"Chain of Command"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Weeell, Commander?" "What are you orders?"
"Uh... uh... we, uh, w-w-we're scrapped if we sit inside," "Uh... Prepare... for assault team!"
"A frontal attack?" "Pure madness."
Skyfired sighed at Rattrap's first attemp to give an order. "I never thought I would say this but, we're all gonna die aren't we?" Skyfire said hanging her head down.

(OOC: I know, I stole Rattrap's catch pharse but it might be interesting to see how he reacts to that.)
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox holds up his hand in a caution gesture as he speaks up No! Rattrap's right, we'll be buried in here. he then points his hand out pointing his finger towards the exit Lets go!

As Rhinox steps forward Rattrap suddenly gets in his way then pointed his finger towards Rhinox No Rhinox, you get to work!We need a device to extract Optimus from that Probe. he then quickly states before running off.

Rhinox leans back, then with drooped shoulders lets out a sigh Oh no..

(Rattrap said Sortie originally, Assault sounds more natural really.)
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Weeell, Commander?" "What are your orders?"
Saber growled at Dinobot.
Give the rat a break. Its his first time as a commander. Saber thought.
Uh... uh... we, uh, w-w-we're scrapped if we sit inside," "Uh... Prepare... for assault team!"
Saber raised an eye brow but didn't say anything, like Optimus, Rattrap would have her full support and watch his back as best to her ability.
"A frontal attack?" "Pure madness."
Like your strategy for battle would have been any better. Saber thought her ears back as she glared at Dinobot.
"I never thought I would say this but, we're all gonna die aren't we?"
That's it.
"Give Rattrap a break. Its not easy being a commander." Saber growled at Skyfire.
No! Rattrap's right, we'll be buried in here. Lets go!
No Rhinox, you get to work!We need a device to extract Optimus from that Probe.
Saber didn't hear what Rhinox' reply was as she followed Rattrap and the others.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Give Rattrap a break. Its not easy being a commander."
This took Skyfire by surpise. She had never expected Saber to stick up for Rattrap.
No! Rattrap's right, we'll be buried in here. Lets go!
No Rhinox, you get to work!We need a device to extract Optimus from that Probe.
Skyfire didn't stick around along enough to listen to Rhinox's response either and followed the other outside as she pulled her gun at so she would be ready to fight as they got out there.
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

"You are to focus the bulk of your firepower on the ship's shields and when the Maximals come out to confront us, maintain steady fire at those shields until the Maximals make the first move. Those who find themselves directly involved in a tango are to destroy their dance partner, and those who find themselves with no one to dance with are to destroy the ballroom, yeees!"
This is the perfect strategy to destroy the Maximals, and I know what I'll be doing: bringing down the ballroom's dance partners one at a time! was the thought on Lineos' mind as he charged towards the Maximal's ship. As Lineos arrived, he transformed into robot mode and pulled out Lasos. As Lasos spun, he quickly checked to see if there were any maximals out yet. None were out yet, so Lineos fired at the Maximal's base for now, eagerly awaiting either Maximal's coming out to fight or the destruction of their base. Whichever came first.
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Awe, thank you so much, guys! I really appreciate your help. Well, I'm going to need someone to play Dinobot and Waspinator. No, you don't have to be a Mod to "babysit" a character. And there's no need to do auditions since you'll probably just be covering them for Tor temporarily. I hope. If not, then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. :) So, whoever wants to play which one, just go ahead and start posting for them to the best of your ability. Again, thank you!!

Oh, and thank you for clearing up that Rattrap line for me. ^^ ))
"A frontal attack?" "Pure madness."
No! Rattrap's right, we'll be buried in here. Lets go!
No Rhinox, you get to work!We need a device to extract Optimus from that Probe.
"I never thought I would say this but, we're all gonna die aren't we?"
"Hey!" Rattrap shouted at Skyfire as if he was going to reprimand her for stealing his favorite phrase. For a brief moment, he realized how Optimus felt when he said the line around him. "I'm the only negative influence around 'ere. Got it?" He was, of course, joking with the bald eagle.
"Give Rattrap a break. Its not easy being a commander."
Rattrap blinked at Saber-Fang. He was surprised that she'd stick up for him since they didn't exactly get along, but then again, she was probably only doing it in support of Primal's orders. But who cares! He had someone strong on his side through this! Besides Rhinox. "Hey, simmer down, Fangs. Why don't you get rid o' some of that rage out on the battle field, eh?" he grinned, hoping to push all of them outside and face their doom head on.

Gathering everyone on the platform, except for Rhinox who Rattrap was certain could figure something out to get Optimus back, they lowered to the ground just below the Axalon. With the Predacons focusing most of their firepower on their appearance, dust and smoke filled the air around them, giving the Maximals cover before they fought back. As the air cleared a little and the Predacons stopped firing because nothing happened for a moment, Rattrap grabbed his gun and ran out of the cloud of smoke, leading the Maximals to battle. He fired repeatedly as quickly as he could while he targeted some of the Predacons one after another before finding cover behind a large boulder.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Hey!" I'm the only negative influence around 'ere. Got it?"
Saber had to ignore the urge to roll her eyes at that comment.
"Hey, simmer down, Fangs. Why don't you get rid o' some of that rage out on the battle field, eh?"
Saber's eyes widened slightly and her ears went back at Rattraps comment, it wasn't about him calling her 'Fangs' it was about the 'Rage' part.
Calm down. the rodent doesn't know, no one but him. She told herself.
Saber was still in her beast mode as she followed Rattrap out the base, she was just a deadly in her beast mode as she was in her robot mode so it didn't matter to her.
As they entered the battle field Saber's sharp gaze saw Venatrix who was also in her beast mode.
She smiled, she knew that she was going to enjoy this.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(( OOC:
hmm, I'd take Dinobot but I think it's better if I take Waspinator since I have his fellow flier, anyway. So I'll take Waspy! x3
If that suits you. But if you want Dinobot, just say so... ))

Dinobot was actually a little excited to go down and fight the Predacons. While it was strategically unsound, that fact in itself would undoubtedly come back to bite the vermin and expose him as the bad leader he was, and, after all, Dinobot felt the need to vent his frustrations. He had very nearly destroyed Rattrap, but since it wasn't expedient to do so, he needed to destroy someone.

As the smoke cleared, Dinobot realized with content that Megatron had come out to fight. Oh how he would repay him for his treachery...
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

(( OOC: >_> Allo?

Yeah I'll take Waspy! :3 Also, are we downstairs/outside now? Is it my turn, is that why were stalled? :o ))

Megatron awaited the Maximals, knowing they'd come out any moment. He nad his minions continued to fire, nothing to stop them from doing so.

Terrorsaur hovered, still fairly quiet, but annoyed that they were taking so long to come out. He almost asked Megatron about it, but kept his beak shut for the moment.
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: All the Maximals (except for Rhinox) are already outside, firing at all the Predacons. And I believe the Maximals have been waiting for the Predacons to react to their entrance. ))
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Well Megatron does have the line "Ah, they've come to meet their death, face to face!" )

Tarantulus walks towards a rock standing at the side of it as a means to get to quick cover, he then proceeds in firing at Rattrap with his spider leg machine guns in pulsed sprays.


Rhinox sighs gather parts in the bridge, then starts to solder the scraps together turning the device as he talks to himself Make a device to extract physical molecular from an alien probe.. Man, I've gotta be a miracle worker

a stray shot then hits the ship causing it to shake, the device falling onto the floor with an antenna falling off. He puts his palm to his face with a frustrated voice Oh no..
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Unread post by Venatrix »

There she was, the Maximal kitten.
She also noticed that the Saber took notice of her.
And that meant she, like herself, had at least some control over the extra senses of her beastmode.
There was otherwise no other way to detect her of she didn't.
Venatrix also noticed Dinobot was engaged in combat with Megatron.

The black Predacon panther didn't waste any more time trying to figure out her opponents abilities by observing her, it's time to test her skills in actual combat.
The moment her thought pattern changed , she leaped forwards , directly at
the Maximal cat, with her claws extended to its fullest.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber saw Venatrix come at her claws out, Saber growled her ears back, letting lose her claws she met the Panther half way with a snarling growl. She was going to show the Predicon fur what she was made of, she had not became a General for nothing.
Its time to this Predicon punk in her place. Saber thought lashing out at Venatrix.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

((OOC: OOOOOHHH... I didn't know from your posts/Blazemane's posts we were already outside. I was waiting for Rhinox and Rattrap's convo but ... maybe I misread. -_- I was certainly confused. Well, here I go:))

As the Maximals finally came out, Megatron grinned to himself.

"Ah! They've come to meet their death, face to face!"

Seeing Dinobot as part of the charge, Megatron took this is a wonderful opportunity to spar with the traitor. He did not intend to lose, but he knew the bot was a strong fighter from experience. He raced forward with determination. A charge was not tactically superior, but it seemed how Dinobot wished to start the battle. He's oblige for the moment.

Meanwhile, Terrorsaur hung back, awaiting the two smaller Maximals charging his way. e kept a part of his mind on the slowly degenerating shields, however, and knew that big green guy was probably still inside.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(OOC: Just as a note- Cheetor isn't hear. His earlier postings were a mistake, as he is off at the river with Ocariner/Valkyrie and co.)

As Megatron and Dinobot neared each other, Dinobot launched himself into the air and held himself in a kicking position.

Soon, he found his foot connecting, quite satisfyingly, with Megatron's chest, and and the tyrant fell backwards.

That idiot had not even bothered to defend, or dodge, the kick. Perhaps he had thought himself powerful enough to simply withstand it and thereby send Dinobot reeling back. In that case, he was as foolishly self-confident as ever.
Last edited by Blazemane on Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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