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Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:22 am
by NaitoKage
He nodded his mantle Very well, that will work out fine. By then I should have a cool glass of energon waiting for you. He then went back to focusing on the refinement device, transforming to robot mode, his lasers were seen welding points together while cutting others to shape.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:34 am
by Wintersong
Snow Trix turned, "I shall be back in a little while." Wiht that she took off across th feild and into the trees folloring her tracking signal to the stasis pod. It was much further then she had thought and by the time she got to the prevous spot she had met the other survivors he fox femme was out of breathe, sitting down to rest before continuing on throught the trees and finally reaching the barren land she ahd been two days previous.

Her pod wa snot hardto spot in beeing the only real large thing in the whole field that was visible next to the small hurbs and rushes dotting places. "Snow Trix, terrorzie!" Snwo Trix transformed, her body shifting accordigly and she went to th head of it beginning to push agaisnt it throwning her weight against it makign it move. Inch by inch the pod wa smoving, slow but it moved, making a trail behind it as it was pushed along tot he trees. From here SNow Trix had to manuver it around the trees and avoid damaging it.

It was hard work but near the ocean she was forced to transform due to the energon build up. "there has to be something...that outta hep!" SPotting some vines she quickly went over getting a long enough piece to be abe to drag the pod. Waiting a few cycles she finally transfomed long enough to tie the vine around the pod, checking it was secure enough, then transformed getting the vine tired around th emiddle of her sides, sotmach, and back. Heaving she pulled wiht the stength she ahd from her form and was moving step by step pacing herself to move on despite how tired she wa salready.

Nearly to the field Snow Trix stopped in the edges of the trees panting but not showing nay signs of giving in, only three stops out fo the whole trip and started across the field. Finally just a few meters away she called to Glowstick, "I got the pod, and it's in wokring condition as I lef tit." She said stopping and bit the vine free walking away from it to let Glowstick see it.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:05 am
by NaitoKage
With time having passed, the gigantic stasis pod looked much different as it seemed wider with some parts as high as 12 ft while it had a length of 23 ft.

Internally the structure rebuild with two long benches seen along the sides of the vehicle and two seats in the forward compartment with a half wall partition with a display and strange device build into it. Frilla seen at one of the seats typing away. One of the benches seemed like it could fold up while the other had a square box under it as if stored alterior motives.

Outside along it was some compartments including one containing Lineos's rotting meat supply with a seal to reduce the smell coming from it that vented in a manner so it doesn't burst on it's own from built up gases..

Exiting the vehicle Glowstick looked a bit pale, even for himself Ah excellent. I just got the Energon dispenser functional,so I'll take a break and gather some energon for it. Feel free to sit down or lay down if you like. the Field damper is already working inside of it. he then walked towards the river carrying some strange tools and container.

Moments later returning from the river with a few crystals he walked into the vehicle setting the crystals into the machine, the crystals seen being drained of color and reducing to nothing. He then pulled something like a metal coffee pot out from the machine pouring the fuild into three cups while the rest seemed to go into the vehicle's fuel cell supply. Drinking one of the cups he started to retain color again, then started work on taking her pod apart and preparing the pieces for the tank.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:40 am
by Taran Ulas
Xzuk wrote:Xzuk's ears perked up and a smile formed on his doglike face as he heard the word engineer.

"So, a tech-head huh? Welcome aboard... perhaps you can take a look into making a conversion and containment device for energon out of one of these pods? I'm stumped here lately..."

he scratched his ear playfully as his smile returned.

"I'm Xzuk by the way. Scout leader for the Axalon. All play when things are safe, but I'll shine up like a new energon crystal in a fight. Glad to hear you made it back in one piece friend. Be thankful. Lineos is not one to be trifled with."
"Thanks, I'd kinda guessed that after nearly getting my spine crushed. Now, what have you been working on and what would you like to build?"


With time having passed, the gigantic stasis pod looked much different as it seemed wider with some parts as high as 12 ft while it had a length of 23 ft.

Internally the structure rebuild with two long benches seen along the sides of the vehicle and two seats in the forward compartment with a half wall partition with a display and strange device build into it. Frilla seen at one of the seats typing away. One of the benches seemed like it could fold up while the other had a square box under it as if stored alterior motives.

Outside along it was some compartments including one containing Lineos's rotting meat supply with a seal to reduce the smell coming from it that vented in a manner so it doesn't burst on it's own from built up gases..

Exiting the vehicle Glowstick looked a bit pale, even for himself Ah excellent. I just got the Energon dispenser functional,so I'll take a break and gather some energon for it. Feel free to sit down or lay down if you like. the Field damper is already working inside of it. he then walked towards the river carrying some strange tools and container.

Moments later returning from the river with a few crystals he walked into the vehicle setting the crystals into the machine, the crystals seen being drained of color and reducing to nothing. He then pulled something like a metal coffee pot out from the machine pouring the fuild into three cups while the rest seemed to go into the vehicle's fuel cell supply. Drinking one of the cups he started to retain color again, then started work on taking her pod apart and preparing the pieces for the tank.
((Aw, come on. Every one loves of rotting meat so much they could vomit))

As Lineos arrived, he looked around Glowstick when he saw it.

So, commander did actually build a tank. Perfect for those pesky ingrown Maximals. As he looked over at the other predacon, Lineos noticed that this predacon was a femme. And the predacons wonder why the cause is failing.

((yep, he's sexist. Fortunely, Cerano isn't.))

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:13 am
by Alak
As the morning came, Orcariner emerged from the river and stretched his limbs. He had fallen asleep sometime during the night, setting his radar scanners on high alert for any non-Maximal signature that was within shooting distance. Today they should try to set up at least one turret pod outside of the waterfall so that the Maximals would have a better defense. The trick was to maintain power to an outdoor weapon that would also be hidden in the ground.

"Let's go see what the others are up to," he yawned.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:03 pm
by Xzuk
"Well, Cerano... We've got two auto-cannons, a CR chamber, and a holoprojector to hide the entry to the cave. Just in case a pred goes behind the waterfall."

Xzuk smiled lightly and turned back to the new Maximal.

"I would say I've covered the needs. But, the want list, is rather... un-dealt with. If you can think of anything we may need or would be better off with, I'd say build it. I'll help where I can."

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:57 pm
by NaitoKage
Icebreaker sat down watching the group as they discussed. By survival knowledge they had hit all the bases, food, shelter, and even repair. However none of that would find the Axalon, he then wondered how to find something like that.


Glowstick finished fashioning the pod from Snow trix into a massive part for the tank, then walked over setting it down. His laser starting to weld it. Moments later he walked inside the tank starting to weld parts. His optics shifted as he noticed Lineos Ah Lineos, seems you've recovered the last pod. Nicely done. The guns haven't shown up yet, but that matters little really.. Mobility, a means of converting raw energon into refined energon, a repair bed, some tools, and with whats left I should be able to get a radar and long ranged radio equipment set up..

Glowstick then walked towards the other stasis pod starting to take it apart and rebuild it as the final part of the hovertank. His other tentacles seen using the left over parts from Snow trix's and other stasis pods working on some form of device with a modified DNA scanner antenna. Awhile later he walked towards the tank installing the last portion of it with the components he'd be working on, the remaining peices seen used as a strange rack along the sides of the tank, a type of missile defense though could also be used to hang off the side while moving.

Glowstick's body surged with energon, but he simply walked inside pulling a chair plate down from the half wall section and sat down, unfolding a computer keyboard infront of a small display which the Predacon insignia then appeared. It seemed more like a armored personnel carrier or a RV then a tank and really.. without the guns that's what it was at the moment.

Hm.. curious.. that large blip there should be the maximal whale.. however theres only two other blips away from us.. which I assume are Luna and Tantrum.. where have the other maximals gone?.. I'm also detecting a strange anomaly on this..the defense field Frilla's been programming should be operational by now...

He then plugged into the communication system, multiple modified DNA scanners extend from the top of the tank as radio antennas Orcariner, this is Glowstick. I have recently been playing with a sort of radar system I put together and noticed all our allies seem to have vanished.. do you happen to know anything about this?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:11 pm
by Wintersong
Snow Trix didn';t care much for for what the base would do or how it defended well, she only observed the place for a moment. When Lineos had come she narrowed her eyes, "Got a staring problem?" She growled, ears back. Bigger Predacon or not she wasn't exactly trustful much of Lineos. SOmething about him made her armor crawl, and not in a good way. "I'm going out again." She said before turning and wlking out of the tank or mobile base. All this talking and sticking around was making her bored to her proccessor and she wanted to go for more scouting.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:14 pm
by New Moon
Frilla finished jsut before the energon surge hit her systems making her revert to beast mode. OCming inside, passing SNow Tri on the way who looked very uncomfortable or just irrtiated about something it seemed, she came inside looking over the place with surprise of how it had turne dout. "The defense systems are up Glowstick. We should be able to be well defended agaisnt the Maximals, fi they are to attack that is." Frilla reported. BUt she was curious to who would be leading this group until they found Megatron's crew. However she kept her thoughts to herself for now.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:20 am
by Alak
NaitoKage wrote: Orcariner, this is Glowstick. I have recently been playing with a sort of radar system I put together and noticed all our allies seem to have vanished.. do you happen to know anything about this?
...and I was so close to going back into hiding in our cave, thought Orcariner.

He wondered what to do. Even with the truce and Pax Cybertronia, the Maximals had continued to include the Predacons as probable enemies. It didn't help knowing that he was talking to one over the radio right in front of their hidden location. Sinking back into the river and pedaling away from the waterfall, he replied.

"The Maximals? I'm honestly not sure what they're up to right now. I was just swimming down a river minding my own business."

Orcariner tried to maintain his honesty through his careful wording. Even though he knew he was just a step away from meeting up with them, the Maximal really had no idea what they were up to. They could very well still be asleep.

"As for the vanishing act..."

That actually was a really good point. He had no idea how the others were off Glowstick's radar. Perhaps it was the distance, or the thick rocky walls that protected them. Maybe the large amount of energon collected added interference. Xzuk may have already activated some of the cloaking devices. There was also the hologram but Orcariner did not know its properties as well as its creator did.

"That's a very good question," he said, thinking out loud, "How are they evading your radar?"

He quickly exited out of all of his interface's scanners, maps, and menus.

"I'm looking at my interface right now," Orcariner continued, "I'm with ya, buddy, I'm not seeing anything other than water."

Blast it! Now I can't go back into the base right away without making myself look suspicious.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:44 am
by NaitoKage
Glowstick put his arms behind his head in a relaxed pose How could they? Well that's a rather simple question once you understand the limits and perimeters of radar systems which are rather similar to radio.. So either they're simply out of range, hiding in some form of rock metal or other deposited area, playing around in an energon field, or the weather is playing with my system.. but I don't see a cloud in the sky..

Or perhaps like me, they just left you behind seeing how your beastmode gets in the way on land.

The whale was hiding something and Glowstick knew it, he watched the radar screen. At the moment the vehicle probably could show up on Orcariner's sensors, but anything inside was most likely undetectable with Frilla's defense system now on. The maximals had been on their own for too long, and if they were hiding.. they were even worse then any of the predacons in his group.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:21 am
by Alak
NaitoKage wrote: How could they? Well that's a rather simple question once you understand the limits and perimeters of radar systems which are rather similar to radio.. So either they're simply out of range, hiding in some form of rock metal or other deposited area, playing around in an energon field, or the weather is playing with my system.. but I don't see a cloud in the sky..

Or perhaps like me, they just left you behind seeing how your beastmode gets in the way on land.
"Probably," shrugged Orcariner, "But I'll be on the lookout!"

He returned to beast form and began to swim back towards the base.

If his scanners are remotely as advanced as mine, my beast mode should shield my robotic signature. Let's hope he's not paying that much attention to me.

With a lunge, the killer whale launched himself through the waterfall and the hologram into the base. Landing with an audible thud, Orcariner looked at the surprised glances of the other Maximals. Laying on the now wet ground, he chuckled.

"I can explain."

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:04 am
by Wintersong
Snow Trix stood ona branch not moving, watching Orcanier disappear behind the waterfall but she had made sure to listen clsoe to the conversation...well the parts she could hear. With a final look she jumped formt he rbanch reverting abck to ebast mdoe and slipping throught he undergrowth. So it seemed the MAixmals had found a bas eof their own but keeping it secret. "So that' their game, I wonder." The fox femme crept along coming near the location of the PRedacon mobile base, but she kept away from it.

Right now she guessed Glowstick might be trying to figure out where the Maixmals were and snow Trix guessed that it may have soemthing to do wiht the waterfalll, but she would let the other figure it out for themselves. She wasn't one to share what she found out.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:12 am
by Alak
"And that's about it," finished Orcariner with his recap, "The Predacons have technology now other than their own bodies, and maybe they're using the same ones we've been using. Glowstick communicated with a ranged radar communicator, so it's hard to tell how far exactly he is. My scanners alone are acting up because Predacon signatures keep disappearing and appearing over again."

The Maximals had found a way to shield their signatures from even Glowstick, so the idea of the Predacons replicating this was not far-fetched. Orcariner was just surprised that the other faction had matched their pace in advancement.

Primus help us if they've found more guns than us, too.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:23 am
by NaitoKage
Icebreaker suddenly fell over as Orcariner jumped in, he then sat up clapping his flippers Nicely done, I give it a 8!


Glowstick raised an optic ridge as Orcariner suddenly vanished from his sensors What the slag.. how do I lose a creature the size of the short bus on my scanners?.. Glowstick unplugged himself from the computer, then laid his tentacle arm on the CR bed/bench, his other limbs typing into the keyboard, moments later a scanner extends scanning his limb. The computer screen and ceiling displaying a 3D image of his arm, then shifts to a 3D image of his chemical laser assembly.

The time, effort, and energy required to modify and understand those alien guns is simply out of our grasps. So we'll just have to make weapons we can use effectively and efficiently.

The CR bed then had a plate roll over it as it became active.

He then activated the communication terminal Snow trix, this is Glowstick. the Maximals have found a way to allude our scanners. Be on the look out and try to find out how they are doing this..

He changed channels as he then sent out a broadcast to Tantrum and Luna. Tantrum, return to base. I require your assistance with some things. Luna, continue finding and researching these aliens.. and be on the lookout for maximals.. they seem to be hiding from our scanners.. I'd also like you to report in on anything you may find, and incase we happen to leave to keep track of you unless you desire to be left behind in this area..

He then folded up the communication keyboard and stood up folding up the chair, then walked out of the vehicle grabbing the energon collecting tools while walking into the river.

He thought to himself while transforming into beast mode, starting to collect and segment some crystals seen in the water into a size that could be used. As it was, the tank armor would hold up against a light battle but he didn't really want to risk it at the moment. Otherwise they'd be back to square one, back to nothing.

The other option was more obvious, ignore the maximals and ride off into the sunset, explore the rest of the planet and try to find a ship. It seemed a cowardly route, but also seemed rather logical. However.. such a crew would likely not take such a choice.

The only option was to then plan a strike.. Find the maximals in hiding or lure them out, then using the current heavy infantry they would be able to crush their forces.

After filling the bucket he transformed to robot mode, then walked out of the river into the tank loading and converting the energon, then storing it into millitary style fuel tanks and fuel cells inside the vehicle. This vehicle.. requires a name.. Any ideas?