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Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:22 am
by NaitoKage
True.. only other problem is, since courage is our "will stat" and the virus you guys are talking about based off the scarecrow's fear toxin seems to be a psychological attack.. the higher the courage.. the more resistant the character. But I guess you could still use Batman as the basis of a courage 10 character effected by that.. as they go batshit crazy..

Also, if anyone's curious, Landslide's fear would probably being in space with nothing around.. as he'd have nothing to eat.. though some insects have been known to eat themselves in such situations..Or just become cannibalistic.. >.>

Scraplets would of also been fine, but scraplet's in their G1/G2 version are weak to only one element.. water. Which might work, as generally everyone avoids water like the plague.. with good reason.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:55 pm
by Blackrosefencer
Eh, in the case of Inferno, it isn't so much intelligence,but insanity, or conviction might be a better term. Inferno is a zealot,I believe only once in the show has he shown fear for his own well being, as other times he has perform actions that are down right suicidal. He shrugs off pain and goes all out, all for "the colony".

Right....because his biggest fear isn't for his own life....his biggest fear is that he'll fail the colony. He has no regard for his own life. Pleasing Megatron and defending the colony come first. That is why he can be so reckless and fearless in battle because he literally will do anything to avoid his greatest fear....which is failure.
Though yes, Waspinator does routinely feel fear, and pain. Quickstrike probably can feel fear, but his image of being tough will never let him show it as long as he's around others. I am also wondering if I made Inferno's intelligence too high after seeing that damn bathtub scene a few times in that episode.. He just randomly shoots the Radio jamming tower while laughing.

Well, maybe having him at a 5 is a bit high. But honestly, I don't think he's a drone type character. He isn't a drone. He's a sub-commander. He has to have a little bit of intelligence to him. Just enough that he can make some decisions. Maybe 4 would be appropriate? It dumbs him down a little bit, but not enough to make him totally incompetent....just enough to make it so that he blows up radio jamming towers from time to time.
True.. only other problem is, since courage is our "will stat" and the virus you guys are talking about based off the scarecrow's fear toxin seems to be a psychological attack.. the higher the courage.. the more resistant the character. But I guess you could still use Batman as the basis of a courage 10 character effected by that.. as they go batshit crazy..

Actually I disagree. I think if you have a high courage stat then you probably have a greater ability to put your fears aside. You can't choose what scares you, but you can choose your reaction to it. And that's what makes a 10 different than a 5. Fear is a good thing in a way and Optimus, for example, knows that he can use his fears in battle to make him a stronger leader. He can put his fears to the side....mask them in a way so that he can get his job done. But this fear toxin/virus/bacteria/thing would make him unable to do that. He'd all of a sudden be overcome by his fear....he wouldn't be able to look past them as usual. And he has so much less experience with fear than someone with a courage of 2 who feels fear all of the time. I think the higher the courage stat, the more susceptible the character would be to the toxin. Essentially they'd be stripped of that characteristic that makes them a 10 vs. a 2.
*LOL* Eh, not sure in certain cases there. Wintersong's old habits were living alone in the woods.. not something you'd want. Umbra if infected (Not sure how this infection will work mind you,but it'd depend on what happens with Onyx as he'll be spending the episode following him through the scope of his gun looking for an opportunity to strike.) will probably just see it as karma having come to him finally for years of taking others lives in the pursuit of greed and the way of the ninja, he's made to be a typical ninja type personality.
Well, certainly Wintersong doesn't want to go back to her old'd just be a minor setback. It was just an example really....wasn't a suggestion.....just an example of some of the possibilities of this scenario.
Well, I mentioned Sonar since.. he's the most focused for biology. He created the beast inside Saberfang and was helping her suppress it for awhile. He also routinely would capture animals to experiment on them.. either for knowledge or twisted pleasure. Though agreed, he'd probably only be motivated for himself.

Well, that makes sense. But I think he'd be out for himself. I don't think he'd help anyone. And I don't think Optimus would ever be stupid enough to make a deal with him.

Perhaps he makes the cure, but someone else steals it??
If Sonar is the Joker.. and Arachnitron is Harley Quinn.. we should keep those two apart. :p
LOL. Well, Tarantulas and Arachnitron's relationship was supposed to be like the Joker and Harley Quinn.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:12 am
by Blackrosefencer
Also, just thought I'd add.... I do intend to play out the part of the cannon story where Dinobot returns the golden case you didn't read between the lines. I feel that it is really important to his character development to learn what his real reasons were for joining the Maximals. I think it is even more important in this story line than in the cannon story line. In this story line, there is so much more death and destruction at the hands of Megatron and the Predacons. Something that has caused much turmoil and confusion among all the Maximals, but especially Dinobot who initially thought it was the Maximals who would win the beast wars. At this point, it certainly looks like the Maximals are getting their butts kicked causing him to think he was wrong about the Maximals winning the war. Another thing that the cannon story line didn't have....this moment of weakness where he questions his ability to even be a Maximal (the incident with Aerostriker's death and Dinobot feeling that he was responsible for it). In his moment of weakness when he thinks he is a failure as a Maximal, turning back to the Predacons seems his most logical course of action. So, not sure if we want to fit this in next episode or wait an episode to give him more opportunities to question himself and his abilities.

And of course, what brings the whole development of Dinobot full circle is Code of Hero. All of his questions about the future being predetermined are finally made clear to him. Haven't decided if he should die or not. Might be interesting to keep him around and see what his character is like after all of his questions are answered. Guess that can be discussed at a later date....

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 9:54 pm
by Blackrosefencer
Sooo....when exactly does all this start because this episode is still largely pod retrieval which, speaking for myself, is a plot point that is getting pretty old...

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:15 am
by NaitoKage
Things changed.. But this episode doesn't end with the pods and new crew members.. Infact.. it's just the beginning..

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:48 pm
by Blackrosefencer
NaitoKage wrote:Things changed.. But this episode doesn't end with the pods and new crew members.. Infact.. it's just the beginning..
Well, if things changed, then shouldn't we have been informed? After all, we did brainstorm and agree on the virus thing so I think people probably might be expecting that that's what we're still doing.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:36 pm
by Phoenix
Patience. The virus thing is still happening, it's just not the ONLY thing happening but rather a subplot.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:33 pm
by Blackrosefencer
Phoenix wrote:Patience. The virus thing is still happening, it's just not the ONLY thing happening but rather a subplot.
I didn't mean to seem impatient. It's just that....speaking for myself....the virus thing was a good way to reveal some snippets of Arachnitron's past and character development. I know I can't be the only one who has already been brainstorming things that could happen. So I think it'd be rather impolite to nix that plot point and then not tell anyone else that we're not doing it anymore. If we aren't doing it, then fine, but we have the right to know that. Likewise, there are a lot of players playing not just two people. So those two people can't just make the decisions for the entire RPG and then not tell anyone about said decisions. If we're going to do the virus, then when does it happen? Who gets it first? How does it spread? Etc. If we're not doing it, then what are we doing instead? We also should have some say in what is going on. If someone's against the idea of the virus, then why wasn't it brought up while we were brainstorming? The majority of people who posted in this thread seemed to want to do the virus idea so I don't see how it can just be changed without any of those people knowing about it or offering up their opinion about it.

And frankly, I don't see it as impatience. This is kind of crucial information considering the entire episode was started with the idea that this virus would be happening. The battles are coming to an end, so now's a good time to figure out the virus questions since that would, logically, be coming up soon. I think it was perfectly resonable to ask what's going on with the virus since there are so many unanswered questions. I, for one, would like to know the answers to those unanswered questions.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:00 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
Nothing has changed. I don't know what NK meant by that. We're simply implementing a way with certain characters involved for the virus to happen in the first place, so everything that has happened so far is leading up to it. For clarification, the virus is still happening; no one said it wasn't. However, I may have to ask that players be patient while your characters are back at their respective bases, whether being repaired, resting or just socializing until the virus is made and released since I know people tend to get bored real easy with loitering. But characters need to be in close proximity for the virus to spread, I assume. I will leave those other questions to Phoenix and/or Night-Hunter.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:11 pm
by NaitoKage
Ah, sorry. I meant things changed by that the Virus isn't the only thing happening. I was intentionally trying to be vague though, as I only know a little (mostly so I don't screw anything up. :P) and don't want to give away any details.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:43 pm
by Phoenix
It was never the intention that the virus issue was the only thing going down this episode. Essentially this episode is kinda like playing chess, in the sense that there are multiple pieces that have to come together in certain orders for it all to work. There's actually minor hints being dropped already, but they probably won't make sense until the bigger reveals come out. At which point it'll become clear what was up with this and that detail.

As for the virus, Sonar will get the pleasure of setting that into motion with a little push from someone else.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:13 pm
by Blackrosefencer
Sorry if I misinterpreted what NK said about changes.

I do understand that you don't want to give away too much, but there are ways of telling people enough to answer the questions and not give away too much. This is a good example of how one might have answered the question regarding how the virus is spread without giving away too much:
As for the virus, Sonar will get the pleasure of setting that into motion with a little push from someone else.
I'm intrigued to see who that someone else is and I'm also informed about the virus. And I appreciate being a bit more in the loop.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:44 am
by una
Since this episode is getting close to being finished, I wanted to put out some thoughts Wintersong and I had about the next episode. Wintersong and I are in the process of making joint posts as the Vok, which we would be posting throughout certain points during the next episode. Also, during this time, a certain someone is going to come and reveal themselves to the Maximals and persuade them to attack the Predacons and get the golden and alien disk back. We know we are going with the idea that instead of Tigratron and Airazor being captured and shot into space, it would be Wintersong and Whitegrazer.

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:34 am
by NaitoKage
Whoa whoa whoa.. whoa. Why are we trading Wintersong and Whitegrazer into space, when it'd be preferred to send Tigatron and Airazor into space.. since no one wants those characters around anyway?

Re: S2: Next OC Episode Discussion

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:52 pm
by una
Because I want Whitegrazer to have a talk with the Vok, which would then lead her coming back and being used inside the Metal Hunter. That's the general basis of where I'm going with my character. I will not talk about Wintersong unless Wintersong says so. That's why I'm just talking about my character here.