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Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:12 am
by Venatrix
Venatrix was the first to cast her view on the Maximal crashed ship.
She stayed in beastmode to keep the Maximals from detecting her presence this close to their base, and move behind the base, and hid behind a rock.
When the Maximals would come out when Megatron attacks, she would have a clear path to who ever she picks as a target.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:37 pm
by SkyxDB
"If you do not elect me to serve as your leader," "I shall take the position by force!"
"If you do not elect me to serve as your leader," "I shall take the position by force!"
"I would do what she says" Skyfired added. Even it was doubtful that Dinobot would listen. She had hoped that could avoid fighting amongst themshevles. But from the looks of it, a fight inevitable. Skyfire put a hand a weapon. She wanted to be ready if she did have to fight, but considering Dinobot was an expereiced warrior she wouldn't stand a chance against him. Though would Dinobot really take the risk to harm Rattrap. If he did then they would all have to attack him to save Rattrap. But even though Dinobot used Predacon, he was still part of the team, and she didn't want to have to point a gun at her own teammate. Skyfire eyed Rhinox to what he would do first.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:30 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"Like i said before Rattrap, i'm not voting. Its pointless not to mention a waste of time."
Well, that was just ridiculous. They were wasting more time to find a tie breaker than it would take for her to vote.
"Rattrap, it's called secret ballot for reason"
Rattrap looked at Skyfire. He understood but he just didn't get why anyone would vote for that power-hungry fossil.
"So if Saber won't vote, then how are we going to break the tie?"
"Oohoo! A great system your 'democracy'. No mechanism to break a tie."
Suddenly, Rattrap heard someone approach him from behind, but before he could look, Dinobot's claws were already wrapped over his head. "Hey!" He was swiveled in the raptor's grasp to face him, and he immediately drew his gun, targeting Dinobot's upper chest. Oddly enough, by this point, he was getting used to people grabbing him and lifting him up. The bigger ones always pick on the little guys.
"If you do not elect me to serve as your leader," "I shall take the position by force!"
"Yeah?! Just try it, leather lips!" Rattrap hollered in anger, his finger steady on the trigger.
"Dinobot. Put the rat down... now," "You are not taking leadership of the Maximals, you try it, you will have to deal with me."
"I would do what she says"
"Betta do what they say, Chopper Face, or it's gonna get ugly," he glared at his blue face.

Optimus had been struggling to contact his crew ever since he had disappeared at the standing stones. It was a difficult task because first he had to cope with being trapped inside the alien pod and losing his body, and without that, somehow figure out how to tap into the Axalon's communications and let them know he was still alive. It was a rather ghostly experience. In the end, his determination finally paid off and his voice came through in the Axalon. He just hoped someone was there to listen.

"Maximals, come in! Are you receiving?" Primal's voice was a little distorted by echo, but otherwise, it came in clear despite the distance and his current condition. "Maximal Command Base, this is Optimus!" he announced, hoping he was getting through. He had no doubt that they were struggling with who would take command in his absence, and that Megatron would be showing up soon to take advantage of the situation and try to take control of the Axalon.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:18 pm
by SkyxDB
Maximals, come in! Are you receiving?" "Maximal Command Base, this is Optimus!"
The sound of Optimus' voice took Skyfire by surpise. "Optimus?!" the voice sounded kind of echoie, but she could tell it was coming from the speakers and decided to response. "Are you okay? Where are you?"

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:15 pm
by Night-Hunter
"I would do what she says"
Saber just held Dinobots red stare, she had dealth with bots like Dinobot before and she could do it again.
"Betta do what they say, Chopper Face, or it's gonna get ugly,"
Oh, you have no idea how ugly, Dinobot. Saber thought her ears going back.
"Maximals, come in! Are you receiving?" "Maximal Command Base, this is Optimus!"
Saber turned her shocked gaze over to the sound of Optimus' voice.
No way! Saber thought shocked.
"Are you okay? Where are you?"
Saber was to shocked to agree with Skyfire.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:45 pm
by Tor
"Yeah?! Just try it, leather lips!"
"Dinobot. Put the rat down... now," "You are not taking leadership of the Maximals, you try it, you will have to deal with me."
"I would do what she says"
"Betta do what they say, Chopper Face, or it's gonna get ugly,"
He ignored Saber and Skyfire. Saber almost matched his own angst for being here, but her stubborn, sparkling-like refusal to vote knocked her down a few points in respect. Skyfire was exactly what was supposed to be on the Axalon an explorer; thus, he had no little doubt that he could overpower her without straining a piston.

It was the Vermin whom his attention held. Both his weapons churned furiously on either side of the small spy, intending to come together and grind the pest from both sides at once. Optics bore into Rattrap's, his processor calculating the odds of him shearing up his opponent before his chest armor got blasted. Stalemate, it seemed.
"Maximals, come in! Are you receiving?" "Maximal Command Base, this is Optimus!"
He betrayed his surprise by his brow ridges arching, and a momentary lapse of his whirling weaponry. But he did not lower his weapons nor take his melting gaze off of Rattrap. Distrust of the Maximals still ran strong, yet it was not as pungent as it was the very first day.
"Optimus?!" "Are you okay? Where are you?"
Lip curling in a disappointed leer, Dinobot still remained in a battle stance. Rattrap would have to lower his weapons first. Then, Dinobot could at least have the satisfaction that he was not the one to call off their intended battle.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:29 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"Maximals, come in! Are you receiving?" "Maximal Command Base, this is Optimus!"
Rattrap's glare on Dinobot eased up a little when he heard Primal's voice. Holy swiss cheese! He ain't dead! He was surprised and relieved at the same time, but the stubborn, smelly raptor before him wasn't backing down. So he continued to stand his ground with his pistol targeting him and the former Predacon's weapons surrounding him, ready to slice and dice his little body into pieces, while Skyfire quickly jumped on responding to their leader's plea.
"Optimus?!" "Are you okay? Where are you?"
Optimus was just as comforted to hear Skyfire's voice as they were to hear his. "Hard to say," the Maximal leader answered her. "As near as I can figure, I... I have no body. My consciousness is in tack, but my... my physical molecular structure is being stored and scanned inside the alien probe." Perhaps not the greatest news but he was glad he could tell them anything at all.

The rat was listening closely while he faced Dinobot until he finally had enough. He knew his opponent wasn't going to stand down; the raptor wanted to fight him and kick his skidplate to be leader. And if he wasn't willing to back off and help Optimus, then Rattrap would "surrender" and see to their rightful commander. Releasing his glare and lowering his aim, he stored his gun away and gave Dinobot a dismissive wave as if to say, "Forget this!" Primal was more important. He hurried over to the communication console and rudely pushed Skyfire out of the way. "We'll come an' getchya! Just keep stake," he told their leader.

Optimus knew they would, and he was grateful for that. "Just be aware of a Predacon attack. They'll be after you now that you're outnumbered. If Valkyrie and her team are still salvaging that ship, Megatron may send some of his troops to keep them separated from the Axalon while the rest come after you," he explained. "Rattrap, you're in charge," ordered Primal.

The rat happily but silently cheered with his fists. Surely Dinobot would have to be obey that. Yes! In yer face, Dinobutt!

"I'm sure you worked out the chain of command peacefully," the bodiless Maximal added.

(( OOC: Are the Preds ready to jump in and play with the Minimals? 8) ))

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:48 pm
by SkyxDB
"Hey!" Skyfire responsed when Rattrap pushed her out the way. She could understand that he was glas to hear from Optimus but he didn't have to push her.
"We'll come an' getchya! Just keep stake,"
"Just be aware of a Predacon attack. They'll be after you now that you're outnumbered. If Valkyrie and her team are still salvaging that ship, Megatron may send some of his troops to keep them separated from the Axalon while the rest come after you. "Rattrap, you're in charge."

Skyfire did feel a little surpised that Optimus put Rattrap incharge, but knowing Optimus he most likely had his reasons for it.
"I'm sure you worked out the chain of command peacefully,"
Skyfire covered her mouth to keep herself form letting out a laugh at the last comment, considering how serious the situtation is. But at the same time she couldn't help but find it funny that he said considering that trying figure out chain of command around had been somewhat less than peaceful.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:58 pm
by Night-Hunter
"Hard to say," "As near as I can figure, I... I have no body. My consciousness is in tack, but my... my physical molecular structure is being stored and scanned inside the alien probe."
That's not good. Saber thought.
"We'll come an' getchya! Just keep stake,"
Saber couldn't help but smile at Rattrap, he could be a pain in the aft at times but at least was still loyal.
"Just be aware of a Predacon attack. They'll be after you now that you're outnumbered. If Valkyrie and her team are still salvaging that ship, Megatron may send some of his troops to keep them separated from the Axalon while the rest come after you,"
Saber mentally kicked herself for forgetting about that.
"Rattrap, you're in charge," "I'm sure you worked out the chain of command peacefully,"
Saber snorted with surpressed laughter.
Looks like i didn't have to vote after all. Saber thought.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:54 pm
by Dalgaroth
(okay, okay, here I am. Sorry.

Er, I know Venatrix is already over at the Maximal base, but Megatron didn't say what they'd be doing, as far as I read. Maybe I missed something. SOm I'm going back to the part where he says his plan after dismissing Wasy and Scorpy. Then he'll run off to Maximal base. x333333333 )

Megatron marched towards the ship's exit with the others in tow.

"TERRORSAUR!" he called loudly, and the flyer practically appeared out of the wall to fall into line next to Tarantulas.

Terrorsaur had been hanging around in his room. After destroying the energon at the standing stones earlier, Megatron had confined him to quarters. Of course, that didn't stop the flyer from sneaking out and playing pranks or spying on the other Predacons. Or sitting in Megatron's 'throne' for kicks. The moment he'd heard Megatron come out of the CR chamber he dashed for his room, only to be called like some servant a moment later...

"..This is a perfect opportunity, yeeess," Megatron reflected aloud as he exited the ship. Terrorsaur took to the air just behind him and squawked a couple times out of instinct. Megatron ignored him. "I know just how the weakling Maximals will respond to Optimus's death. Confusion, bickering, recriminations!"

Megatron's tiny hands waved in excitement at the thought of this new turn in the Beast Wars.

"The perfect opportunity for a surprise attack," he finished with vile glee.

He grinned and took off at a run, quickly outlining a general plan of attack.

"You are to focus the bulk of your firepower on the ship's shields and when the Maximals come out to confront us, maintain steady fire at those shields until the Maximals make the first move. Those who find themselves directly involved in a tango are to destroy their dance partner, and those who find themselves with no one to dance with are to destroy the ballroom, yeees!"

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:57 am
by NaitoKage
Tarantulas followed along behind the charging Tyrant listening to his orders, the battle strategy was simple enough. Though he wondered how useful some predacons would be that were unequipped with weaponry suited to such a task. Perhaps it'd just free others up for shooting? Seems good enough.

Arriving at the maximal base, Tarantulas spoke up Tarantulas,terrorize! he then shouted transforming with his claws clicking, he then reached behind himself pulling out his missile launcher and loaded it.

He pointed the launcher at the base and proceeded in firing it at the maximal shield, his leg machine guns then letting off a spray of firepower into the base as well.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:40 pm
by Venatrix
Venatrix stayed in beastmode to stay hidden from the Maximal sensors.
She decided not to attack Dinobot this time, as she knew she wasn't ready for another test of her own abilities compared to his.
She wanted another Maximal to fight.
There where more warriors among the Maximals, Like Optimus Primal. To bad he was already terminated according to Megatron.
Maybe one of the Maximal cats would be obliged to engage her in one on one melee combat.
So she waited patiently.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:17 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Welcome back to the game, Dal! I missed your Megatron. XD ))
Skyfire did feel a little surpised that Optimus put Rattrap incharge, but knowing Optimus he most likely had his reasons for it.
That he did. If he knew them well enough, he was positive Dinobot wanted to take the lead. And although he certainly had the ability, Optimus was afraid his judgement might be clouded by his revenge for Megatron and only focusing on victory; bent on defeating him and his Predacons once and for all. Now, Rattrap didn't trust Dinobot as far as he could throw him, so Primal was certain the smaller Maximal disagreed with the raptor volunteering to take command. Unlike Dinobot, Rattrap would have a clearer goal leading the Maximals; fight the Predacons off and get the ape out of that mysterious probe. Naturally, Optimus had faith in his ability to do just that but he was also aware that the rat might be getting a wake up call. Leadership was not as easy as it may look.
"Just be aware of a Predacon attack. They'll be after you now that you're outnumbered. If Valkyrie and her team are still salvaging that ship, Megatron may send some of his troops to keep them separated from the Axalon while the rest come after you,"
Slag. Optimus was right. Even though he was "kidnapped" by that creepy alien pod with seemingly no way to escape, he was still thinking about everyone else and their well being. How does he do that? There was no way to communicate with Val's team unless they sent someone out to their location, but there was no time for that. They needed everyone that was there right now incase Megatron attacked. However, the trickiest part Rattrap thought would be to get Optimus out of that probe. Fortunately, he knew the right 'bot for the job.
He pointed the launcher at the base and proceeded in firing it at the maximal shield, his leg machine guns then letting off a spray of firepower into the base as well.
Suddenly, a red alarm sounded inside of the Axalon, and the entire command room shook. I hate it when he's right, thought Rattrap. "Didn't take 'em long!" he exclaimed as he held his balance.

Optimus was cut off from communication when Tarantulas struck the base's sheilds with his weapons. There wasn't much more he could do anyway; the situation was left in Rattrap's hands now but Primal knew he would make the right decisions. He just hoped the others would cooperate.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:42 pm
by Dalgaroth
Megatron pulled to a stop just outside the Maximal base. Their shields were up, as he'd expected, and no one was outside. He transformed and fired - they'd be drawn out soon... Even though the shields suspended over the ship, one could make the ship shake from impact. Considering the thing was falling apart as it was, it was possible they might bring something vital inside the ship crashing to its death, possibly killing the Maximals or bringing the shields down for good. Nothing, however, was cut out perfectly when it came to fate, so these were only hopeful possibilities.

Around him, his Predacons took up their various positions and joined the fight.

(( OOC: Filler post, lol..))

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:51 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Sorry I'm so late. Been a bit busy. Since I haven't seen Tor since the last time she posted, I'll quick post for Dinobot's little part to keep the game rolling. Where has everyone else been, anyway? ))
"Rattrap, you're in charge,"
Dinobot simply glared at Rattrap with a snarl after putting his weapons away when the coward forfitted the fight to aid the ape's voice. He would obey Optimus Primal's decision for now, but he would make certain that he would question and disagree with all of Rattrap's as he saw fit. It almost sickened him to be put below that insignificant pest.
"Didn't take 'em long!"
Primal's timing was, indeed, impecable. If there were Predacons after Valkyrie's team, the rest of them seemed to be attacking the Axalon. Perhaps it could be a wonderful opportunity for Dinobot to expell his frustration on Megatron.

"Weeell, Commander?" the raptor emphasized on the last word with a drawn snarl. "What are your orders?" It was difficult to say if Dinobot was trying to hide his patronizing Rattrap's newly acquired rank.

Rattrap frantically attempted to assess the problem and find a solution. Give me a second! Just a second! "Uh... uh... we, uh, w-w-we're scrapped if we sit inside," he thought outloud. "Uh... Prepare... for a sortie!" the temporary Maximal commander announced, throwing his arm in the air.

Dinobot stared down at Rattrap as hard as if the laser beams from his optics were piercing the runt. His order was foolish and on the brink of suicide. "A frontal attack?" he questioned the rat. "Pure madness."