Re: "S2: Aftermath"
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:22 am
((Yay I can access the forum with the laptop again!!!
I'll post once Cece receives orders.))

Beast Wars International
Hah! Been dat way ever since we crashed here, the TransMetal rat said to himself."Your situation is becoming desperate,"
Rattrap couldn't help but laugh out loud at the flying wolf because of how foolish he sounded as he flew near him. Then he added over the sound of his engine, "Two words wrong with yer pathetic attempt of trust, birddog; generous an' surrender. You think I was just built yesterday? Dose words ain't in his vocabulary, and certainly not after he murdered our leader!" His tone grew angry and short. "I'd watch yer back if I were you, White Fang! Megs is known to kill his own!" With that, Rattrap watched him carefully to make sure he didn't try grabbing his tail. He still wasn't sure where this guy's loyalty laid. Obviously he knew next to nothing about Megatron except that he punished his troops brutally for disobeying, so maybe Rattrap could take this opportunity to persuade him to join the Maximals or at least reason with him. ...That's what Optimus would have done... Right? Yeah. So for the time being, he continued his speed with the winged canine near him, seemingly unthreatening."Stand down now, Maximals, and I'm sure Megatron will give you generous terms of surrender."
"Best news I've heard all solar cycle, hehehehehe" Tarantulas chuckled, beginning to feel more like his old maniacal self by the cycle as the hour of his glorious resurrection was at hand.
"Turn it on."
He took control of BA's voice and confirmed her earlier orders to Arachnitron "Do it."
"Death has been dull, GIVE ME LIFE!"
"Predacons! As promised, our time of victory is now at hand. All available units are to assemble at my coordinates."
"Predacons! As promised, our time of victory is now at hand. All available units are to assemble at my coordinates."
"Thanks." She said with a nod and began her journey to the Hanger."Hey, Airazor, Go ahead and use my CR Chamber. It's a bit large, but don't let that intimidate you. I designed it to be capable of repairing bots of all sizes. It'll even adjust to someone as small as Frilla."
Of course not, NK. I simply didn't think it would be wise or safe for a new guy to jump off into the unknown, facing the hell-bent Predacon leader (who's thristy for death) for the first time when he has no idea what exactly is going on and what kind of war he was just thrown into (despite the battle he endured earlier and saving Airazor). I would think a new bot would hesitate to see if the team, who has been there far longer than him, has a way of doing things first. It reminded me too much of Icebreaker; always jumping in and not thinking about the consequences.As for why Aerostriker would go, Cheetor was basically making a distress call. Would you normally ignore such a call? If so, that doesn't technically follow the Maximal character at all.
My point to that was that NH had Saber lower the shields five days ago from yesterday. And Stagg already did his scanning and found no hostiles. So during that time between the shields lowered and Cheetor's call, what took so long to land and say hello? Just waiting for Alak perhaps? And I know Alak had Orcariner ask for the shields and Sentinel to be lowered, but techincally they were never activated after everyone left on their missions because it would've saved energy and offered quicker regeneration while they were deactivated (especially when a Predacon attack was not a threat at that point in time since everyone was off racing for the pods instead), but I let that go and played along with it.As for why Aerostriker wasn't in base already, the shield just came down and he was circling the area to check for enemy ambushes while waiting. Not to mention, since Aerostriker doesn't know the area that well, he probably doesn't know how to enter the Axalon until Orcariner goes in..
I realized this later as well.In regards to Aerostriker responding to Cheetor's transmission to the base... I hadn't realized that it was a logistical problem for Aerostriker to hear that message instead of just Saber-Fang until you mentioned it. In my mind, it made perfect sense that everyone would heard it on their own com-links, which would make "base" in this case a use of synecdoche--Cheetor is referring to everyone in the base. But now that you've brought it up... yeah, I don't think that's how it works in the show. When somebody calls the base, it just goes to the command center. But it's possible that NaitoKage was making the same kind of assumption that I was rather than trying to have his character override Saber Fang and Rhinox's roles in all of this.
I assumed he was communicating directly to the Axalon's bridge (which would give Saber a little something to do while she's monitoring communications) and that it was not an open link to everyone in the area."Cheetor to Maximal base,"
I was going to mention that on its own, Blazemane, but no offense, I had no idea when you'd be back here to post again or to see that I had a little issue with the way you worded Cheetor's call. I apologize that I should have addressed that first before rambling on to NK.In that case, OOP, the misunderstanding belongs to me completely.
uhhhh oops.Manterror was scooped up by Umbra, his pieces are going to be passed to Cecaelia for repairs Worpex. Welcome back!
Silverbolt? The name made Rattrap curl the side of his lip up for a moment. Doesn't even sound Predacon! Come on! How dense was this dog?!"The name is Silverbolt,"
The Fuzor's pause made the robotic rodent look up at thw wolf's face with a fearful expression. What was he going to do...?"Tell me something there, friend. Do you trust your fellow Maximal..."
Was that a trick question? In all seriousness, though, in a time like this? Yes, he did. Cheetor was young but he was far from lazy, and he was everything that the definition of the word "brave" defined. But where was he? Rattrap couldn't see him as his green eyes frantically searched the air. But before he could even answer, assuming the Fuzor's question wasn't rhetorical, the Maximal Commander was released. Suddenly the feeling of weightlessness consumed him. He HATED that feeling! This can't be happenin'! With so much experience falling off of previous fliers, especially Optimus, the only thing Rattrap knew what to do to buy himself and Cheetor some time was to sprawl out all of his legs to create some drag in an attempt to slow down the inevitable crash and die... or be seriously wounded. He was sure he understood Silverbolt's maneuver, trying to trick Megatron into thinking that he had actually killed a Maximal, but once Megs was going to find out that he lied... Well, the birddog might be following in Glowstick's demise... He just didn't get it. Well, nobody can say I didn't try the monkey's way! He's on his own now."...with your life?"
None taken. I feel live I've been posting slower and slower and slower for a long time now. And I know that a posting pace like mine can throw everything out of wack.I was going to mention that on its own, Blazemane, but no offense, I had no idea when you'd be back here to post again or to see that I had a little issue with the way you worded Cheetor's call.
You don't have anything to apologize for! But if it makes it any easier on you in the future, I should explain myself--I do generally read/skim the Role Play every single day, and anyways, my "skimming" is usually more likely to be of the OOC information than the story. My writing speed is some... psychological block. Writing a post always sounds like this long, involved task in my mind. So when I know I'm busy, I tell myself there just isn't time... today(/tonight/the next today/the next morning). But I still have no real problem with popping in and reading through stuff; that just doesn't sound long and involved.I apologize that I should have addressed that first before rambling on to NK.
Somehow, exam week means that I have more time than normal...))Oh, and Blazemane -- if you're not too busy -- you might be needed.
Steelclaw turned away from the barrel absentmindedly. "Hmm?" When he finally focused himself so that Quickstrike's words registered, he got to his knees and started collapsing the rifle. "Yeah, you're right." He stood on his feet just long enough to say "Beast mode!" and then transformed into the black bear and started trotting off in Megatron's direction, coming alongside of Quickstrike.Quickstrike wrote:Er.. I recon we better mosey on along thar.
"I'm coming!" he shouted into his comlink. He saw Silverbolt flying away from the canyon and then passed a ways below him a few nano-clicks later. When he got to the high, outer-edge of the gorge, he dipped downwards, chasing Rattrap from above. When he saw the ground rushing towards him, he realized he wouldn't have a second chance to try grab a hold of Rattrap.Rattrap wrote:Cheetor! If you ain't too busy, could ya get yer new, shiny butt over to de canyon before I'm smashed ta bits?! No hurry, you know... 'cept I'm gonna die!