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Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:55 pm
by Dalgaroth

Not bothering to answer Waspinator's words, Terrorsaur swooped in and pulled up to slow his glide with a grin.

"Terrorsaur, TERRORIIIZE!"

Flipping as he transformed into robot mode, he aligned his descent with the rocky outcropping and opened fire. Rather than aim, however, he simply let lasers fly. Maybe he'd hit the rocks and cause them to tumble onto the Maximals. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:44 pm
by Night-Hunter
"Well, Lizard Lips, it's you and your Predhead friends' fault that we're here! I could think of a hundred different places I'd rather be right now than here smellin' your scaly butt."
Rattrap was starting to get on Saber's nerves again but she once again remained silent, she saw how close he was to edge it was so temping to just kick his rodent butt off the ledge but she ignored the urge.
"GRRaaour!" "Heads up!"
Cheetor's alarm made the fur on the back of her neck stand up.
"Slag it! When i said that it was going to be a long day i didn't mean literally." She snarled getting to her feet.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:21 pm
by Tor
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"This comin' from a Predacon,""who aren't much farther ahead in evolution than the animals who live 'ere."
"Well, Lizard Lips, it's you and your Predhead friends' fault that we're here! I could think of a hundred different places I'd rather be right now than here smellin' your scaly butt."
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:
"Are you sure you wanna say that around a Predacon?"
"What's he gonna do?" "He isn't gonna try nothin' on me while being outnumbered."
The Predacon kept his face neutral, an attempt to control his wildly flairing emotions. However as the rat's stream of sewer talk continued, Dinobot's easily riled fury burst forth.

"Feh, you are correct in the sense that I am outnumbered, Vermin,"
he hissed, lowering his head and curving his long neck to look the rat to in the eye. "Whilst I may not survive any retaliation, I would offline with the most satisfying knowledge that it was I who rent your miserable spark from your worthless hide. As for the comment of my factions' evolution, perhaps a ruler would help you measure who is stunted in the respects of growth." His outburst finished, Dinobot recoiled his head, a nasty look on his face.
Blazemane wrote:"GRRaaour!"Heads up!"
A spot of green accompanied by streak of red was visible for a fleeting moment before Dinobot shrieked, "Dinobot MAXIMIZE!" He was the first in battlemode, naturally, his sword combined with his tail shield to create a deadly close-range weapon. Here was a golden oppurtunity to repay his ex-comrades for their lack of spines. He snarled, glaring at the other Maximals, waiting for Primal to give the command to attack.

Dalgaroth wrote: "Terrorsaur, TERRORIIIZE!"
Waspinator glanced over at Terrorsaur, peppered with annoyance that he hadn't replied, and copied his fellow Flyer.

"Wazzpinator, TERRORIZZZZE!" his voicebox emitted a combination of a rattle and buzz before he preformed a saumersault transformation, righting himself in full robot mode. His weapons were definitely not as awe-inspiring as Terror-bot's but they sure could back a mean punch. His false stingers exploded on impact, making the rock face that sheltered the Maximals tremble (Waspinator had meant to actually hit the Maximals, but he never could aim).

His new organic stomach clenched as he witnessed Dinobot's transformation. Waspinator definitely not forgot watching what he had thought was a shooting star while he 'scouted' out the plains. Putting two and two together, he realized that Dinobot was no longer a Predacon. His antennae tittered with a complex mix of emotions, but he kept firing rounds at the Maximals.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:58 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"GRRaaour!" "Heads up!"
Thanks to Cheetor's keen senses again, the group was warned about the incoming flyers. Primal's head shot up to the starry sky and he narrowed his eyes as he focused on the two Predacons. Terrorsaur and Waspinator; just as he suspected.
"Feh, you are correct in the sense that I am outnumbered, Vermin," "Whilst I may not survive any retaliation, I would offline with the most satisfying knowledge that it was I who rent your miserable spark from your worthless hide. As for the comment of my factions' evolution, perhaps a ruler would help you measure who is stunted in the respects of growth."
"Oh yeah? Well, I-" Rattrap got cut off with Cheetor's announcement who had also been interrupted. Slag it! He looked up and saw Dinobot's former friends buzzing around and transforming, ready to fire at them.

"Optimus Primal, maximize!" The gorilla converted from ape to robot, standing next to Dinobot now and preparing himself for battle. "Defensive positions!" he ordered his Maximals.

After maximizing, Rattrap whipped out his gun and looked at Optimus and Dinobot. "Yeah, what about him?" he asked their leader, nudging his head in the raptor's direction and targeting him with his weapon.

Primal stood between Dinobot and Rattrap, briefly holding up his hand as he told the rat, "He's with us!"

"Hey, I ain't buyin' it just 'cause you say so," the Maximal spy said, glaring at Dinobot with his finger on his gun's trigger. Ready to fire, a shot from one of the Predacons that hammered the rocky mountain near Rattrap's shoulder disrupted his concentration and he turned his attention and his gun to the Preds.

With the aerial shots zipping about in their direction, Optimus sought refuge in the shallow cave and somersaulted behind a large boulder for cover, activating his wrist cannons and returning fire at Waspinator and Terrosaur.

Rattrap also took cover behind a boulder just off to the side and behind Primal. He fired several shots at the Preds as they approached.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:00 pm
by Blazemane
Cheetor transformed after seeing many of his comrades do the same. Once the shots started coming in, he found cover behind a sizable boulder. He wasn't going to stick out this time.

He quickly added his quasar fire to the mix of shots zooming towards the Predacons.

But they just wouldn't get hit.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:16 pm
by Dalgaroth
Terrorsaur paused his firing as te Maximals transformed. They'd already proven themselves a threat to the Predacons' mission, but now they had Dinobot actualyl fighting on their side! Unexpected anger welled up at that, but, of course, Terrorsaur knew no fear until he found himself in over his head. As he continued his swoop, he aimed as close to the rat as he could, who seemed to be talking, and fired his shoulder cannons again.

Unfortunately, he didn't hit his intended target, but the shots hit behind the small Maximal, chipping away at the rock. With a smirk, he continued to fire.

Once the Maximals found cover and started shooting back, however, the red Predacon had a harder time keeping his aim, as general as it was. The cliff was getting closer too..

He dodged left, avoiding the various weapons fire headed at him and veered right, cleanly missing the cliff and circling around to come at the Maximals a second time.

(OOC: lol, it always seems to me that when Terrorsaur really puts his mind into aiming, he actually does succeed. xD Also, I'm keep him pretty quiet and introospective since a) He doesn't really get a personality until his stint on the floating mountain, and b) throughout this scene, he and Waspy were pretty quiet compared to later fights. Interesting. :3 ))

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:26 pm
by SkyxDB
"GRRaaour!" "Heads up!"
Skyfire heard Cheetor warning and transformed to help the other. Considering that they outnumbered the two flyer, Skyfire hope that maybe the odds would be in thier favor. She pulled her gun and began to fire.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:44 pm
by Night-Hunter
"Optimus Primal, maximize!" "Defensive positions!"
"Saber-Fang, Maximize!" Once she had converted into her robot form she took out her fully automatic and opened fire on the two flyers, she then realized that she was about the same height as Dinobot.
"Yeah, what about him?"
"He's with us!"
"Hey, I ain't buyin' it just 'cause you say so,"
Saber growled she wanted to reprimand Rattrap but now wasn't the time, they were under attack at the moment and she needed to focus and ignore the rodent.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:04 am
by NaitoKage
Rhinox rears up transforming to his robot mode, then starts to move with the others towards cover while drawing his chaingun. He fired the heavy weapon into the air at the fliers. Slag, just what we need now.. Fliers! With the higher ground they have tactical advantage in this situation. He thought to himself while thinking up a strategy, though the most obvious approach would just be to counter with their own fliers..

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:53 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: :lol: I love Saber's anger toward Rattrap. She's just going to rip his head off soon, isn't she? :wink: ))

While everyone was returning fire at the Predacons, Optimus noticed pieces of some of the ceiling to their shallow cave raining on them a little. If they weren't careful, the whole thing could collapse on them.

When Terrorsaur and Waspinator turned away and the shooting momentarily died down, the Maximal leader turned to the others and commanded, "Hold your fire! We could start an avalanche."

"You crossed your wires?!" Rattrap shouted, watching the fliers turning around in the sky and heading back for them. "They're comin' back!"

Primal turned and looked up at the Predacons. They'd have to stop them before they made matters worse, and to ensure that a avalanche wouldn't happen, he took it upon himself to make an attempt at fighting them off. Not to mention he'd want to make it quick because the closer they got to that energon, the sooner they'd be forced into their beast modes.

Optimus glanced at Rattrap and the other Maximals as he said, "I'll handle this!" And before anyone could argue about it, he smoothly leaped off of the ledge and ignited his prime jets, flying straight at the two Predacon fliers. Tapping a code on his forearm, his shoulder mounted missiles were activated and he targeted his oncoming opponents.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:05 pm
by Venatrix
Venatrix was running different new strategies to use her new alternative mode's abilities in combat when Steelclaw approached her.
Blazemane wrote: Steelclaw allowed himself to fall out of pace with Megatron, and went to Venatrix. While his honest demeanor did sometimes place him as victim to those of less than honest intentions, at least there was a benefit in that he was trusted by anyone. Surely even one so carefully trained as Venatrix wouldn't bear him any ill will just because he approached her, or so he hoped.

"Venatrix- how practically can the martial arts you've learned be applied in combat while you are in your beast mode?" he asked her.
"The first rule in melee oriented combat situations, is to know the extent of abilities you have at your exposal at that time.
Like how the abilities of this new beat-mode of mine could be used best in the situation we will be in when we and the Maximals face off amids those energon crystals.
Then make a calculated guess on what the abilities and weaknesses probably would be of your opponent.
Keep a sharp optic on observing your opponent as he or she attacks you, and find a way to use your beast-mode's abilities best and defeat your opponent.
If you and i would be facing off right now, i'd say your beast-mode is much stronger then mine, so a head on attack would be unwise for me.
My beast-mode, however, has speed and stealth to match your strength.
My stratigy, without knowing your strategy and fighting style, would be to make fast and calculated attacks to try and take out your joints while observing you and ajust my strategy to make my attacks more efficient."

Venatrix never minded to help a comrade in need of some of her experience.
But she always made sure to observe the one she helped more closely to gain more intel to use if he would ever be challenging her for real.
It's the way of the warrior.


Valkyrie was not even half way towards the base, since Wintersong was weigher more then this beast-mode was obviously designed to carry.
"Just hold on. The sooner you are in a CR-chamber, the sooner you'll be back in the fight."

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:18 pm
by Dalgaroth
(( OOC: Kinda unsure if I should post without Waspy...but um...well, I will anyways for now. ))

Terrorsaur was taken aback when the Maximal leader came out alone. He really as a fool!

The red flyer continued towards the mechanoid ape and opened fire once again. He dodged oncoming ammunition, suddenly realizing that those missiles didn't have to hit him to do dama -

He squawked suddenly as his frame sparked. They were all much closer to that energon now, and the buildup had gotten to him fast. But he couldn't switch to beast mode yet, not now. Despite the wrenching pain that pulled at him, he stayed on course, determined to take Primal down.


(OOC: Kind of a redo of MEgatron's post, just to wrap some stuff up for Megatron as Venatrix and I trade hands at him.)
Starshadow: "Megatron, I don't think that would be enough to stop the Minimals." Starshadow watched the fliers took off.
"These days are just getting weirder and weirder..." she muttered to herself and let out a low growl while she rolled her eyes.
"Maximals are easy to deal with if you are skilled enough...I should have brought my army along instead of leaving them in the prison to rust so I can blast their spark chambers, rip their heads and drink their mech fluids." she smiled while following her new comrades.
Megatron slowed his stride and turned to face Starshadow.

"They are not meant to stop them, no. Two flyers against one should be a fair fight, so to speak, but Optimus Primal has his fellow Maximals to offer assistance. Their attack will hopefully slow them down enough and scout their position - if you haven't noticed, we can no longer see across the canyon."

He pointed with a small claw before his tone hardened.

"And I do not care what you think will be effective against Maximals, Starshadow. I am leader of the Predacons. YOU are NOT. Do not question my orders again."

With that, he spun around and continued his obsessed pace, every stomp a stomp closer to aquiring that energon![/quote]

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:11 pm
by Tor
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"I'll handle this!"
"Incoming!!!" Waspinator shrieked, the end of he outcry turning into a pained buzz. The size and potiency of the crystal had kicked his hiny into overload faster than Waspinator had guessed (it was probably a far-off estimate, anyway). He veered away, looking to Terrorsaur while jerking his head back to Megatron a clear message 'Wazzpinator wants to go baaack.'


Dinobot sneered at Rattrap, is processor making the necessary adjustments to his optic weaponry so they were at full power, enough to keep those pesky Flyers grounded. For good.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:28 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
Optimus, intentionally not wanting to hit the Predacons directly as it seemed unnecessary, fired off two missiles that ended up exploding right behind the fliers as they began shorting out because of the energon fields. He never wavered from his path of flight as their shots skimmed by his body, narrowly missing him, since the energon surges probably disrupted their aim. Primal saw it as the end of their attack now that they had no choice but to revert back to their beast modes, or fall to a painful crash.

Rattrap kept watch of their fearless leader buzzing around with those ugly Predacons, glancing at Dinobot every so often to make sure he wasn't planning on firing at him since he was an easy target out there.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:47 pm
by una
Venatrix wrote:Venatrix was running different new strategies to use her new alternative mode's abilities in combat when Steelclaw approached her.
Blazemane wrote: Steelclaw allowed himself to fall out of pace with Megatron, and went to Venatrix. While his honest demeanor did sometimes place him as victim to those of less than honest intentions, at least there was a benefit in that he was trusted by anyone. Surely even one so carefully trained as Venatrix wouldn't bear him any ill will just because he approached her, or so he hoped.

"Venatrix- how practically can the martial arts you've learned be applied in combat while you are in your beast mode?" he asked her.
"The first rule in melee oriented combat situations, is to know the extent of abilities you have at your exposal at that time.
Like how the abilities of this new beat-mode of mine could be used best in the situation we will be in when we and the Maximals face off amids those energon crystals.
Then make a calculated guess on what the abilities and weaknesses probably would be of your opponent.
Keep a sharp optic on observing your opponent as he or she attacks you, and find a way to use your beast-mode's abilities best and defeat your opponent.
If you and i would be facing off right now, i'd say your beast-mode is much stronger then mine, so a head on attack would be unwise for me.
My beast-mode, however, has speed and stealth to match your strength.
My stratigy, without knowing your strategy and fighting style, would be to make fast and calculated attacks to try and take out your joints while observing you and ajust my strategy to make my attacks more efficient."

Venatrix never minded to help a comrade in need of some of her experience.
But she always made sure to observe the one she helped more closely to gain more intel to use if he would ever be challenging her for real.
It's the way of the warrior.

Keeping his pace near his leader, he looked behind to see the conversation between Venatrix and Steelclaw. He only eavesdropped on half of the conversation but that was enough information to know her speech patterns mirror that of the treacherous velcioraptor which he removed, gladly, from Megatron's sight. That's what that raptor gets for calling Megatron an idiot.

Venatrix did hang around Dinobot alot and just for that he might have to watch out for her just in case she follows Dinobot's example. He will make sure that he would be ready if that day comes but for now, she was loyal and he will leave her alone.

Megatron slowed his stride and turned to face Starshadow.

"They are not meant to stop them, no. Two flyers against one should be a fair fight, so to speak, but Optimus Primal has his fellow Maximals to offer assistance. Their attack will hopefully slow them down enough and scout their position - if you haven't noticed, we can no longer see across the canyon."

He pointed with a small claw before his tone hardened.

"And I do not care what you think will be effective against Maximals, Starshadow. I am leader of the Predacons. YOU are NOT. Do not question my orders again."

With that, he spun around and continued his obsessed pace, every stomp a stomp closer to aquiring that energon!
Scorponok clicked his pincers at Starshadow. She was lucky Megatron was too focused on the energon not to punish her severely.