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Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:15 am
by Tor
Dinobot barely registered the side comments from his audience. All he knew that his direct frontal approach had failed, and Optimus wasn't such a wuss as he had made out to be; his sudden unplanned flight was proof of that.

With a gigantic earth-shaking thud, Dinbot barely landed on the ledge, and surprisingly for a being of his size and wieght, flipped up into the air again and skidded on his chest to a dejected stop, his shield grinding against the thin rock of the bridge. Thanking Primus, he got to his feet, new fury firing his resolution to turn Optimus into spare parts. He gather his strength, re-routing all possible power to his legs and spang like a snake into the air, adding a couple sumersaults for show, then drove down dead set on Optimus. His shield blade plowed into the Maximal commander.

Dinobot gripped his sword crushingly in his right servo, but he didn't attack. Some unknown force compelled him to pause. He told himself that he was just savoring the moment before he took the title of victor over Optimus, but that didn't seem quite right... The warrior looked down on the Maximal, his lips curving into a bloodthirsty grin.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:32 am
by Night-Hunter
Saber narrowed her eyes when she saw Dinobot pause and she shifted her weight on her paws and she forced herself to sheath her claws. Instead of focusing on fight taking place she blocked out the fight so she could listen for any other Predicons that could sneak up on them. She closed her eyes to in hance her hearing.
This fight is pointless, we have other things to worry about. Saber thought.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:13 am
by Wintersong
Watching the fight and listening for any other foes, Wintersong kept herself busy. BUt also tested her shoulder and it immediately sent a pain down ehr spine and other shoulder making her snarl from feeling it at all but gritted ehr teeth with jaws clamped together to stifle her next growl. How qucikly the pain went thought her organic form was something...different. It took Wintersong some time to not let the pain get to ehr. It worked and the pain ebbed away slowly.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:51 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
Optimus waited for Dinobot to rise back on to his feet and gripped his swords tightly. Hearing his spinning shield grinding against the rocky terrain and watching some sparks fly indicated to him how powerful Dinobot's defensive weapon was. Suddenly, the raptor in robot mode charged again, but this time leaped rather high into the air and came crashing down on to the Maximal. Primal's optics were more set on to his opponent's shield than his sharp sword and he crossed his own twin swords above him to deflect Dinobot's shield from chopping anything off. However, the amount of force from the former Pred blew Optimus off of his feet and he fell backwards, landing on his back with a hard thud, his left foot smashing off a piece of the bridge.

Well, that was impressive, he thought, regaining his focus. He pulled himself up to his knees and shook his head while he watched the piece of rock fall down very, very far. One thing he couldn't do was underestimate this Predacon. In fact, why was he even still kneeling? Dinobot had the perfect opportunity to finish him right then...

The Maximal leader looked up at the tall bot who was deviously grinning over him. Frustrated with the whole situation now, and seeing Dinobot raise his sword, Optimus glared and swung upward with his fist, driving it right into Dinobot's chin for an upper cut. Again, he hadn't use his swords yet as offense. Perhaps this move will wipe that smile off of his face. Or make him angrier; although the only one Dinobot should be angry with was himself. All Primal wanted to do was get his Maximals back to the Axalon, who were supposed to be exploring galaxies and planets and such, not being stranded on some unknown planet full of raw energon and battling power-hungry Predacons.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:12 pm
by Tor
Dinobot was yet again frustrated that Optimus was one tough cookie.
Optimus glared and swung upward with his fist, driving it right into Dinobot's chin for an upper cut.
Make that a strong tough cookie.

Dinobot's optics fluttered wildly, feeling static crackle angrily in his processor from the force behind the blow. His body, recieving no signals from his processor, keeled over, and Dinobot fell in front of Optimus, temporarily unconciousness.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:09 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
With Dinobot down, Optimus hoped it was over now. He stood there before him and held the tip of one his swords under the transformed raptor's head, waiting for him to come back to his senses. Although there was something different about Dinobot, something in the back of his mind told him to be cautious.

Primal's shoulder that took the bulk of Dinobot's previous attack with his shield ached a little, and he still had malfunctioning prime jets. It had been a long day already since their crash landing and Optimus was beginning to feel exhausted. It wouldn't be long for the energon fields to take effect on their robot modes either, so perhaps Dinobot would surrender and this would all be over before anything else happens.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:01 pm
by Tor
It was a rude awakening to say the least. Dinobot had the blade of Optimus's cool steel under his chin, ready to severe his main mech fluid vein. A most humiliating day, indeed.

"Finish it," Dinobot rasped, speaking to the stone beneath him.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:26 pm
by Wintersong
Wintersong narrowed her eyes slightly, watching the fight seeming to be over. But would Primal be one to finish the raptor? But she highly doubted it for this leader, he just didn't seem the type to finish an enemy off unless it was needed. Shifting her paws alittle the white tigeress looked aorund-side to side and then from behind keeping a look out for any movement to which to their luck nothing so far.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:34 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"Finish it,"
"That's not how we Maximals do things," Optimus told him as he sheathed one of his swords and calmly offered his left hand to help Dinobot to his feet. Was that how Predacons thought about Maximals? That they always killed their opponents? Well, not this Maximal. Of course anyone, even Primal, was capable of exterminating an enemy, but it was completely unnecessary, especially in this situation. Optimus wasn't one to take anyone's life; there was always a better way to handle a dire situation, even if meant risking his own life. Perhaps if Optimus showed Dinobot the true side of Maximals, then he could learn from it and gain a different perspective that he might not have seen before. Or the raptor could just take advantage of the leader's kindness and take control of the fight while he let his guard down. One of his greatest weaknesses was trusting too much.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:04 pm
by Tor
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:
"Finish it,"
"That's not how we Maximals do things," Optimus told him as he sheathed one of his swords and calmly offered his left hand to help Dinobot to his feet. Was that how Predacons thought about Maximals? That they always killed their opponents? Well, not this Maximal. Of course anyone, even Primal, was capable of exterminating an enemy, but it was completely unnecessary, especially in this situation. Optimus wasn't one to take anyone's life; there was always a better way to handle a dire situation, even if meant risking his own life. Perhaps if Optimus showed Dinobot the true side of Maximals, then he could learn from it and gain a different perspective that he might not have seen before. Or the raptor could just take advantage of the leader's kindness and take control of the fight while he let his guard down. One of his greatest weaknesses was trusting too much.
Dinobot lifted his head a fraction of an inch, his expression disbelieving. Could this Maximal be truly this naive? Maximals might think themselves merciful patriarchs of the galaxy, but Predacons did not mix with weak feelings of mercy and forgiveness. Dinobot would not conform to Primal's version of the outcome of this battle. If Primal would not finish Dinobot, Dinobot would finish Primal.

Fiery red optics steadily brightened to an emerald green, "Then that will have to change!" Dinobot's optics burst forth twin shots of laser energy straight into Primal's faceplate.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:12 pm
by Razorclaw
"C'mon,Optimus,c'mon!" Blaze stared,wide-eyed at the battle,nervously awaiting the outcome. After the battle,she a travled back with the rest of the Maximals,although she stayed towards the back of the line to avoid getting mocked,since she had come to the battle too late.

"And I didn't even get blast that Starshadow. Man,I'm such a loser!" she though,kicking a pebble half-heartedly with one of her front paws.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:15 pm
by Night-Hunter
"Then that will have to change!"

Saber's eyes widened in shock when Dinobot shot Optimus in the face with his lasers from his eyes.
That was such a low blow! Your lucky your not fighting me, Dinobot. You would have been noth but scrap by now! Saber thought with a snarl.
Her paws were inching to get a piece of Dinobot but she forced her self to stay put, the fur on her shoulders rose again in agitation.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:36 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Hey, Razorclaw! Welcome back! It's good to see you. :D Taking back your characters for a while now, I hope? ^_^ Take it easy on Megatron about to attack OP and Dinobot, because they aren't in their sword fight yet. ))
"Then that will have to change!"
Optimus cried out in pain, suddenly blinded by light and heat. He covered his face with his hands and sword and stepped backwards, misplacing his footing and stepping on the edge of the bridge. The mistake he just made may very well have costed him his life. Fool! What were you thinking?! This is a Predacon you're fighting! They don't practice mercy, and they don't surrender! a voice yelled in his head. The rocky terrain began to crumble under his feet. He tried holding his balance, waving his arms straight out from his sides, but he couldn't help but stare wide-eyed over the edge as his body continued to lean over. Then the Maximal leader fell, and thought it was going to be a long and very painful fall, until he suddenly stopped and swung upside down. Partially thanks to his beast mode, instinct took over and his legs had caught the bridge while the upper half of his body dangled over the side like an ape swinging in the trees. Even though he hadn't fallen, Optimus nearly thought it was the end for him. Either Dinobot would simply kick him off of the ledge, or pick him up and fry him with his laser beam optics. What a day.

Rhinox was shocked at first, watching their commander be taken unaware so easily and almost falling. Now Dinobot had the upper hand, standing over Primal. The rhinoceros shook his head and momentarily closed his eyes, disappointed or fearing the worst for his friend now.
Rattrap managed to pull his beaty eyes away from the battle after Optimus caught himself from falling, and looked at Blaze. Where'd she come from? he thought. Oh well. At least it was one more Maximal against that stinkin', good-fer-nothin' Predacon!

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:49 pm
by Razorclaw
((OOC: I intend to make a greater effort to get back on here. I have tons of drawings littering the floor of my room that I made while thinking of you. :( Unfortuately,I have to go on vacation with my parents for about three or four days. :x But after that,the only real obstical I have [besides cranky parents who think this site is for insane people :roll:] is school,and I can get on almost every morning. :D So things might be able to shift back to normal. Also,the flooding finally went down a few weeks ago. They just finished taking the dikes out of our neighborhood,and most of the pumps.

Also,OOP,I intend to wait until the swordfight is over for any action from Megatron/Trarantulas. It's mostly a guidline for the other Preds/sign that I'm still alive. :lol: ))

Blaze made eye contact with Rattrap.

"What's he starin' at me fer?" She checked herself. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She eyed him one more time before returning her attention to the fight. Clearly Optimus was getting the worst of it. She frowned. Though she respected the honor of warriors; even agreeing with Dinobot's statements,she couldn't help but wish there were more Preds to chalange so it could be a team effort and less of a tragic battle. Things were not going well,and somehow she knew that no matter who one,it would be a bad ending.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:30 pm
by Wintersong
Wintersong's eyes widened at the trick Dinobot pulled, but was still worried Optimus might fall despite what seemed like instinct kicking in from his beast mode. She unsheathed ehr claws digging them into the hard gravel trying her hardest to not go running across the bridge herself. *If only I hadn't let Starshadow attack me like that! I could be of more help then this!* She thought angrily to herself making a personal note to not insult a Predacon unless she really had a better plan next time.