"Beast Wars: Part II"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"I'm a beast myself anyway. Slag Visia's alien traits!! Stupid alien parasite...No wonder my beast mode looks like a mutated feline...Now I have to look for someone capable in separating sparks or my sense of control will grow weaker..."
Saber winced a little when she was smacked by Starshadow's spikey tail, she lifted her left leg up a little, it wasn't broken it just hurt to put some weight on it.
"I'm sorry but i can't help you with you that." Saber said truthfully.
((OOC: Dalgaroth, well if Megatron could pick up on this. "In fact i hate the Maximal elders, if they knew what i could become, they'd kill me in a second." that would be great.))
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"NO! you shall not defeat ME!"
The ego and the pride that Megatron wouldn't let go was almost unimaginable. Watching the t-rex tearing himself out of the trap, Optimus couldn't believe it wasn't enough to stop him in his beast mode. And now that he was angrier, the Maximal could've just put himself in a bad situation.

With Megatron charging at Primal like a freight train, his head rammed into the ape who attempted to find a grip and climb over, but time ran out when the Predacon slammed him between his head and a rock wall. Rocks and debris blew apart in every direction, leaving Optimus literally sitting in the wall from the impact. With the wind temporarily knocked out of him, Primal felt like his entire frame had been crushed, but he wasn't done yet. Seeing that Megatron was right in front of him and ready for another attack, he was about to defend himself when the t-rex beat him to it.

As soon as he felt those razor sharp teeth wrapped around his leg, Optimus cried out loudly in sheer agony, echoing throughout the mountain, his eyes rolling from the pain. The merciless Megatron had easily torn a huge chunk of his armor and ripped wires, damaging circuitry and spilling some fluid. He was lucky the raging Predacon didn't rip off his entire leg, but it was as if he was uncontrollably going to eat him alive. Despite the pain, Primal gripped his fists together, lifted his arms and brought them down as hard and fast as he could on the back of Megatron's head. Not once, but twice to knock him away before he could do anymore damage. The energon fields surged through the ape's wound, sparking and sending almost unbearable pain through his leg.

Rattrap, still on Venatrix's back and pulling her black ears, distracted himself as soon as he heard their fearless leader cry out. That didn't sound good. Optimus? His black eyes searched for him and the purple dinosaur to see what was happening. If they'd lose Optimus this early, then they were definitely all gonna die. There was debris everywhere from everyone. He saw the fliers taunting other fliers or ones stuck on the ground, which was personally where he always liked to be. And all the others were just scattered about, doing what they could in their beast modes against the no good stinkin' Predacons.
Last edited by Optimal Optimus Primal on Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Tor »

((Yipes!! This is moving fast. Apologizes all around!))

Out of the corner of one narrowed eye, he could see the bright acid glow of Scorponok's stinger. It was hard for to miss, and for a seasoned warrior, trained to take in all aspects of battle, Dinobot thought Scorpnok's tactics were... novice level. Best not to underestimate the skidplate-kisser too badly; those pincers could cause steel-denting damage. He whipped around, bringing his tail lashing around to smack the stinger away. Unfortunately one of Scorponok's pinchers nicked his leg, puncturing the hydraulics just right. Hissing, he shifted his weight onto the other leg, the circuitry heating under the strain as he pivoted back face forward. That could wait.

He thrust his snout behind on of those heavy pincers and clamped his jaws on the joint, jarring his head to and fro to try and rip the limb off.


"Ooooh!" Waspinator squealed as Cheetor landed smack on his back, pinning him to the ground. "Wazzpinator not meant to be groounded... Wazzpinator meant to fly!" His antennae and legs reached out, beating on whatever surface they came in contact with, wings buzzing like a fly against glass. Finally on leg managed to grip the spotty-bot's tail and he brought the appendage to his small toothy manibles and bit down hard.[/i]
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Unread post by una »

Tor wrote:((Yipes!! This is moving fast. Apologizes all around!))

Out of the corner of one narrowed eye, he could see the bright acid glow of Scorponok's stinger. It was hard for to miss, and for a seasoned warrior, trained to take in all aspects of battle, Dinobot thought Scorpnok's tactics were... novice level. Best not to underestimate the skidplate-kisser too badly; those pincers could cause steel-denting damage. He whipped around, bringing his tail lashing around to smack the stinger away. Unfortunately one of Scorponok's pinchers nicked his leg, puncturing the hydraulics just right. Hissing, he shifted his weight onto the other leg, the circuitry heating under the strain as he pivoted back face forward. That could wait.

He thrust his snout behind on of those heavy pincers and clamped his jaws on the joint, jarring his head to and fro to try and rip the limb off.


Scorponok snickered as Dinobot hissed in pain. As he tried to reach for his neck, he was caught off-guard and howled as the raptor's teeth tugged and pulled his arm violently. The pain roamed all the way down his arm. Using his free arm, he smacked Dinobot's snort multiple times but each pull seem to increase. He soon realized that Dinobot gave him and opening. As the raptor pulled him forward, instead of fighting it, he let his body be dragged forward so his other pincher can grab his long neck. He tightly grabbed and squeezed the raptor's neck.

"Anything to say, traitor?"

Scorponok did have some respect...jealousity towards the raptor. He was cunning and a great warrior...better than him, he grudgingly admitted. But the respect he had for him disappeared when he called Megatron an idiot. Even though Dinobot was a great warrior, his stupid honor code slowed him down...heh maybe he did belong to the weak, feeble Maximals.
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Unread post by Tor »

Fool, Dinobot shrieked inwardly, as he felt powerful pinscers close around his windpipe. If crushed, his beast mode half would perish, leaving him exposed to energon, but his robot mode would instantly cease functioning without the delicate relays that traveled up his neck and down his spine. Scorponok had found a perfect chokehold. He snarled around Scorponk's tiny arm.
"Anything to say, traitor?"
Taking a ragged breath he growled, "I... do... Megatron is thoughtless to... promote such a medicore warrior..." Dinobot fell gracefully on his back, almost completing a backward sumersault and bring back his powerful back legs. He released the tension and sent a raking kick at Scorponok's underbelly, getting his sickle claw into his former comrades synthetic armor.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Valkyrie dodged the bear's attacks, but instead of heading straight back into the sky to prepare for another assault by diving at Steelclaw, the Maximal bird flew straight ahead, and slammed a portion of rock from an unstable looking pile of rock and crystals, bringing the whole thing down, hoping to bury the bear.


Venatrix had been fighting the Maximal rodent for less then a few minutes, and already didn't like him.
How dare he pull her ears!
The rat found almost the perfect spot to keep her busy.
However, he made a huge mistake by shifting his attentions elsewhere.
The moment the rat losened his grip on her ears, she swooped her right frontal paw over her neck and head, in an attempt to knock the rat off.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by una »

Tor wrote:
Taking a ragged breath he growled, "I... do... Megatron is thoughtless to... promote such a medicore warrior..." Dinobot fell gracefully on his back, almost completing a backward sumersault and bring back his powerful back legs. He released the tension and sent a raking kick at Scorponok's underbelly, getting his sickle claw into his former comrades synthetic armor.

His eyes widen in surprise and pain as he was in mid-air and his armor on his underbelly tore. Landing on his back, he saw a couple of sparks of flame from his armor, making him twitch. With much effort and struggle, he rolled back upright. Narrowing his eyes at the raptor, he should rip out his vocal processor for calling him an medicore warrior! With burning rage, he snapped his pincers down hard and ran towards Dinobot.

"Medicore! I'll show you!"

His venom-filled stringer darted back ready to strike as Scorponok drew near.

"Let's see if you can dodge this!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox continued to struggle with the spider on his back, wondering how he could reach the creature while swinging his horn wildly. He had very little defense against anything on his back, until one answer then suddenly popped into his head.

He shifted his weight and rolled over onto his back, a sudden scream coming from the spider of OH NO! with a loud crunch as his body became crushed under the bulk of the rhino.

Rhinox rolled from his back standing on his four legs again with a smirk And that.. takes care of that.

Tarantulas twitches his legs laying on the ground, the only thing in his mind the intense pain of being crushed under the 2,000 pound rhino.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Steelclaw had looked away from the spot of blood to see the rocks tumbling for him mere feet away. But they were rather tightly compacted, and even as they hit the ground and spread out, the Predacon managed to sidestep the oncoming weights with relative ease.

He could only hope though that the eagle had somehow knocked the wind out of herself hitting the rocks to make them fall. But she didn't look hurt. She was, however, still rather low, and so he decided he might as well try to jump for her. After all, the beast mode, while perhaps limited, still bore Cybertronian strength underneath.

* * *

Cheetor's eyes widened involuntarily as he felt his tail get bitten.


He jumped off the bug, startled, and landed a few feet back. But once the pain started going away, he looked at the bug again, and charged straight back for him.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: :lol: Nice, NK. Thanks for taking the bait, Ven. :)

Bummer, Starshadow. Thanks for letting us know! And good luck on your exams. ))

It was a mistake for Rattrap to lose his focus but he couldn't help but wonder if he was the only one getting the short end of the stick. Out of the corner of his eye, right before she would've made contact, Rattrap saw Venatrix's swing. "Whoa!" Instinct took over and he automatically jumped backwards to avoid her front paw and its claws. But the rat miscalculated the distance and ended up sitting on her hind end.

Looking down at the cat's tail, Rattrap thought, Welp, I am a little hungry, and reached for it, grabbing it and pulling it to his mouth. CHOMP! His teeth sank in for a moment and then he took it out of his mouth but continued to hold a tight grip with his front paws. "Eh. Could use a little salt," he smirked. Although he was teasing her now, if she caught him, she'd probably kill him. Not a pleasant thought.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Dalgaroth, well if Megatron could pick up on this. "In fact i hate the Maximal elders, if they knew what i could become, they'd kill me in a second." that would be great.
Alright! Later, when Megatron's thinking to himself, I'll include that he overheard that! Anything else guys? n_n ))

Megatron lost focus once more and flew back, surprised at the ape's strength. Perhaps his beast mode was lending its instincts to him too, but Megatron was not deterred. However, he couldn't really move yet. He'd taken a hard hit to the head and lay for a moment, aware but shocked.
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by starshadow »

((LOL NK!!! XD Thanks OOP))

Of course you can't help me!! Starshadow got up slowly. Her injured shoulder was killing her.
As she heard Optimus's cry, she turned her head with her eyes opened wide, shocked. She attempted to help him but as a predacon and a female soldier who pledge her allegiance and loyalty to her new leader, Megatron stopped her. She took afew steps towards Optimus and took one step back to prevent her comrades from getting the wrong idea about her.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Of course you can't help me!!
Saber turned her head at the sound of Optimus cry out in pain, her green eyes widened when she saw the large wound on his leg. She then saw Starshadow take a few steps toward Optimus, she growled then shoved Starshadow away with her shoulder preventing her from reaching Optimus.
She maybe be part Maximal but she's still the enemy. Saber thought the fur on the back of her neck rising.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Staggering to his feet, Optimus was going to take advantage of Megatron lying down. Exhausted and severely injured, it was time to end this. Limping toward the Predacon leader, every step a strike of pain that nearly made him collapse, Primal's wary eyes shifted to Starshadow's movement as she stepped toward him. She was watching him but he wasn't sure if she was going to attack. If she did, she may have been able to do some significant damage. To his surprise, she hesitated, and that was enough time for Saber-Fang to step in and distract her, shoving her out of the way.

Reaching Megatron, the gorilla leaned over and grabbed the end of his tail. He dragged the t-rex across the ground in a circular motion until he gained enough speed spinning in a circle to lift the giant Predacon off of the ground. Spinning three times, growling from the pain with every step, Primal released his grip on Megatron's tail, throwing his opponent high and straight for Terrorsaur, to assist Skyfire at the same time, and to hammer Megatron into a rock wall.

(( OOC: I thought it'd be fun to squash Terry with Megs but Terry can always dodge ))
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow growled and slashed Saber's eye with her sharp claws.

Stay away from me Minimal!! she snarled.

She jumped onto Saber's back and clawed downwards her tanned skin continously.
Why am I doing this? I'm part Maximal and I shouldn't be fighting my own kind...But my Predacon side wouldn't allow it. WHY CAN'T I BE A WHOLE AND NOT A HALF? I HATE SEEKING REVENGE!! the panther thought and was in tears.
You have to...because it's your mission, your purpose...That's why you are here... another familiar voice sounded in her head.