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Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:31 am
by NaitoKage
Blazemane wrote:A cannibalistic, serial killing crab, too.

What's the difference between that and a vampire? One's a bat. *LOL*

Yeah, I'm thinking a low ranking. Not only does the guy seem dysfunctional, he probably isn't much of a team player. Maybe a 4 or 5. I think the only one could keep a guy like that in line would be Megatron.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:28 am
by Alak
NaitoKage wrote:the guy seem dysfunctional, he probably isn't much of a team player.
*strokes chin*

This sounds familiar...

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:35 am
by NaitoKage
Okay, MORE dysfunctional then every other Predacon.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:54 am
by una
NaitoKage wrote:You do know that the highest for fangirl bait on this website is Rampage, Depthcharge, and Dinobot right? So while many of the Predacons are smart enough not to, apparently alot of fan girls would love to pucker up with a crab. :P
I know I know XDDD I'm not one of them. XDD

If it means kissing someone to get energon, Parasite will do it. And thanks for an idea! Maybe his lips can drain too! XDDDDDDDD I got to add that! XD

No more shame at all he has! XDDDD

A cannibalistic, serial killing crab, too.
Again, no shame!
NaitoKage wrote:Okay, MORE dysfunctional then every other Predacon.
Really? Dang! I like it! XDD

Are his stats okay guys? Is there anything too high or too low?

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:08 pm
by Alak
Speaking of which, your stat total is 46. You have the right idea with distribution, though.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:34 pm
by una
Yeah but I heard that the Transmetals are going up to 50. Right? I think.

Parasite will be a Transmetal since he will be in Season 2.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:24 pm
by Alak
If he's Transmetal, then 46 is too low. He'd also need a vehicle mode, unless if there's a precedent of a canon character being Transmetal and not having a vehicle mode.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:12 pm
by una
I'm still thinking of the vehicle mode. I was at first going for a motorcycle but I want to still think about it first.

(I'm glad I posted this character before Season 2. Gives me enough time to get him together XDD)

I better pick up his stats.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:34 pm
by NaitoKage

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:41 pm
by una
Oh dang! XD Never seen those before!

Thanks, NK!


I like the last one!

Also, I think tomorrow I will repost his bio to set up the completed verison. If I think I have everything ready and knowing my mind, I will probably be adding more stuff XDD

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:14 am
by NaitoKage
Alrighty. It seems Vena updated her character to carry a gun. While normally that wouldn't be a problem, she originally only had a firepower of 1(Not sure as to why as she didn't have a gun, so you technically couldn't have a firepower rating), and having her swap between strength and firepower seems a bit weird, specially when her strength being that low would mean she'd have trouble holding her sniper rifle.

So I've taken some "liberties" here with setting her stats. If she likes them then she can use them, or try to figure something else out, but I can't exactly leave them like this. I'm sure Blazemane would agree.

I also edited some things so they're easier to read or clearer to understand. I'm not editing the history however, I did update the weaknesses since she carries a gun now so the last part is no longer valid. Anyway, when season 2 hits, you can get those three points back into your skill stat if you want if your not going transmetal, or put them else where. Hrm.. guess I should do some art up of her sometime. :P

A Santoryu gunblade user, certainly different!

Name: Venatrix
Functions: Special Ops
Faction: Predacons
Rank: Predacon special forces
Motto: "I'm the Predator,guess who's my prey?"

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 7
Speed: 7
Endurance: 5
Rank: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Skill: 7

Physical Discription:
Black panther. Compleetly black, accept for her yellow eyes. Practicly invisible at night.
-Robot mode: Mostly black, with some grey parts. Yellow optics.

Venatrix is a true predator. Having almost an endless source of patience, she can stalk her prey till the perfect moment comes she can strike. She also had special training in armed and unarmed combat. In other words, she's quite deadly with, or without her weapons. She also has remarkible skills as a field Medic as she can take care of nearly any wound that she or her teammates gain, without using any special equipment. Her unique tracking and stalking abilities make her a very good spy or scout. When she stalks, she is unable to even hear herself moving. Her senses are nearly perfect. Besides these skills, she's smart, fast, agile, and very calculating.

-Twin blades (robotmode).
These blades are customized blades, made for Venatrix. The blades themselves aren't much different then any other cybertronian blade, however, her skills in wielding them is masterful.

-Longsword/Semi-automatic sniper rifle
This longsword was rather odd appearance. Where there should be sharp edges on the sword's edges,instead there lay fabricated gaps between a few inches below the tip and a few inches above the hilt. Within these gaps she could activate dense energy beams which could cut through a rock or even cybertronian armor with relative ease. Besides being a energy sword, it could also be transformed into a semi-automatic sniper rifle.

In snipermode it can fire short and dense energy beams that can burn a hole in nearly any piece of armor from a large distanse.
When the semi-automatic mode is activated, it fires 5 short, but powerful beams of energy every second.These beams aren't calibrated to be leathal, and can be used in situations where she needs place cover fire, or in possible anti-air situations.
Venatrix used to be a ranged specialist in her asassin days, and is very skilled in using both the sword and rifle mode.
When the beam has been turned off, she can use the sword to knock her opponents out, like a club.

-Claws (both modes).
Both in Beastmode as in Robot mode her claws are her primary weapons when she's not using her blades in bot mode. Combined with her unarmed skills, these claws are a force to recon with.

-Teeth/jaw (Beastmode).
Her razorsharp teeth, and powerfull jaws make it almost impossible to escape critical injuries when she has her prey within her claws.

Venatrix is a very complex female. Hard to bond with, and hard to read her. But when you get her to talk, she has a tendency to be nice..... sometimes.

Venatrix has been part of the Predacon Special Forces for some time. The Predacon council usualy send her kind to do all their dirty work. Assassination, Black-Ops, etc. She had done some missions side by side with the infamous Ravage. They used to make a good team together, having him take on the targets at long range, while she takes the short ranged targets, and guard eachothers backs constantly this way.
Their cooperation didn't last how ever, since his skills where needed elsewhere , and they never seen eachother since.
After that she usualy worked alone.
Eventualy she was starting to get bored with the concept, and didn't feel that her skills where used in her current missions.
Not untill she reseaved the latest mission.
Infiltrate the rougue group of Predacons under the leadership of Megatron.
However, on the first day of going undercover, she was found out by Dinobot, and desided to take him out as her mission orders surgested.
However, she didn't count on the fact that Dinobot was more of a warrior, like herself, but stronger and more experianced.
She was disarmed rather quickly, and was about to be terminated when Megatron stepped in and stopped Dinobot.
He gave her the option of joining him, or go offline.
Given it llittle thought, she desided to join Megatron's forces, and ended up helping Dinobot with stealing the golden disks.

Venatrix desided to follow Megatron not for his carisma or plans, but to learn from Dinobot, and become a much more skilled warrior then she already was.
She challenged him often to a dual, and lost every single one of them.
She learned a lot from these duals, and became more and more difficult for Dinobot to beat.
Eventhough he would never admit it out loud, she was starting to get stronger, and he knew she had him teaching her his skills, sharing his knowlage of being a warrior, unwillingly. And he let her.

Venatrix has learned the way of the warrior from Dinobot, and also inherited his weakness, his honor.
She would never attack her opponent when he or she is unarmed.
Surprise attacks were originally her specialty before she met Dinobot,but now she wont even consider attacking someone without giving them a chance to fight back.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:53 am
by Venatrix
Thank you NS. The specs look good.

And if you wanna draw something cool, perhaps you could draw Valkyrie as well :P

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:12 pm
by Blackrosefencer
Okay, here it is, my OC. It is a character I've developed for my fanfictions. I wasn't really sure what you were looking for with the sample post.

And I usually do the "learned the ways of the warrior from Dinobot...weakness is her honor" for this character. That's the way it is in the fanfic I wrote with this character....but it appears someone beat me to the punch with that I left it out....

NAME: Arachnitron
FUNCTION: Spy, Scout and Hacker
ALTERNATE MODE: Black Widow Spider
HEIGHT: 5 feet

RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]


Technically speaking, Arachnitron is both Predacon and Maximal. Arachnitron is a descendant of the line of Megatrons and a descendant of the line of Primes. Though she has descendants of both factions, Predacon tampering of her genetic code limited her access to any of the traits she inherited from her Prime side. So, for all intents and purposes, Arachnitron aligns herself with the Predacons.

Arachnitron was an experiment gone wrong. It was an attempt to find out if a hybrid of both factions could be possible. One hypothesis suggested that a hybrid, for lack of a better word, would inherit the strengths from each faction and be a super-Predacon. What really happened was that the opposing personality traits caused the protoform to be mentally unbalanced. The only course of action was to rewrite her genetic code in a way that would limit her access to the opposing traits. So the Predacons made it so that the Maximal genetic codes were mostly inaccessible. The traits she can access don’t really affect her conscience or moral code. Of course, this information cannot be found in any of Cybertron’s archives. Most of the information was destroyed when Arachnitron was mainstreamed into the regular Predacon population.

After the experiment was completed, Arachnitron was placed in a Predacon orphanage. She is highly intelligent, but the orphanage provided little to no stimulation. She grew bored easily and incessantly caused trouble for her superiors. In her twelfth cycle, she ran away to an academy to learn to be a spy and scout.

After her training, she spent several cycles as a Predacon spy on Cybertron and then left Cybertron with a renegade band of Preds.


Usually Arachnitron uses her Energon pistol or her cybervenom which can temporarily paralyze her opponents. Once in a while she will use hand-to-hand combat.

Inside a compartment in wrist she keeps some tools needed for her trade as a spy: Bugging devices, screwdrivers, and a small drill and it can serve as a place for storage. She also has explosives in the other wrist compartment.

Aside from being very intelligent, Arachnitron is strong-willed and courageous, and skilled in the art of stealth. She is also cunning and manipulative. Since she mostly keeps to herself, she is an excellent spy and her high intelligence makes being a hacker a breeze.


Being of two opposing lineages has caused some mental disturbances in the young Predacon especially in her earlier days which is why the experimentation was stopped. Limiting her core computer’s access to the Maximal traits in her genetic code has solved most of her problems. She still has some bi-polar tendencies and severe damage to her identity chip and personality circuits.

Also, aside from her high intelligence, courage and skill, she is fairly average at everything else. She is a slow runner with only average endurance. She does not do an extensive amount of damage with her weaponry which is why her skills are better put to use as a hacker or scout. And as with a lot of bots with high intelligence, she sometimes finds herself lacking stimulation and causing trouble…and even sometimes underestimating her opposition.


From her place behind a large pile of rubble, Arachnitron could see the action of the battle well; Maximals on one side, Predacons on the other. It was a pointless battle, but then, that was the whole point. Her orders were to retrieve some important information from the data consoles in the Maximals’ base. The small skirmish was merely a diversion.

As soon as the Preds and Maximals looked fairly well occupied, Arachnitron made her move. She crept silently from her hiding place and crawled unseen to the Maximal base.

When she reached the base, she opened her wrist compartment and pulled out a small screwdriver. She knew Cybertronian built ships had a maintenance hatch so she used the screwdriver to open the hatch and crawl in.

Once inside she ran over to the consoles, downloaded the data, hid the data disk in her arm compartment and slid back out of the maintenance hatch. She screwed the metal plating back on and crept back into the bushes.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:32 pm
by NaitoKage
They beat you to the punch on the Maximal Predacon hybrid thing too. Lets see here.. Stats are fine, weapons and equipment looks fine as well. Background, the Prime linage thing is a little weird, but eh. I guess that means technically she'd be related to Optimus Primal.. in some strange distant relation.

I see no problems at all, though I imagine you may find this character becomes a bit bored, while there is plenty of sneaking to do, it's fairly rare that anyone has opportunity to do any hacking.. and there are ALOT of hackers/spys in the Predacons.

I'd say Rank 6.

Do you have any preference for how your character shows up in game wise? So far the most common methods being in a stasis pod, though as your character already has a predacon background either one of the random Criminal stasis pods which fell onto the planet already, it's not unknown for some predacons to have been wandering lost and then discovered. Other option is a spaceship, though that usually will lead to a episode mission. But any suggestions or desires you may have for joining I would be interested in hearing.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:55 pm
by Blackrosefencer
NaitoKage wrote:They beat you to the punch on the Maximal Predacon hybrid thing too. Lets see here.. Stats are fine, weapons and equipment looks fine as well. Background, the Prime linage thing is a little weird, but eh. I guess that means technically she'd be related to Optimus Primal.. in some strange distant relation.
Well that was the idea of the experimentation.....obviously to get the best traits of each faction, one would need the best lineages, right? At least that's how it works in my mind. Prime and Megatron would be the best there is. It kind of makes her semi-related to Megatron too. Like a long lost sister...or daughter....strange thought....

Maybe it was more accurate to say that she is NEITHER Predacon nor Maximal....

Well, I can work on it and change it around since it's been done already. I mean it doesn't have to match the fanfic exactly obviously. lol.
NaitoKage wrote:I see no problems at all, though I imagine you may find this character becomes a bit bored, while there is plenty of sneaking to do, it's fairly rare that anyone has opportunity to do any hacking.. and there are ALOT of hackers/spys in the Predacons.
Well, I did that way because the stats were so low in strength and firepower, but I can change things around depending on what is needed in the Pred lines. I just have to rearrange the stats a bit. I mean it wouldn't make sense that someone out on the front lines would have low firepower, right? Anyway, let me know what's needed for Pred troops.
NaitoKage wrote:Do you have any preference for how your character shows up in game wise? So far the most common methods being in a stasis pod, though as your character already has a predacon background either one of the random Criminal stasis pods which fell onto the planet already, it's not unknown for some predacons to have been wandering lost and then discovered. Other option is a spaceship, though that usually will lead to a episode mission. But any suggestions or desires you may have for joining I would be interested in hearing.
Well, a spaceship would work. Or with the experimentation idea, if we stuck with that, it could easily be an experiment gone wrong that one of the Preds in the game was working on....I can make the bio sound a little less like it happened on Cybertron then it'd be up for grabs with whomever wanted to experiment. Someone in an earlier post regarding Manterror said something about cloning...maybe we could go with that idea instead and make Arachnitron a cloning experiment by Blackarachnia or Tarantulas or something. Another idea....maybe Megatron could be experimenting to see how he could improve his bloodline so he got Tarantulas to lead the experiment and Tarantulas made the protoform into a spider and mixed his genetic codes in unbeknownst to Megatron. So instead she'd have genetic codes from Megatron and Unicron instead of Megatron and Prime. It'd make it a little different than the pred/maxi hybrid that seems to have been done already.