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Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:32 pm
by New Moon
Frillia felt the wave,luckily she had been in beast mode the whole time and juped down running after her comrades with surprising speed. But where had the energon wave come from that caused the surge? COuld it have been the missing teams? Shaking her head the frilled lizard continued to run deep in thought of what may happen.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:36 pm
by Wintersong
Snowstorm was leaned back in a chair at the mobile base or fortress, whatever they called it just looking through data and bore dout of her proccessor. BUt the sudden surge made her stop and look at the screens, some going fuzzy for a breif few minutes before returning to normal. "What did those idiots do?" She mumbled refering to the other team of Predacons somewhere on this dirt ball of a planet. Sitting forward she tried to get the systems back to normal catching a few dots on the screen. It appeared the PRedacons were retreating no doubt the surge stopping the fighting earlier so the fox femme stood, reverting to beast mode as she went outside to watch for them.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:14 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick continued along the river, heading towards the area he stashed the Predacon mobile base. He released one of his tentacles from Lineos firing it out from the river out to a tree on the shore, then dragged himself and Lineos out of the water.

Glowstick sighed to himself 70% water and I'm stuck having to deal with the parts floating out of it.. ug! he then says to himself, he activates his com-link, hearing some interference he then raises an eyelid as he hears some voices randomly on the predacon channels What the...this will need further investigating..

He then continued to drag himself towards the base, he looked at Snowtrix standing outside Surprised you showed up here. I just got blown up and Lineos here is a stasis locked Popsicle.. I'm hearing strange signals on the communications..

He then pulled himself inside the base, dragging Linoes onto the CR bed which promptly slides closed to repair the energon and ice damage. Glowstick pulled himself into the cockpit, his bodies' internal repair system kicking in as he started to examine recorded radio signals and the energon signal that hit earlier.

Do the maximals have a spunky kid in their group or something?.. he then said to himself listening. It's a bit gargled.. but I think there's another group of Predacons.. None of these voices sound like the ones from the battle today. Considering the intensity of that surge.. I wonder if they're still alive?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:28 pm
by Xzuk
Xzuk landed wit ha brisk roll and a few loud cracks and pops. IT was by no means a small fall. He stood wearily, happy that his systems were still functioning when he got hit by a huge wave of raw energon.

What the slag? Our dampers must be failing... or maybe...

"Beast Mode!"

There were a few more pops and hisses and a shower of sparks, but he was back into beast mode and internal repairs were beginning. For now he had to find his fellow Maximals. He dialed in the communicator, but heard only static.. and some strange interference... Possibly even... Voices?

"This is Scout command officer Xzuk calling any functioning Maximals... Do you copy?"

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:08 pm
by Wintersong
"That surge really got you and the Predacons, must have been quite a surge to have stop a full assault." Snow Trix said coming inside once more. "The screens went out for altitle bit but they're going again, I detected some unknown Predaocn and MAxial signals far from here. It might be the Darkside and the missing Maxials." She said.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:18 am
by Alak
Xzuk wrote:"This is Scout command officer Xzuk calling any functioning Maximals... Do you copy?"
Orcariner dug his fingers into the dirt as he continued to pull his nearly-paralyzed body towards the water. Xzuk's voice sounded from his radio and the Maximal replied with an evident strain in his voice.

"Orcariner, reporting in. I'm near our HQ, heading into the river."

He felt the cold water embrace his vulnerable structure. Not willing to risk entering stasis lock, the robot returned to beast mode. The dampers did their job well, as Orcariner's pain subsided for the time being.

"Xzuk," he continued, "What in the galaxy happened to us?"

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:32 pm
by Xzuk
He was listening to the light static and catching random cues from voices he didn't recognize.. until one struck his memory... he couldn't place it... but he recognized it... Then another. Much more familiar.

"I'm not sure Orcariner. The only thing I can think now, is that my explosion somehow disabled the bases feild dampers. Once it was down, we got hit by a huge wave of raw energon, and we got surged."

Xzuk laid out beside the waterfall similr to a wet dog, and shook his coat dry, waiting for his ally to return.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:44 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick nodded his mantle So it would seem.. and seems you were hiding information after all. Darksyde hm?.. Well then.. from what it appears, I'm glad this thing is built for water.. Lineos is going to be out cold for awhile, we should recover Luna, Tantrum, and Frilla and head out at sea. There may be may be things here we don't understand.. but I could care less of that.. finding those ships is far more important.. If you like, you can ride along with us.

He then deactivated the jamming signal the base was putting out before, finding it just a waste of energy. He turned on the communications system Frilla, Tantrum, Luna, return at once.


Icebreaker blinked hearing Xzuk Hey, what happened up there?! he then walked towards the shivering wet fox. Or what happened here for that matter..?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:59 pm
by Wintersong
"I know a few things, but I will nto say all I know." SNow Trix said shrugging and flicking her tail looking at the screen. BUt the idea out at sea wasn't soudnign too fun, but there wans't much else to do so why nto." Sure whatever." She said.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:04 pm
by New Moon
Frilla hear the call but was there in a minute after, "Already here boss squid." She said walking over to the monitor but looked at the screen for a moment before looking at the others. It didn't seemed the abs ehad been affected much at all nor did it apepar Snow Trix had been affected, possibly frm staying behind or something. BUt she turned and looked wathcing for any of the others.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:01 pm
by Alak
The killer whale swam towards his companions while checking his system processors. The shockwave that struck the transformers had damaged some of his programs, forcing him to reboot them. Telling the others of his problem, Orcariner added.

"My long range scanners are fried. I'm going to have to take a few cycles to restart them. Something big went down a while a ways from our location. If we can get a satellite or boost the signal of my radar, once it's up, then maybe we can track the source of that blast."

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:25 pm
by Xzuk
Xzuk smiled ligtly at the thought of Orcariner's plan. he turned to him and nodded approvingly.

"Get on it Orcariner. Whatever caused that blast, probably came from the Axalon."

Xzuk's eye twitched to life as the repairs struck his upper body. He shook his head lightly and shrugged off the odd feeling.

"Where's our medic?"

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:17 am
by Phoenix
Moonshine had been seeking cover behind some rocks and finally poked her head out. She had no idea what had happened, other than what appeared to have been a massive surge had hit them and interrupted the fighting.

The bird's left leg had been injured during the fight, as she had attempted to escape the wrath of the alien surge by converting to bird mode just in time to get shot out of the skies, but the injuries weren't bad.

She felt a bit dazed, confused, and a tad worried, but Xzuk's words caught her attention.
"Where's our medic?"
"Right here," the bird responded, taking a few shaky steps in bird mode before converting to robot form once more. She hurried over to her comrade, to take care of his injuries. As the others seemed to be on the move again it would have to be a make-shift job for now, but Moonshine did as best she could with the time and equipment she had available.

"Anyone else need some fixing up too?," she asked as she finished up the job.


Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:22 am
by Alak
Systems reboot complete. Signal scanners functional and online.
Phoenix wrote: "Anyone else need some fixing up too?," she asked as she finished up the job.

"I could use some help," said Orcariner, "My ranged scanners are back up, but they're not at one-hundred percent. You mind giving them a tweak? The ranged scanners are located in my dorsal fin."

The medic flapped her wings and gracefully landed on his back. The killer whale could not see her operating on his systems, but the erratic spikes of pain that shot through his spine told him that she was doing her job. Moonshine was quick with her repairs as Orcariner's interface brought up a topographic screen with a visible energon trail left from the shockwave.

"Alright, Maximals," he said, "I picked up a trace of energon left from the wave that hit us. If we follow it, we might be able to find its source and hopefully, as Xzuk mentioned, the Axalon."

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:50 am
by NaitoKage
From the distance the aggressive cow came into view rather frustrated at suddenly being recalled. He made an angered grunt, then transformed to robot mode slamming his fist onto the side of the door frame as he entered You rang? I don't like being redirected here or there.. he then said in a rather annoyed mood.

Glowstick turned looking from the cockpit of the ship We're leaving the area, unless you want to be left behind, you should sit down. he then stated.

Tantrum walked towards the bench sitting down at one end of it, he then crossed his arms with a scowl.

Luna walked into the base transforming If you make a face like that it might stick. she then gave a low chuckle, sitting down at the end of the bench.

The rear entrance of the craft closed, it then hovered into the air backing out from it's cover in the woods and heading across the plain to another shore, then forward into the ocean where it descended on the water, floating like a boat with two main thrusters propelling the craft along following the energon trail from the explosion.


Icebreaker looked towards Orcariner raising a flipper Sounds great, lead the way big guy. Though.. what do we do about the base? Or should only two go out to look for them? he then said, wondering if the predacons might steal the base they already established if the alaxon was too damaged or couldn't be found.

After stating which, Orcariner's long range radar detected a large object larger then even himself leaving the area at high speed with all the predacon signals riding along on it.