"OC Episode #1"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk sat and thought for a moment... After all, 50 yards would be sufficient... But that wouldn't push the boundaries of the technology like he wished to. He needed a widespread grid eventually... So for now, he would need to test it for at least a mile out.

"Cerano... If it's not too much to ask, I was thinking somewhere between five and ten miles. I can place the perimeter spikes if need be. I can also make a porjector for them to keep them hidden."

He smiled lightly before tinkering with a turret for a moment.

"You handle the tech and I'll handle the fieldwork. Sound good?"
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

"Will do commander. I will program that distance if you get me the data."

As Cerano began to walk over to what raw materials he had access, he began to transform into robot mode.

((if you're wondoring how he can transform while walking, I made his robot mode legs his beast mode legs.))
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by Xzuk »

"That much, I can do."

He smiled as he walked towards the waterfall.

"I'll send in the coordinates of the pinpoint spikes as I hit them."

He bolted underneath the waterfall and swam to shore. Once there he shook his coat dry and took off for the first vantage point of the grid. He could see it from his current location thankfully.

A cliff face should do nicely... Then towards the forest again... and finally back towards the waterfall and up river.
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner watched as the fox dashed by him and out the waterfall's secret cavern.

"Radio in if you need any back-up," he told Xzuk over their com-links, "And let me know when you're about to come through so that I don't accidentally slag you."

That shouldn't happen if he was paying attention to his scanners since Xzuk's Maximal signature appeared green as opposed to red, but Orcariner wanted to be safe.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Snow Trix sighed walking tot he river, par tof her fur was caked with blood and dust and she wanted to wash it off before it settled too much in ehr fur. Going into the shallows she let the water rush over her fur shiverign at the coldness but ignored it until finally she was sure it wa sal gone then stepped out ans hook her fur dry.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

He arrived at the tip of the face of the cliffs and smiled looking down. The view from here was excellent. He could see the waterfall and the river, but the foliage shielded Orcariner from view. It truly was an excellently hidden base.

He turned on his commlink and sent in the coordinates.

"Xzuk to base, these are the coordinates for position one."

He took another scannerful before he simply jumped from the cliff face.


He changed just long enough to activate his jump jets about ten feet from the ground. He landed softly and reverted to beast mode.

"Well... That just saved me quite a few cycles..."

He smiled again and launched himself towards the forest.
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Unread post by Alak »

Boredom quickly hit Orcariner as he continued to stare at the waterfall. He walked up to Moonshine.

"Hey, I'm going to borrow one of Xzuk's radar jammers for a couple cycles. I'll be back, I'm just going to see if I can recover some more gun turrets. We may need some outdoor defenses based on how things have been shaping up."

Latching the device to his arm, the Maximal dove out of the waterfall and transformed into his killer whale form. He powered downstream towards a few white icons that appeared on his map. With the jammers, hopefully neither the Predacons nor the alien devices will detect his presence in robot mode.
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Unread post by New Moon »

With nothing much else to do Frilla decided to go take a look around leaving the mobile forest at high speeds on her two hind legs. Upon entering the forest leaves rustled and moved from the undergrowth Frilla hit as she ran, but she kept out for any suddden movements or for nay signs of the Maximals. Though she didn't mind much of avoiding a Maximal, she already could tell the others were itching for a abttle, well almost everyone. It seemed half the team wanted a fight while the other half seemed more focused on getting the base up. Why couldn't they do both? Frilla didn't really understand her comrades, none of them she trusted yet so it was kind of hard to tell whether or not she woudl trust any of them. The one called Lenios kind of made her armor crawl and the squid Glowstick, he seemed an okay bot, but either of them could turn on the team.

"I ahve to keep a watch on these bots. Trust no one until I've really gotten to know them." She muttered to herself coming to a stop in a thick growing area of the forest. If they were going to be stuck on this planet as well they might as well get use to their beast forms. But a program had been installed to prevent the animal instincts taking over completely, but couldn't they be useful too? Frilla thought for a moment, deep in thought. That was one thing that had her thinking about why the program was there.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick finished installing the laser, then crawled into the vehicle noticing the radar again. He saw two blips for a second, then the radar distorted with false signals. a Jammer? How cute.. and obviously the maximals are hiding more things.. However, two can play at this game and raise the hand much more..

He then plugged his headphones in and put them on, attaching his body to the vehicle he adjusted his systems searching for a specific sound in the ghz band, then after a few moments stopped. Frequency found.. polarizing signal incase he tries to jump off it and now to hammer it a bit He then turned up a dial while broadcasting on Orcariner's radar system, causing random and broad false signals to appear on it.

and now.. with their eyes blind, lets fill their ears with noise.

He then uploaded some music from his music player into the computer, adjusting to the maximal communication signals. "AC/DC Rock n' Roll ain't noise pollution" then started to play on the maximal radio's clouding their communication system.

Glowstick chuckled darkly From what I've seen two maximals are at play, who knows how many may be out.. in fact their very base may be unguarded..
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner heard music begin to play through the noise of rushing water. It was odd, and it was definitely not his genre.

"Which one of you guys is playing this junk on the radio?" he asked, continuing to swim downstream at an accelerating pace, "Xzuk? Cerano? It's Icebreaker isn't it. Blasted water pigeon."
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk heard the tune through his comm and stopped abruptly. He marked the coordinates of the second marker on his datamap and then rushed back towards the base. At least they wouldn't be completely blind to a frontal assault.

"This is Xzuk calling all Maximals out side of the base. Listen carefully. I am in pursuit of possible predacon scout."

Knowing Orcariner, he'd be here in nanoclicks. Hopefully Cerano would catch on noticing his signature was heading back to base, not away from it.

If they've gotten through my communications breaker code, then they've gotten through my jammers signature code as well... Slag that Glowstick... he's the only one capable of unmasking my channels...

There was no predacon scout. But, if Xzuk's logic circuits were right (and they usually were) There would be one on the horizon very soon.
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner stopped just short of an alien turret.

But...I'm RIGHT here!

"Acknowledged," replied Orcariner as loud as he could.

He turned around and faced the strong river currents. Going upstream was no problem for his powerful body, but making it back to base would take some time. Probably more time than he could afford to waste.

No choice, he thought, Got to do it. It's why I'm here.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick raises his optic ridge noticing some communication sounds could come from the maximals, obviously he needed to up the anti a bit. He turned the broadcast volume up as "Queen-Don't stop me now" starts to play.


Icebreaker turned his head to the side as he heard music coming out of his radio What is this noise? Oh.. I know this song! But if this is on the communication channels.. he then transformed standing up with his gun ready aimed towards the entrance of the cave while going into one knee, his shoulder shield shifting to protect a good deal of his torso in case of attack, a small visor lowered over his optics displaying thermal readouts from past the cold water Just incase I better stick to ice shots.. he then said to himself.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Orcariner's blip came up on Xzuk's scanners at long last as he ran to catch the giant killer whale.
He took off and in what seemed like no time at all, the whale was in view.

"Orcariner, we're going back to base. I'll explain on the way."

He turned and ran to keep up with the killer whale. he was moving extremely fast for a bot going upstream....

I just hope my logic circuits are wrong on this one... If not.. then we've got a whole lot of fight comin' our way...
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Unread post by Alak »

"What did you say?" shouted Orcariner, rising over the water so that his words were more clear.

It was no use, the music was too loud for him to hear Xzuk's words over the radio. Instead, Orcariner turned off his radio and transformed, walking out of the river. Xzuk was behind him, according to his scanners, but he needed a way to catch the fox's attention in case he happened to miss the large Maximal. Taking out his carbine, Orcariner fired several shots at a low altitude in his comrade's direction. Low enough to avoid being spotted by Predacon or alien forces, but high enough to miss the small robot.

Let's hope he sees me.