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Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:45 pm
by SkyxDB
Skyfire could almost feel the waves from the explosion in the air, but fortunately she was able to get a good enough to be able to stay aribourne without taking dmaage or dropping Rattrap. She felt relieved when she saw that the other Maximals were alright and swoop down to regroup with them. Once she was close enough to ground, she let go of Rattrap and then settled down on the ground with everyone else.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:29 pm
by NaitoKage
(none of the maximals from afar are trying to communicate, their com range is way off. They just received radio signals which were blown in their direction from the shockwave. the OC maximals will probably find the main maximals in the next episode beginning, Orcariner will be modifying his systems a bit to re-locate the source of the explosion, from there that'll probably lead to that group tracking the maximals down or whatever Xzuk plans. The Predacons are almost ready to depart into the ocean. Pheonix and Warwulf just need to post something up tonight.)

Rhinox felt as the shockwave went overhead, he then saw cheetor in the distance as he started to come to a gradual stop, his body too heavy for sudden stops. He looked around looking at Optimus's damaged leg, it looked bad but nothing the CR chamber couldn't handle and certainly not life threatening. His eyes then shifted to Dinobot examining him, he then looked the group We're lucky we made it out of there online.. We better get you two back to base though.

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:35 am
by Venatrix
Valkyrie landed on Rhinox's head, facing Optimus.
The bird of pray looked torn, as bits of organic skin and meat hang from her back, but the damage was minimal. It looked far worse then it actually was.
"That went well..... Though from what i could see, we had the upper hand, but Megatron won the battle in our name."

The Predacons weren't as organized as the Maximals where, even though they still needed some work.
The next battle, Valkyrie thought, would be more difficult.
Megatron will get his troops in line. He had the ability to force his subjects into submission under his thumb. The files she had downloaded from the Axalon's database on Megatron indicated he's much more then an angered mindless Predacon.
And she highly doubted Megatron perished on the mountain, though the level of the explosion would tare his atoms apart if he would've stayed in the center of the explosion.


Venatrix was to distracted with the power build-up within the mountain's crystals to hear the rat's comments.
She was the last to jump off the mountain before it became one with the atmosphere.
The force of the explosion caught her in mid air, and blown her across the valley.
It must've been a strange sight to see a flying cat. Indeed.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:02 am
by Tor
Terrorsaur wrote:"Get me outta here!" "Go! Go! And don't drop me or you're dead!"
Waspinator's wings pumped twice as hard under his and Terrorsaur's combined weight. "Hmm, if Wazzpinator dropped Terror-bot, wouldn't Terror-bot get zzcrapped, not Wazzpinator?" he asked curiously, his thinking process freezing up his wings so that he and the dinosaur dropped thirty three feet and seven inches before he could right himself and regain altitude. "Ooof! Terror-bot not look heavy... but Wazzpinator learn that lookzz are deceiving..."

Saber wrote:"Ok, for one if your going to call some one like me beaver bite, you better be looking for a fight, but seeing how i'm not in the mood at the moment i'm gonna let you off the hook." Saber said rolling her shoulders to relax them.
"And second when you need some one to carry you, don't come crying to me."
Had Dinobot not been half dead, he would've delivered a sarcastic retort along the lines of him not being intimidated by felines in need of dental surgery and warriors did not cry, but as luck would have it, his processor was too preoccupied going through the laundry list of system failures and cautionary warnings. His weapons were off line, cooling system was straining to keep his overheated leg and mouth sensory equipment functional, regeneration program was online but lacking enough power to effectively null the pain in his chest, and his vision had a chronic case of static. Wonderful. Not only had he been cheated of a noble, note-worthy death, but now not even his eyesight would obey him.
Optimus Primal wrote:"I told her to carry you out of there... Dinobot,""If you need to be angry... with someone, let it be me. She was only following... orders." "Thanks,"
Patience thinning, Primal's words did not exactly bring him comfort or solace. Dinobot could not very well just chew up and spit out the Maximal Commander without having the Vermin lead the other pitiful Minimals in a crushing attack that would no doubt offline him. To be killed by Maximals in such away would have Dinobot remembered as a mere laughingstock in the rites of history.

Finally, Dinobot responded, raising his upper body so he could look Primal in the eye, even ontop of Rhinox. "My actions do not imply loyalty, Primal. I" he looked down for the smallest second, "owed you my life. Now, we are merely... even." His head inclined very, very slightly to Primal, before Dinobot jerked his head backward to avoid a wayward piece of rubble that almost collided with the crown of his skull.
Rhinox wrote:We're lucky we made it out of there online.. We better get you two back to base though.
Dinobot's slitted eye went skyward. He was functioning fine.
Valkyrie wrote:"That went well..... Though from what i could see, we had the upper hand, but Megatron won the battle in our name."
At the sound of Megatron's name, Dinobot's ribcage rumbled with a beastal growl. And he heartily disagreed with the bird. If this was the Maximals definition of winning, they were more inapt for battle then the Vermin was to make femme's perfume.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:36 am
by Night-Hunter
"I told her to carry you out of there... Dinobot," "If you need to be angry... with someone, let it be me. She was only following... orders."
Saber slowed down so that she was instep with Dinobot just in case he collapsed, he may be an arragant jerk but he was still her team mate.
"My actions do not imply loyalty, Primal. I" "owed you my life. Now, we are merely... even."
Saber raised an eye brow but didn't say any thing, she stayed beside Dinobot but she gave him his space, she still close enough to catch him should his legs give out on him.
We're lucky we made it out of there online.. We better get you two back to base though.
Saber couldn't agree more with Rhinox, both Optimus and Dinobot need medical attention, and she was going to take a long, long nap when they returned to the ship.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:34 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: I see. I must get confused so easily when there are two Maximal teams running around on two different topics. My bad. :roll: ))

Released by Skyfire, Rattrap landed on all fours and looked at the rest of the group. Unfortunately, Dinoboob was still with them. Why doesn't he just go back to the Predacons where he belongs?
"My actions do not imply loyalty, Primal. I owed you my life. Now, we are merely... even."
Watching Dinobot while he sat on Rhinox's back, Optimus simply replied, "I'll accept that."

The rat stood up on his hind legs next to Sky and Cheetor and said, "Yeeah, well, at least Megatron's gone and so's the energon! So it's over!" His excited tone abruptly turned to a plea when he asked, "Can we go home now?"

"No, Rattrap," Optimus answered as he looked down at the rat. "For now... we're stranded here with the Predacons on this unknown planet. Megatron... may be back," a point he was willing to bet on because Megatron is not so easily defeated, "and there is still... more energon. If they ever get enough... they could conquer the galaxy."
"That went well..... Though from what i could see, we had the upper hand, but Megatron won the battle in our name."
Yeah, yeah, so the boss monkey was probably right about that. "What battle were you in?" Rattrap asked Valkyrie who had landed on Rhinox's head. He hesitated to elaborate when he saw the damage she had acquired. "If we had had the upper hand, we wouldn't have let Megajerk blow up the whole slaggin' mountain an' waste all dat energon. All we did was run fer our lives."

Optimus sighed and looked from Valkyrie in front of him to Rattrap. "What we can take away... from this battle, lost or won, is experience and learning... who we're up against. Megatron and his team may have underestimated us... but he will learn from his mistakes. We know now his determination and what lengths... he will go to in order to defeat us." It really wasn't a pleasant thing to think about because if Megatron was willing to go that far and say if he can't have the energon, then no one can, who knew what he would be capable of in the future. "Losing all of that raw power to us as Maximals can only infuriate him and make his attempts trickier... and certainly more difficult to stop us from getting in his way again."
We're lucky we made it out of there online.. We better get you two back to base though.
Primal's wound still sparked once in a while from the ripped wires and malfunctioning circuitry. Fluids had since stopped seeping, but a dry trickle of it showed a trail down his leg to his foot. The large gash also continued to absorb distant energon fields so it flashed of mild surges here and there. Indeed it was not life treatening at all, but it was still extremely painful to move it, and internal repairs would not be enough to fix it on its own. He would require some time in the CR. And although he didn't know the extent of Dinobot's damage, he was sure he could use some time for repairs as well, despite how much he denied it. "Then we better get moving," Optimus signaled Rhinox. "I'm sure all of us could... use some rest."

"Now yer talkin'," Rattrap said. He couldn't agree more. The rat imagined himself sleeping in his quarters for a very long time.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:05 pm
by SkyxDB
"Can we go home now?"
For once Skyfire agreed with Rattrap. She definately wanted to go home, and felt that they all had enough excitement for one day.
"No, Rattrap," Optimus answered as he looked down at the rat. "For now... we're stranded here with the Predacons on this unknown planet. Megatron... may be back," a point he was willing to bet on because Megatron is not so easily defeated, "and there is still... more energon. If they ever get enough... they could conquer the galaxy."
Skyfire sighed. That was not what she wanted to hear but Optimus did have a point. It looks like for now they were stuck on this planet and most likely the would be fighting any Predacons who were lucky enough to survive the blast. Skyfire did not look forward to having to fight again, but she knew now that what they had to do in order to survive.
"I'm sure all of us could... use some rest."
"Now yer talkin',"

Skyfire nodded and said, "Yeah, for once I think I agree with you Rattrap."

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:22 am
by Blazemane
Steelclaw had made off of the mountain in time to avoid the explosion. He had just dropped Tarantulas' leg from his mouth when it blew.

He thought he could see a black form flying away from the explosion. Was it... Venatrix?

Somewhere in the distance he heard a muffled sound of impact. He hoped she had landed on her feet, but he couldn't help but flinch at the distant noise.

"You feeling alright?" he said somewhat sheepishly. He had just chomped through the spider's leg, and that was after that same spider had been crushed under the rhino. He just couldn't think of a better way to announce that they were safely off of the mountain.

* * *

Cheetor sidestepped some incoming rubble from the mountain as it came for the Maximals.
Dinobot wrote:I... am able to walk by myself, beaver bite.
Cheetor tried his best to keep himself from laughing at the name. He watched Dinobot hobble from left to right. He just couldn't resist.

"If you call that walking."

He looked at Primal's leg wound. It was bigger than he had expected. But he was glad everyone seemed to be o.k., and he was all for Primal's suggestion of going back to base.

At least for a few mega-cycles.


Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:52 am
by NaitoKage
Rhinox watched the converstation, trying to ignore the large bird on his head. He then heard optimus and nodded uneasily Sounds like a plan to me. I'm going to have enough work on my hands as is around the base. So the sooner, the better.

Rhinox then started walking towards the direction they originally came from, his feet treading heavily with the extra weight of two riders. His mind starting to forumulate possibilities of how to get around the communications problem currently plaguing the group.


Tarantulus got up from his back slowly in his beastform, his body sparking from points, wracked with pain he let out a sound of frustration. Then looked around noticing Steelclaw, his eyes then shifted looking towards the destroyed mountain. He wasn't one of gratitude, but it seems if it wasn't for the bear he probably would of been scrapped.

I still function.. but will probably require repairs. Hmmm... His green eyes then shifted looking around again, he could see Waspinator and Terrorsaur, but found no sign of some of the other predacons. It appears we have some pressing matters of reacquiring our comrades and commander.. Well.. whatever remains of him. Hehehe..

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:20 pm
by Dalgaroth
(Hi all! Sorry for the absence! MIDTERMS ARE SLAG. I'll be psoting here later tonight, but before I do, what does Megatron need to do? With the OCs in the other thread who need to be picked up, well, as far as Predacons go, were they reprogrammed somehow? Or wish to join? Or need to be found? Or were they already apart of the team? g2g, going out but will be back in a little while. Thanks! 8D )

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:43 pm
by Tor
((Hmm, I may suggest that Megatron be a broken body, which Scorponok finds, then orders Steelclaw and Waspinator to come help him move the body back to base. Terrorsaur and Tarantulas hopefully can hobble the rest of the way home.))

Dinobot ignored the most of Primal's speech. It was irrellevant to the raptor, who still consider himself to be the prime mech for the job of leadership. He did spy the saber toothed tiger drifting back in.

"Leave me be, beaver bite, " he hissed, slowing his pace so that Saber was no longer walking beside him. If he could not function well enough to walk on his own, then she could help him. As it were, he could manage.
Cheetor wrote:"If you call that walking."
Dinobot turned his head to look at the child, snapping his teeth together, and replying tartly, "Had I been in fighting condition, you would not be able to move at all, fuzzball." With that, the gruff warrior pushed onward, wishing for Predacon company, where one was not always pestered with annoying little fluffballs.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:44 pm
by Blazemane
((OOC: As near as I can figure (from comments such as Glowstick saying "Slagging maximals don't even know how to land a ship..."), the Predacons and Maximals in the O.C. episode are all from the Axalon. The Predacons are quite likely stowaways since they woke up Predacons without any re-programming. The Maximals in the O.C. episode, of course, woke up Maximals.

I believe both sides are waiting until they can get closer to the energon explosion so that they can contact their respective sides.))
Tarantulas wrote:I still function.. but will probably require repairs.

Steelclaw was glad to hear this, but was looking to the skies, observing Terrorsaur and Waspinator, and pondering just how many were still alive. He acknowledged Tarantulas with a simple nod, still looking skyward.
Tarantulas wrote:It appears we have some pressing matters of reacquiring our comrades and commander.. Well.. whatever remains of him. Hehehe..
Steelclaw looked back to Tarantulas after this comment, and thought for a few moments. Then he shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess we could see if anybody would respond to their com-link."

A static noise briefly emitted from Steelclaw, and he leaned down slightly to his left foreleg.

"Megatron? Can you hear me?"

The sound occurred again.

"Venatrix- are you out there?"



He paused, and then couldn't help but laugh a little.


"Starshadow, where did you run off to?" He knew she was still alive.



Steelclaw had not yet heard back from anyone, and he looked again to Tarantulas.

"How far are these com-links supposed to work?"

* * *
quote wrote:Had I been in fighting condition, you would not be able to move at all, fuzzball.
Cheetor was slightly taken aback by the aggressive response, but regained his composure as soon as the Predacon turned around.

"If you could catch me." he thought to himself. That was never going to happen.

Cheetor leaned over to Rattrap.

"Hey Rattrap, I think we actually found someone who's touchier than you." he said out loud.

Cheetor wasn't much for social analysis, but he had a feeling those two were going to have a great time being on the same team.

He would be out of their way as much as possible, if only he could learn how to be out of anyone's way.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:59 am
by Night-Hunter
"Then we better get moving," "I'm sure all of us could... use some rest."
"Now yer talkin',"
Yeah no kidding. Saber thought so wanting to fall asleep for atleast.. i don't know forever.
"Leave me be, beaver bite, "
Saber raised an eye brow but didn't say any thing, instead she yawned showing the rest of her sharp teeth.
"Had I been in fighting condition, you would not be able to move at all, fuzzball."
Saber couldn't help but chuckle quietly at that, some times Cheetor needed to be put in his place.
"Hey Rattrap, I think we actually found someone who's touchier than you."
"Cheetor, Dinobot is your team mate and you will show some respect towards him." Saber growled her green eyes narrowed a little.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:51 am
by NaitoKage
Tarantulus looked around, then heard Steelclaw while making a sigh Around 300 meters,So essentially...our amazing advanced technology has been reduced to that of a mere child's walkie talkie. Hmm... he was starting to find this planet to become more annoying by the second after making that statement.

He crossed his Pedipalp while thinking I suppose we'll have to track them down... How annoying.. Your beast mode is supposed to have some of the best tracking abilities on this planet, perhaps you could pick up their scent in the wind? at the very least, if they found Megatron dead atleast then they wouldn't have to deal with him going into one of his tantrums later the spider then though to himself.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:32 pm
by Dalgaroth
((OOC: lol that's true but Megatron's not completely out of it just yet. n_n))

"Just shut up and concentrate on flying, Waspinator!" Terrorsaur squawked in fright as they plummeted. The wasp caught himself but the force caused Terrorsaur to loose his grip. One claw slipped and he flapped his wing wildly trying to get a hold of the wasp's leg again. He finally succeeded but now he wondered if maybe his wings weren't damaged enough to keep him from...

"Hey, uh, Waspy. I'm gonna let go and try to glide to the ground. But if I say HELP, you come get me!!! That's an order!" the pterosaur commanded with a slight tremble in his voice. Heights were terrifying when one knew they couldn't fly. But another part of his CPU was telling him that while he couldn't exactly give himself lift, he still had enough wing to float on.

Reluctantly, he let go and fell backwards, nt waiting for an answer, and righted himself. His spark leapt at the site of the ground ushing at him, but he spread his wings. Pain arched through the sensors on the left wing and uup his back, but the wing barely had a hole in it, some scratches, and ached liek the Pit from being stepped on. IT should be fine.

Luckily, it held up and he was soon gliding, albeit, painfully. He made a gentle slope for the ground.

Grinning in triumph he radioed his fellow flyer.

"HAHA! Hey, it worked! I told you!" he said gleefully before wincing - a sharp draft ripped at the hole in his wing.

Down below he could see Tarantulas and Steelclaw and he started to turn. but turning hurt, so he decided to just keep going and catch up later. He needed the CR chamber more than backstabbing comrades anyways.


Megatron, meanwhile, was lying at the bottom of the mountain, having tumbled al lthe way down the steep sides. His body was dented, scratched, pulled, broken, and bleeding, but he was still alive.

His optics flickered to life first before he let out a startled yell at his condition. Status reports filled his vision and it took will power to get internal alarms to shut the frag up. His body was so burnt up from te energon that he could hardly feel the pain he was supposed to be feeling and the lack of feedback could be treacherous. but he had to risk a transformation.

Struggling to sit up, he voiced, with a crackling vocaliser, "Beast Mode."

A grunt, clicks, whirrs, and a terrible screeching sound later, he was in beast mode and cycling air heavily as a high pitched squealing died down from his chest. Something was loose in there. Not good, no. But he couldn't just sit here. His Predacons were likely alive unless they were completely clueless and had gotten themselves killed. He lay a moment, his vision blurring as he watched his mech fluids dry in the dirt and dribble off the rocks he was settled on. While the squealing was bad, leaking was not better.

"Predacons, sound off," he growled with effort through his comm link, which miraculously survived the past megacycle undamaged. Well...perhaps not miraculously - he had, after all, had it modified to withstand almost anything he could think of in case he was damaged as he was now. He wondered however, if their comm links had survived. He really needed repairs, though, he needed to get back to base...

With further effort, he attempted to stand, finding the feat difficult at best. The squealing picked up again and he was tempted, oh so tempted, to just hit his chest to fix it like he did to fix most jumbled electronics, but to do so could kill him and he'd be a moron to try.

So, he crouched back down into the dirt, his tail slightly curled to the side, and waited, wondering how exactly the others would get him back to base.