2.) Well, firstly, we decided early on, maybe before or only slightly into the beginning of the first episode, that there would be a few episodes we would skip. "The Web" was one of them. But that just makes it an even longer time between "Beast Wars Part 2" and "Equal Measures" which would give more, not less, probability to your suggestion. At any rate, I suppose there was a lot we didn't figure out, so it certainly isn't inconceivable for you to come in between episodes. I just... honestly don't know. A lot didn't work the way it was supposed to. Many people who suggested ways of introducing O.C.'s (mostly to the effect of "as few stasis pods as possible) got really busy with other things in life, and well, I suppose a lot of the structure is missing with them.2) There's a 1 month gap between "Beast Wars" and "The Web". Is there a possibility of introducing more OC's and possibly minor/insignificant missions and stories during that gap?
3) Sorry for looking too far ahead, but will there be stat upgrades (surpassing the 45 pt. limit) once Season 2 hits us with transmetals?
It might be beneficial to just ask anyone here who still wants to be involved, where we are, and if we still want to head in the same direction planned in the beginning stages, etc.
On a side note, how did you figure out there's a month's time between "Beast Wars Part 2" and "The Web"?
3.) I really hope that's the plan. Characters got more powerful in season 2. It would stand to reason that O.C.'s should be able to keep up. Same thing, again, for season 3.