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Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:51 am
by Alak
Orcariner unsheathed both of his blades and took a step forward. Turning slightly, he looked towards the other Maximals.

"If it's energon buried under here," he stated, "we should probably dig it out. Our ship doesn't have a lot so this is a prime opportunity to stock up."

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:24 am
by NaitoKage
(Basically Nighthunter is ignoring the posts done in the OC thread.. since Sonar just kinda didn't do anything and the predacons ignored him. Only reason the predacons noticed him was because Glowstick kept hearing weird clicks on his audio equipment that drove him insane..

I don't get why reinserting him is any better but meh. Yeah, he is running around.. but he's supposed to be a "stealthy" type so I guess that makes it harder to find him.

No StarShadow, you went to the main battle with Megatron. Remember? Megatron's going to need that support. I've got an idea anyway..Trying to find a ninja is like trying to find waldo, it's easier to make them come to you.)

Glowstick rubs his tentacle on his chin You know.. i have a better idea. Why should we have to leave the base unguarded? So the enemy can come in like that spotted menace did last week?

I've spent enough time collecting stasis pods when I was on my own, now spaceships? Slag that. If they're alive they can come here.
Glowstick then curled his tentacle into a fist, the back of it having the 3 large photophores glowing ominously

I can fly up and hit the ship with a communication laser. If anything is still online or near that ship, they'll respond. Otherwise it's just spare parts for the others to drag back.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:26 pm
by Blazemane
(( OOC: I'm really starting to feel slow now. Sorry this still isn't role play, but I want to make sure I have this in my head right.

So, Night Hunter is Sonar wandering around just in beast mode, or is he using a transport, like a ship?

And Naitokage, are you referring to the ship Glowstick's band of Predacons used in the O.C. thread? Or are you referring to a new one entirely? And would people still be there? If it's the O.C. ship, I thought all the Predacons would have joined up with the Darksyde crew by now, been to the Darksyde with enough time for Megatron to get repaired, for them to get familiar with the base, and for a new day to start, and that they are now going on Megatron's mission.

I am lost. ))

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:51 am
by Venatrix
"Yes, Valkyrie," the Maximal leader answered, looking at her. "Anything we can salvage from that ship might prove useful to the Axalon."
"Alright. I'll leave right away." Valkyrie replied.
Lets see who i could bring along.

((Don't know what else to post IC, but i was wondering who's coming along with Valkyrie to explore the path to the crashed ship, and salvage and bash some Preds we'll meet along the way?))

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:21 pm
by Blazemane
Glowstick wrote:I'm certain Megatron has mystical psychic powers.. I'm assuming the reason he left me here was because I was busy working on the communication system.. which is far more important then dragging me out to a full scale war. You we're probably left here to guard the base.. since nobody else is here. But I'm sure the autoguns will do fine while we're gone.
"Hmm... you're probably right." Steelclaw noted with a dismissive shrug.

But the truth was that he was far from convinced. The Auto guns could defend the base. Surely their leader would know this. And if Steelclaw was there to guard the base, than why would he be left sleeping?

And while it would be surprising for Megatron to be able to guess that a ship would be coming down, it was not inconceivable. Perhaps Tarantulas or even Scorponok had noticed unusual motion in the Earth's atmosphere. Maybe something else had happened that he couldn't even think of.

But whatever the circumstances that had caused him to be in the Darksyde at the moment were, he wasn't going to stay if a new ship had fallen down.
Glowstick wrote:You know.. i have a better idea. Why should we have to leave the base unguarded? So the enemy can come in like that spotted menace did last week?

I've spent enough time collecting stasis pods when I was on my own, now spaceships? Slag that. If they're alive they can come here.

I can fly up and hit the ship with a communication laser. If anything is still online or near that ship, they'll respond. Otherwise it's just spare parts for the others to drag back.
"Stay by the base if that suits you, but I think I'm going to search the area. It might be possible that whoever was in that ship has already gone too far away to notice it get hit. If they're a Predacon, or even Predacons, I don't want them to run into Maximals. So I guess you can cover the immediate area by seeing if anyone responds to a laser, and I'll go for a broader look."

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:15 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick shrugged Well if thats how it is, I guess I'll go after hitting it with a laser. Maybe I'll notice some maximal activity up there as well..If I do, you'll be first to know. See ya!

He then made a mock saluting gesture while floating off, the sound of music heard playing from the headphones around his neck echoing in the halls. He floated along the halls and out the hanger of the ship then went straight up into the air in the direction of the crashed craft.

Hm.. I'm going to have to be pretty high up to hit it from this distance..Works for me.. Less energon resistance up here. he then said to himself, his internal computers calculating the distance, curvature of the planet and at what point he'd have to aim for the laser to hit.


Icebreaker stopped playing his Harmonica, he checked the scanners on the ship seeing no activity from anything in the area. He sighed slightly bored, then remembered some of the others going on mission.

He turned on the ship's radio Icebreaker to Valkyire, what's shakin' doll?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:57 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: With Tor MIA until the new year, I'm going to temporarily take over Dinobot only to keep things moving, so anything I write with him will be limited. If anyone else would like to take him off my hands, and Waspinator, please do so because I can't keep up with all of them. XD Thank you!

By the way, is Cheetor joining us any time soon? :wink: ))
Besides we are still explorers after all, so where's your sense adventure?
"Teh!" Rattrap choked at Skyfire's question. "I lost my 'sense of adventure' ever since we bumped into those stinkin' Predacons."
"It might be a trap it might not, but how would some beings know we would be coming?And for what reason would they have to harm us when we have not posed a threat to them...until maybe now?" It just makes no sense."
The rat just shook his head in disagreement. Instincts were telling him to leave it alone, but he was also known to be pretty paranoid at times, so why listen to him?
Hmm.. you know the energon on this planet doesn't fit with it's geology.. Hard to believe it could form naturally..
"If it's energon buried under here," "we should probably dig it out. Our ship doesn't have a lot so this is a prime opportunity to stock up."
Optimus had glanced around the group as they shared their opinions. Yes, they needed energon, but at what cost? He was leaning more toward Rattrap's point of view. The whole structure of the place wasn't natural, and it most certainly seemed like some kind of trap or riddle with that energon "conveniently" buried in the middle under such an organized pile of rocks. What would happen if something went wrong, IF something was meant to go wrong? Primal was hesitant to take such a risk with his team with what little they understood about this planet. But if they weren't going to study it, surely the Predacons were going take it, and take it with force.

Meanwhile, Dinobot had stepped away from the group and approached the rocks. Reaching up, the velociraptor grabbed a larger one and dropped it off to the side, rather careless about the situation. Although, he might have been worried about Megatron getting the energon first. "However it got here, we must remove it before the Predacons do," he snarled.

(( OOC: And enter the dragon! ...Oh, wait, that's later. :roll: Come on Megs and company! Let's have a battle, shall we? :wink: ))

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:36 pm
by Night-Hunter
Besides we are still explorers after all, so where's your sense adventure?
"Teh!" "I lost my 'sense of adventure' ever since we bumped into those stinkin' Predacons."
"I have to agree with you on that Rattrap." Saber said standing beside him.
She saw that Dinobot had walked toward the pile of rocks and saw that he started removing the rocks.
"However it got here, we must remove it before the Predacons do,"
She walked over to him but stayed a few feet behind him so rocks wouldn't fall on her foot.
"I don't think that's such a good idea, Dinobot." Saber said standing on his right slightly behind him but far enough away that she didn't get whacked by his tail.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:44 am
by Dalgaroth
(( OOC: Yay! :runs to Youtube and squees while listening to the intro music: I haven't heard that in a while! 8D

Um...I could take Waspy, if only because he's a fellow flyer...and he speaks right after Megatron here. Someone else can take him though.))

Megatron, smirk upon his wide dinosaur face, knew that was his cue and appeared as if from thin air from behind one of the standing stones; and he knew it looked that way, because he'd planned it liked that. :wink:

He couldn't help but let a hint of annoyance at Dinobot's treachery slip into his voice however, and he scrapped his speech about energon for a different entrance line:

"Ahhh, Dinobot. That Predacon chip still ticks inside that treacherous hide. I think we will take it, yes. No energon crystal too small, I always say."

As he finished with a flourish of his tiny beast mode limbs, Waspinator's wings could be heard as the bug grew closer, quickly zooming into the opening and transforming.

"Wazpinator, Terroriiiiizzze!" he buzzed.

"Terrorsaur Terrorize!"

The red flyer had swooped in silently, until he let out his trademark caw, and hovered near his fellow flyer, his face set determinedly.

Together, the two opened fire on the sitting Maximals.

((OOC: Just FYI...something that's been bothering me while I RP Terry is that he's not quite IC yet. But that's only because in the show he's quite obedient and quiet the first couple episodes until he gets his 'lucky' break on the floating mountain. Whenever we get there, he'll open up more as he tires of lying low. ))

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:39 am
by starshadow
Starshadow was just behind the maximals and jumped out of her hiding place and roared, baring her fangs at them.

"STARSHADOW, TERRORIZE!!!" she transformed to robot mode and cracked her whip.
"Meow...." she licked her lips as she wanted to drink the mech fluid of her enemies.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:00 am
by Venatrix
((I decided to keep Venatrix with Megatron, and have Valkyrie form the group after the Maximals returned to the Axalon after their first encounter with the Preds.
So again, any Maximals that wanna join the mission to the other ship, should PM me or leave an OOC note with your next posts, so i can form the group when its time.
Can i expect Orcariner, be one of the volunteers? ^^))

Valkyrie heard Megatron as she was about to leave and turned to the Predacon leader.
He did look kinda big and mean she thought. But that didn't matter at this point.


Venatrix leaped on top of one of the stone pillars, looking down at the assigned targets, the Maximals.
She already picked her target. The one she always considered to be her mentor. Even after he rejected his Predacon heritage.
It's time to see how far she grown in skill, compared with him..... Dinobot...
As Dinobot's attention was drawn to Megatron and the fliers, she leaped down and landed behind him.
It was seen as a dishonorable act if she used hefr old skills and attack him from behind. She was better now. Different.
"I expect you to be still stronger then i am Dinobot, but i have gained many new skills in the art of combat, and will test them out on you now. Venatrix terrorize!"
The black panther transformed into a slender female, holding 2 blades in Cybertronian battle stance.
"Transform and draw your weapons, and face me in your preferred fashion."

She placed a confident smile on her face, which was her trademark since before she even met Dinobot.
Venatrix was dead set on fighting Dinobot now. And nobody's going to spoil her chance.

((Dont worry Monkey, this will be a short battle. Violently disrupted by Terrorsaur's missle hitting the hill of stones.))

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:32 am
by NaitoKage
Tarantulas smirks to himself as he steps out from behind some stone pillars. Such a strange place did require investigation, but not with the maximals standing in the way. Such an obstacle just had to be removed.

His machine gun legs then activated throwing a spray of random gunfire towards the maximal group.


Rhinox turned watching Megatron, he knew this would lead to trouble. He leaned slightly as shots from Terrorsaur and Waspinator came in.

He then saw as Tarantulas popped out and started his attack on the group, making him turn and run out of the way of the gunfire towards cover. As long as they were standing there they were just a easy to pick off as a protoform in a stasis pod.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:21 pm
by una
Scorponok climbed ontop the stone pillar next to him and terrorized. He looked at all the Maximals and started shooting missiles randomly at each one. He wanted to fight Dinobot but Venatrix beat it to him. But it seemed like the kitty cat could be his target.

He fired two missiles straight towards Cheetor.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:51 pm
by Night-Hunter
Saber shook her head and turned to back to the rest of the group.
"Ahhh, Dinobot. That Predacon chip still ticks inside that treacherous hide. I think we will take it, yes. No energon crystal too small, I always say."
Her ears went back went she heard Megatron's voice, she turned around and growled baring her sharp teeth.
She then heard Waspinator and Terrorsaur, she easily dodged thier attack, she then heard a familiar roar but to her it just sounded like a cub trying to sound frightening.
Saber saw Rhinox take over from gun fire, she did the same, she and Starshadow had unfinished bussiness to take care of and this time she wouldn't show her any mercy.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:29 pm
by Alak
Orcariner held his blades at his face, protecting the most vulnerable part of his body from Tarantulas' gunfire. Leaning his body forward to add more weight to his toes, the Maximal giant surged forward. He roared as he endured the spider's relentless assault, but his charging body was able to hold up.

"Time to sever those legs!" he said, raising his right blade.