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Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:55 pm
by Sinead
((OOC: Sorry that it's taken so long ... it's been a very busy couple weeks. I'll be watching BW on YouTube. Thank you to all who helped me with that! my other note got cut off mid-sentence due to tiredness.))

After leaving the ship, Rhinox walked around, getting used to their new home. He had no illusions about how long it was going to take to get the Axalon back in the skies, and that was confirmed by Valkyrie's report. He sighed, shaking his head. "That's unfortunate."

The ground under his massive bulk was springy, giving way under his weight. It was a fun, almost heady feeling that gave him an odd peace.

With a hiss of hydraulics, the lift revealed Agui, who waited for it to come down. She had been doing a quick check of the medical bay before joining the crew outside. Where was Cheetor? Frowning, she walked up behind Rattrap and nosed at him lightly. "What happened to the kitten? He's not on an exploratory patrol already, is he?" That means that she'd have to go back upstairs, fix up the medbay, find the stock, find out how much she could spare of it on repairs since they were now perfectly stranded and would have to ration ...

Grinning inwardly, Agui realized that she was going to actually enjoy parts of being stranded.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:08 am
by Razorclaw
(OOC: Sorry,folks. I've been so busy lately,trying to get all my assignments doe before going on a Comfirmation retreat,and Sunday is my 14th Construction Day Celebration[Not that it will be be much of a celebration :?] so I shall hopefully be coming home from the retreat that afternoon and have some time to post in the evening)

IC: Megatron smiled inwardly at Dinobot's rant. The tension had been obvious for some time now,and manifested once or twice into nasty arguements. But an all out betrayal? Interesting.

He chuckled softly to himself.

"I beg your pardon, what did you call me?" he asked calmly, stepping slowly out into the open.

"You heard. You are an idiot and an imcompentant leader,and I am taking over! Dinobot, Terrorize!" snarled his Second in Command, transformering after the code was spoken.

"I chalange you to battle,Megatron. The winner shall lead the Predacons,and the loser shall be destroyed!"

"Ah,you're so impulsive,Dinobot. Brave,but misguided."

"Do you accept my chalange?!"

Megatron laughed softly.

"There's more to being a leader than simple courage. Well, there's cleverness and cunning as well...Isn't that right,Scorponok?" he grinned,steppign back to reveal his liutenant,gun at the ready.

Megatron smiled,picturing the terrified look on his former Second in Command's face.


Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:33 pm
by Night-Hunter
Saber looked at Agui then said. "No he saw two Cheeta's and took off to catch up with them. He's such a cub, i don't know why Optimus brought him along." She said then watched her leave before going to the edge of the cliff and looked down at the water below then at the ledge not to far from where she was standing.
~Hmmm i wonder if i can make that jump.~ Saber thought.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:06 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: I'm going to post. Jagna, when you have time and are feeling up to it, feel free to edit your previous post for Rattrap [since I have OP talking to him and following the show's script in my post here], and then feel free to post again to catch up. We won't go after Cheetor until everyone is caught up, which gives the Preds time to come, too. ))

"It was Cybertron's most carefully guarded relic, Rattrap. It gave the location of a major energon source. That's why Megatron stole it," the gorilla explained to the rat.

Optimus sighed deeply at Rattrap's next comments and looked at him. "Remember the Great War, Rattrap. If the Predacons get enough energon, they'll start it again." He shook his head, knowing they would need to stop that from occurring. "We can't let that happen," he added, temporarily forming a fist with his right hand. "Besides," he took a breath and turned away from Rattrap, "you wanted exploration, and here we are on an unknown planet. What more do you want?"

Primal nearly smirked at the Maximal rodent's smart remark and said, "Just no pleasing some people."
"Hey, check it!"
Optimus took a breath, watching the pair of cheetahs running off together, and said, "They're fast all right." He turned his optics to Cheetor. "You chose a good form."
"You think that's speed? Wait 'till you see the golden rocket!"
"Cheetor! No!" the Maximal Commander called after him. This couldn't have been happening already. When the feline didn't stop, Optimus opened a communication link between him and Cheetor, in hopes to get the younger bot back. "Cheetor! Return to base immediately. We don't have time for this," Primal said in an intolerant voice. "Cheetor? Please respond." But the cheetah didn’t call back. Was he ignoring his commanding officer? Static from the energon fields started to filter through the link, and it was most likely that Cheetor could no longer comprehend the communication. Rhinox clarified that point, and it immediately put Primal in a bad mood. The gorilla looked over his shoulder at his old friend and irritably said, "Well, that’s just prime," raising a brow.

When Rattrap walked up to Optimus, throwing in one of his sarcastic comments, he looked down at the rat and said, "Shut up, Rattrap." He wasn't quite helping the situation, after all.
Hey, where's he heading off to?" Skyfire called to Optimus from where she was in the air.
Primal looked up at Skyfire and shook his head. "No doubt to make friends. I'm afraid he may run into trouble instead. We better go after him," he said, annoyed, but he was not one to leave a Maximal alone no matter what kind of mistakes they made, especially on a strange planet that now inhabited Predacons.
"I think i have come up with the most effective way to repair the damage and get the sensor replays and shields online. It'll take some time though."
"I have a feeling that most of our repairs are going to take time," he commented toward Valkyrie when her explanation didn't surprise him, but it reminded him how much work they had ahead of themselves which would now be delayed because Cheetor had taken off and they needed to catch up with him before he found himself in danger.

The Axalon crew was originally set out for exploration, so not everyone on board had the experience for war, not that being stranded on the planet full of energon automatically meant that the Maximals would be battling the Predacons. It would probably be a safe bet, though. Those inexperienced, like Cheetor, could not learn and progress unless they were involved with such situations, and it looked like this was going to be the perfect opportunity. Optimus Primal already predicted that mistakes were going to be made, even by himself, but hopefully everyone will learn from those accidental mishaps and avoid letting them from happening again. No matter their age or experience, all of them needed to support each other now and back one another up.

(( OOC: I'll stop there and let everyone catch up before things get heated up between Cheetor and Waspinator. ))

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:58 pm
by Blazemane
He was not much of a talker.

"Please select a beast mode." The ship's computer requested.

There was not too much thought involved in his selection. Essentially, he saw a black bear, thought it was cool enough, and since it approximately matched his weight, well... o.k. then.

He stepped out of his AMR tank and on to the floor in front of him.

"Steelclaw," he commanded "terrorize." On his beast mode hind legs, the fur split in the middle and revolved to the back of his legs, revealing sandy grey metallic panels. His arms came from the underside of his main body. These arms were the same sandy color. His bear head fell onto his chest and his forelegs flipped behind his back. Here they connected in the center rather than crossing. His head came out of his beast mode neck. This was a darker shade of grey than his body and his optics were blue.

He had chosen his mode just in time to survey the confrontation between Dinobot and Megatron, as he had taken a bit longer to reawaken after the crash than the other members aboard.

"Well," he though to himself, "I didn't like the guy much, but we're basically doomed without him."

"Hey guys," he adressed no one in particular, "I'm gonna go play cards."
Waspinator wrote:"Weee hee! Ooooh-hooo!"
"And one of us is apparently out of his mind." he added to his mental list.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:52 am
by SkyxDB
Skyfire sighed and shook her head. "Hopefully we can catch up to him" she said to Optimus. I hope we don't run into much trouble, but sadly that not likely she thought. Hopefully we don't run into Predacons anytime soon, becuase I don't know the first thing about combat. Slag, now I wish I toook self-defense classes...

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:14 pm
by Razorclaw
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"I have a feeling that most of our repairs are going to take time," he commented toward Valkyrie when her explanation didn't surprise him, but it reminded him how much work they had ahead of themselves which would now be delayed because Cheetor had taken off and they needed to catch up with him before he found himself in danger.

The Axalon crew was originally set out for exploration, so not everyone on board had the experience for war, not that being stranded on the planet full of energon automatically meant that the Maximals would be battling the Predacons. It would probably be a safe bet, though. Those inexperienced, like Cheetor, could not learn and progress unless they were involved with such situations, and it looked like this was going to be the perfect opportunity. Optimus Primal already predicted that mistakes were going to be made, even by himself, but hopefully everyone will learn from those accidental mishaps and avoid letting them from happening again. No matter their age or experience, all of them needed to support each other now and back one another up.

Towards the back of the Axelon,something staggered up onto its four legs. A furry form slowly padded its way towards the light it saw,until it reached the ship's control room.

"Hey,how da slag did I git here?!" yapped an oversize female hyena as she meandered into view.

An odd thing to notice was the fact that both of her ears were pirced with brass and silver rings. This caused more than a few eyes to roll,and quite a few supprised expressions,as it was obvious she was not a crew member.

((OOC:I intend for Blaze to be killed off in the first or second season,but I would like her to have some character development first.))

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:28 pm
by SkyxDB
"Hey,how da slag did I git here?!" yapped an oversize female hyena as she meandered into view.
Skyfire looked down the Hynea that had emerged from the Axalon. She didn't remember seeing before back when they all first boarded the Axalon back on Cybertron. "I think we have a stowaway" she said.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:47 am
by Night-Hunter
Saber looked and raised an eye brow at the hyena then smiled shaking her head. "Yes i think we do." She said then walked over to the Hyena to get a better look at her.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:37 am
by Razorclaw
Blaze took slow steps away from Saber. Though she was backing up,her position indicated that she was ready to fight if nessisary.

But they did all seem to be Maximals. On the other servo,she had no idea who they were,or why or how she was here. Could it be some sort of Predacon trick? She growled at the thought.


Tarantulas chuckled haughtily as he watched the traitor be eliminated. Dinobot was hardly dead,he knew,but he was still injured,which would make him easier to track down...or his remains,if he was attacked. Of course,the Maximals were foolish enough,in their non-violant ways,to spare the sparks of unfortunate opponents,and take prisoners.

He snickered,imagining Dinobot in a giant cage,fawned upon by Maximal sparklings.

Ah well,there would be time to dream another solar-cycle. Right now was a good point to prepare for the battle he had easily predicted was soon to come.

((OOC:Mwa ha ha ha! :twisted: Dinobot in a Maximal petting zoo... :lol: :twisted: ))

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:57 pm
by Night-Hunter
Saber simply smiled at the Hyena. "If i wanted to attack you, i would have by now. You can relax we're all maximals here, my name is Saber." She said gently.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:10 pm
by Razor One
((My Apologies, Work, Uni and several assignments assaulting me at once kept me away))

"Ah,you're so impulsive,Dinobot. Brave,but misguided."

Scorponok terrorized quietly the moment his glorious leader uttered those words. "Misguided" generally meant "No Longer Useful", and "No Longer Useful" would soon translate into "No Longer Functional".

That Dinobot had called his Leader an idiot and challenging his Leadership was the ultimate absurdity. Megatron would lead them to greatness! He Would see! But not if he was dead...

Smirking to himself, Scorponok switched from "Frag" Missiles to "Kinetic" missiles. Frag Missiles would explode on contact, but Kinetic ones would transfer most of their speed to their targets.

Scorponok generally used the Kinetic missiles on foes he would rather see plummet to their deaths, screaming all the way down preferably. For this purpose, they would simply carry him off to some far off region and probably damage him severely.

All that mattered to Scorponok would be that Dinobot would live long enough to see Megatron triumph. Though he had not known Dinobot overly long before this particular mission he knew him well enough to know that Death was preferable for him than Defeat. It was of course the flaw of the Warrior code he subscribed to.

To see Dinobot humiliated in the face of Megatrons inevitable triumph would be the sweetest victory for his glorious leader, sweeter by far then merely killing him here and now.

"...Isn't that right,Scorponok?"

His claw clacked open, ready to fire. He spared the barest moment to savor the look on Dinobots face before firing.

"Loser" Muttered Megatron as he sailed off into the distance.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:51 pm
by Venatrix
Venatrix watched Megatron and Scorponok walk towards the entrance she walked into after being sent off by Dinobot.
She waited for a few moments when she heared Megatron and Dinobot have their conversation, and it didn't sounded like it was going to end peacefully.
She turned around and walked back to the entrance just in time to watch Megatron step aside and have Scorponok blast Dinobot away.
There was no honor in this tactic. Neither from Megatron or Scorponok.
But there was nothing she could do about that.
She wasn't nearly strong enough to fight them both.
And there was also Dinobot's code of the warrior that wouldn't accept her to come to his defence.
So here she was, watching the one she idolised being blasted away, and not being able to do slag about it.
She was weak alright.
She growled lightly to herself, and promissed herself to get more serious now, and become strong in her own right.
Transforming to robot mode, she walked next to Scorponok.
Venatrix already cleared the disapointed look from her face, and smiled lightly.
"I guess that makes you the new second in command, aint it, Scorponok?"

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:08 pm
by Jagna
((OOC:...oh my goodness gracious me, I had completely forgotten I wa Terrorsaur. Ahem. I believe he floats in the background until the battle ^^;

Anyway, sorry I've been away so long, I've been unbelievably busy and unbelievably sleep deprived, it's not even funny. I'm so utterly confused, all I can gather is Cheetor's just run off and Dinobot's been blown halfway to kingdom come, yes? I hope you don't mind I won't edit my last post, as that requires more thinking power, and I should actually be in bed, as I will yet again be coming home at 9pm tomorrow night. See rant section for my reasons for sick leave :wink: Therefore, this will be short and sweet...and all I can think of...))
"Hopefully we can catch up to him"
"I think yer missin' the point here, Wings," the rat stated with an air of laziness, "We have to want to first..."
"Well, that's just Prime,"
"So, uh, this yer first day on the job, or what?" the rat asks slyly, looking upward at the gorilla. That might have been the one disadvantage of his selected form. No matter. His wit would outweigh it.
"Shut up Rattrap."
Oh, if only he knew how many times he'd hear that...

"Oh, yes, SIR!" the rat responded, raising himself onto his hind legs for a mock salute, "Y'know, I feel just heaps better knowing that our lives are in your capable hands,"

He let out what was a mix of a sigh and a chuckle.

"We're all gonna die..."

This planet gave him an uneasy feeling that phrase might be used again. Just once, at least.

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:41 pm
by Night-Hunter
Saber turned to face Rattrap and had the urge to tear his voicebox out but choose not to. She was no longer a General so it wasn't her place to put Rattrap in his place. She just rolled her shoulders and let out a sigh, she could sence the Rat's uneasyness about this planet. She didn't blame him she felt the same way or was she just feeling guiltly about she had done?