"Beast Wars: Part II"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

((OOC: Okay, lol!))

Terrorsaur watched as MEgatron was flung into a wall of rock, barely missing the humming energon crystals, but he looked away to eye Skyfire again, unfortunately missing the massive bulk of T-rex that was about to land on him - with a startled squawk, the flyer was squashed under his disoriented.

Something in Megatron's systems whined as it ground against another something, jolts of pain coming from ... somewhere. He couldn't even tell. A bright red eye rolled lazily to meet Optimus's agonized form. He took pleasure in knowing the Maximal was injured, but he wasn't dead and that had to change. He took a moment to gather his strength so he could get up again, but that wasn't hard - he was far too angry to waste time. A slightly manic spark glinted in his optics and, ignoring the hissing Terrorsaur, he made to stand up.

The flyer moved as soon as Megatron shifted, a greatly disgruntled trumpet escaping his beak. His wing was still caught under Megatron's foot, though, so he couldn't go far. As soon as the saurian lifted it off, Terrosaur would be off that mountain in a spark beat.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber moved seconds before Starshadow slashed at her eye.
Stay away from me Minimal!!
Saber snarled due to the pain on her back, her beast instincts took over and she rolled flinging Starshadow off her.
As much as Saber wanted to help Starshadow she knew that she couldn't at the same time, she was in enemy... but so was he.
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Unread post by starshadow »

As the panther knew her abilities of her beast mode, cats always land on their feet. She leaped to the rocky walls.
Starshadow growled with anger. As she had so much flashbacks about her dark past, her torture, her treatment from the maximals. Her scarlet eyes shined blood red, the spikes of her tail extended like blades of long daggers.
Her roar was still menacing as ever since she was in her prison and started to attack Saber.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Woah!" Skyfire called out in surpise as Terrorsaur was hit by the purple T-rex. She then looked in the direction that Megatron came flying from saw that gasped when she saw how badly Optimus leg was injured. She knew he was sitting duck out there. She knew she had to do something to help, but what exactly?
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber wouldn't back down from Starshadow's roar, she leaped out of the way landing on her feet. "I don't want to fight you, Starshadow. But i will if i have to." The formal general said.
She knew that the halfbreeds menacing form was used to intimate but it wouldn't work on her, she wasn't easy intimated it would take more then that to scare Saber off.
Snarling Saber swatted the side of Star's face with her paw claws sheathed.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow dodge Saber's attack.
With amazing speed, she climbed the walls, pushed herself away from it and used her hind legs to kick Saber's throat that caused her to land on the ground and used her paws sheathed and strangle her.
Fight...a slightly different but feminine voice spoke.
No choice... Starshadow's real sadistic self took over her concious. She clawed the Saber toothed tiger's face continuosly and laughed like an insane evil lunatic which sounded like HOHOHUAAAHHAHAHAHA!!!!
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

The Maximal leader stood there unsteadily, watching Megatron's fall crush Terrorsaur on the way down. He may not have looked like it by appearance, but Optimus was quite capable of taking extreme action when defending in what he believed in and his team. He may have been shorter and a lot less intimidating than the large t-rex, but he still packed a powerful punch, a sharp mind, optimism and a keen sense of his beast mode's abilities. Choosing between taking a life or not was what separated him from Megatron because although the Predacons were their enemy, Primal was not out to fight to the death.

After he glanced up at Skyfire, Optimus looked at his opponent as he came to, who laid on the ground on top of the featherless bird. He took a step forward on his injured leg, testing its strength, and a jolt of agonizing torture shot through him. "Argh!" he growled loudly, immediately falling on to his back. This was not good. Walking was out of the question, and now he wasn't sure he could even stand back up. Primal was a sitting duck in a mountain flickering with highly unstable raw energon.

Spinning in circles with Megatron's weight added to it, in hopes to end this battle by incapacitating the Predacon leader, the gorilla had twisted his already severely injured leg, and the anguish made him shudder without much control. Optimus sat up, lacing his hands under his torn limb and pulling it toward his chest. The slightest movement to the unprotected wound clouded his mind with agony, a mind still suffering from a headache since the battle began when he collided with Megatron, and it spread out to his back and chest that had already felt crushed. Internally his entire body was pretty much thrashed but he would not quit until the Predacons were stopped and his team was safe.

While the energon fields continued to surge through his opened wound, shards of pain and sparks dancing about inside, Primal's brown eyes rolled up and then closed, attempting to cope with the pain as he briefly trembled but he had little success. Opening his eyes, he looked across to Megatron who was already back on his feet, with Terrorsaur scurrying away, and Optimus bellowed, "IT IS OVER, MEGATRON!" with a deep rumble that signaled that the Maximal was suffering quite a bit now.

(( OOC: Dal, I guess we're going to need Dinobot soon, so if you post with Megs firing the missile, I'll wait for Tor to catch up and post for Dinobutt. ))
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber unsheathed her claws and swiped at Starshadow's face then kicked her off with her back feet. And quickly got to her own feet.
Optimus' growl of pain caught Saber's attention, she wanted to help him but she was busy fighting her own battle with a crazy and down right insane Starshadow. She winced quietly when she saw the massive wound on his leg.
Saber could hear the pain in her leader's voice and prayed that he's be alright, she turned back to Starshadow and knew she couldn't afford to hold back any more. The fur on her shoulders and the back of her neck rose as she turned to face Starshadow and attacked, she grabbed the back of Starshadow's neck and forced her to the ground.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

((OOC: kk!! :D Also, Imma try the Dialogue-is-a-different-color thing on for size. :D))

Megatron was furious.

That manic glint grew a little brighter in his rage and his tail lashed the air dangerously, almost hitting Terrorsaur. He would not lose!

"It is NEVER over! NO!"He declared loudly with a roar lacing his words. His form started to twist, the natural urge to transform for battle taking over despite the energon.

Almost immediately, the surrounding energies started interfering with his systems. Pain struck from all sides, something like sore circuits but with a searing hot sensation as the energy traveled up and down and through his body. His words slightly slurred from pain, but his vulnerability not showing otherwise, he snarled, "For if I must die, I shall take you with me!"

With that, he raised his cannon and fired a rather powerful rocket at Primal, knowing the Maximal couldn't possibly move out of the way to dodge it.

Terrorsaur took his chance the moment Megatron moved and darted to the side. At Megatron's words, panic surged through him, but with his wings damaged, he couldn't exactly fly out of there without transforming. He folded his wings tight against him and, on all fours, quickly limp-trotted out of the energon 'canyon'. He didn't have much time. The whistle of that grenade through the air could be heard all the way from where he was and he still had several yards to go!
Last edited by Dalgaroth on Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow was shocked as Saber tried to bring her down and pushed her away.

Megatron was a fool!!

If the rocket hits the energon instead of the monkey, it's going to cause an explosion!! A FOOLISH LEADER WOULD PULL AN ACT LIKE THAT!!! she thought and used her back legs to kick the saber tooth tiger away and used her four legs and stepped on Saber's neck while watching the battle between the leaders.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Venatrix roared out in pain as the rat bit her tail.
The pain was excruciating, but she used the pain to fuel her desire to defeat the rat.
With a powerful swing of her tail, she attempted to throw the rat of.
The risk of this move however was that if the rat kepped his teeth in her tail, she'd lose a portion of it. An acceptable loss.
if her defencive move worked, the rat would be tossed over her body, and towards a set of crystals, if not, she already thought of different moves for different situations.


The bear's move was the most logical one.
When flying low to the ground, she had less room to maneuver, and so make an easier target.
The bear, however, did not know Valkyrie's resolve.
As Steelclaw jumped at her, she suddenly made a half loop downwards. Resulting in her flying underneeth the jumping bear.
Again she aimed her talons at the bear's knees of his rear legs.
If her talons dug deep enough, it should make the bear less mobile for a while, and leave him open for more attacks from above.

The loop however, didn't leave her unharmed, as she felt some of the rocks at the ground slam, and dig, into her back as she flew barely an inch of the ground.
"Give it up and retreat Predacon. You're fighting a losing battle. I have no intension of causing you irreparable damage, if retreat or surrender."

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber knew that if she didn't start fighting dirty she would never make it out alive, snarling dangerous she slashed out at Starshadow's face then kicked her off her then spit out some of Starshadow's fur out of her mouth.
Springing to her feet she lauched herself at Starshadow claws outs, she was going to give Starshadow no mercy this time, Saber would fight to the death if needed.
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Unread post by Tor »

Blazemane wrote:"CREAUGGHHHHHH!"
Waspinator whooped in triumph, pumping a tiny wasp fist in the air. The cheer turned into a startled yelp as Waspinator was squished again under Cheetor.

"No! Wazzpinator just got free..." he buzzed angrily, then began beating Cheetor with three pairs of little fists.

una wrote:"Medicore! I'll show you!"
The furious little arachnid was all out running toward him. Dinobot made some lightning fast calculations. He waited for Scorponok to get within striking range-
una wrote:"Let's see if you can dodge this!"
- then strafed right, using his own reptilian-quick reflexes to snag the posionous tail in his mouth. He did not damage the limb, but rolled over, flipping the bulky Predacon over. Pain began to lance through the roof of his mouth, where the tip of the stinger was slowly sinking in further and further to the synthetic flesh. He released the venomous appendage after toppling his opponent, mech fluid flowing freely from between the white curved teeth of his beast mode. Spitting in Scorponok's face, he turned his head pointedly at Megatron, whose head had just been freed from its rocky prison.

"Silence, our leaders speak," he hissed. Then his eyes widened.
Dalgaroth wrote:"For if I must die, I shall take you with me!"
Shaking silver droplets of robotic blood from his snout, he roared in disgust. Megatron cheated. And his opponent was still in beastmode! The lack of honor compelled Dinobot to even the odds. Aided by his agile alt. mode, he blazed a trail to intercept the missile. Muscles tensed, then released as he lunged forward through the air, focusing on the rocket. His powerful tail swiped through the air, knocking the tip of the missile of its course.

He landed on his feet, skidded, then fell forward, still sliding, and his pseudo skin ripped from his chest. Groaning he lay there, mech fluid puddling around his head.
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Unread post by una »

He really didn't expect Dinobot to grab his stringer and flip him over. Flipping himself back upright, he noticed Dinobot's bleeding position and chuckled and lashed out.

"That what's..."

"Silence, our leaders speak," he hissed.
Dinobot's mouth launched his mech fluid on his face in sprinkles. It also the tone of his voice made Scorponok's bravery dim. Quivering he stepped back as he watched Megatron transform into robot mode!

What was his leader doing? In robot mode, the energon with this much quanity will put him in stasis lock in mere seconds!

"For if I must die, I shall take you with me!"
He saw the missile aiming towards the Maximal leader. The problem was.... Dinobot just interfered and knocked the missile out of its trajectory. Now, the missile was..heading towards the energon!!!!

Oh! He couldn't watch!!
Last edited by una on Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow growled and took a deep breath as she was kicked away and landed on the rocky walls. Trying to recover from Saber's attack, she stood up and unsheath her claws.

Above Starshadow, the medium sized rocks were shaking. Some of them dropped on the panther and one of the medium sized rocks dropped on her head and was sharp enough to give her a large cut on her head. Screaming in pain and had some flashbacks of her past, she placed one paw on her head and felt something wet on her head.

What the panther saw was mech fluid. Her scarlet eyes widened as she recalled what she experienced in her prison life.
M-mm-mech f-ff-ff-fluid?! P-pp-pain?! H-HURT?! Starshadow's legs started to cry and tremble . She screamed so loud even her comrades could hear. The mech fluid flowed down her feline face.
GET AWAY FROM ME!!! GO AWAY!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! AHHHH!!! she put both paws on her head and ran away from the battlefield.