Okay, another attempt at making a Predacon and I think I got one. Hopefully

I just had to try this one because of this idea I got in my head. This character just came to me.
NAME: SwiftBlade
FUNCTION: Scientist/Interrogator
ALTERNATE MODE: Transmetal Porcupine
HEIGHT: 7ft Robot mode
QUOTE: "No matter how strong an individual is, everyone has a breaking point and my job is to find it. Nothing personal. It's just a business and I excel at it."
RANK: Assigned by the staff.
BIO: SwiftBlade used to be part of the Predacon Army before the Tripredicus Council ordered all Predacons to lower their weapons. He was disgusted at how many Predacons did what they were ordered. Since there was no battle, his job was in jeopardy so SwiftBlade became a a sort of interrogator for hire and sometimes has been hired for his scientific knowledge to make biological weapons. He has been one of the most wanted Predacons by the Maximal Command Security Force for killing many of their operatives under the blade and for gasing an entire Maximal colony. SwiftBlade loves his job professionally and has grown to love the challenge of breaking someone down whether psychologically or by using his tools. He prefers to torture his prisoners in small, quiet rooms with little distractions and hates when he is interrupted. He also hates when some of his victims die.
Energon Blades
Like knives, these ten inch blades are for the purpose of close combat if needed but mostly, to be used for interrogations. They have a smooth edge for a nice, surgical cut towards his victim or opponent.
Powered by an electrical current, this circular pistol produces a short - medium range rope of electricity that if one is near or in range will get electrocuted.
A one-inch barrier that acts as a defense towards lasers and bullets only. The blue barrier covers SwiftBlade's entire body for thirty seconds.
Red Laser Assault Weapon
A weapon with an installed laser core that produces bursts of red lasers. It has an unlimited supply but gets overheated when fired too much. Also, if the trigger is held for a number of seconds, a more powerful burst will eject from the weapon. Though, it causes the laser core to overheat quicker so he can only did at least two of these.
WEAKNESSES: SwiftBlade loves to face his enemies in a close and personal fashion like an assassin would but he hates being in a battlefield and much prefers a more quiet setting, doing his projects or interrogating someone Megatron wants information from. The reasoning for this that SwiftBlade has lost his touch on the battlefield. It is because of his sensitivity to noises like gunfire and explosions and also, due to the fact that he has a photophobia and sometimes, agoraphobia. He loves being in the darkness or a dimly lit room to work alone. He only can take one person in the same room as him. He will tell whoever he is working with this but warns them if they do put him in those positions that is what to expect from him.
"Where is the power core?"
The Maximal stripped to the metal berth just stared at him with narrow blue optics in contempt.
"As you wish." He said coldly. Swiftblade switched the machine on again and increased to level six before pulling the second lever down to unleash the berth's voltage upon the core processor of his prisoner.
Screams echoed throughout the halls as the Maximal's body jerked around, desperately trying to break free from his metal bonds that kept him nailed down to the hard bed. It went on for a couple of minutes before he pushed the lever up to turn off the voltage.
"Where is the power core"
"Don't take it personally, Lieutenant Starchaser. My employer only wants the power core in your position. Give me the location and you are free to go."
"Over my sparkless body!"
Swiftblade kept his neutral expression and repeated the process over and over again, stopping at level eleven. He had to admired the Maximal's stubbornness and strong nature. He felt quite honored to attack such stubborness and strength but it won't do any good if he didn't get the location.
No location. No paycheck and he needed to survive.
Realizing that the Maximal wasn't going to tell him anything, he did a different approach when the Lieutenant tried to escape when his bonds were loosened. Swiftblade took out an energon blade and tried to slice the Maximal but Starchaser dodged and punched him in his vocal processor, making him cough on reflex. The Maximal was so full of rage at him for the torture he preformed on him that he started pounding on him with every itch of his strength. SwiftBlade used his legs and pushed the Maximal off him, unknowingly pushing the lever on his console to the highest setting on the berth. Starchaser rammed towards him but he jumped out of the way. Starchaser landed on the berth and started screaming and screaming as he was getting fired.
SwiftBlade reached to turn off the machine but the damage was done. Starchaser's core processor melted and his spark left his body.
"Slag." SwiftBlade's neutral face changed into anger.
He hit his commlink and told his employer his update, "Your prisoner is fired. Bring another."
I better get started on the truth serum. I think I might need it.
SwiftBlade left the body for the guards to clean up. Going to his office, he started working on his serums.
He won't make the same mistake twice.
I know that the stats are under the maximum but I think that his stats match what he is. AS always though, I want to hear your guys opinions.
Yes, he is a Porcupine. XDD He will come in at Season Two and no, I don't want to force another snatch and grab episode. When he comes on, he will enter and do what he has to do. XD