"Aftermath: Part I - New Introductions"

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

((OOC: *face palm* I can fix this.))

When Saber's massive headache and disorientation finally ebbed away, she realized that she was in the brig, sitting at the desk pushing a stapler together and talking to... no one.

"What the?" *annoyed sigh* "Great, I probably have a concussion."

Her right ear twitched when she heard something, it sounded like a battle going on inside the base. Narrowing her optics, she rose from the chair and headed for the open door. Praying to Primus that this time she didn't end up in someone's quarters.

* * *
"Fried bats for dinner!"
Sonar grunted in pain but he refused to cry out to give her the satisfaction of him being a pain. Growling with annoyance, he fired a sonic blast and point blank range.

((OOC: Fixerfied!))
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow shut her audios and was blasted away by Sonar's sonic blast which sent her flying backwards. She rubbed her head for awhile to recover before glaring at him, "You little son of a glitch.."

She retracted her other blade and flew towards him, one hand covering his mouth, the other squeezing his neck. After that, she held him up high, deactivated her thrusters and jumped down from the tree and put her feet on his stomach. This was going to be a hard landing for him, "I'm sorry but..you have to break my fall..Sonar dearest!"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

I don't need my sonic blast for this. Sonar thought before driving his guyver blade into her chest, sadly he missed her spark.

He quickly tore her hand away and fired another sonic blast which removed the blade from her chest, giving him plunty of time to get out from under her and make his escape.

Experience beats upgrades. He thought with a smirk.

* * *

The sound of battle grew louder which told Saber she was going the right way. She growled when caught the scent of a Predacon.

"Beast mode."

After reverting to her beast mode, she quietly stalked toward the sound of battle, reaching the door that lead into the control room and saw that Rhinox was fighting the crazy fire ant. Growling softly, she went into a crouch before stalking foreward then went into a run, heading straight toward the Inferno, claws unsheathed.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Whitegrazer wrote:"Aurora, there is something I been meaning to talk to you about."
Aurora had been trying to rush off to get to their assigned destination as soon as possible, but Whitegrazer's words slowed her down to a halt. She looked up at the taller female with a certain concern frozen on her features, unable to hold back the worry she felt due to Whitegrazer's serious tone and her choice of words. Whatever it was must be important for her to choose this as a good time to get her thoughts cleared out.
Whitegrazer wrote:"I treated you like...what was it that you called it? Porcolain doll?"

Oh... Aurora had not been sure what to expect the words escaping the white mare's mouth to be all about, but this had not been it. She tried, however failed, to repress a slight smile as Whitegrazer produced a low chuckle before continuing.
Whitegrazer wrote: "Some part of me hoped that this war would end soon, but I should know better. I allowed my overprotectiveness to override my own experiences of such things. I'm sorry, Aurora."
'It's okay'
, Aurora wanted to assure her, not wanting her to dwell on such a thing when her own grudges lay somewhere completely different. It was all water under the bridge now, as the old saying went, and Aurora had honestly not given it a second thought in the midst of all the tragedies they had all gone through lately. The other Maximals had already started letting her off the tight leash they initially put her on.

But before she had a chance to speak up, Whitegrazer continued, a small flood of thoughts surfacing.
"You have shown alot of potential in skills that would be very valuable, and it would be wrong of us to not allow your expertise to grow. But I sense alot of powerful emotions within you grown from the events that have took place, ""And that's why I think it is more important now that I-we get you more involved."
Aurora averted her stare and tugged lightly at her lower lip as Whitegrazer touched upon subjects too recent and painful for her to be comfortable debating them. She noticed the shake of the other female's head as she finished and then paused while anticipating a response. The ermine held her tongue for a moment as she contemplated Whitegrazer's words.

She feared words alone would not be enough to put out the fire of hatred that the Predacons' actions had set off within her. Every act she had seen a Predacon do had been with evil intent and she was not about to forget it no matter how much others might tell her to. She would make them pay for their deeds one day, it wouldn't be justice if they got away with it, yet she had not decided which direction to take to see it done. Never would she stoop to such a level that they proved perfectly capable of though.

Of course she could never tell her fellow Maximals that. Certainly not Whitegrazer, whom had turned from a life of war to one lecturing peace. It would only make the tormented mare more concerned if she shared such thoughts and she could not impose that on her. Not now.

So Aurora lifted her head, tilting it to the side a bit as she forced a slight smile to appear.

"You don't have to ask for forgiveness when you know you always had it," she replied softly. "Please don't worry about me. It's been tough, no denying it, but I will bounce back, you'll see."

She tried to sound cheerful, deliberately holding back the negative feelings towards.. well.. all of this. It wasn't a lie, exactly, not yet, not if she left the topic where she had.

(ooc: Will post for Nem later.. work time!)
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow's optics widened when Sonar's blade was in her chest. The next thing she knew was being blasted away by another of his sonic attacks, causing her to land her back on a boulder.

Holding her wounds as she took a deep breath.

Playing dirty huh..? I'll give you that.. she thought as she stood upright, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

Starshadow was not going to give him any chance to do more damage to her so she jumped in mid air, unsheathing an electro blade and drove it in his side and pinned two wrists in one hand.

"Maybe we can kiss before you die~" she laughed, charging some electricity on her lips and gave him a deep and shocking kiss.

(Eww Star! Why you do that?! Lol)
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Una wrote: Tarantulas had a point there. Megatron would have their hides if they showed their faces. Inferno had to have been sent by him, so he knew what they were up to. From how thing splayed it, he was going to kill whoever it was on that pod. Good thing Optimus took the fall for it, but still, she bet Megatron would love to take advantage of Tarantulas' little handicap. The thought of Megatron keeping him in her body for amusement at Tarantulas' own misfortune and her in line made quickened her haste to find equipment needed to get him out of her head.

"So, how are you going to do this without frying the both of us, Legs?"

She would love to hear how Tarantulas wanted this problem fixed

"I thought you preferred the thought of death over being "roommates" for life? So what difference does it make to you either way?" Tarantulas spat back, engrossed in his work like a con obsessed, torn between fuming over the loss of his lair and restoring himself as soon as possible.

All in good time, all in good time, he thought inwardly

Blackrose wrote: Arachnitron was also curious to hear Tarantulas' plan. She was sure Tarantulas wouldn't have put himself in Blackarachnia's head without having some kind of plan to get out of it. She walked back over to Blackarachnia with her box in hand.

"Well, this is what I found," she announced placing the box in front of Blackarachnia. "Do you think we have everything?

Tarantulas snatched the box and looked through it all, absentmindedly throwing away whatever he didn't want or need, before picking the box up and saying "It will have to do. Now come, we unfortunately must borrow the rest from the base itself after all. The sooner we get this over with the better."

Alak wrote: "Look here, we're not here to hurt you. We're Maximals, friend. We're on your side."

He sincerely hoped that his words could reach through to the newcomer. Orcariner was running out of ideas and he doubted that he that would be able to hold Tantrum in place forever. Through his peripheral vision, he noticed that shots were fired at the Predacon flyers above him. According to his radar, Wintersong was now part of the battle.

Thank Primus!

"Too bad I want to hurt you two ton!" Terrorsaur cackled as he dodged maximal cover fire long enough to fire two missiles straight into Orcariner's unprotected back!

"This is why whales belong in the sea and why I'm King of the Air!" Terrorsaur crowed as he followed up with his eye lasers, charging them before firing at the same point on Orcariner's back that he'd blasted already.

OOC: sorry that my latest posts aren't my best, I'll try to improve as time goes by. In the mean time, I hope my post for Terrorsaur is alright, otherwise let me know and I'll try to make some changes.
Last edited by DarkSpark on Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Maybe we can kiss before you die~" she laughed, charging some electricity on her lips and gave him a deep and shocking kiss.
Sonar ignored the pain he was in then inwardly smirked.

You'll never learn. Sonar thought.

He knew that if he fired a sonic blast at this range, he could end up blind due to the ricochet. But he had to risk it. He broke the kiss and fired a sonic blast.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Though Starshadow was blasted away again, she was lucky enough to land on her feet. Using up some of her energy for the electrical attacks was a little draining.

She held her wound on her chest, gritting her teeth and not sure how long she could last in this battle. Would she win or lose?

Definitely not my day... she thought while panting.

"Sonar what is so bad that you couldn't tell me about your relationship with Saber? I'm sure it won't cost you your life..."
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Rattrap wrote:How about you try a little bit o' spyin' first, Cheetor? Hang back outta sight an' see if you can eavesdrop and find out what's goin' on. We're right behind ya.
Cheetor started scaling the boulder in front of him. "Copy that, big R." First his paws scraped over the edge, and then his head and neck appeared over the rock, too. Yup. With his vision focused right, he could see them just fine. "But I might have to get a little closer to hear things. If I get spotted, I'll bet you'll know really soon... Hey--if I die, can you make sure Dinobot doesn't take my stuff?"

Cheetor dropped down and sent up a small cloud of dust. He checked his own scanner range and saw then that the Preds weren't inside of it yet, so he was probably right to have thought he wasn't in theirs.

Using his scanners as a guide, Cheetor trotted up through the maze of boulders about a hundred meters closer without his systems registering the Predacons. He didn't really dare go further for the sake of the plan. And... since he couldn't see around this new rock, he found himself climbing as quietly as he could once more.

He could see things in a lot better detail now, and he just looked in time to notice some new transmetal-looking... whatever-Scorponok-was transform into his battle mode. He strained his ears, but it wasn't any use, and he promised himself he'd ask for Rhinox for a directional sound-amplifier next time he was back at base.

"Er... o.k.," he com-linked his team quietly, "I can't pick up on the conversation, but there are definitely two fully functioning protoforms with Megatron, Onyx and... Steelclaw. They've got their beast modes and everything--one of 'em just transformed in front of Megs, and he still hasn't been vaped yet, so I think everyone over there's probably on pretty good terms..."

Cheetor strained his optics zooming in even closer. "But you know... I'm not seeing any Predacon emblems on the one who just morphed..."

((OOC: I'll leave it to Phoenix and/or Wildfire to decide if either of their characters spots Cheetor. Technically, since he's got a direct line of sight on them, they might noticed his head in the far distance if they're feeling observant enough...))
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Just before hitting the ground, Sonar wrapped himself in his wings but the impact still hurt like the pit.

Ok, that had been a stupid idea. He thought getting to his feet, staggering a little.
"Sonar what is so bad that you couldn't tell me about your relationship with Saber? I'm sure it won't cost you your life..."
"Because its none of your slaggin business, what part of that don't you understand?!" Sonar yelled, looking in her direction with slightly clouded optics. "Ugh, this fight is over. Go meet up with Megatron, he'll need at least one fully functioning warrior."
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by starshadow »

Ouch..that hurts. Starshadow went down on one knee, her mech fluid leaking out of her wound. What shocked her was that her mech fluid was in a different color and glowing dimly.

Stage one of the mutation...not good.. she thought and coughed a bit.
Because its none of your slaggin business, what part of that don't you understand?!" Sonar yelled, looking in her direction with slightly clouded optics. "Ugh, this fight is over. Go meet up with Megatron, he'll need at least one fully functioning warrior."
"Pfft..giving up? I understand.." she smirked, "Megsy poo doesn't need an extra soldier. He's a big boy now!" Starshadow laughed and transformed into her beast mode, limping towards him. Of course she was kidding about that but Megatron hasn't ordered for reinforcements yet. She bended her legs low and sighed, "Hop on Screamer..."
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Unread post by una »

Intently, she watched Aurora's expressions, noticing the little one was holding some emotions back. Whitegrazer really wanted Aurora to confide in her, especially with such feelings she felt towards their enemies. The fire that was beginning to ripple and grow. But she knew she couldn't force Aurora to do that. That was wrong. The only thing she could do was reassure Aurora that she could talk to her. Also, lecturing her over and over about the same lessons over and over again would be tiresome for her.

There are times that teachers should keep silent and observe so far, trusting that their student would do the right thing on their own.
"You don't have to ask for forgiveness when you know you always had it," she replied softly. "Please don't worry about me. It's been tough, no denying it, but I will bounce back, you'll see."
Whitegrazer smiled brightly at the young one, kneeling down to place a hand on Aurora's shoulder and gave a very, very gentle squeeze, "You will bounce back, Aurora. You are strong."

"I can feel your hate, Aurora... I hope someday you can talk to me about it. Or maybe... "

Whitegrazer let go and stood up about to say something when that dull pain reappeared. She let out a mumbled grunt to hold it in. She faced the direction of the pod, trying to straighten herself, but one step forward felt like an anchor, dragging her down back to the ground on her knees. She placed her hand on her chest. Her face etched in agony. Flashes of emotions flooded her spark, images of an explosion gripped her tightly not letting go. Fingers dug into the dirt deeper and deeper as it increased.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

That's what she did to try and ease it, trying to stand up... slowly.

Surrounded in white, the feeling of a warm hand placed on her cheek. Touching her cheek with her own hand, a figure painted before her in black, white, and red becoming a silhoutte of a familar presence.


She smiled before she went back down on her knees.

Her hand grasped above her spark. Her optics widened in surprise and looked around, "Optimus?"

No... he was gone just in that split of a second.

"I could--no, can feel him." She said in a very soft tone.

Not like before...but still strong. Just like...just like her master's.

But how? And why was Optimus so agitated?

"You'll have to excuse me, TyCross," Optimus said with a sarcastic tone and a pinch of aggravation, "I only just got here and already you're pushing my boundaries." He sent him a quick glare, still left in the dark, unaware of what TC was trying to accomplish. Just communication? No, it had to be something more. All that "it's not your time" talk and "it's a surprise, you'll like it." Enough with the riddles! "Her's is ten times worse? Then stop this nonsense!" He didn't want her to feel any more anguish!

"Oh, be quiet. She can handle it. She's an empath, remember? It's what she is born to feel." TyCross sniffed in disgust.

Empaths were supposed to share the pain of others. Of course, others can share their pain onto others. He was proud that his student wasn't one of those. Pain was life, but giving more pain is such a selfish act. Though it was foolish to believe one can take all the pain away, it was worse to believe everyone deserved pain. Bah. Selfish beings.

And bah to Optimus for thinking Whitegrazer couldn't take it. He doesn't understand. No one ever did. No one even tried. Credits, though, for listening.

As Optimus was concentrating, he had widened his optics and nodded in a pleased manner. Good. So his student did teach someone right about meditations. Gooooood... now wait for it.

Whitegrazer had appeared in between them, but TyCross had quickly cut the string before anything can happen. Also, he didn't want his student to know he was here. Even in that second, he felt her: she was concerned yet hopeful. Ah! When wasn't she concerned yet hopeful? She spent her whole life being concerned yet hopeful. As she always told him, someone has to be. Someone has to care. He never always believed that. But she had beat it into him to stop being so apathetic. Beat him. Literally!

"Good, our business is concluded. Now, we need to have a little personal chat."

TyCross looked at Icebreaker who was dumbfounded by the whole events. TyCross cleared his throat at the penguin, "Privacy, please?"
Last edited by una on Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(I asked them to make profiles.. but they didn't. So if we're going from Terrorsaur's transmetal techspec card.. Terrorsaur's stats are: Strength:6 Intelligence:4 (Same as Tantrum!) Speed:10 Endurance:3 Courage:8 Firepower:3 Skill:5 for a gran total of 39 points. Um.. yeah. Waspinator's.. I wouldn't really say is bad, it's better balanced compared to Terrorsaur's. Waspinator: Strength:7 Intelligence:6 Speed:9 Endurance:7 Courage:4 Firepower:7 Skill:6 at 46 points. Not bad.)

Icebreaker continued watching the scene quietly, until it was over.
una wrote:"Privacy, please?"

Er.. Yeah.. sure. He responded, looking towards Optimus he then spoke up Hey.. um, listen.. if you manage to get in contact with them again.. Just tell Aurora and Orcariner I'm doin' alright, and try to keep up hope.. he then moved back, fading away into the cluster of sparks.


Umbra observed as Wintersong began attack on the fliers, his eyes then shifted as he looked back at Cecaelia, sulking behind a boulder. He let out a low sigh and turned on his comlink Lady Cecaelia..if you want, you can pop up and attack that cat maximal that just appeared. She'll be taken by surprise for sure!

His eyes then went back towards the battle field, observing Orcariner's weapons. He didn't appear to carry any firepower.. but with the energy shield, armor, and physical strength, he was a titan for sure. Taking a foe like that head on was certainly foolish. As for Tantrum, as Umbra was unable to find any identifying markings, he could only assume he was attacking anything that came near him. He was neither friend or foe for the moment..
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Pfft..giving up? I understand.." she smirked, "Megsy poo doesn't need an extra soldier. He's a big boy now!"
Sonar rolled his optics.
Starshadow laughed and transformed into her beast mode, limping towards him. Of course she was kidding about that but Megatron hasn't ordered for reinforcements yet. She bended her legs low and sighed, "Hop on Screamer..."
"Don't bother, I'm fine. I just need to rest until my eye sight returns to normal." Sonar replied.

* * *

Saber let out a roar as she slammed into Inferno and pinned him to the floor, snarling at him the fur along her spine rising.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Lady Cecaelia..if you want, you can pop up and attack that cat maximal that just appeared. She'll be taken by surprise for sure!
Cecaelia peeked above the boulder to look what was happening now. A flying cat? Now that was something new. At least she got to use a maximal for target practice. She transformed into her robot mode, four of her tentacles transforming into her heavy gattling cannon. Of course she would not show herself..yet. Cecaelia took out her blaster out, still in her hiding spot.

"Hmmm...bang?" the cannon was aimed at the transmetal feline, the trigger was pulled and a barrage of laser shots flying towards Wintersong.
"Don't bother, I'm fine. I just need to rest until my eye sight returns to normal."
Starshadow rolled her optics and smiled. This was the first time he spoke nicely to her. The feline tripped Sonar with her tail so that he falls on her back, "enough talk darling. Let's go back to base," and with that, she slowly limped to the direction of the Darksyde.

"Hmmm...you're getting lighter. Didn't eat much?"