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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »

Phoenix: Ya. The two new Batman movies were great (Dark Knight is still the best comic book movie to date IMO :D ). Watchmen and V for Vendetta are just behind those two. On the subject of psychological thrillers, I think my personal favourite is Seven. "Whats in the booox?!" chilling :mrgreen:

Beastbot: :lol: The other one I like for 300 is on Youtube (stupid not having access at work otherwise I would post link). Search for "its raining men" / "300." Tears in my eyes cause I was laughing so hard :D

Blackrosefencer: Thats great to hear that you're enjoying it. I've always envied foilists because they can go around saying "curses foiled again" #looks around as tumbleweed rolls by then explodes at the sheer lameness of joke# I've still got it :mrgreen: Very impressive on having both archery and fencing! I tried archery once at camp during high school. Lets just say that my combat skills are currently limited to close range or to quote the slag spoutin saurian "I prefer to beat my opponents the old fashioned way.... GRAMMATICALLY!" that's the quote right? :mrgreen:

Razor: Really awesome to see that you are really enjoying the Kendo. Its funny how fencing has the white gear and kendo has the black. #forsees future epic battle at the top of Cloud City# "Silver, I am not your father! So stop asking for CHILD SUPPORT!" :D Yeah, I can understand the pain of being hit in the hand. My old coach and I once used broomsticks and had a staff fight. Being hit in hand with any fencing sword hurts quite a bit. Being hit in hand with a thick bit of wood = major ouchies. Much respect for the kendo :mrgreen:
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

Yes dear...
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