Thanks for adding me, Cheetor! I just caught up with that MSN stuff. ^.^ I prefer RPing at boards because it gives me more time to reply. The hours I can spend on here during the week are very limited so it's much easier for me to roleplay that way than it is on a chat that's constantly moving and whatnot. I agree, though, that a lot more gets done with a chat than a board.
Okay, guys. Here's list of characters that are
taken. And this is only from everyone that I've gathered here. I don't know if StarGazer has any others that she's been in contact with. She still hasn't replied to me about the board link but she's probably busy with a lot right now, so please be patient.
Characters taken or claimed (waiting for approval from SG):
Optimus Primal
Depth Charge
Darkshadow: You're welcome. I e-mailed her today saying you were interested most in playing Tarantulas. That's good because we need more Predacons.
Sapphire: As far as I know, Rattrap is
not taken. So, if you'd like to play him, grab him while you can. I think he's one of the characters which we need to start the game with. However, because we do need more Predacons, I told SG in the same e-mail with Ds's, that you were interested in both but may be leaning toward Rampage more since Ds said you could have him. I also mentioned that you were cramped for time.
Rakshash: I don't believe Dinobot has been taken. It would be awesome if you played him. However, I don't remember if SG was specific with which Dinobot she wanted. But does it really matter?
For those of you asking about how many times would be required to post; I don't believe SG has a limit. Normally, during a typical message board RPG, if your character is interacting with another character, you don't post again unless the other has replied to your post or unless another character interrupts and starts interacting with yours. During battles, it's especially careful to take turns responding to those who attack your character. You have to give them a chance to respond for their character's defense before you decide to stab them or pull their arm off. You also cannot control another player's character at any time during the game unless they have given you permission. So, really, posting can be fast or it can be slow. Those who think they won't have as much time will obviously be slower to posting then those who can be on almost every day. But since it's common courtesy to wait and let the other character react if it's interacting with yours, some things can take longer than other things going on at the same time. Does that make sense? It's almost as if you can post at your own leisure, so long as you're not ignoring another character or replying too many times. I know StarGazer will have rules posted, so whenever she gives us the link everyone can check those out.
Message board RPG's also give you the chance to elaborate on writing. Like me, I tend to type out a lot of stuff that could be going on with Primal. What he's thinking, how he's feeling, explanations I
could have him say but instead keep it so that other players have an idea what I'm trying to do---they just need to keep in mind that he didn't actually say it, it's just info I'm telling to let them know what to expect. In other words, the palyer knows what's going on but the character they're playing shouldn't until it happens. That's something else I like more about board games than games in chats; you can say so much more with all the time you need to say it and you're not really holding anyone up.
I hope that's understandable, heh. If not, give a shout.
Also, for those of you haven't yet, PLEASE, e-mail StarGazer. She has all of the info you're often asking for. Again, her e-mail is Even if you aren't sure of joining yet, ask her your questions and she'll probably be able to give you answers that I cannot. Okay? Thank you, everyone!!! Keep posting here if you need something else.