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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:06 am
by Wintersong
"Boy what a team we'll make." Snwo Trix said in a sarcastic tone as she transformed to robot form and leaned against the wall feeling the absemoving voer the water. For awhile after she remained silent, flicking her tail now and again but besides that keeping ehr face expressionelss and hidden fo emotion.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:35 pm
by Xzuk
He turned his head to an awkward angle again as the repairs were finishing up. Icebreakers thought was duely noted, but he couldn't afford to seperate forces again.

"We wont be needing the base anymore. The Predacons have picked up on something as well and I doubt they'll be coming back this way... Orcariner, begin the trace. Try and find what caused that surge."

He scratched his ear and returned to a normal sit.

"With any luck, that surge began at the Axalon. And if thats the case, we cannot lose the race there."

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:46 pm
by Taran Ulas
Cerano listened silently, trying to absorb what just happened. Okay, I get picked up by a pyschopathic lizard, blown out of his hands, see my current commander get shot and blown up, and now there's a energon surge that was not caused by either of our teams. Now I remember why I joined artillery; all you do is wait for coordinates, adjust, and fire. Also, Predacon targets usually don't go hand-to-hand combat with you.

"Commander, if the surge did not begin at the Axalon and the Predacons reach the area first, what is your plan?"

(sorry got off track, had come up with some new ideas, and I'm aware of the second to last statement's problems, but we all engage in hyperbole)

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:34 pm
by Xzuk
Xzuk shook his head for a moment and smiled.

"I don't plan that far ahead. For now, lets just focus on beating them to the grounds."

He knew they could do it. Logically, they could outrun them by miles. Orcariner would no doubt have a way to go by river, and then it'd be a full speed charge from there.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:31 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick stretched a few tentacles while driving, his eyes then widen as he hears some radio signals again on the the communication system I've determined their location. Hang on to some folks because I'm opening her up.. he then states turning on the cabin sound system he then starts playing"M.O.V.E.-Gravity", pulling up on a lever from the floor the ship starts to take off from the ocean waters into the air, then activates the main rear thrusters causing the craft to launch through the air racing at speeds which if still in the water would of simply sheered the vessel to fragments from water resistance.

(Continued in beastwars main thread)