Optimus batted off a few more shots with his maces that had directly hit their targets when he felt a tug on his spark. He had been so focused with his training that he hadn't even noticed Whitegrazer and Saber-Fang's presence.
A smile came to his shiny, blue face and he waved awkwardly to Whitegrazer with one of the maces in his hands, however the distraction caused one of the automated guns to hit him in the shoulder. Although it was set to stun, the force knocked him backwards and his hover board automatically deactivated, allowing him to land with a little more flexibility by separating his beast mode's legs and feet. But he still fell back on his skidplate with a tingling sensation down his arm and shoulder, sighing to himself. "Cease fire," he ordered the guns as if they should've known that it was a time-out, and they disengaged at his command as he got to his feet."It might be better to test your abilities on a real bot. " "I volunteer."
Walking over to greet the two femmes, he stood before them and looked at Whitegrazer with a smile, wiggling his arm a little since it felt like it had fallen asleep. "I accept your challenge."
"How have you been fairing, Saber-Fang?" Primal asked her, hoping she was on the mend and feeling better than she had a few days ago. He and Rhinox still worried about the beast inside her and still tried thinking of a way to help her, much like in Arachnitron's case. But they had found no solutions for either situation yet.
The Spy's body jumped at a noise, awakening him from his slumber. Was that a knock at his door? It couldn't be. Everyone knew to leave Rattrap alone when he was able to sleep in. But then it came again. So annoying! "Unless you're de masseuse I ordered, beat it!" the grumpy rat grumbled as he rolled over on to his stomach and laid there with his eyes closed, trying to ignore the knocks and hoping the bot would go away.
"Good morning, Frilla," the engineer greeted her with a smile and glance at her over his shoulder as she entered from the roof hatch. "So, how has the new body been treating you so far?" inquired Rhinox."Morning Rhinox."
He chuckled at her observation and said, "In some situations I wish I were smaller and quicker like you, but where we lack in one thing, we make up for with another. It's what makes us unique in our abilities and functions.""Maximize." "You know think the one thing I'd like from this transmetal form was perhaps a growth spurt. But guess I can only keep dreaming."
"ATTENTION: Stasis pod activation detected," Sentinel announced.
This surprised Rhinox but he was also relieved to know that some pods were still functional after their forced entry to the planet from their safe hibernation in its orbit. "Location," he demanded.
"Sector Zeta three-three-five," answered the Axalon's computer.
"Optimus, a pod has been activated in sector Zeta," the rhinoceros alerted their leader through his comm. link.
"Zeta," Primal mused for a moment, glancing from Saber to Whitegrazer. "Have Cheetor, Aerostriker, Silverstreak and Feralnight investigate. Surely the Predacons will make a move on it." ((OOC: Silverbolt and Rattrap might join them later if they need back-up unless something else comes up elsewhere.))
"Agreed." Switching frequencies, Rhinox called to those four. "Cheetor, Aerostriker, Silverstreak and Feralnight, there has been a stasis pod activation in sector Zeta three-three-five. Optimus wants you to investigate and interfere with the Predacons only if necessary. We can't be sure if it's hostile or not, so proceed with caution."