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Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:52 am
by Phoenix
(ooc: Wintersong hasn't posted in 9 days so I'm just going to move on without her. I don't have time for a long, elaborate post due to getting home from work at 1 am last night and going back in to work at 3 pm today, so just rushing through it, I guess. Hope I don't miss anything vital.)

After having slashed her sword at Wintersong, Nemesis took a step closer with the intent to finish the job. However before she had a chance to permanently put the Maximal tigress out of her misery, a fast approaching object appeared on her sensors and distracted her just long enough to give Wintersong a chance to avoid the incoming weapon. A split second later the object forcefully slammed into her backside, sending both winged females rolling on the ground.

Nemesis hissed from the pain as she leaped back on her feet before grabbing her sword which was now laying on the ground at her feet, the flames extinguished as she had let go of the shaft upon impact. Furious, she whirled on the avian female who had dared to interfere, all the while keeping an optic on Wintersong's movements as well. There was a visible dent in her armor where AirRazor had made her impact, yet the armor remained in tact.

"You Maximals never learn, do you?," she growled at the shorter avian female, igniting her sword again as she did. "No matter. That just means there will be another body for your precious comrades to dispose of once we're through here."

The words were swiftly followed by a powerful kick to the upper chest, as Nemesis intended to repay the meddling bird in full for the painful introduction before she finished her off for good.

Aurora looked over the massive protoform in awe before realizing that it was still lifeless, seemingly devoid of a spark to sustain it. But her disappointment quickly turned to hope as she remembered Rhinox' words about keeping any sparkless ones they happened to come across. She looked from the newly arrived Whitegrazer to Tigatron to see what they wanted to do.
Silverbolt wrote:"Why? He is not attacking,"
Megatron's already grim demeanor turned downright vicious at Silverbolt's words. With a growl he pointed his shoulder mounted cannons and fired them at point blank at his new subordinate. Fortunately for Silverbolt, Megatron did not fire the cannons at maximum power, as this was merely supposed to be a warning.

"Never question my orders! Now go!," he commanded.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:42 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC:
(Wasn't sure if I should post until OOP resolved her issues with Aerostriker, but considering how busy she is, following orders for a tactical retreat should be fine for now.)
My apologies for that, NK. Just keep going. XD

Just for clarification, Rhinox didn't drop his own weapon on the floor, he put it away in his subspace or whatever you guys think of it as.

Where is Wildfire? :| Kind of waiting for Silverstreak... I'll post for Rattrap anyway. ))


Upon closing in on Cheetor's and Feralnight's positions, Rattrap slowed down on his wheels and rolled along quietly so as not to kick up a huge trail of dust that might give them away. Unfortunately, it looked like they had already been spotted.
"Whoa!" While streams of a glowing green subtance were randomly whizzing by in every direction, Rattrap stopped in his tracks and shifted in reverse quickly to hide beyond a boulder before he had reached the TransMetal cheetah and the wolf/raven Fuzor. Disengaging his wheels, he maximized and drew his gun. For now, it was probably good that they weren't entirely grouped together. If it was Cheetor and Feral who were spotted, maybe Rattrap and Silverstreak could still be a surprise.

"Looks like we made it just in time for de party," Rattrap said to his two other teammates over his comm. link so he didn't have to shout, just letting them know they had arrived. After that, he carefully peered around his large rock to see what they were dealing with. So, a loony TransMetal or Fuzor running toward them was the one firing the green slag; definitetly seemed to be a Predacon. Drat. "Check dis out," he said, observing the Predacon leader. "Megatron's got himself a nutty facelift!" Figures, the most powerful and evil Predacon on the planet had to gain the TransMetal upgrade as well. Great. There was Onyx and Steelclaw nearby, and another one he didn't recognize must have been the other newbie. A Fuzor, maybe? It looked like he was already causing Megajerk some grief what with him shooting him with his new shoulder-mounted weapons of some sort. Waiting to see what he was going to do to prove himself to the TransMetal t-rex, Rattrap let Cheetor and Feralnight handle the crazy little guy running at them, and maybe the other Fuzor if he was going to attack, while he and Silverstreak would cover Steelclaw, Onyx and Megatron. ...If they could. The Maximals were outnumbered and out-weaponed this time.

"You are right, Maximal. It is time for me to take my leave, but it is you who shall be left in pieces."
Rhinox's distraction by Saber-Fang had caused himself injury. Inferno's large, powerful rotating propellers struck Rhinox's hands and arms a couple times before he could release the Predacon and jump back. Luckily his armor was thick enough to reduce the pain, but it still managed to damage some of his fingers and slice his forearms in a couple spots. While Saber had pulled her move in hopes to disengage the Predacon's ability of flight, Rhinox spotted Inferno's weapon not far from him and moved as quickly as he could, picking it up and immediately turning around, targeting the tall, lean ant in robot mode with his own gun. I have had enough! he hollered in his head. "Have a taste of your own medicine!" he bellowed at Inferno just as he activated the gun with the flame thrower and stepping toward him in hopes to make him back up toward the lift and kick him out before burning himself alive like he had done to Tarantulas. Rhinox didn't want to set him on fire, of course, he just wanted him out of his base of operations.

"It's blank, isn't it?"
Tigatron turned his gaze to Aurora as she hurried up to his side, Whitegrazer in tow. Standing over the pod, he looked at the taller female and nodded. "I suppose we'll either have to carry it or drag it back to our base. Hopefully without any Predacon interruptions, but the air still smells undisturbed," he observed with his two companions. They were fortunate not to run into any trouble this time. He could only imagine what the rest of the Maximals were going through right now.

"No one ever gets what they deserve, Optimus Primal. Good or bad."

That was a bit confusing to him. Most of the time it was out of the victim's control and in the perpetrator's. ...Maybe this was just something he had yet to fully understand, so Primal let it go for argument's sake.

"They betrayed me. No, far worse, they betrayed themselves and that is the worst crime of all. They are willingly to kill or put in risk what they sought to protect... or amend. " "Reminds me of a certain race all too well. Hah! Such ruthlessness and disregard. I'm... disappointed."

Watching TyCross, Optimus really wasn't sure what was going on now. Was he talking to himself? Was he crazy? But without anything else to do, he simply listened to him, letting him vent. "Who betrayed you?" he inquired.

"Yes! I will laugh. At them. At everyone with such pride!"

Blinking at his sudden laughter, the former leader glanced around to find that he was still very much alone here with this guy who somehow had a connection and history with the very sweet and kind Whitegrazer he left behind. He remained quiet this time, completely lost as to who and what he was talking about. Did this have anything to do with Optimus? Or was TC just ranting, stuck on a couple grudges from a previous life?

"They will get what they deserve even if they don't really deserve such a thing. Retribution. That's what I want. And I will get it. With the help of you and your little ragtag team and those Predacons down there."

"All right," Primal finally broke in to Ty's bellowing laughter with a serious tone, still staring at his back, "I don't understand what you're saying anymore. What do you want from me?"

"Tell me, Optimus," "what do I look like to you?" "Be truthful now. I don't like unnesscary compliments nor let the fact that I'm your precious mare's master cloud you."

The Maximal didn't budge with TyCross spinning around and grinning audio-receptor to audio-receptor despite how odd and eerie he was acting. Was this a trick question? Was he looking for a real opinion, an abservation of his physical appearance? Or a metaphor? Then again, what did Optimus care? Where was TC going with any of this? WHAT DID HE WANT?! "You look like a lost soul, TyCross, stuck in this strange void with nothing else better to do than to constantly harass Whitegrazer and waste my time with your riddles and bantering." Was that honest enough? He folded his arms over his chest and slightly narrowed his optics with impatience.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:41 pm
by Blazemane
Dinobot inspected the ground beneath him, the last outcropping of soil before the large ring of hardened igneous terrain surrounding the Darksyde. As far as he could tell, he was looking at hoofprints, and the pawprints of a bear. So, there were two Predacons he could count on not encountering in the base. Not nearly assuring enough, but, he would have to hope that Megatron would have done the logical thing and spread his team all over to seek the pods.

Keeping a wary eye out for any danger, he trotted quietly into the enemy territory, going through a strange collection of rocky hills and valleys to conceal himself as best as he could from Predacon surveillance.

When he was close enough to the end of this natural cover, he stopped to plan which route was best to take over the plains which constituted the rest of the route to the various entrances of the base. His mind turned for a moment, and he found himself--yet again, he self-consciously noted--staring up at the moon. This time, with a snarl. Earth.

Dynamo stared closely at the tightly-packed Cybertronix displayed on the datapad. He didn't usually have these moments alone, where he could read in the dim light of his garage of a living space. But he had long ago realized that war was as much an exercise for the processor as it was for the body. So whenever he had the chance to catch up on any kind of archived information, he took it.

A brief overview of Military History

Volume 21:Tactics of Extraterrestial Species, Part 4
Section 2: Earth Studies
Chapter 39: The Vikings

iii. Perhaps one of the most devastating practices in the Norse approach to warfare was their use of the
berserker--a discovery rooted in the power of the mind which, like the earliest Wreckers of the Autobot army, the human race seems to have made on its own. However, given the relatively un-compartmentalized nature of the human brain, and also its comparative inability to allow itself to be controlled by logic and sequence, the effect of berserkers seems to have been even greater on earth, where the berserkers could entrance themselves into ignoring all inhibition, and the enemy could be frightened beyond their use of reason.

While the culture of this group of people continued on, their warrior ways were eventually put to rest. However, the implications of the berserker strategy--

Dinobot's mind was finally brought back by the sound of an autogun raising itself above ground and turning to face him.

"Maximal infra-red signature detected."

Dinobot flinched and jumped away just in time to land on the ground in a depression to his side, his momentum added to by the explosion which he still had felt the heat of. A moment later, the debris from the rocks that had been behind him fell onto his head, and he grunted in pain.

Well, so much for secrecy. If he was going to be heard by anyone in the base, he was already heard.

"Dinobot, maximize!"

Climbing quickly to the top of another hill, he found the autoguns just as they turned to him. But he fired his optic lasers first, and the offending weapon went up in smoke and sparks.

Dinobot growled contemptuously and then transformed back into his beast mode; he was going to make a dash for it.

Earth Literature
Chapter 3,709:
—to a few sources, including the legend of Amleth by the author Saxo Grammaticus. In this account, Hamlet's father was married after a successful viking raid, and killed later by his brother. Shakespeare, however, did not concern himself so much with the context of this character's life as the nature of his death and its ramifications for his family.

Dinobot slowed down as he came to one of the holes in the side of the ship, still un-repaired from the last battle between the Maximal and Predacon ships—where Megatron could have ended the Beast Wars before they even began.

Arrogant tyrant.

No threat made itself known to him, so he went straight on in, turned his reptilian head left and right, and then maximized silently.

In short order, he found himself at the entrance of Megatron's vault-room. Hovering in the middle of the room, and revolving in the center of a protective energy field were the two Golden Disks.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:30 pm
by Alak
With Tantrum now focused on Aerostriker, Orcariner was relieved to have some breathing room. Even as he endured another blast from one of the Predacon flyers, he could not help but smile at the newcomer's assistance. Judging by how fast the new Maximal was flying, the giant had no doubt that he would be able to evade Tantrum's attacks. Turning towards his other teammates, Orcariner was able to witness Airazor tackle Nemesis with a surprising amount of force. The killer whale quickly used his thrusters to air dash towards the fallen Wintersong. She was a bit banged up from Cecaelia's sneak attack as well as Nemesis' retaliation. Checking his radar, the sentry saw that the cephalopod and her new companion were still nearby. While he had trouble spotting them with his physical optics, Orcariner still shot a menacing glare in their direction. It was a warning for them to stay away from the injured Wintersong.

"Hang in there, Maximal," he quietly said, picking her up with his hands, "We're going home."

The sound of fire sliced through the air, and Orcariner turned his attention upward just in time to see Nemesis trying to retaliate against Airazor for the earlier hit. A sudden urge to fly and grab the Predacon spiked inside his spark, but he knew that the best way to protect Airazor was to tell her to retreat. By continuing to engage the enemy, they would only be endangering their lives. Even with a more powerful body and a new comrade-in-arms, Orcariner saw the futility in trying to fight against such impossible numbers.

"Flyers, don't bother fighting back. I've already pick up Wintersong, so let's get out of here as quick as possible!"

With that, he fired up his thrusters and proceeded to fly back towards the Axalon at a low altitude. Traveling in his robot mode was much easier than his vehicle mode, albeit slower. He knew he had no chance of outpacing the enemy flyers, but at least both he and Wintersong would be out of the ground infantry's range. Orcariner did not look back, but instead chose to trust in Airazor and the new Maximal to fly out of the battlefield with him.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:44 pm
by una
"In all likelihood they're all out in the field assisting Megatron in yet another raid on the Maximal base, or squabbling over some fallen stasis pods. In either case, it works to our advantage with them out of the picture, our standing with Megatron is likely at an all time low at the moment, as if we care"
No, we don't.

She just hoped they could get all this done before they arrived. They couldn't allow anything to distract them now.
Carry those parts to the bridge, Arachnitron, with the base apparently abandoned it will be the most ideal location for us to conduct our work. Keep an eye out for any stranglers though, with all the recent chaos now would be the ideal time for our more ambitious comrades to pull a fast one on our esteemed leader, and Megatron himself would be amiss to leave this place unguarded"
Carrying Tarantulas' body, they made their way. If they wanted to avoid any of the Darksyde's little tricks and guns, the best possible way was to take the scenic route. Longer, but safer than the shorter path. It would mean they would have to cross the storage area, which most of the time was practically deserted.

(OOC: Sorry, for the short post. Hit a bit of a writers' block. :x Hate that. Also, it's the fifth day so I better post! Probably might edit it with more detail if something comes to mind.))

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:50 am
by NaitoKage
(Been lurking, but okay. Guess I am probably holding things up though since I realized.. Airazor's radio is broken, so she couldn't hear the retreat order.*LOL*)
Alak wrote:"Flyers, don't bother fighting back. I've already pick up Wintersong, so let's get out of here as quick as possible!"

Aerostriker seemed surprised by the sudden change in orders, but it was still part of the tactical retreat. I'm guessing he's the C.O. of this operation. he then said to himself, the AI responding That would seem plausible. Titan class unit is about to attack, evade.

Aerostriker pulled his wings back while barrel rolling to the left, altering his course slightly. Aerostriker, Maximize! he then shouted as he transformed to robot mode, rushing past Tantrum and Terrorsaur at breakneck speeds.

He then swung his legs up and fired up his afterburners, to slow himself down as he came down near Airazor's position. Your friend on the radio just gave the order, we're pulling out. If you can still fly, get a move on. I'll cover you.


From his hidden position, Umbra observed and recorded the battle. It was pointless to join in at this point, specially as the whale was flying off. All he could do now was use the information collected at later points in time, and collect the remains of fallen allies. He let out a low sigh to himself, he really wasn't sure what to make of this mission at this point.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:15 pm
by WorpeX
Airazor lay motionless on the ground after striking Nemesis. I knew this would be a bad idea... she thought to herself. Her head felt as if someone had taken a sledge hammer and split it into two pieces. She closed her eyes, hoping the pain would subside. It appears as if Nemesis' new body was much stronger then she anticipated. The falcon only hoped that she had done a sizable amount of damage to her enemy...
Nemesis wrote:"You Maximals never learn, do you?, No matter. That just means there will be another body for your precious comrades to dispose of once we're through here."
Nope. A swift kick to her chest caused the bird to tumble back a few feet. Nemesis stuck the exact spot that she had been hit before and the pain was excruciating. Airazor winced until the initial pain went away and then opened her eyes. She only saw the feet of her opponent coming closer towards her. Then, from somewhere behind her, she heard the familiar voice of then newer maximal.
Aerostriker wrote:"Your friend on the radio just gave the order, we're pulling out. If you can still fly, get a move on. I'll cover you. "
Oh right, like Nemesis will allow us to do that. She thought, but knew that he was her only hope. Using the last bits of her strength, the avian pushed herself upright with her wings. When she got onto her talons, the world around her was spinning. It was nauseating. Still, she had to get out of here before Nemesis struck back! With a flash of her wings, Airazor moved her falcon form airborne and headed for home. Her flight wasn't exactly straight... or very fast, but hopefully it would be enough to allow her to get away from Nemesis!

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:27 pm
by una
((OOC: Would have had this post up yesterday if I didn't have a huge headache that plagued me all day. Caused by Skittles. :shock: ))
"I suppose we'll either have to carry it or drag it back to our base. Hopefully without any Predacon interruptions, but the air still smells undisturbed,"
Whitegrazer looked around and nodded, "I think the Predacons would had deemed this pod a lost cause anyway."

She went to the start of pod and placed her arms around it, "Hopefully, Inferno has been taken care of. I guess we could entered through the back just in case."

Despite it being a blank, they didn't want to have Inferno or friendly fire damage it to be unusable. Especially since Rhinox seemed to want it for some purpose. She still wondered why Rhinox would wanted a blank protoform.

Well, she will find out soon enough.
"You look like a lost soul, TyCross, stuck in this strange void with nothing else better to do than to constantly harass Whitegrazer and waste my time with your riddles and bantering."
TyCross glared at Optimus and for a moment, there was silence.

Until he spoke again, "Lost soul?"

Then he laughed. No, it wasn't a bellowing, mischevious laughter he had been pulling on Optimus during their short time in this void, but a laughter charged with nostagia like a old bot reminicsing about some memory deep in his past.

"She said the same thing to me when we first met," his laughter quietened down to a heavy sigh. "Chained to the wall at that Predacon colony who were using her for sport, looking for a scapegoat. They didn't think a puny Maximal could survive for so long. But they didn't realize that the Maximal was becoming too skilled in their little games, thanks to a little insider."

"Good times!" TyCross smiled wide but then cleared his throat a couple of times and glared at Optimus again like he had been caught giving too much information.

Information he didn't disclose so easily. He did say this was a personal chat, but there were limits. He would let Whitegrazer share all this crap if she wanted to. He didn't know why he was sharing this much anyway. What was with some of these Maximals? Almost like they had some truth serum in their optics that made any Predacon spill their guts if they stared into them for too long. No wonder Predacons killed them so needlessly.

"I think you know who I am talking about. You think this was their last attempt?"

"You all are still in danger. You were lucky they gave you a warning. Next time, I don't think they will be that generous," TyCross narrowed his optics, "I would know."

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:49 pm
by Blackrosefencer
OOC: Sorry....I meant to post this yesterday, but then I didn't like what I had written and didn't have time to fix it.

Let me know if this is okay, spiders and Dinobot. If not, I will edit.


Arachnitron's red optics flickered on dimly. She narrowed her optics angrily. How had she lost control of the body? She rose to her feet and took a few shaky steps forward. She was unable to see the outside world as well which meant not only was she not in control, but she was not even taking a back seat to whomever WAS in control. Usually when one of the personalities was in control of the body, at least one of the others was along for the ride seeing what was happening. On Cybertron, though, it was always the Predacon. The Maximal programming didn't have that ability then nor did the Hybrid. So if one of them was in control, the Predacon was still present knowing what the others were doing. Once they had landed on this new planet, the others had begun to develop that skill as well. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that the scientists were constantly injecting Arachnitron with chemically altered mech fluid and toying with her programming. Perhaps whatever they were doing to her dulled the other two personalities. On Cybertron, even the Predacon's abilities were dulled...she was only able to see what the others were doing. Here, she was able to talk to them....especially the Hybrid. The Hybrid was so easily manipulated. She didn't know which end was up. Here, the scientists weren't interfering with them... so they were able to fight each other for control of the body, talk to each other within their minds, and even disable certain functions (like the ability to transform as the Predacon had done earlier).

The Predacon continued fuming. So not only had one of them been strong enough to take over, but the other was strong enough to hold her back. How had that happened? She had to find a way out...find a way to fight back.

She continued to walk through the darkness and suddenly came upon the only thing that she could see. A large wall made of tiny illuminated computer chips. Each one contained a small purple spider image. She rubbed her hand over the wall. The chips weren't held together real well. She could probably pull it down. She pulled one chip off the wall, but once she pulled it off, another one took its place.

Furious now, the Predacon programming pulled the new chip off the wall and another grew back. She kept pulling the chip off the same part of the wall growling angrily. Eventually, though, after pulling the chips off the wall over and over and over stopped regenerating in that one spot.

"So I CAN pull it down," she mused.

Letting her rage envelope her, she quickly began pulling the computer chips off the wall with both hands.

"I'm going to destroy whoever was responsible for this!"


The Hybrid was slowly starting to feel more and more disjointed with reality as time wore on. She listened to Blackarachnia and Tarantulas' bantering, but didn't participate.
"In all likelihood they're all out in the field assisting Megatron in yet another raid on the Maximal base, or squabbling over some fallen stasis pods. In either case, it works to our advantage with them out of the picture, our standing with Megatron is likely at an all time low at the moment, as if we care"
Arachnitron didn't actually care what Megatron thought about her. She was a lot more worried about her Predacon personality and what she planned to do to the Hybrid once the inhibitor chip stopped working. Arachnitron, the pure Predacon version of her anyway, was capable of such twisted things that made the torture she endured on Cybertron at the hands of the Predacon scientists look like a picnic in comparison. There was no way to escape her Predacon persona since she was inside of her own head...but she could run away from Megatron. No, Megatron didn't scare her. Her evil alter ego did.
Carry those parts to the bridge, Arachnitron, with the base apparently abandoned it will be the most ideal location for us to conduct our work. Keep an eye out for any stranglers though, with all the recent chaos now would be the ideal time for our more ambitious comrades to pull a fast one on our esteemed leader, and Megatron himself would be amiss to leave this place unguarded"
Arachnitron nodded at Tarantulas' order and followed Blackarachnia with the box of parts in her hands. Blackarachnia seemed keen on taking the long way around probably to avoid being seen by any potential Preds who had been left behind to man the base. Arachnitron was pretty sure she remembered a faster way to get to the bridge. She followed silently regardless.

One of the rooms she passed she thought she noticed Dinobot inside of. She stopped walking for a moment. She couldn't have seen him, could she? She took a few steps backward to look into the room through the doorway. It WAS Dinobot. He stood in the middle of a room that she suspected was used for storage. At the moment, it held two large golden disks that spun slowly in mid air inside of a force field. He simply stood in the middle of the room staring at them.

Not wanting to alert the Maximal to her presence, Arachnitron raced to catch up to Blackarachnia/Tarantulas.

"Maximal in the base," she announced quietly to them. "He's eyeing up these strange golden disks."


Inferno was surprised to see the saber toothed tiger Maximal heave something large and heavy into his propellers which made them stop turning, but not before clipping the hand of the large, green Maximal. Luckily, the propellers did as intended...made him release his hold on the Predacon.

Inferno took a few steps away from Rhinox in the direction of his weapon intending to reach over and pick it up, but he was too slow. Rhinox got there first. He picked up the flame thrower first and switched it on.
"Have a taste of your own medicine!"
The flames licked Inferno's red exo-structure heating it up very quickly. Gritting his teeth from the pain of the searing heat, Inferno pulled out his rocket launcher weapon.

"Fool, pain is my friend! he reminded the Maximal shouting from within the flames. His voice not revealing the pain he felt. He fired off a quick blast from his gun aimed, quite poorly, at the green Maximal.

"And fire is my brother," Inferno continued. With his weapon now aimed at the saber tooth tiger, he reached around with his other hand to retrieve the object from within his propellers. He yanked it out and threw it at Rhinox's hand hoping to dislodge his flame thrower from the Maximal's grasp.

Once the object was removed from his propellers, they immediately started turning again. He let his propellers lift him up off the ground. He hovered about a foot off the Axalon's floor with his rocket launcher still aimed at the Maximal prepared to grab the flame thrower just as soon as it fell from the Maximal's hand.

(ooc: I was pretty sure Inferno still had his other weapon, but if I'm wrong just let me know and I'll think of something else.)

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:03 pm
by Blazemane
Cheetor couldn't tell what Megatron was saying, but his voice had gotten a lot louder, and then one of the cadets started shooting in Cheetor's general direction. Plus, when all of the Predacons turned, it kinda felt like they were all staring at him.

Feeling awkward, the cat lowered his head really slowly to conceal it behind the rock--if they hadn't seen him yet, he didn't want to give away his position with any sudden moves. But they'd probably seen him. That's when he heard Rattrap's treads, and he just noticed him turning behind another boulder.
Rattrap wrote:Looks like we made it just in time for de party. Check dis out. Megatron's got himself a nutty facelift!
"Yup. Bold new look. Same bad taste. But, say, do wanna be rude and cut out of the party early? I think we've missed our chance to help those other two."

Cheetor dared to look up from cover again when he heard the sound of a new weapon; there wasn't any good reason to get caught by surprise. But what he saw surprised him--the other new guy was on the ground with Megatron facing him and smoke just visibly coming out of some kinda shoulder cannons he had gotten with the upgrade. The cannons--were those the fingers from his little front arms?

Eh. That's not what mattered right now. "Scrap that. Maybe this still is a rescue mission, after all. If the dog-bird is on our side, we gotta move before we know he is, 'cause at that point, he'll be dead. Uh... time for me to fly in?" he asked Rattrap.

* * *
Silverbolt wrote:Silverbolt... Terrorize.
Steelclaw curiously noted the pause in Silverbolt's command. What was he waiting for? Just trying to take in the moment? Afraid of the shift he'd seen Quickstrike perform?
Silverbolt wrote:Hmm. It's not a word I like the taste of.

He could empathize--when he had first adapted to changing his own command, the old questions he had about why the Predacons had even chosen something so publicly off-putting and about what in the world they thought they were acknowledging every time they transformed became much more personal. He had eventually let the issue go--it was simply a matter of history, of the intentions of the founders of the Predacon race, of their anger. Centuries later, the Predacons were not the race the Decepticons may have intended them to be, and that could only have been a good thing. The verb was never dropped, likely, because both sides of society simply became used to hearing it. That certainly held true for Steelclaw, anyways--the second and probably more significant reason he had lost his cognitive dissonance over the matter was that he simply grew used to it. It became habitual to say terrorize. To say the word did not actually change his character, and in time it... essentially became nothing more than a sound.

But what did this say about Silverbolt? If Silverbolt had been a Predacon in the past, then this just proved Steelclaw's own feelings about the "nature" of the two races even further. But in all likelihood, since he was a protoform on a Maximal ship, he had been a Maximal. His time with the Predacons could, very likely, be difficult. But it was always good to have a little more level-headedness on the team.
Megatron wrote:And it would appear that company has arrived. Predacons; destroy those Maximals!

Steelclaw withdrew his rifle from subspace as soon as Megatron told the Predacons to engage the enemy. He wouldn't admit it, but for the moment, he didn't even see any Maximals, and he wondered if Megatron was, essentially, freaking out. But then he finally caught sight of something red, silver and black riding towards them on a set of wheels. He couldn't even tell who he was looking at; they were definitely still a ways away.
Silverbolt wrote:Why? He is not attacking.
Steelclaw couldn't completely stop himself from cringing. He subtly turned his head to Megatron to see if his fears were unfounded. And the next moment, Silverbolt was thrown completely off of his feet; he could see the red-orange of the explosion light up the surrounding terrain.
Megatron wrote:Never question my orders! Now go!
The next moment, Steelclaw was at Silverbolt's side, offering him a hand. "Come on, then," he said. "One important detail we might have left out of the orientation: we're at war here. The Maximals' approach itself is a tactical threat. You alright?"

* * *

Earth Literature
-Chapter 3,710: In Wagner's account of this Norse story, Wotan tries to react against fate practically as soon as hears the foreboding prophecy from Erda that his time will come to an end. He sees the source of this threat as the curse that Alberich has put on the ring, and so he tries to find a way to keep the ring out of Alberich's grasp without breaking his own contract with the giant Fafner to whom he has given the gold as payment for the construction of Valhalla. In time, he comes to realize that the downfall of the gods is out of his hands to change. This realization brings about contradictory reactions--he jovially tries to convince the giant to give the ring to Alberich at one point in a grand sort of acceptance. At another point, he sits despondently in his kingdom and hopes only that his own daughter will give the ring back to its original owners. But even when the gold is taken back and nature is restored, Wotan's power can not be restored with it, and all that remains is for fate to--

Dinobot recoiled as his clawed finger was shocked by the energy field. He had expected a defense system, but he hadn't realized it would be so painful. Taking a pace back, he charge up his optic lasers and fired at the metallic base of the container. But these reflected off at a diagonal and burned into the wall to his side.

Fine then. Perhaps the only way to defeat this system was not to try to overcome its defenses, but to simply let it use them. Dinobot cast a glance around the room for anything sizable enough to throw into the energy field. There were a few things here and there, but most of them were bolted down, like the panel in the wall for a storage compartment, or the computer terminal to his left. Maybe he could find something a bit more accessible and still a bit more weighty, elsewhere.

Dinobot ran to the entrance to see the hall, and he looked down one direction. Nothing good yet. Then he turned the other direction.

He pulled himself back into the room as soon as he saw the trio of spiders. Perhaps they had not heard him getting shocked earlier if they were not attacking, but whenever he really got the energy field working, they were going to hear him anyways. Moving quickly, he pulled out his sword, entered the two commands to close the door to the room and then to lock it, and then he stabbed the panel through with his sword (why that always worked defied his limited mechanical common sense, but in any event, the door didn't slide back open, and he took that as a good sign).

Working frantically, he rushed over to the panel the wall, dug his sword in and began carving across the top. Once he had this slab of metal, maybe there would be something inside, too, that he could use...

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:28 pm
by DarkSpark
Una wrote: Carrying Tarantulas' body, they made their way. If they wanted to avoid any of the Darksyde's little tricks and guns, the best possible way was to take the scenic route. Longer, but safer than the shorter path. It would mean they would have to cross the storage area, which most of the time was practically deserted.

Tarantulas was more than eager to return to his own body, but also was cautious of any traps Megatron may have left behind while leading his forces into the field, or fellow predacons he'd left behind to guard the base. Megatron was a megalomaniacal fool, but with so much at stake for the moment he couldn't afford to take any chances.

Blackrose wrote: Arachnitron nodded at Tarantulas' order and followed Blackarachnia with the box of parts in her hands. Blackarachnia seemed keen on taking the long way around probably to avoid being seen by any potential Preds who had been left behind to man the base. Arachnitron was pretty sure she remembered a faster way to get to the bridge. She followed silently regardless.

One of the rooms she passed she thought she noticed Dinobot inside of. She stopped walking for a moment. She couldn't have seen him, could she? She took a few steps backward to look into the room through the doorway. It WAS Dinobot. He stood in the middle of a room that she suspected was used for storage. At the moment, it held two large golden disks that spun slowly in mid air inside of a force field. He simply stood in the middle of the room staring at them.

Not wanting to alert the Maximal to her presence, Arachnitron raced to catch up to Blackarachnia/Tarantulas.

"Maximal in the base," she announced quietly to them. "He's eyeing up these strange golden disks."

"What?! Who?" Tarantulas hissed in quiet rage, doing his best to keep his voice down so as not to alert their enemy, already suspicious as to who amongst the maximals would dare break into this place and make it this far past their defenses.

"Destroy him immediately, those disks are irreplaceable, they must not fall into maximal hands" he ordered Arachnitron and Blackarachnia, even as he found himself loading BA's gun for her as he rushed them towards the disk chamber as fast as they could with his body in tow.

Blazemane wrote: He pulled himself back into the room as soon as he saw the trio of spiders. Perhaps they had not heard him getting shocked earlier if they were not attacking, but whenever he really got the energy field working, they were going to hear him anyways. Moving quickly, he pulled out his sword, entered the two commands to close the door to the room and then to lock it, and then he stabbed the panel through with his sword (why that always worked defied his limited mechanical common sense, but in any event, the door didn't slide back open, and he took that as a good sign).

Working frantically, he rushed over to the panel the wall, dug his sword in and began carving across the top. Once he had this slab of metal, maybe there would be something inside, too, that he could use...

"SLAG!" Tarantulas cursed as they found the door closed, and apparently broken as he entered the lock code and nothing happened, meaning the intruder was alone inside the most carefully guarded room of the DarkSyde with the most valuable of all Predacon possessions...This was unacceptable! This was bigger than him or Megatron, whoever got their hands on those disks could turn the tide of the entire war in their favor or reshape the universe however they pleased, that kind of power belonged only in the hands of the Tripredacus Council and himself! Not a rogue like Megatron, let alone some filthy maximal!

"Blow the door down, we can't let the maximal escape with what's inside" Tarantulas ordered, leveling Blackarachnia's missile launcher at the door for her.

OOC: Hope this post is alright for everyone, I'll post for Terrorsaur once Tantrum's player makes a post.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:12 pm
by Warwulf
Tantrum swatted his arm over his shoulder dismissively at the hovering Terrorsaur. "Bird make too much noise," he made the disdainful comment. One thing was clear: Tantrum either didn't comprehend a rank structure or chose to disregard it. With Tantrum, either one is perhaps just as likely.

Tantrum continued his march on Aerostriker's position. On the way, he grabbed a large tree trunk and tapped it menacingly on his hand. He would stomp and bash them for damaging his treads -- pulverize them into fine metal shavings and scrape the remains off his feet with the tree trunk. Or maybe he would just crush them like a soda can. As Tantrum thought sweet thoughts of destruction, he caught sight of Aerostriker making his escape. He pulled out his gatling and tried his best to track him while firing in his general direction.

"Run and hide, cowards! RUN AND HIDE!" he bellowed after him as he fired wildly.

After saturation the general direction with enough 40mm rounds, Tantrum vented his frustration. He swung the gatling around in a rage, sending errant rounds arcing every which way across the battlefield -- a hazard to friend and foe alike.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhh!" he finally devolved to smashing the tree trunk he had with him into small slivers in a display reminiscent of a petulant child.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Blazemane wrote:
Megatron wrote:And it would appear that company has arrived. Predacons; destroy those Maximals!

Steelclaw withdrew his rifle from subspace as soon as Megatron told the Predacons to engage the enemy. He wouldn't admit it, but for the moment, he didn't even see any Maximals, and he wondered if Megatron was, essentially, freaking out. But then he finally caught sight of something red, silver and black riding towards them on a set of wheels. He couldn't even tell who he was looking at; they were definitely still a ways away.
Silverbolt wrote:Why? He is not attacking.
Steelclaw couldn't completely stop himself from cringing. He subtly turned his head to Megatron to see if his fears were unfounded. And the next moment, Silverbolt was thrown completely off of his feet; he could see the red-orange of the explosion light up the surrounding terrain.
Megatron wrote:Never question my orders! Now go!
The next moment, Steelclaw was at Silverbolt's side, offering him a hand. "Come on, then," he said. "One important detail we might have left out of the orientation: we're at war here. The Maximals' approach itself is a tactical threat. You alright?"
Silverbolt was surprised at being shot by his new leader, but suppressed any expression thereof. This was not an arguement he could win, and Megatron was his superior. He started to get up, brushing pebbles off his chestplate. Finding Steelclaw's outstretched hand offering aid, he took his comrade's hand and got to his feet.

"Thank you, friend," he said. "And I am... fine."

Silverbolt paused a beat as he surveyed the landscape. He was on a strange planet, probably far from home. Where was home? Cybertron? It was the home he'd never known. His pod's memory circuits were badly damaged in the crash. Beyond his own name, there wasn't much that he knew. Everything thing felt strange to him. But, at least he found solace in a brother in arms who seemed more receptive to guiding Silverbolt along until he could get his bearing straight.

"I am a stranger here, forgive me," he said to Steelclaw. "You seem to know how things work around here. If you think a fight is necessary, than fight I shall."

Silverbolt transformed into his beast mode and took flight in the direction of the enemy flier Megatron had spotted.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:29 pm
by DarkSpark
Warwulf wrote: Tantrum swatted his arm over his shoulder dismissively at the hovering Terrorsaur. "Bird make too much noise," he made the disdainful comment. One thing was clear: Tantrum either didn't comprehend a rank structure or chose to disregard it. With Tantrum, either one is perhaps just as likely.

Tantrum continued his march on Aerostriker's position. On the way, he grabbed a large tree trunk and tapped it menacingly on his hand. He would stomp and bash them for damaging his treads -- pulverize them into fine metal shavings and scrape the remains off his feet with the tree trunk. Or maybe he would just crush them like a soda can. As Tantrum thought sweet thoughts of destruction, he caught sight of Aerostriker making his escape. He pulled out his gatling and tried his best to track him while firing in his general direction.

"Run and hide, cowards! RUN AND HIDE!" he bellowed after him as he fired wildly.

After saturation the general direction with enough 40mm rounds, Tantrum vented his frustration. He swung the gatling around in a rage, sending errant rounds arcing every which way across the battlefield -- a hazard to friend and foe alike.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhh!" he finally devolved to smashing the tree trunk he had with him into small slivers in a display reminiscent of a petulant child.

"The name's Terrorsaur, fool, and you're wasting ammo and missing the maximal!" Terrorsaur spat back in annoyance, clearly this newbie was powerful but too stupid to understand how to work as a unit, meaning he was possibly dumber than Inferno or the late Scorponok combined.

Terrorsaur flew up and away from Tantrum to avoid getting caught in his crossfire, disappointed by the rookie's performance.

"All units, beware of friendly fire, our new recruit is crazier than Manterror and dumber than dirt, steer clear of him until he's come to his senses or runs out of ammunition" Terrorsaur grumbled.

WorpeX wrote: Oh right, like Nemesis will allow us to do that. She thought, but knew that he was her only hope. Using the last bits of her strength, the avian pushed herself upright with her wings. When she got onto her talons, the world around her was spinning. It was nauseating. Still, she had to get out of here before Nemesis struck back! With a flash of her wings, Airazor moved her falcon form airborne and headed for home. Her flight wasn't exactly straight... or very fast, but hopefully it would be enough to allow her to get away from Nemesis!

Terrorsaur's mood improved once he spotted the sight of his old rival Airazor clumsily trying to fly away from Nemesis in beast mode, obviously exhausted and in bad shape already.

"I've waited a LONG time for this...BEAST MODE!" Terrorsaur crowed as he changed into pterosaur mode and activated his new jets, speeding through the air at break neck speed, talons outstretched and beak opened wide in preparation for the sweet, sweet taste of Airazor's mech fluid pouring down his throat once he bit into her!

OOC: Figured I should leave things open ended in case WorpeX doesn't want Terrorsaur to bite into Airazor lol

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:01 pm
by Phoenix
Nemesis watched in amusement as the wounded AirRazor decided to take flight in a futile attempt to get away. The other avian female had not been fortunate enough to undergo the upgrade, leaving her in the smaller, frailer body she had given when first leaving the stasis pod, whereas her Predacon opponent had gone through the upgrade and as such had gained the benefits of a transmetal. It was still nowhere near the power she exhibited in her original Decepticon frame, but thus far Nemesis was pleased with the upgrades.

Nevertheless AirRazor had left a sizable dent in her armor, inflicting quite a bit of pain both upon impact and when Nemesis decided to convert to beast mode to pursue the less-than-graceful escape attempt of AirRazor. The plates shifted, grinding a bit in the process, but within moments the jet/bird hybrid appeared.

Engines roaring on, Nemesis sped up quickly and rolled only a short distance before taking flight. The fleeing AirRazor did not have much of a head start, allowing Nemesis to catch up rapidly without even igniting her afterburners. She angled herself sideways as she approached AirRazor, rolling over to a slam her wing into the other female to bring her off course once close enough. Before she was able to finish the job, however, she had to abruptly make a dive to avoid one of Tantrum's incoming shots which appeared out of nowhere. She pulled out of the dive just in time to notice Tantrum firing at anything that moved.. and a few things that didn't as well.
Terrorsaur wrote:"All units, beware of friendly fire, our new recruit is crazier than Manterror and dumber than dirt, steer clear of him until he's come to his senses or runs out of ammunition"
Of course.. Not like they could ever find competent recruits..

Seeing that Terrorsaur was now engaging AirRazor, Nemesis decided to halt her attack. As annoying as she found the overconfident red Predacon, AirRazor was already wounded and wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight. So there was no point in wasting resources by having both of them attack the same target.

A quick survey of their surroundings revealed that the Maximals were retreating, and wisely so. They would have nothing to gain by remaining since Tantrum, hotheaded, stubborn, and stupid as he was, had clearly proven his allegiance was that of a Predacon. AirRazor would be dead before any of them could get the chance to intervene. Manterror and Waspinator lay in pieces on the ground still, yet Nemesis had no intention of being the clean-up crew.

And so her attention was drawn to the remaining pod, the one the Predacons did not have the resources to rescue at the time. Since everything seemed to be working out to their benefit, it wouldn't hurt if she at least went to take a look on her own.

She altered her course to make it look like she was heading back to the Predacon base at first. Once she was confident she was out of reach of their scanners, she changed course again and ignited her afterburners as she headed off to the final drop site. This, of course, was merely an extra precaution as Nemesis' new flight mode was built for stealth so once she was out of visual range they would no longer be able to track her whereabouts.
Whitegrazer wrote: "I think the Predacons would had deemed this pod a lost cause anyway."

"Hopefully, Inferno has been taken care of. I guess we could entered through the back just in case."
Aurora nodded up at the taller female as the three of them proceeded to move the heavy blank pod back towards their headquarters. She remained oddly quiet, spending the time pondering many questions that were buzzing about in her head.

Why was this protoform lacking a spark? Was he, and she assumed the frame inside was male, designed to function as spare parts for those comrades who were missing something? Was he created with someone in mind but the process had been halted for whatever reason and he had just been packed away and forgotten? What need could Rhinox possibly have for this one since he had specifically asked them to bring back the blank protoform if they happened to come across it? Obviously he must have known the blank was aboard the Axalon when they came or he wouldn't have mentioned it..

As the many questions drifted about in her mind, Aurora did not even notice that she was no longer keeping up with the others. She was too short to help much with the carrying anyway, so she just tagged along on the way back. It wasn't before she caught sight of a figure flying off in the distance that she snapped out of it. Curious, Aurora slipped away to investigate further.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:16 pm
by NaitoKage
(Geez, picking on the wounded much? *L*)

Aerostriker watched as Airazor took to the air, but without any time to react Nemesis took off after her. He was starting to get annoyed. As he was about to attack, he heard his partner speak up once again Evade!

The thrusters on the rear of his targetmaster partner then activated pulling him to the right of one of Tantrum's stray shots, the impact causing a bit of dust in the air.It was enough to distract him as Nemesis made her attack on Airazor once again. Raising his gun, he was about to make an attack on Nemesis as she then veered off, only to see Terrorsaur in his sights. Placing his left hand under the gun for support, he locked on, while the gun's AI assisted to correct his aim.

Though Airazor was near Terrorsaur, Aerostriker was without hesitation. Perhaps it was faith in his weapon, or just not thinking ahead. He fired. The searing electron beam rushed through the air from a low angle slammed into Terrorsaur's "posterior", the beam seeming to push Terrorsaur higher into the air off course as eletrons hammered his frame, more then likely to super heat his tail thruster or overheat and stall the jet.

After the shot was fired, the gun once again ejected a blackened burnt fuse from it's backside with a small trail of smoke coming off the fuse, followed by a mechanical sound as another fuse was cycled and the gun prepared to charge once again.