hands to right himself, rubbing his chin in thought as well as to numb the pain. Noticing all the dust that had been kicked up, Tarantulas smiled with his optics as he dragged his left foot across the ground and kicked up a bigger cloud of dust to conceal his movements from Optimus, the spider stealthily circling Primal, even whilst he mocked him, his voice seemingly echoing from all around him rather than a single source.

"Figured it out did you? Well done, though I'd be more impressed if it had not taken being blown to atoms by an alien death machine for you to come to that conclusion. I assume you realized Blackarachnia didn't have the nerve to guarantee your demise whilst surrounded by your merry band of misfits, hm? Good luck figuring out how I did it Primal, ghosts do like to keep their secrets after all, you should know, Hehehehehahahahahahaha!" the spider jeered, knowing even Optimus was unlikely to figure out how he had cheated death and manipulated Blackarachnia like a puppet on a string, that even now in his new body, he still possessed this unique psychic power.

Feeling he had circled Primal long enough to conceal what direction he'd be coming from, Tarantulas switched to beast mode and lunged at Optimus from the shadows, fangs dripping venom, eager to taste maximal flesh and metal.
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Unread post by Mystrea »

Ironclaw took another look, his HUD still indistinct but he could still make out his rescuer making her speedy effort to give him aid. He noticed that she had a limp when she was close to him, he thought nothing of it, she was tough. He looked down and balled his fist trying to deal with the pain and ignoring his internal computer informing of the severity of his injuries. Just then a pair of feet appeared infornt of him. The badger strained to peer up and was rewarded with the sight of Wintersong. This did comfort him and he pushed to get up when she took his arm and swung it over her to help him. Ironclaw managed to get a decent footing and took a few steps and realised that he could cope. He stood up staight and looked down at Wintersong. He couldnt help the powerful emotions he was experiencing while being so close to her and combined with the battle which was still taking place. The larger bot removed his arm from Wintersong and placed his hand upon her hip, then moving so they were opposite each other. "I'm..... al-....right" He finally answered her question, to reassure her that he could handle himself. However his voice sounded broken up, evidently having problems with his voice he decided to stop talking. The white tiger had removed the mask and revealed her face. Ironclaw took long moment to gaze into her optics, there was something about them which enchanted him. He didn't care for the discretion that was normally followed in these kidns of situtations and wanted to make his move. No other bot would tell him otherwise, other than himself. He rememebred the shame of what he did last time he was with Wintersong. He ran and then was poisoned, leavin them for the scrap. It got a little too much for him so he through his look away from her and to where Optimus was currently fighting.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox wrote:"What... What happened?" "Frilla?" "Is everyone safe? Are they all right?"

Stag looked towards Rhinox Current status as follows. Tigatron,Cheetor, and Rattrap are in stasis lock. Unknown Predacon in CR chamber one, Aurora in CR chamber two, Aerostriker in CR chamber three, Orcariner in Nomad CR chamber. Unit Aerostriker's vitals seem to be failing due to extensive damage. Combat as follows.

The holographic display Stag was emitting suddenly changed to video of Optimus Primal outside fighting Unit Optimus Primal facing down Megatron,Starshadow,Tarantulas,and Tantrum. Ironclaw has dispensed many predacon forces, Wintersong is with him,both seem fairly injured. Silverstreak, Dinobot, and Whitegrazer are facing Nemesis outside, also heavily injured. Predacon forces seem to be down from previously, but still active at 25% of their forces.

Stag's display then changed This unit has also been monitoring information around the Axalon due to earlier infiltration attempts. A unknown unit similar to a previous Maximal has been detected, however no spark is present in this unit and it does not appear to be active. If this unit is some sort of blank, perhaps it would be more efficient to transfer unit Aerostriker to this unit, then move one of the injured to the freed CR chamber, allowing more focus on the other injured units.

The display showed what seemed to be a wire frame model of a transmetalized robot, with a image next to it of a penguin mode, with a screen bellow showing a security camera image of a metal coffin sitting in a room.

(And I'll save Umbra's post for now, since Star is on vacation and Blaze is busy.)
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Optimus Primal wrote:"I find that highly unlikely, Megatron, seeing as you clearly failed to get rid of me with the best opportunity that you could have ever hoped for. You're no better at killing Maximals than at, well, really anything else,"
As much as Megatron's inflated ego hated to admit it, Primal's words stung a little bit. He had indeed thought that his plan was going to work and now, seeing his foe was not only still alive but had even received an upgrade in the process, Megatron's pride had taken a blow.

Well.. if at first you don't succeed..

The original Optimus had also somehow pulled similar stunts, returning from the grave multiple times despite his own namesakes best efforts. Yet in the end even the legendary Optimus Prime had succumb to his destiny. In the near future none of that would matter anymore anyway. Megatron had much greater schemes planned than the single murder of an insignificant Maximal ship captain turned commander.

Primal's presence here, now, was not only a threat but also a humiliation. It was proof that even his most well-developed plans could be thwarted, a fact which Megatron's mind had a hard time to accept. He, much like his namesake, was flawless! Megatron's very name signified that he was the very image of perfection and Primal's reappearance had left a mark on that image. And for that reason Primal would pay.. most dearly.

His troops began intervening. Normally Megatron would have dismissed them, not wanting anyone to take away from his singlehanded victory, but right now they provided a most welcome distraction. Megatron was wounded, not severely but enough to slow his movements a tad and to put him at a slight disadvantage, and he had been involved in the ongoing fight against the Maximals for a long time which had nearly depleted his energy reserves. This one time he would forgive their intrusion since it gave him the advantage he needed to deliver the final blow against his enemy.

With his twin shoulder mounted cannons popping into place, it took him but a moment to adjust his aim at the nearby Maximal leader. It hardly mattered to him if any of his own nearby Predacons got in the way of the incoming blasts.

Taking advantage of the Maximal's distraction, he fired several shots straight at his hapless foe. It may not be an as intricate approach as he generally preferred, but at this point he just wanted the pesky creature wiped off the face of the planet.

"Primal!," Megatron announced, wanting to see the fear in his foe's optics as he died for a second time, "Be a good Optimus and stay dead!"
Whitegrazer wrote:"I never said it would be easy, Nemesis. It would be hard. There will be people who distrust you. Some wouldn't forgive so easily. I know that."
Nemesis glared as the white mare managed to snag her wrist and attempted to withdraw her arm. Unfortunately Whitegrazer's grip was strong enough to withstand it, leaving Nemesis with little option when the by now all too familiar pulling sensation of the arm sent her crashing into the ground once more. Shaking her head to get the feathers out of her face, the black and red female could not help noticing that the steel grip on her arm remained. Resisting the initial urge to move, Nemesis waited impatiently for the release of her arm to occur.
Whitegrazer wrote:"Wounds take a long time to heal, but eventually, they will. All I am saying is give us a chance. Give yourself a chance. I have just opened the door for you. You and only you can choose to walk through it."

"If you don't take it now, I will still, and always, keep it open."
Oh spare me the banter.

Nemesis was so tempted to say the words out loud but managed to refrain from doing so.

After a brief moment of silence while she merely stared up at the other female, waiting for her to either finish her lecture or to release the grip on her arm, Nemesis came to the conclusion that Whitegrazer had paused to give her a chance to speak up. She took a few seconds to contemplate the words, as if actually considering them, before responding.

"Whatever happened to the chain of command? In the end only the commander is allowed to make decisions such as that and from the look of it, Optimus is very much so still alive."

She shifted her gaze ever so briefly over at the figure in the distance, currently engaged in combat with Megatron and a few others, before her optics flashed as she once more turned her attention to the other female.

Unless this particular Maximal held a great deal of influence on the superior officer.. It was certainly a possibility worth considering.

Opening and closing the digits on her stuck hand a couple of times, already having tested the other femme's grip by attempting to pull the arm back once more, Nemesis decided to use a more direct approach. In a very sudden move, she tossed herself backwards in a flip. If she was lucky, the other female would get caught by surprise and get launched by the movement, and even if she didn't she would be forced to release her grip. On the downside her own wrist was not designed to bend that far backwards and the additional stress on the wrist caused the metal to bend to the point of dislocating the entire joint.

Landing on her feet, Nemesis could not hold back the agonizing look of pain as she grabbed the now limply hanging limb with her remaining hand. Although still attached, the wounded limb was now merely hanging motionless at an all-telling angle. The avian female did not offer it a second glance.

"You forgot one important factor in your attempt to persuade me to join your cause, Maximal,"
Nemesis responded as her nanites began repairing the wounded hand, "You never gave me a reason to do so. You see.. I have no intention of spending the rest of my life locked up in a cell and you cannot even offer me a guarantee that won't happen. So what incentive do you have to offer?"

As she spoke the final words, she also raised her hand that had been wounded but was now fully functional once again which brought a smile back to her face.

"You also failed to consider that perhaps I like what I am and what I do.. Perhaps I enjoyed seeing the look of terror in your friends' faces just before I extinguished their sparks?"

Her voice had once again taken a threatening, almost menacing, tone. It was a game to her, pushing her foes to see what kind of reactions she could get. An enraged or saddened foe was also much more likely to make mistakes.

"Maybe I love the desperate pleas of my victims and I get a thrill from the act of making them suffer before I deliver the final blow? You offer me redemption without even considering what your friends had to endure during those last few moments..? I bet they would love to hear your words right now, how easily you dismiss their torment by offering a sanctuary to the one who killed them."

As she spoke, she also pulled out her own sword and swirled it around in her newly repaired hand a few times.

"Now then..," Nemesis said as she eyed Whitegrazer icily, "Let's test how deep your offer truly runs, shall we?"

In the next moment, flames suddenly shot out of the sword and Nemesis launched forward, prepared to slice the Maximal in half at the waistline.

(hm.. as someone who has been around the Nemesis character for a long time (Since 2000), I do have to say.. it's very unlikely Nemesis can get "redemption" or atleast as much as Megatron can, even before the Nanomachines she was exactly the same. The only instance otherwise was around Warwulf.. who acts exactly like Silverbolt. So for all likelyhood, Nem will probably wreck havoc.. specially since even if she becomes friendly with the Maximals, back on Cybertron just like Dinobot she's just a war criminal. That's my 2 cents on it anyway. )
Well.. I don't necessarily think it was the character Warwulf that got on Nemesis' good side. I think the issue was that this happened early on in my relationship with Warwulf's player and sparks were literally flying all over the place and it just made role playing extremely difficult.)
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Thanks, DarkSpark. Great posts from you as well! But I think this is where OP and Tarry break up. :lol: Phoenix just gave me a great way out with Megs, so she and I will be able to jump into a duel post soon, I hope. :mrgreen:

Welcome back, Phoenix! Awesome post. ))
"Figured it out did you? Well done, though I'd be more impressed if it had not taken being blown to atoms by an alien death machine for you to come to that conclusion.
"Well, you and Megatron obviously couldn't come up with anything else. Fortunately, I had the resources and was around to step up to the plate. Besides, it was never meant to be a suicide mission or a murder," he bluntly corrected the spider.
I assume you realized Blackarachnia didn't have the nerve to guarantee your demise whilst surrounded by your merry band of misfits, hm? Good luck figuring out how I did it Primal, ghosts do like to keep their secrets after all, you should know, Hehehehehahahahahahaha!"
Tarantulas had a point. From what Primal remembered, the tarantula had been in stasis lock, leaving Blackarachnia on her own to turn the pod into a coffin. Or so he and every other Maximal thought. Apparently, even when he was offline, he was still able to control and manipulate the situation. As interesting and mysterious as it was, Optimus couldn't bother to figure it out at that moment; he needed stay focused on the battle. A battle that now seemed to turn into a rodeo with the motorcycle spider driving circles around him and disorienting him with a wall of dust that completely surrounded him. He tried to ready himself for the inevitable attack. But from which direction? Where was he? The Maximal could no longer see his silhouette through the cloud.

Suddenly, from the corner of his optic, Primal saw Tarantulas pounce on him as if he was prey. Well, maybe that's exactly what he was seeing the spider's mouth drool with venom. He only had enough time to turn his body around so that he was facing Tarantulas, but the TransMetal arachnid's weight and momentum knocked him over onto his back on the ground. Landing with a thud, Optimus dropped his club and immediately used both of his hands to grab Tarantulas's two front legs and push him up with as much strength as he could so the spider couldn't stab him with his venom. As the cloud of dust around them settled, he heard another Predacon approaching.
"Primal!," "Be a good Optimus and stay dead!"
Optimus shifted his gaze past Tarantulas to Megatron, and upon noticing the barrage of fire coming from the Predacon leader straight at him, he tried holding Tarantulas in place to use him as a shield. He may not have been as skilled as Tarantulas was in many ways, but Optimus had always been an opportunist. Most of the shots missed or hit the spider in the back in his foe's fury but one that grazed his upper right leg. It stung and he bared his sharp teeth to cope with it. Once the firepower stopped, Primal pushed Tarantulas off of him, tossing him to the side. Getting to his feet as quickly as he could, Optimus picked up his club and gun that he had dropped, holding each one in his hands and stood facing Megatron. The Maximal Commander was just beginning to grow exhausted, not nearly as tired or beat up as Megatron was, but it was apparent that it had been a long day for him already. However, with the paralysis dissipating from his legs, he could finally move quicker on his feet now, so he stood there defiantly and confidently. Maybe he could even fly again, but he wasn't going to try right now. Catching his breath, some liquids slowly trickling down his arm from his shoulder injury as well as his leg now, he waited for Megatron to make the next move.

(( OOC: I hope this was okay, Dark Spark. I'm ready for our joint post, Phoenix, as soon as we can meet up for it. :D ))

Current status as follows. Tigatron,Cheetor, and Rattrap are in stasis lock. Unknown Predacon in CR chamber one, Aurora in CR chamber two, Aerostriker in CR chamber three, Orcariner in Nomad CR chamber. Unit Aerostriker's vitals seem to be failing due to extensive damage. Combat as follows.
It was difficult for Rhinox to follow Stag's detailed report and procoess all of the information as tired and exhausted as he was. "Unknown Predacon?" he muttered, confused. Maybe Optimus put him or her there before he had come out to fight off the rest of the Preds. He was the only he could think of that would allow such a decision. He was greatly relieved that someone had somehow gotten Orcariner to the Nomad's CR chamber. Hopefully he would pull through. Aerostriker's situation couldn't help but remind him of Icebreaker's loss, which he refused to allow to happen again. Perhaps it was time their CR's had major upgrades so that they could actually do their jobs more efficiently and effectively and so some of the other Maximals could have more faith in their results.
Unit Optimus Primal facing down Megatron,Starshadow,Tarantulas,and Tantrum.
Rhinox wasn't so sure his old friend should be handling all of them all on his own, despite his comeback and new body. Hopefully he was managing and could return to his crew soon. It would certainly help the moral around there if they could see and speak to their commanding officer again since his re-appearance was so brief.
Ironclaw has dispensed many predacon forces, Wintersong is with him,both seem fairly injured. Silverstreak, Dinobot, and Whitegrazer are facing Nemesis outside, also heavily injured. Predacon forces seem to be down from previously, but still active at 25% of their forces.
It was good to know that Ironclaw was helping and Wintersong had his back. But why was Nemesis still hanging around? Couldn't they defeat her? A part of him wished he could go out there in beast mode and just ram his head into her, sending her through the air 50 yards and making her retreat. But he was in no condition to pick a fight. If only someone had the power to fight her. With Optimus preoccupied with the rest of the Preds, the engineer didn't think he'd be back in time to fend Nemesis off before it would be too late.
This unit has also been monitoring information around the Axalon due to earlier infiltration attempts. A unknown unit similar to a previous Maximal has been detected, however no spark is present in this unit and it does not appear to be active. If this unit is some sort of blank, perhaps it would be more efficient to transfer unit Aerostriker to this unit, then move one of the injured to the freed CR chamber, allowing more focus on the other injured units.
This idea to "move" Aerostriker intrigued Rhinox, but it would be risky, especially with how weak his spark already was. "How much... time do you estimate... with Aerostriker's decline?" he asked the Target Master between breaths while he tried looking at him from the floor.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(OOC Phoenix: Okay, So Nem has no redeeming qualities then. :P )
Rhinox wrote:"Unknown Predacon?"

Stag brought up a image from inside the CR chamber of Silverbolt This unit, registered under "Silverbolt". Appears to have been a Maximal protoform, no shell program detected.

Rhinox wrote:"How much... time do you estimate... with Aerostriker's decline?"

Stag then brought up a image of Aerostriker's CR chamber, which looked like something out of a horror movie showing part of the left side of a metallic skull with open optical socket, exposed metal ribs acting as the remains of the super structure and part of a collar linkage that a shoulder would of connected to. The ribs showed a large gaping hole with water and fire damage displayed as the CR chamber seemed to be working desperately pulling out melted circuits, bellow the chest cavity was the exposed Spark chamber, resting freely with a few wires attached to the sides.
Pulse cycles have been dropping incrementally since arrival. Under normal circumstances, the spark should of already expired.. This unit can only assume what was left after contact with Nemesis is due in part to the fact those components were still smoldering hot from an internal fire when Aerostriker's engine blew.
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Unread post by New Moon »

Frilla was quite surprised to hear Rhinox awaken already and just shortly after she had repaired his chest, so far though it seemed to have worked despite her inexperience to being a medic in general. But she was concerned of his trying to move already and though she wanted to warn him to not move too much just yet she allowed Stag to speak, letting him inform the large mech of what was going on though had to wonder if he really could process everything at the moment. For now she merely listened while she worked don Cheetor's arm, mostly working to reattach it and repair the shoulder to the best of her abilities until finally the arm was fitting and she shifted it into a position it could easily be reattached.

Though she turned her head slightly to look at the hologram, her optics widening at the sight of how Aerostriker looked now which made her shudder and feel sick just to see it and looked down again. But the last display she began to immediately recall who this bot was, the body was different a bit but the penguin form..."Would it really be possible to transfer Aerostriker's spark to Icebreaker's old form? I mean it may have become transmetal but sounds like a pretty risky move." Frilla spoke up softly, as she finally finished reattaching Cheetor's arm and paused to look back at them. "And the problem is you hardly look in much condition to be moving a lot Rhinox."She said, concern showing in her face.
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Unread post by una »

"Whatever happened to the chain of command? In the end only the commander is allowed to make decisions such as that and from the look of it, Optimus is very much so still alive."
Whitegrazer was confused as to why Nemesis asked her that question. As she remembered the words she had spoken, she never suggested or said anything that was a command. The only thing she has given was an offer and a compassionate hand. Pondering these words, she noticed Nemesis bending her arm in a way that could decapitate her arm.

She let go to not do farther injury towards Nemesis or cause her to flip down to the ground, but the pull forced her to trample down to the ground on her back. A shearing pain went through her entire torso. Her optics blurred as her head pounded.

"You forgot one important factor in your attempt to persuade me to join your cause, Maximal,"
Nemesis responded as her nanites began repairing the wounded hand, "You never gave me a reason to do so. You see.. I have no intention of spending the rest of my life locked up in a cell and you cannot even offer me a guarantee that won't happen. So what incentive do you have to offer?"
"You also failed to consider that perhaps I like what I am and what I do.. Perhaps I enjoyed seeing the look of terror in your friends' faces just before I extinguished their sparks?"
"Maybe I love the desperate pleas of my victims and I get a thrill from the act of making them suffer before I deliver the final blow? You offer me redemption without even considering what your friends had to endure during those last few moments..? I bet they would love to hear your words right now, how easily you dismiss their torment by offering a sanctuary to the one who killed them."
"Now then..," Nemesis said as she eyed Whitegrazer icily, "Let's test how deep your offer truly runs, shall we?"
Whitegrazer kept a solemn expression as Nemesis talked about her friends, laying at her feet. She thinks that they won't agree or hate her for giving an asylum to their murderer. But Whitegrazer knew those who were gone within the Matrix were at peace. They could see through her soul and approve of what she hoped to accomplish here. Maybe it was Nemesis couldn't understand? She would explain herself, "We can never erase the past, Nemesis, but we can forgive. Forgiving isn't forgetting the past, though. What we can do is change the bad memories and used them as a force of good. You asked if my friends would agree of offering you sanctuary? Yes, they would. To use their names to cause more pain and suffering would be demeaning what they had suffered and died for. "

Nemesis's sword came at her sideways. She rolled off, causing great pain around her abdomen. It made her go down on one knee, staring at the Predacon, "You want a reason?"

"To be stronger than what you are." She smiled at Nemesis, "You are right that I can't give you no guarantees, but I won't allow you to be put in a cage. I would put you in the same room as I or I would help you in a place where no one can harm you on either side. Neutral ground if you prefer. I would help you like teacher to a student."

((OOC: LOL I can't wait to see Nemesis's reaction to this! :lol:

Whitegrazer: We can be roommates! :D))
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

OOC: Oooooo are we resurrecting Icebreaker? Interesting...

Also, I'm still here...just lurking until the battle gets closer to being finished or someone interacts with my character whichever happens first....

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by Warwulf »

((OOC: Sorry, I had a reply written for Tantrum. Unfortunately, the forum ate it. Atleast, that's the answer I'm sticking with. Likely it was me confusing preview and submit... but it's easier to blame technology. Darn you!))

Silverbolt closed his optics and rested his hand and head on the front glass of the CR Chamber. The deafening silence was punctuated by the occassional mechanical whir of the repair systems as they went about their tasks. The distant, muffled sounds of the combat outside barely penetrated the chamber. It was during this time that Silverbolt found himself with time... too much time... to sit and reflect. He could no longer ignore the nagging feeling deep down in every alloy of his being -- that belong to the Predacons was wrong. Every action of the Predacon leader went against Silverbolt's personal code of honor.
Optimus Primal wrote:"... I'm afraid your personality clashes with Megatron's. And he doesn't want Predacons who set themselves apart from him or his other troops."
Optimus's words echoed over and over in Silverbolt's mind. And they rang true. In which case... that means that Optimus's claim that he was always meant to be a Maximal was true as well. But how could he ask to join the Maximals when he had been fighting against them as their enemy. Would they accept him, their former enemy, in their midst? What choice did he even have?
"... whether you wish to stay with him or be with us it is entirely your choice."
Choice? There was no choice. Megatron had used him... gained his allegiance... all under false pretenses. Lies! The more he dwelled on it, the angrier Silverbolt could feel himself becoming. Out of anger and frustration, Silverbolt pounded on the wall of the CR Chamber. His thoughts turned to those of vengeance, but just as quickly, he pushed them from his mind. No. It was not a virtuous endeavor. Megatron was not worth it. It's not as though Megatron had ripped out his spark or removed the essence of his being... he wasn't responsible for any atrocity... Megatron hadn't succeeded in breaking Silverbolt when he was in his clutches. While he felt he still had the right to be upset at being used, Silverbolt would not allow it to poison his being and taint his actions.

Still, there were things he needed to set right.

"Status," he curtly inquired of the chamber.

Flight systems operation. Weapon systems operational. Primary systems at 75% functionality. Secondary systems offline.

That'll do.

Silverbolt opened the door to the CR Chamber. He followed the breeze to the whole blown in the side of the Axalon. Briefly stretching out and testing his wings, Silverbolt took flight -- hoping to find Optimus... or Megatron... or both.
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

((Haven't been around much myself, sorry about that guys. Peeked in long enough to keep up with what's going on and was waiting to see what happened between Nem and Whitegrazer before I posted. And also Blackrose, given that Arachnitron seems to be returning to base I can offer up Onyx since he headed back after Optimus returned.))

Silverstreak heard Stag mention Tigatron's Cryo gun, making her look around for a bit before she noticed it not far off from herself and Dinobot, making her look with hope that this might help if things got out of hand. But so far Whitegrazer was holding on and she didn't want to interfere with the fight at the risk of bringing harm to the older femme more than she already had. Putting the tonfa in her right hand away the young vixen moved over and grabbed the gun, finding it a bit heavy compared to her tonfas and it was meant for a bot taller than herself, not exactly what she'd call much hope but it would have to do if they stood a chance against the stubborn avian female and might actually slow her done like Frilla's Electro-scrambler had done. Just without the weird effects that followed of course.

Returning to her position with Dinobot Silverstreak decided to put her other tonfa away as she lift the underside of the gun with her free hand, more to keep at a steady position to be able to fire properly. And at the moment her gaze followed the fight carefully, keeping her sights set upon the femme.


Elsewhere, Onyx had finally made his way back to base after all this time and having decided he wouldn't participate anymore into the exploits of slaughtering the Maximals like this unless it was in a fight that they could fight back. He preferred his foes operational and still able to hold their own or at the most defend themselves in the middle of a combat situation, otherwise there seemed no point in it. Odd as it might be for a Predacon, Onyx was not the type to use underhanded tricks in a fight, least not the could that would cripple a foe to the point they couldn't fight at all but only did such things to gain an advantage in battle. During the attempt to kill the Maximals once and for all Onyx had been more or less content just to have to target their ship or giving them a single shot from his Friction Rifle just to bring them down. At least then it would be a few minutes of just pain and able to move on.

Sighing the former Predacon military soldier walked towards the hanger, shaking himself slightly to remove some dust that had covered his coat from the long run before murmuring, "Onyx, terrorize." With transforming back to robot mode he surveyed some of his damage structure but nothing that was actually serious, mostly thanks to his thick exostructure and the fact the Maximals had long ran out of ammo before they could do any significant damage to his frame. Probably the most damage he had was some puncture wounds from Rhinox's machine guns, and any more likely would have penetrated much deeper than he would have like but the larger Maximals hadn't lasted very long after getting his chest blown out. It would be amazing if he even survived to see another day to which he had no idea he had already. But his thoughts were interrupted as his internal computer informed him of an approaching unit.

Curious he turned to see who it was, focusing in his optics and was surprised to find it was one of the widows and surprisingly being very uncoordinated in their movements. Was it Arachnitron who had also participated in the battle earlier? It had to be, he had not seen Blackarachinia for some time now and he doubted she might be damaged enough to be that uncoordinated like she was blind. But just to be sure..."Onyx to Arachnitron, do you require some assistance?"He commed to her, watching her with some concern but not wanting to jump to conclusions that she might be completely helpless so it never hurt to ask.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: Nah, its cool OOP, I kinda figured something like that might happen once Megs opened fire :lol:...Can't imagine why so many of the preds don't like their fearless leader :P
OOP wrote:
Optimus shifted his gaze past Tarantulas to Megatron, and upon noticing the barrage of fire coming from the Predacon leader straight at him, he tried holding Tarantulas in place to use him as a shield. He may not have been as skilled as Tarantulas was in many ways, but Optimus had always been an opportunist. Most of the shots missed or hit the spider in the back in his foe's fury but one that grazed his upper right leg. It stung and he bared his sharp teeth to cope with it. Once the firepower stopped, Primal pushed Tarantulas off of him, tossing him to the side. Getting to his feet as quickly as he could, Optimus picked up his club and gun that he had dropped, holding each one in his hands and stood facing Megatron. The Maximal Commander was just beginning to grow exhausted, not nearly as tired or beat up as Megatron was, but it was apparent that it had been a long day for him already. However, with the paralysis dissipating from his legs, he could finally move quicker on his feet now, so he stood there defiantly and confidently. Maybe he could even fly again, but he wasn't going to try right now. Catching his breath, some liquids slowly trickling down his arm from his shoulder injury as well as his leg now, he waited for Megatron to make the next move.

(( OOC: I hope this was okay, Dark Spark. I'm ready for our joint post, Phoenix, as soon as we can meet up for it. :D ))

"RAAAHHHH" Tarantulas hissed in indignation and pain as his back was riddled with shots by Megatron's new tail cannon, Primal having the nerve to use him as a living shield to block the shots!

Thankfully, his new transmetal armor was far thicker than his old shell, and thus saved him, and alas, Primal, from being blown to scrap, but it still hurt like the Pit, even more so after the wretched ape tossed him aside to turn his full attention to Megatron.

"Eehhhh...You'll pay for this...When you least expect it...You'll PAY!" Tarantulas wheezed in pain, cursing Primal for using him and Megatron for opening fire on him...Was it really any wonder why nearly no one amongst Megatron's forces truly respected him? Why so many of them wanted him dead regardless of whether they actually wanted his title or not?

His back charred and smoking from Megatron's gunshots, Tarantulas forced himself to his eight feet and activated his wheels, speeding away from the battlefield as fast as he could, deciding this battle was moments away from being lost anyway with so many of them injured, even if Megatron managed to beat Primal.

"There will be other opportunities to end this war on MY terms, for now, I have other avenues to explore" Tarantulas promised himself, opening up a comlink to Arachnitron and saying "Tarantulas to Arachnitron, status report!"

Elsewhere, Terrorsaur finally came back online, his internal repairs doing him enough good to awaken, but he was still in no shape to fight, his outside appearance being a testimony to that.

"Next time I'll show them all...Next time...Beast mode!" Terrorsaur swore, changing into pterodactyl mode and shakily returning to the skies, each flap of his wings sending shivers of pain through his aching body, but at the same time pushing him onward to escape.