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Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:44 am
by Blazemane
Icebreaker wrote:Well,we should be coming up on the base soon, well within radio range spots. Why don't you send them a holler?
Cheetor was on his com-link as soon as he heard the suggestion.

"Axalon, this is Cheetor. Come in, Axalon."

* * *

Steelclaw acknowledged the squid with a simple nod of his head. He would have carried his weapon back, but Glowstick had grabbed it and was already headed off to put it back, so Steelclaw just stood outside of the vehicle for a while, contemplating it and the room.

Then he remembered his sniper rifle, and internally berated himself for letting it get taken at all.

"Steelclaw, terrorize." he commanded his computer. After transforming, he took the weapon from it's place on his back and observed it. He could see scratches on the metal where Valkyrie's talons had been. He was definitely going to repair that, so he headed back off to his room.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:04 am
by starshadow
Starshadow walked into the Darksyde and noticed Glowstick. She walked towards him and rubbed her head on one of his arm, purring gently.

"I'm bored...What are you doing?" the panther asked as she flicked her tail.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:30 pm
by Wintersong
"BEen trying to find out where the slag all of you went off that's what!" Snow Trix replied in irritation not bothering to hide it. "For something so big that you built Glowstick it sure is a pain in the aft to find."

She mvoed quickly around the rocks and avoding lava pools until she barely saw the top of the Darkside. Stoppigng on top of a rock formtion she paused ot catch ehr breathe before jumping don and waking towrds the mobile fortress. She cut her com-link then and csearched around before coming to the entrance and coming in.

"Well at least you two are in one piece." She said bluntly ear son top of her helm going back a bit.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 3:31 pm
by NaitoKage
Glowstick sighed petting Starshadow's head with one of his tentacles listening to Snowtrix on the radio, then noticed her entering the Darksyde I suppose you'd only have yourself to blame, after all you were the one who decided to slip off during our meeting with Megatron. Unfortunately in that time I had to chop down the transport to repair some of the broken parts on this ship.

Glowstick then turned to the radio again activating it under predacon signal Glowstick to Megatron,come in. He listened for a moment only hearing static, then sighed turning the radio off. Just as much as I figured.. they either retreated to a distance out of radio communication, or were slagged by the maximals during the ambush.. Che

He then looked towards Starshadow You should probably take a dip in the CR tank.. he then walked away waving one of his tentacles, another set sliding his headphones on as music played, points on his skin glowing in sequence with the music as he disappears into the dark halls heading towards his quarters.

His mind frustrated from how the events turned out from combat earlier. He at least knew the new Predacon Sonar while insane and twisted was reliable in combat, but still had little information about him. He glanced at his broken chemical lasers, then walked into his room closing the door behind him, sitting down at a small desk he started to slide out and disassemble the transparent parts from his arms.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:12 pm
by Venatrix
Venatrix woke up from her violent fall and watched Megatron and the rest of the Predacons retreated.
An other defeat.... She sighted deeply and turned her attention back to the Maximal cat she had fought. "You have won this round. But now i have some time to adapt to your style and be prepared for our next meeting. I hope you have more combat skills to counter my adaptation."
With that said she casually turned and jogged after her comrades in arms.

((OOC: I'll post for Valkyrie after she gets out of the CR.))

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:48 am
by starshadow
Glowstick wrote:Glowstick sighed petting Starshadow's head with one of his tentacles listening to Snowtrix on the radio, then noticed her entering the Darksyde.

He then looked towards Starshadow You should probably take a dip in the CR tank..
Starshadow enjoyed the petting from Glowstick and watched him going to his quarters then turned to Snow Trix.
"Welcome home, foxy!!" she smiled at the predacon femme.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:57 am
by Wintersong
SNow Trix rolled her optics wathcing Glowstick leave then glanced back at Starshadow. "Eh thanks...Star." She said not exactly sure how to really react. "And seems your doing better then when I saw you last." She added.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:14 am
by starshadow
"I felt so much yum yum after I had a cat nap." Starshadow said then stretched herself. She wonder how were Megatron and the others were doing, especially the new predacon, Sonar. She had a strange feeling that he could not be trusted when he mentioned afew things about Saber. The panther decided to put her thoughts aside and went to her quarters.

Starshadow sat on the chair and started thinking about her future plans. She would have to spy on Sonar in the night if needed.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:14 pm
by SkyxDB
"Axalon, this is Cheetor. Come in, Axalon."
Hearing Cheetor's call, Skyfire quickly replied to it. "This is Skyfire and I hear ya loud and clear Cheetor. Is everyone in your group alright? Everyone else is heading for the Standing Stones to try to free Optimus. So anyone who's not injuried needs to go back them up and if any of you are injured, I'll help you out here."

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:51 pm
by Blazemane
"Yeah," Cheetor responded on his com-link, "We've got a few bullet holes, but we'll be fine. The real problem's that Valkyrie took a mean shot- she's in stasis lock. So we're bringing her in. Hang on a second..."

Cheetor looked to the other Maximals. "Who do ya think should go help Optimus?" He wasn't sure who felt like they were in good condition, and he didn't want to speak for anyone else.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:40 pm
by Alak
Orcariner overhead the conversation as he followed the team from a river not too far away.

He replied, "My internal repairs have patched up most of my injuries. I'll go and help the others to help Optimus."

While not entirely sure what Skyfire meant by "free Optimus" but he knew it could not be good. It was a story to be shared after this is all over. As of now, the only focus was the mission itself. The killer whale turned around and kicked away towards the other Maximal team's location.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:43 pm
by Wintersong
"I can go Cheetor." WIntersong spoke up,"I'm not damaged, just point the right fdirection or I could follow Ocariner." She said.SHe offered to go because it appeared the damage all of them had taken was ebginning to get to them. But she wasn't sure if they needed both to go a this point.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:46 pm
by NaitoKage
Icebreaker looked towards Wintersong, then Orcariner's direction in the river, looking towards the Maximal base he thought for a moment Alright. Orcariner and Wintersong you two go ahead towards the Standing stones. Cheetor your with me, after I drop off Valkyrie and resupply I'll head out to back you two up. I might not be as fast as spots here, but I'll probably catch up before you two get there.

The Penguin then looked towards Cheetor Lets go! he then hiked up Valkyrie's body a bit on his back as he went into a running waddle towards the Maximal base.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:15 pm
by Wintersong
"You got it!" Wintersong turned tail and took off in a full scale run towards the Standing Stones. If it wa sone thing she could do that was fight, and she wasn't one to be scared and attack head on either if that was to eb needed.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:50 pm
by Blazemane
Icebreaker wrote:Lets go!
Cheetor immediately went next to Icebreaker and kept pace with him as they made their way to the Axalon.


"We're almost there." Cheetor said to Skyfire through his com-link as he saw the ship looming into view. He still was hobbling a bit- the round he took to the shoulder seemed too significant to heal with internal repairs in time to get to Optimus Primal. All the same, his natural speed made the effects of the wound seem small. He'd just have to see how he'd do holding and firing a weapon.