"OC Episode #1"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk was a bit surprised when his rifle was launched away from him, but it didn't take long to put together the pieces of the puzzle.

"Sword fights arent really my fort'e... but if you insist..."

He smiled as he pulled his plasma saber from his back.

This should be interesting...

He took a step back and brandished the sword in a low stance and waited for Glowstick to make the first move.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick moved towards Xzuk in a rush, his body swiping horizontally towards Xzuk's head with the one handed swipe, drips of slime flying from his blade as he moved it. Exactly why I chose this, your more of a sniper then a scout or infantry type.


Icebreaker took the tackle sliding slightly, his back leg digging into the ground he then pushed with his shoulder throwing the heavy lizard back with simple brute force. Yeesh, not so close! You need a breath mint! he then shouted.
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner unsheathed his blades and charged towards the oncoming enemy forces. His aim may not have been considered adequate by military standards, but at least he had the sharp edge of energon-laced steel to help boost his combat record. Each footstep that the Maximal took shook the ground, and his frame proceeded to cast a looming frame over the tiny Predacons. His was going to finish the fight, and defeat was not an option.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

He glared at Glowstick before sliding his feet apart and sidestepping the blade.

"There's more to a swordfight then just power alone. Form and technique play a big part in it."

He rolled his wrist as his saber darted towards glowsticks thighs. He wasn't here to smother a spark. he was here to find his fellow Maximals.
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

As Lineos attempted to recover from his charge, Cerano quickly pulled out his shotgun and fired it without aiming. The shot just grazed Lineos' leg. However that did not mean that Lineos was not going to pay Cerano back for it.

In a move of surprising brutality, Lineos grabbed Cerano by the leg and proceeded to attack Icebreaker. "I really hope that you're one of those kind and moral fellas- *whack*-who wouldn't dare-*whack*-harm a teammate for the good of our cause would you?"*whack*"Just shut up and die Maximal filth." "So you want the weapon you're using to beat up another Maximal to die? And they say my priorities are messed up..."

(on a side note, anyone hear anything from New Moon or Wintersong recently? Also either we're expending this or we are wrapping it up soon.)
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick shifted his leg, his shin seeming to flex unnaturally as the blade moved past it, he then jumped back with his other leg while backswinging his sword sending a glob of slime from the sword towards xzuk. Technique with no power is just as useless.


Icebreaker held up his shield as he started to get hit by Lineos, going down on one knee he jammed his gun into his own thigh pulling a lever on the side of it, then got up knocking Cerano away from Lineos with his left arm and shield, as he moved his gun forward firing off a iceblast close range on Lineos aimed at his chest.

Icebreaker hopped back pointing the gun at Lineos as he spoke up Cerano, are you okay?!

(Uh, well considering what is about to happen soon, I believe they'll be heading off to find the maximals and predacons.. Not sure what the maximal's plans are, but the Predacons will probably retreat from the battle after a sudden explosion/energon surge from their mountain battle in the main thread. As for New moon and Wintersong, dunno. Haven't seen much from either, but Wintersong is probably just busy.)
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Unread post by Alak »

(Agreed with NK, we should try to finish this on par with the main RPG)

Orcariner swung his lengthy arms, striking with restrained power and sharp precision to deliver nonlethal blows. Taking note of Icebreaker and Cerano fighting off the larger Lineos, the giant Maximal charged towards their direction. He threw his shoulder into the frozen Predacon before turning to the others.

"Is he alright?" he asked Icebreaker.
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

NaitoKage wrote: Icebreaker held up his shield as he started to get hit by Lineos, going down on one knee he jammed his gun into his own thigh pulling a lever on the side of it, then got up knocking Cerano away from Lineos with his left arm and shield, as he moved his gun forward firing off a iceblast close range on Lineos aimed at his chest.

Icebreaker hopped back pointing the gun at Lineos as he spoke up Cerano, are you okay?!
"I'll function. Now for the Predacon" was the response that greeted Icebreaker and Orcariner. "HuawhahahahahaHAHA!" "Why do they always laugh even when they're horribly injured?" "Say good bye Maximals!" "Wow, you need lessons in Markmanship. That flew right past us towards... aw crap! Xzuk!"

((If you're wondering what happened, basically Cerano functions, Lineos laughs, Cerano wonders why Predacons have a desire to laugh manically, Lineos shoots at us, misses, and Xzuk and Glowstick need to practice dodging. I also decided to try dialogue only for a reason. To show that we can describe a lot with just our voices.))
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by New Moon »

(Sorry for my absense everyone, I hd alot on my plate the last few weeks and my cousin, Wintersong said she might not be ablle to answer until soemtimes tomorrow or later ont his week. But I will post a part for frilla though she will nto particapate in the fight. For rihgt now I got some things to do then when i'm done I will post Frilla.)
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Glowstick was right... With no power, Xzuk couldn't keep this up for long...

Well... why should I have to be powerful, when I can just have an explosive do the work for me?

He began rushing Glowstick with a flurry of random attacks. While he did the flurries, He began setting charges in random spots around them. As he placed the final charge, he returned a total focus to the swordfight. If things got bad, he'd blow them both to The Matrix.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick hopped back repeatedly as the flurry of slashes came at him, even though his body could probably take the damage he wasn't exactly into the idea of losing some tentacles even to take down a maximal.

Glowstick then hopped above the waterfall's raging water floating in the air, his left arm firing off a laser at Xzuk. Maybe in this case it would be better to stick with guns..
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Unread post by New Moon »

So the fighting was still going on and it apepared no one was really gettign anywhere. Frilla had left ehr post to see if she would be of any use though it apepared pretty even out with the PRedacons and Maximals, so she only stayed sielnt in the leaves in a tree above. Her eyes followed every move and every fight she could, trying to analyze how these btos attacked or moved in battle. It might come in handy later. But the femme realized she ws one fo the more smaller of any on both sides, and maybe the weakest even.

Shaking her triangular ehad she balanced on the slightly small branch that was about as thick as her head and jumed to another higher one to watch better. However, the brnach below and the one she soon pulle dherself up to swayed wildly giving away her hiding spot. This made her an easy target if she didn't watch herself.
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Unread post by Alak »

The laser fire caught the attention of the giant Maximal, who's head turned just in time to see the Predacon aiming one of his arms at their comrade. Drawing his carbine rifle, Orcariner growled as he cocked his weapon and aimed up at Glowstick, who's back was turned to the battlefield. Before he could pulled the trigger, an explosion erupted from the top of the waterfall and the transformers instinctively shielded his eyes. The sounds of falling rocks and breaking foundation urged Orcariner to turned towards the smaller Maximals nearby and grabbed them off the ground. He ran away from the waterfall not seeing the fate of his team leader nor the Predacon squid.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk got hit by the laser fire on the shoulder as his optics hazed up and went static for a moment. That was where he drew the line... Even if the explosives hit him too, he'd go down fighting.

"Enjoy the ride."

He pressed a small button on his forearm as the charges detonated launching him into the air straight towards the other battle raging on.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

His teal optics widen as the explosions went off from Linoes and Xzuk, thrown back into the river he drifted down the waterfall crashing into the waterfall basin.

Suddenly a massive energy streaked across the sky, maximal and predacon field dampers alike wearing down in mear seconds as their internal systems built up energon demanding them to transform into beast forums.

Glowstick shook his head, then transformed in the water Ug.. what the slag?.. Looks like someone is blowing up energon fields and it isn't us.. Predacons regroup at base. We wont be as effective now.

Glowstick's tentacles then fire out from the river pulling the stasis locked(since probably still frozen in parts) Lineos into the river rushing away quickly, luckily the ice floating enough so Lineos wouldn't be flooded internally.

Icebreaker's body surged, he then transformed to penguin mode What the.. whats going on?! he then said confused at the sudden energon surge and the explosions above the falls.

He then looked at the retreating predacons. Did.. we win?

(Alrighty. the Mountain has busted, and a energon surge of THAT magnitude is on level with a nuclear or hydrogen bomb going off. Which would be felt around the world. So what does this mean for the groups? Since they have computer equipment, they could probably estimate where the mountain energy signature went off from and want to investigate. Such a wave would also carry radio signals so jumbled Maximal or Predacon communications could show up on both side's computers making them know something is alive over there.

The Predacons are going to be going onto a little sailing trip, the Maximals have plenty of options that I'll leave Xzuk to figure out. Things like sending a scout party, sending the entire group either across the Alaskan ice bridge(slim since it isn't known to the group) or a iceberg made by Icebreaker towed by Orcariner. or something amazing that is even more likely!

In any case, since the main game is wrapping it up, we should do that as well and jump in the pool folks.)