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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(ho boy.. here goes.)

A black mass descended from the ceiling with amber red glowing optics Ara.. now where the heck did I get to? he says to himself as Shadow mode deactivates, his black and painfully shiney gold armor becoming visible with cybernetic pretender tissue on parts of his form.

NightShadow looks around as two Minicons pop up on his shoulders examining the area Er.. Looks like some sort of social environment. Warkill.. scan the environment, Flashback.. just do what you normally do.

The small golden minicon looked with large green optics What I normally do? The blue minicon with rather bulky armor spoke up rather calmly I believe he means hide and cry like you usually do.

Flashback looked with a realized expression OH! I'm good at that!

NS sighed walking over to a barstool Bah weep gra na.. ah I never remember that nonsense.. Just give me a raspberry milkshake.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Nightstar lifted an optic ridge, looking at a black and gold creature. She finshed her White Russian. She walked to the bar counter.
"A glass of red wine...Thanks."
She sat on the chair waiting for the bartender to serve her drink.
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NightShadow received his drink, giving the barkeep some Shanix (universal alien currency from the TF comics). He sipped the drink through a straw, though considering his face had no visable faceplate only brought wonder as how how he could drink.

Looking around he noticed the decepticon female, then looked around at the others. Hm... Warkill then popped up on his shoulder again We appear to be on Cybertron.

NS's optics dimmed and shifted Really? You think? he stated in a sarcastic tone In any case..this milkshake is great! his optics shifted into a happy look as he rubbed the glass against the side of his head. Warkill formed a puzzled look under his optical visor, then sighed slipping away again.
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Unread post by starshadow »

((LOL!! 2 NS))
Nightstar got her drink and walked to Nightshadow.
"Incorrect. You are in a lounge which connects to all universe." she opened her faceplate, showing her milk pink coloured lips and sipped her wine.
"Never seen you around here before. Name's Nightstar." she winked at the gold armored creature as she leaned her back on the table.
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NS looked towards the female assuming seeker putting his drink on the counter Universe eh? Guess Flashback took me somewhere weird again.. Hm.. NightStar huh? Used to know one of thoses.. except she was alot shorter and in a sailor schoolgirl outfit. The name's NightShadow.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Sonar was once again on his own, watchful for any sign of danger and any sign of Saber or Rampage. Hanging from a branch his wraped himself in his wings and closed his eyes to get some much needed sleep, unaware that he was being watched.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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"Nice to meet you." Nightstar sat on a chair beside NightShadow.
Her minicon popped out from her back.
"Don't forget me!! I'm Moonfang!!" said a metallic black cat with baby blue optics then transformed into a sleek black minicon femme, sitting down on the table.
"And Shadowtrix!!" another female minicon with pink optics popped out from her back with an alternate mode of a black military jet.
"You girls can hang around but just don't wander off and get lost..."
"You know us, we always stick to you like super glue."


Starshadow had a bad feeling about leaving Sonar at home.
"I think it's time we should go back home...We've spend 2 mega cycles for the 'party'. Oh and Glowstick...You could stay in to my house, I've got an empty room. Old but cosy. Shade, it's your turn to fix dinner."
"B-but I thought it was your turn."
"It's your turn..."
"It's yours..."
She pulled Starshade up to the surface and reached to the shore, morphing back to their original forms. They packed up their bags and hopped on to their vehicles, waiting for Glowstick to see if he wanted to tag along. Starshadow com-linked to Sonar.
"Sonar...You there? I'm coming home to fix dinner. So...Are you starving now?"
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NS laughs a bit noticing the other minicons Guess everybody needs traveling companions ne? he then picks up his drink sipping it.


Glowstick walked out of the water Thats okay. My apartment isn't that bad. I'm sure Sonar might like that room though.. unless he prefers living in a cave. Glowstick then waves to the two young ladies while walking away.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Sonar woke suddenly when he felt the branch he was on dip a little, he just figured that it was a small furry rodent. He closed his eyes again but when he heard a growl he was to slow to react when he shoved from his brance and landed heavily on the ground. He transformered into his robot from and next thing he knew he was pinned to the ground staring into the eyes of Saber.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by starshadow »

"They're always happy to see me with a friendly person or a bot because of a certain reason..." Nightstar explained.
Shadowtrix was sneaking up on Moonfang and pulled the feline's tail continuosly. Moonfang growled and chased Shadowtrix in cricles around the table. Nightstar was annoyed and slammed her fist on the table which made her minicons bumped onto it.
Both of the female minicons stood up. There was a warning beep from Moonfang.
"Yo Nightstar!! I've detected Zira and a mech is coming this way. Probably match-making again..." Moonfang sighed.
"NOT AGAIN!! NOT NOW!! WHERE SHOULD I HIDE?! UNDER THE CHAIR OR THE TABLE?! WHERE?!" Nightstar was anxious, getting of the chair and looking in every direction to find a suitable place to hide.
"Don't mind her. Nightstar's master a.k.a her grandmother, is always doing match-making for her apprentice. Zira won't give up the match-making until Nightstar found a suitable boyfriend.." Shadowtrix explained.


Starshadow and Starshade left Glowstick behind.
5 cycles later, the sisters came back home. When Starshadow was about to park her vehicle into the garage, she was shocked Sonar was pinned by Saber.
"Saber, what brings you here?!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

NightShadow turned his head to the side watching Really.. thats strange, at her class type Cybertronian genderization should still be in it's infancy. Mostly just a bunch of A sexuals with extra bits. Oh well! If you need somewhere to hide I can probably provide a place. One even mystic types wont find.. then again they dislike me anyway..Usually with nicknames like "Demon".

NS's torso then opens revealing a largely empty cavity, he grabs her pulling her inside. There you go.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Zira was looking around, asking if anyone had seen a tall attractive femme and showed her photo. She noticed NightShadow and went to him.
"Excuse me sir, did you see a black and pink armored femme with snow white skin?" she handed him a photo of Nightstar. It looked like she was in a skimpy black suit with a long black whip.
Last edited by starshadow on Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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NightShadow took the image looking at it, then handed it back. Cute, but no. Kinda hard to find with that description and picture anyway.. Females in black with whips are dime a dozen.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"Haha!! Can't find her? I told you Moonfang would detect us..." Zaphiron chuckled.
"Don't ask me...You ARE her father..."
A blue autobot femme named Midnight with an alternate mode of a cybertronian motorcycle came in.
"Did you find her?" she asked.
"Your daughter is one of the best players of hide-and-seek..."
The three bots split up to find Nightstar. Moonfang and Shadowtrix were hiding NightShadow's back.
"Are they gone? Can I come out from hiding?" Nightstar sounded from the cavity.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

NightShadow leaned his head on his arm, rested on the counter. His internal cavity lit up showing a 360 degree display as the three split up. He sipped his drink rather calmly. His back cockpit canopy slid open as Warkill and Flashback reached out grabbing Moonfang and Shadowtrix, the canopy closed and darkened to a metallic red.

Finishing his drink, NS got up walking off into the men's room, then walked into a stall Huh.. Space toilets. Cybertron's really getting up there in the universe. Though probably only used for puking.. Anyway, looks like you have three targets after you. I can get you out of here if you want.
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