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Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:38 am
by Wintersong
Snow Trix snorted after recieveing the call and came tot he base instead, "Who died and made you ocmmander?" She said not caring for his reaction. BUt could she really tell how the MAixmals may be avoiding detection? Maybe she coudl use this information to he rown advantage and gathe rinformation about the Maximals by doing a break in. Shaking he rhead to ehrself Snow Trix decided agaisnt it. "I have some...infomation you might find interesting, Glowstick" She said.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:42 am
by Alak
Orcariner sheepishly transformed into robot mode, feeling awkward for his surprise entrance and story telling in his whale form. The Maximals were in deep thought of their situation. It was a difficult pinch since they were dealing with an easy truce as well as unknown, but hostile alien weaponry.

"I'm going back to guard duty," he said, "I'll call if anything out of the ordinary comes up."

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:50 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick ignored the comment on "who made him commander" as it seemed he just fell into the role since the other predacons were simply so indifference and unorganized it was a joke.

He then leaned on an arm as she spoke Oh really? Well then, by all means do tell.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:54 am
by Wintersong
"While out eh...scouting I saw Ocanier out by the river. You wanted to know what they're hiding well there's a waterfall, I saw the whale dippear ebhind it, the othe rMaximals must be in a cave behind it and amde it their base. But if you don't believe me I can show you." SNow Trix said. She made sure to be careful of what ehr ral actions were and nto give indicatons of what she was planning to do.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:10 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick shaked his head No. I believe you. While talking to that whale on radio, he suddenly disappeared from radar.. while he was in water. His mobility is rather limited so that would seem to be the most logical.

Glowstick crossed his arms Hm.. the maximals have about 4 units from what I could tell.. The whale and fox we know of, the bird is of limited knowledge and the other.. who knows. With the whale's radar we wont be able to sneak so close by.. so he probably sits as their guard to the front door. I suppose if worse comes to worse.. I could just leave You, Luna, and Frilla here while taking Lineos and Tantrum to clean this planet of the maximal vermin..

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:15 am
by Wintersong
"I'm perfectly capable of taking ona unit of weak Maximals thank you very much! Leave who you want here but I go it alone, but I'll be open to whatever help you may need, but I gave you what I knew and now I'm gone." For the maybe thrid or fourth tme that day she started out fo the base, knowing Glowstick might be frustrated wiht her lack of listening to orders. But she wasn't a team player and group would jsut have to accept that fact,whether or not it took awhile.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:30 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick watched as she left, he chuckled darkly at the thought of her verse the group. He leaned back putting his feet up on the CR bed as it continued it's construction Ah that vixen.. so amusing sometimes.. And useful. Hm..A cave.. he then pondered out the situation.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:37 am
by Xzuk
Xzuk's smile faded for a moment as he looked back to orcariner.

"Look, friend. Just be sure that we aren't the side to start a war here. It's against the code of the Maximal Elders, and it goes against all of my logic circuits."

His smile returned, if only to provide some comfort to his fellow Maximals.

"Now then.. Cerano, I believe it may be a good idea to begin constructing some form of a planet wide grid system. I've had the thought of weight... and how much more a Predacon weighs than a normal life form. If we start by testing the grid around the base, we will have no need for sentry duty and Orcariner can finally relax a bit."

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:04 pm
by Alak
Xzuk wrote:"Look, friend. Just be sure that we aren't the side to start a war here. It's against the code of the Maximal Elders, and it goes against all of my logic circuits."
"So," he asked, "if I pick up a Pred signature you want me to ignore it? Huzzah for passiveness."

He unsheathed his blades and walked towards the waterfall entrance. However, instead of exiting the perimeters, Orcariner sat down facing the entrance. At least this way he'd be safe from Glowstick's radar.

"Nothing against being defensive," the Maximal said, "But the first Predacon who sticks his head through our waterfall is gonna lose it."

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:51 pm
by Wintersong
Snow Trix creeped around the forest letting her ebast mode's instincts take over part of her, searching the place to at elast get to know it. So far the forest seemed more widely spread then it appeared but maybe they could gain a field advantage due to it. "Hmmm....I wonder what else there could possibly be to do. A base being done and evryone else has their jobs." Snow Trix pondered for a moment wondering if she should try keeping an eye ont he MAximals. But she decided agaisnt it and started to follow a trail of what smelled like a rabbit. Crouching she slowed and creeped forward, lifting her ehad over a bush she saw the dark brown furred creature sniffing among roots.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:23 pm
by Taran Ulas
Xzuk wrote:"Now then.. Cerano, I believe it may be a good idea to begin constructing some form of a planet wide grid system. I've had the thought of weight... and how much more a Predacon weighs than a normal life form. If we start by testing the grid around the base, we will have no need for sentry duty and Orcariner can finally relax a bit."
"Alright. I will begin work on that. How far out from the base would you like the grid to expand?"

NaitoKage wrote:Hm.. the maximals have about 4 units from what I could tell.. The whale and fox we know of, the bird is of limited knowledge and the other.. who knows. With the whale's radar we wont be able to sneak so close by.. so he probably sits as their guard to the front door. I suppose if worse comes to worse.. I could just leave You, Luna, and Frilla here while taking Lineos and Tantrum to clean this planet of the maximal vermin..
Lineos waited until the femme left before finally looking over at Glowstick.

"I guess that I should not inform you of my encounter then?"

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:02 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick raised his optic ridge An encounter? By all means, the more information the better after all.

Considering a maximal was talking about him on the radio, Glowstick assumed he might get some new information on this new Maximal.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:19 pm
by Taran Ulas
NaitoKage wrote:Glowstick raised his optic ridge An encounter? By all means, the more information the better after all.

Considering a maximal was talking about him on the radio, Glowstick assumed he might get some new information on this new Maximal.
"Well, when I was over in the jungle, a stasis pod crashed down. What emerged was a Maximal. It's alt mode was two-legged, scaly, carnivorus, brown stripes with tan, and three small hornlike forms on its head . Anyway, I engaged it in combat when that other Maximal appeared. It was small, black and white bird. It fired a few shots off which I slammed the other Maximal's face into. I then came here." Said Lineos with a grin unfurling on his face.

Good-bye femme.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:59 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick sighed So this puts them up to five units. Four of which we know are well ready for fighting..Though with Snow trix running around freely that puts our group to five.. and one which isn't for combat spec..

It's unfortunate you couldn't remove or reprogram that maximal, but you did the right thing. If we continue to allow their group to grow know whats they may do.. More of their tyranny from cybertron?

He then leaned up from his seat as the CR chamber opened with a pile of parts looking similar to one of Glowstick's laser's but not made of transparent parts. He lifted the parts up One of these and Tantrum's gut gun should make a fine addition to this craft. Alright.. after I install this and Tantrum returns, we'll make an attack on the maximal base. They may outnumber us a bit, but that wont be a problem with a few tricks I have up my sleeve..

He then climbed on top of the tank starting to install the laser weapon.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:50 pm
by Wintersong
Snow Trix ran quickly from the trees looking back, hearing the snarling aws right on her tail. It was a dog of some wort,maybe a cycote but she coudln't really tell with trying to avoid getting ripped to shreds. THinking SNow Trix saw she had come to a rock face and just a few feet up a flat area making a ledge.

'Perfect.' She thoguth with a smirk.

"Terrorize!" Snow Trix transormed and jumped from one blder to another, climbing the rest of the way and pulling herself to the flat area. Looking back Snwo Trix saw it was more then one cycote, about 6 total. "Too bad pups, but this meal has to be canceled. " Taking her lasso she spun it aobve her head and threw it above catching a loose rock. It took a few tugs but finalyl the rock gave way coming down with a crash, othe rfollowing it. Below Snow Trix could here severl yelps and howls of pain and fear but waited untilt he rocks had stoppped and looked down. Only one survived but it was limping badly enough to slow it down, to which he fox femme took it into her own hands to end it's misery.

"Beast mdoe!" Snwo Trx transformed getting down fromt he ledge cathcing up tot he limping cycote. It tried to fight back but to no avail as the fox slipped from it's grasp and got it's throat killing it quickly.