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Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:27 pm
by Wintersong
Wintersong nodded at Tigatron's first comment as she watched the others, giggling at Dinobot and Cheetor's interaction but at least the two had tried, it was a good attempt and hadn't been completely for nothing. But with nothing really more to say she turned back to look at the monitor before hearing the lift and turned in her chair curiously seeing it was the former general,"Welcome home Saber-Fang." She greeted, though she hadn't talked to the sabre-toothed cat much even for the times she had been with the crew. Then again Wintersong once more never made much of an effort to make friends, even now she still seemed to feel out of place among the crew and preferred her time outside to staying inside.

Strange how it happened when she had never thought to grow such a liking to nature, Wintersong had actually preferred the city over the wilderness but coming here had changed her mind to vice versa. Shrugging inwardly the tigress guessed that happened sometimes in life and she was still young so some of her thoughts now could be different later.


With nothing to do Snow Trix wandered the Darkside, having been lying in her room but the truce was only causing the bordom and restlessness to grow, something she had been dealing with the last few days before the attack. Now there wasn't anything they could really do without disobeying orders but at this rate she was willing to do just that to find some form of entertainment. However as the thought crossed her mind she heard the familiar screaming of Manterror, who sounded quite annoyed, then the sound of something crashing which prompted the curiosity from the snow fox as she headed to the control room and peeked in. Her gaze first fell on the now damaged control panel for one of the monitors, now cut into three pieces on part of what remained of the floor above the burning lava pits.

As she looked further she couldn't see signs of Manterror, now wondering if he was the cause of the crash,"What's got you falling to pieces Manterror?" She said with disinterest, stepping onto a hover board and moving to where Manterror had crashed and stepped off before she began to move debris, even purposely to be slow to see how quickly the bug even got up. If he did.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:15 am
by starshadow
Just some distance from the Darksyde, Starshadow heard gunfire meters away from her position. "Maximals returning the favor? This should be interesting." she transformed into her beast mode and ran towards the base then made a sudden stop when she looked at the gray sky. It was Airazor and the vermin in their beast mode. So wasn't an attack but an attempted infiltration? She almost drew her gun but remembered that Megatron had already made it clear that there was a truce between the Maximals and Predacons. Come to think of it, he didn't say halflings are part of this truce. Of course he didn't...which means she has the advantage of shooting the slag out of anybody. Right now, it wasn't the time to reveal one of her biggest secret.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Finally, Cecaelia was fully repaired but she felt a little tired. "Oooohhhh....where's everyone?" walking to the main bridge, there wasn't a single spark around. They must've been on another mission which means it's her turn to do monitor duty. Sitting on a chair, she stared blankly at the monitor.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:53 pm
by Wildfire94
((I hate to so much interrupt Primal and Aurora's interaction but Megs has to make his appearance. :) ))

After some minutes of traveling Megatron came to a slow stop, sniffing the air for a moment as he looked for signs of the Maximal leader. Though the Predacon didn't always, if only sometimes, relied on his beast mode and didn't quite find it thrilling to be in a scaly body but with it being the only source to be protected by the energon radiation he would have to manage. Besides it was one of the most powerful in it's day, a powerful form for a powerful and cunning leader. A slight smirk came to Megatron's thoughts as he knew it was true, least in his mind's eye but for now he had to focus on his task of confronting Primal about Glowstick's little assault, one he would have approved of on different circumstance but for not first consulting him had deeply infuriated the tyrant which resulted in the loss of a good pawn, such a pity. But the purple t-rex merely shrugged his shoulders as he began walking, at last catching the scent of Maximal.

Yet Primal wasn't alone, there was another and one he hadn't become all too familiar with but he would soon enough, that was for sure. The scents lead him towards a well guarded place, perfect to avoid any ambush but this left Megatron on his guard as he might have missed other Maximals possibly lying in wait to attack him in revenge for the attack, which for once was not of his doing. Even if he wished his Predacons would always be that ready. Shaking his large head the Predacon leader moved around till he came towards the boulders and cleared his throat so Primal and the other Maximal could hear him audibly,"Well Primal if you plan to hide all day I wouldn't have wasted my time coming to meet you, but as the terms before I'm sure it would be best to be on equal ground to be in the open. You and your companion have nothing to fear, I came alone." He said in a rather curt tone.

For now he could only be polite and subtle, otherwise risking the possible anger Optimus was feeling for the attack and the loss of his comrade. Of course that's if he was angry at all and more of just grieving, Megatron would wait and see.


Leaning back in the chair, finishing up polishing his weapons Onyx tapped his fingers on his desk that came inside the room. As of right now he hadn't really found anything fulfilling to do quite yet, nor had he really found much use for his skills in combat like he would have earlier but with the amount of firepower it seemed much too extreme in his optics. But he also was wondering if meeting the Maximals any more was going to ever be a good idea, after what occurred it made him a little wary of what the Maximals would do if he came just within radar range. The thoughts passing through the stallion's mind weren't pleasant and he shook his head before standing, leaving his fire arms behind to stick to the truce, and heading off through the Darksyde. It seemed rather quiet in the ship compared to earlier, well save for the faint screams he heard but minded his own business.

Looking back at the ones he met most of his new comrades were rather strange, in a word, to Onyx and he hadn't met a team like them. That's if they could be even considered a team because from the times of his military training he had only known those who tried to be intimidating to rule and command, nothing to what Primal did with his crew. Save for a select few Maximal teams he had observed. Perhaps it was a little odd to think it but Onyx sometimes questioned his place on the Predacon teams he ended up joining, especially their agendas and so far he wasn't finding Megatron's much to his liking in the least. I would be better off in a Predacon peace group if there was one, he thought and wondered if any even existed. Finding one would be interesting and when they got off the planet Onyx made a mental note to seek out such a group.

Eventually as the black stallion continued his walk he found himself to the entrance of the main bridge, and quick look around revealed a few Predacons, two over at a pile which one seemed to have some bad luck and another who didn't seem to be doing anything really. Since he had nothing else to do Onyx stepped onto a hover board and maneuvered it over to Cecaelia,"Evening Cecaelia, what are you up to?"He asked kindly.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:26 pm
by Alak
((OOC: If it's ok with you, OOP, I'll go ahead and pick up Rhinox. Terrorsaur and Scorponok are essentially inactive until the Predacons chase Ironclaw out of the Darksyde. Although, someone has to volunteer to tell both Rhinox and Orcariner that Icebreaker died. Considering how close the penguin was to both of these character, that person better break with news with grace :wink: ))

The CR chamber hissed and light began to swarm Orcariner as the hatch was being lifted. Tilting his head from side to side, the Maximal stretched his sore neck. With a sigh of relief, he heaved himself off of the repair bench and stepped onto the hanger's floor. It was nice to hear the sounds of his heavy footsteps again. No matter how many times he visited the CR chamber, Orcariner could never get used to it. His body always felt a bit different after it had been repaired, and it took some time getting used to it again. Today was no different. Bending his knees, Orcariner transitioned from a standing position to a full body squat and then back to an upright stance again.

"Good to be back," he smiled.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:18 am
by starshadow
Cecaelia's head was about to slam onto the monitor due to sleepiness until,
"Evening Cecaelia, what are you up to?"
"Hrmm nom nom...Oh! Horsey! Just doing monitor dut-" two maximal energy signature showed up from the monitor, "I knew this was going to happen! Just when I was just about to get comfy...I'll let the turrets do their job...for now..."

After doing some stretching of her tentacles and her body, she looked at Onyx with both of her palms on her cheeks, "So...we're the only one who are still here. Where did everyone go??"

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:22 pm
by Blackrosefencer
OOC: I'm back. So sorry. I've been sick all week.


Arachnitron looked over at the other spider as she spoke to her and held up some welding supplies and some spare parts.
una wrote: "There are some extra plates to help fix the pod, probably being able to increase its size and help fix whatever was damaged in the crash."

Arachnitron scoffed at the small pile. It didn't look like it would be enough, but they'd have to make it work. "I guess it'll have to do. How big is this party anyhow?" she sassed. She had suddenly remembered the panther who walked away from them earlier when she grew bored. Was she still a part of this? "Is this cat and her constantly changing moods going to be a problem?" she continued coldly. "We have no time to cater to fickle felines." Maybe they should just leave the cat out of all of this and keep this little mission as a spiders only operation.

Suddenly, she felt a bit lightheaded and her optics flashed green for a split second. She turned away from the other spiders rapidly. Slag! She knew this was going to happen. She can't have the Maximal fighting for control now!

"What was that?" she snapped.

"It was the Maximal. She wants out."

"That's just too bad. I'm in control. I thought you were keeping her under control!"

"It won't happen again." the Hybrid promised meekly.

"It better not."

Slowly the Predacon felt the presence of her two alters fading and her mind cleared. She had to get this party moving or the Maximal would start causing problems.

"Let's get this show on the road," she said walking briskly past the tarantula deliberately forgetting him momentarily. She stopped suddenly and gasped. "Oh! You probably want to go along with us, don't you, handsome?" she mocked. She looked back towards the other femme grinning demonically. "Whatever will we do with him?" she teased.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:35 pm
by Phoenix
"As far as I'm concerned, Aurora, we have never been of any importance to Megatron. In fact, we just keep getting in his way with every scheme he tries playing. If we weren't even here, he'd be sacrificing his own Predacons to trigger the traps first and use them to his advantage,"
Aurora paused as she bit lightly into her lip upon hearing stories of how cruel the Predacons were capable of being. To her it seemed completely counterproductive to use tyranny as a means to assure loyalty, as subjects who were treated that way would surely turn their backs first chance they got. Or at least that's what any of the Maximals she called friends would do in a similar situation so she had a hard time understanding why the Predacons would put up with such behavior. She'd seen similar traits of survival of the fittest among creatures on this planet as well, but nowhere near that extent.

"You almost have to feel sorry for them," she remarked without going into detail on what she meant specifically. She had a feeling Optimus Primal knew far more about the cruel acts committed by, and against, certain of the Predacons than what he let on to his fellow Maximals.
"I know this so-called truce will not last. Megatron is just trying to buy himself time to review what ever it is that Inferno uncovered for him at the mountain, which means that he might not even have the ability to use it, or it'll just take him longer to figure it out. Right now we only have one shot to find out what he knows. Although, I doubt things will remain calm for much longer after this. If there's one thing I've learned about the Vok it's that they'll place the bait and once it has been activated by someone discovering it, they make sure things get real messy real quickly."
"Surely the Predacons will be expecting curious visitors if that is the case." She paused to reflect on the situation for a moment, lowering her voice to a mere whisper as she continued. "I realize Rattrap and AirRazor went in as a decoy, but one can only hope the Predacons do not realize the same thing and manage to detect Ironclaw prematurely."

She sounded worried. Having just experienced a traumatic loss, she was trying her best not to think about the possible outcomes of this mission. They had to stay focused and keep faith in the team mates involved. But it was not easy to ignore those doubts and fears lingering at the back of her mind. Ironclaw seemed capable, but he was also easily distracted. Rattrap was one of her closest friends, yet he enjoyed being in the spotlight a lot of times. There just seemed to be a lot that could go wrong.

Upon Optimus' cue to stop to wait for Megatron, she stopped alongside the leader and looked around. The area in itself didn't seem too threatening and the vegetation allowed for some cover in case things did not go well. Now all they could do was wait and hope for the best. Aurora actually enjoyed the silence of the night for a moment, with only some distant owls and a few rodents scattering around the grass to break the silence.

"Do you want to tell me about that device Icebreaker wanted you to have?"
She took a brief moment to ponder. Icebreaker had always wanted her to have as normal of a childhood as she could, but recent events had forced her to act much more responsibly than how the penguin would have wanted her to. The grappling hook Icebreaker had made for her was both a remnant of a childhood so crudely ripped away from her, as well as a useful took to allow her to get airborne when needed. It was similar to Icebreaker's own magnetic hook, only of a smaller size and lighter weight so Aurora could handle it better. Shortly before his death the penguin had promised he'd take her out kiting, so to speak, but they had never gotten a chance to do it.

As much as she had fought to keep the memories at bay, they all washed in on her now. Her facial expression went from worried to saddened, and she was just about to answer Primal's question when..
Megatron wrote:"Well Primal if you plan to hide all day I wouldn't have wasted my time coming to meet you, but as the terms before I'm sure it would be best to be on equal ground to be in the open. You and your companion have nothing to fear, I came alone."
The little white ermine stood up on her hind legs, her ears turning sideways as she listened to pinpoint the source of the voice. She sniffed the air as well, detecting the new scent approach. If he had brought others with him, they had separated before getting this close and were now waiting at a further distance away.

"Seems to be only one of them," she told Primal briefly before moving behind him for shelter.

(ooc: I thought night time would be a bit more appropriate for the scenario.)

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:29 pm
by una
((OOC: I have had the most confusing day ever. :lol: So full of too many things to do and not enough time to do them.))
"You've got your own spark, you're your own 'bot?" he answered tentatively. "How do you mean, exactly?"
Steelclaw seemed unsettled, making her wonder why he would be.

I think you broke his brain.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did. All this talk about this mumbo jumbo you trying to tell him has given his mental processors an aneurysm. If he were a Decepticon, you would have been shot on sight for doing this to him. I know I would. What's with these Predacons? I expect him to pull a gun on you or at least train it on you until he knew your intent. Geez, what a wimp!

Behave yourself, TC. I think it is something else.

No, you killed his brain with your complicated spiritual nonsense. Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!

Okay, okay, I will.

Now, I know why I'm stuck here with you.


To make sure you don't get killed by just your words, slaggin' Maximal. And what have I told you about leaving yourself open like this! I taught you better than this! What if he ambushed you or took some of his friends with him and attacked! He is a Predacon unless Predacons have changed which I believe they have not! And what is with that drawing? I draw better than that! See? Oh wait, I can't I'm DEAD!!!!!!

Whitegrazer waved her master off to focus on the conversation. She didn't have the time to listen to her master's ramblings and yelling her auditory sensors off with his pragmatic views., but it seem he wasn't done yet. At least, he calmed down back to his normal voice instead of a grumpy, senile old fool voice. Of course, she knew that grumpiness he portrayed was just for show.

"Hey, Maximal, I know you are ignoring me, but we will continue this conversation later and you will listen to me for a change. You finish your little conversation with the enemy- yes, he is the enemy no matter what you think-and you go explain this to your...whatever it is you have with your leader, spiritual mushy-gushy or whatever you love to call it. Oh! By the way, I need to talk to you about that as well."

"What is a society, Steelclaw?" Whitegrazer simply asked with a warm smile, "What is it built upon?"

Arachnitron scoffed at the small pile. It didn't look like it would be enough, but they'd have to make it work. "I guess it'll have to do. How big is this party anyhow?" she sassed. She had suddenly remembered the panther who walked away from them earlier when she grew bored. Was she still a part of this? "Is this cat and her constantly changing moods going to be a problem?" she continued coldly. "We have no time to cater to fickle felines." Maybe they should just leave the cat out of all of this and keep this little mission as a spiders only operation

"Cats are always impatient. She will return." Blackarachnia could always contact Starshadow.

Something told she needed someone to help her if something goes wrong. Especially with Tarantulas and the new black widow.

She had to be ready for anything.
Suddenly, she felt a bit lightheaded and her optics flashed green for a split second. She turned away from the other spiders rapidly. Slag! She knew this was going to happen. She can't have the Maximal fighting for control now!

"What was that?" she snapped.

"It was the Maximal. She wants out."

"That's just too bad. I'm in control. I thought you were keeping her under control!"

"It won't happen again." the Hybrid promised meekly.

"It better not."
Blackarachnia noticed the green optics for a second. Her optics changed. What's up with this spider?


Tarantulas had seen it too. The lightheadedness and the optic change he had seen such things before. Could it be? It could be different, but if what he thought was true, he chuckled to himself. Maybe things can work in his favor.
Let's get this show on the road," she said walking briskly past the tarantula deliberately forgetting him momentarily. She stopped suddenly and gasped. "Oh! You probably want to go along with us, don't you, handsome?" she mocked. She looked back towards the other femme grinning demonically. "Whatever will we do with him?" she teased.
Or I could just kill them both!

He was suddenly bought to his feet by Blackarachnia who had a devilish smirk on her face, "Maybe he can carry the equipment for us."

Tarantulas was cursing under the webbing as the witch had webbed his so-called hands to the little wagon she had. Grabbing the string of webbing that was around his neck, she pulled him forward, "Be a gentleman, Tarantulas."

Oh! They would pay for such humiliation!

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:02 pm
by Mystrea
Ironclaw climbed to the top of the mountain and th first thing to hit him was the sudden increase in atmospheric temperature. He didn't know that the Predacon base was situated in a volcanic area. He pressed on towards the Darksyde.

On the journey there he noticed two individuals having a private conversation. He moved in a bit closer and noticed one of them was the Maximal Whitegrazer. Then he could make out that the other was a Predacon. He was confused, 'what was she doing?' he thought ' did she defect?'. His thoughts were putting him off his mission. He wasn't sure but they were there, together. It didn't seem right. He tried to it out of his mind so he could carry on with his mission. He left them and headed towards the Darksyde.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:04 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: That would be great, Alak! Thank you so much.

I hope you're feeling better, Blackrosefencer.

Sounds good to me, Phoenix.

:lol: at Wildfire. Don't worry about it. Optimus is quite used to being interrupted. ))

"You almost have to feel sorry for them,"
For some, Optimus did. Especially those who were either too scared to betray Megatron and leave in fear of being terminated by their actions, or those who completely misunderstood Maximals. At least Primal's crew of Maximals. And then, of course, there were Predacons like Megatron, Inferno and Manterror, who just seemed to be crazy about domination and death to traitors and all Maximals. "Well," Optimus began, "to be fair, just as there are some decent Predacons, there are also not so decent Maximals." He left it at that, though, temporarily thinking back to the Elders on Cybertron and X's experiment, as well as his pod that was helplessly orbiting the planet. What was he to do about that now? For now, he saw it best to keep it quiet from the rest of the crew. Keep it secret.
"Surely the Predacons will be expecting curious visitors if that is the case." "I realize Rattrap and AirRazor went in as a decoy, but one can only hope the Predacons do not realize the same thing and manage to detect Ironclaw prematurely."
"While I never try not to underestimate Megatron, I know he'll be anticipating me to send in Rattrap, the only spy among my crew, and the most experienced at infiltrating the Darksyde and hacking into their computer system," the Maximal leader explained to the young Fuzor. "So that's exactly how I wanted to play it. I highly doubt that they'll be expecting Ironclaw, and while Airazor and Rattrap distract the Predacons, hopefully it'll buy Ironclaw enough time to slip in and search their files. It's likely that he'll be caught, but since we have a cease-fire, he should be able to find the means to improvise and escape." Primal could proudly declare that his Maximals were very good at improvising. "Everything will work out one way or another, Aurora," he tried assuring her. After all, he couldn't bare to lose another friend. It was dangerous, and perhaps some of his crew members were growing doubtful of his leadership after losing two Maximals now, but he wasn't going to give an order he wouldn't be willing to do himself. "The worst that could happen to Ironclaw is be taken prisoner, but it just so happens that we have two Predacon prisoners of our own, so an exchange would easily rectify such a situation if one were to occur." Of course Optimus was just as worried as something happening to Ironclaw, but he also had faith in this plan and in the honey badger. They just had to make sure they'd be back in time to help with his retreat.
"Well Primal if you plan to hide all day I wouldn't have wasted my time coming to meet you, but as the terms before I'm sure it would be best to be on equal ground to be in the open. You and your companion have nothing to fear, I came alone."
Unfortunately, Aurora didn't get a chance to answer his last question before Megatron showed up, assuming she would have anyway. He knew it might have been too soon to bring it up, but if by any chance it was for what he thought it might be for, he knew of a spectacular place to try it where he thought she'd find it both beautiful and magnificent, and quite fitting to her name. Perhaps he could show her later on after they assist Ironclaw if they had time before it would get too late, but they would have to go at night to experience it.

Optimus and Aurora hadn't been hiding at all, but he could see why Megatron would think that since he had approached them from a direction where one of the boulders happened to be blocking his view from them. Whether Megatron meant to say that to tip him off or not, Primal found it a waste of time to even bother correcting the Predacon tyrant's observation.
"Seems to be only one of them,"
The gorilla nodded to Aurora, appreciating her input since her sense of smell was probably more accute than his. He didn't know what Glowstick might have told Megatron, but he never said they had to come alone, so he hoped Megatron didn't think this was some kind of trick because he could have brought someone as well. And maybe he did but they were too far away to be picked up by scent or sight. Either way, it was time to roll on with this meeting in the night.

Moving around to place himself before Megatron, Primal then stood upright as the white ermine Fuzor stepped around behind her commanding officer. Optimus looked up at Megatron with the moonlight shining on his large, reptile body, and folding his very strong arms across his chest. "Well, Megatron, you managed to drag me off away from my ship and crew to discuss a truce of cease-fire, yet when I return to Base, I find it scrapped with some of my Maximals critically injured due to a full-frontal assault by your Predacons. I feel like I've been played the fool even though you assured me that was not the case. I demand an explanation." His voice was hard and cold, but it wasn't lead by anger. He didn't want Icebreaker's death to control his emotions, he was simply trying to show a great deal of disappointment and wanted Megatron to be aware of his distrust for their so-called agreement that they had come to earlier that day. The gorilla's eyes never wavered from the dinosaur's when speaking to him; clearly he was not afraid of Megatron.

"If you could shed a few kilos, this would be easier on both of us!"
Again with the fat jokes! Did Rattrap really look that heavy? As if he really cared what they thought. Maybe the heavier he got, the less they'd be willing to fly him around. Yeah! He'd have to work on that.

After Airazor was pummeled by one of the Predacons' autoguns, nearly dropping him at the same time, and the rat crying out with his infamous negative phrase, he felt incredibly helpless in her talons. Now he just wanted to be on the ground, safe and sound! There were shots and laser beams everywhere now. Weren't they under a truce?!
"Isn't there a rule that heroes have to face destruction with dignity?"
"Hey," Rattrap managed in a calmer response while the female falcon continued to dodge the firepower, "what's the use of dyin' if you can't enjoy it?" He suddenly screamed out in horror as Airazor dived down closer to the ground and released the rodent from her grasp between a pile of very large boulders before suddenly flying upward to avoid crashing into them. Ah, sweet, sweet ground, thought Rattrap after he landed with a thud on all fours and kissed the dirt at his paws. Then he immediately maximized and took a quick visual survey of his surroundings. This was actually a perfect spot to be in. Rattrap was completely surrounded by walls of thick rocks, and the gun turrets weren't locked on him at all. Patting himself down, he sighed and said, "Oh, man. I feel naked without my gun." Taking another look around, there wasn't much else he could do but stand there and wait and see what Airazor could pull off with her smooth talking. Ironclaw should be close enough to hear the gun fire, but hopefully he was coming in at a different direction so as not to be noticed by the scanners or anyone who might be outside. Dis better work, he hoped.

"Welcome home Saber-Fang."

Upon hearing the lift being used and Wintersong speaking up, Tigatron looked over to find Saber-Fang who had decided to return. Smiling, he greeted her, "Welcome back, Saber-Fang. It's very good to see you, especially now after all that has happened."

After a thought, he asked, "Has anyone checked on Rhinox and Orcariner? Will they be functional soon?"

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:26 am
by Night-Hunter
The first Maximal to greet Saber was Wintersong, much to her surprise, normally the she-cat was off the wilds some where so this was new.
"Welcome home Saber-Fang."
She gave the female white tiger a respectful nod. "Thank you, Wintersong."
"Welcome back, Saber-Fang. It's very good to see you, especially now after all that has happened."
If only I had come sooner, Icebreaker would probably still be alive. She thought with an inward sigh.

Outloud she said. "I decided that my own personal problems could wait, seeing how the Maximals needed me more. It would seem that the needs of the many out weighted the needs of the few."

((OOC: I couldn't help but put that in there. Lol.))

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:08 pm
by WorpeX
"What's got you falling to pieces Manterror?"
As if on cue, Manterror jumped up from the wreckage and faced the origin of the voice. "You saw nothing, fool!" He said with a sly look on his features. "I was merely attempting to repair this computer thing over here when... uhh... YOU! YOU SHOT ME!" He said, pointing a gigantic claw at Snow Trix and accusing her of the act. He knew perfectly well that she didn't, but he didn't care. He would accuse her anyway as it certainly looked better for him if he was shot by a Predicon and not a stupid computer. Besides, if Megatron were to find out that he was trying to break into the system, this story would hold up well enough. "I'll have your head for that you backstabbing canine!"



"Airazor! Maximize!" The female Cybertronian yelled among the barrage of gunfire around her. Luckily, she was adept at dodging and could do it with ease and not get hit. It would take a lot more then just a few auto-cannon shots to take her down! The next stage of the plan was for her to contact the predicons and get them to shut down the defense system. Taping a button on her chest, an audible beep followed which meant that she could speak. "Open channel to Predicon base!" The call was answered immediately but with no response. She had her chance to speak first. "This is Airazor. Is this the predicon meaning of a truce?" She said while dodging more weapon fire. After, she shrugged her shoulders questioningly and hoped that whomever was on the other end would uphold the arrangement.

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:29 pm
by Alak
((OOC: Since I'm too lazy to reread Part I, can someone just quickly tell me who's inside the Axalon at the moment? I'm assuming Rhinox is still in the CR Chamber, but if I'm wrong I'd appreciate it if someone corrected me.))

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:36 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Rhinox is still in the CR. Frilla, Wintersong, Saber-Fang, Tigatron, Cheetor, and Dinobot are inside the Axalon at the command center. Feralnight is outside by the waterfall. Airazor, Rattrap and Ironclaw are by the Darksyde. Whitegrazer is off on her own with Steelclaw. Optimus and Aurora are off with Megatron. Icebreaker's body is in the infirmary. Sonar and Nemesis are in the Axalon's brig. ...I think that's everyone who might matter most to Orcariner and his sensors right now. :wink:

*watches a tumbleweed bounce by* Where is everyone...? ))

Re: "First Season Finale: Part II"

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:32 pm
by Wildfire94
Megatron looked Primal in the eyes, his gaze never leaving the opposing Commander's and the distrust Primal showed was enough to know the damage done had been enough to possibly irritate the gorilla. Inside the t-rex was delighted to know that the efforts of his Predacons were getting under Optimus' armor but on the outside he cocked his head slightly and cleared his throat,"Yes I was made aware of this when my Predacons returned, in fact I hadn't a clue about it until Glowstick informed me of the assault and I took care of it accordingly Primal." He said, for once being truthful. The assault had been completely from under his nose, furious when he had found Glowstick undermining him, that's at least how he had seen it, and took care of the problem,"I assure you Primal Glowstick was taken care of for this little attack, let's just say he will no longer be giving you any problems nor will you really see him anymore."

It was a blunt answer, and Megatron wasn't afraid to hint of ridding of his own underlings, after all they were all expendable and he could be done with them at his leisure, that's of course when he found their services no longer required. For now he would make use of his soldiers until he found the right reasons to be rid of them all at some point but not too quickly. He did need pawns after all and getting rid of all of them at once just wouldn't be a good idea, no it would just make things difficult and he had to be careful with those he rid himself of. "Something like this won't happen again Primal I will assure you."


"Well Starshadow wandered off somewhere, the spiders are who knows where, Steelclaw went to clear his head, and all others I haven't got the slightest idea."Onyx said with a shrug, not quite sure of the other Predacons, Megatron especially. He had been absent much of the time, which wasn't normally anything new he had noticed but it had been rather frequent that day and it was already nightfall so it was becoming a little unusual. Not to mention he was also covering for Steelclaw's absence, hoping the bear would be able to be back before Megatron discovered he was missing. Though he wondered if the time with these Predacons would always be like this.

Turning his attention to the monitor Onyx was a little surprised that Cecaelia activated the auto guns but before he could remind her of the truce he heard the sound of Airazor's communication system and with no one else responding he quickly did so himself,"Sorry about that Airazor just precautions. Automated after all." He responded to to her before quickly deactivating the guns and gave a quick glance to Cecaelia,"We are under a truce Cecaelia, I don't think activating the auto guns is needed." He said to her but it did make him wonder why the Maximals were even around the Darksyde in the first place.

((I wasn't sure if anyone else was going to respond to Airazor and well Cecaelia and Onyx are already there so I hope this is fine.If not I can edit.))