Character Bios 2.0

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by starshadow »

Tor, i was thinking the requirement of 45 is really tough so if i can request you to increase the stats requirement alittle about 46 to 48 maybe?
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Unread post by Tor »

Starshadow: No can do, sorry. You have to understand that we can't change the rules to accommodate just one person. Its 45 or bust. And about the rotating weapons... I'm going to say no. I think a limit of 3 guns should be good. To make up for that, be creative and make a really kick @$$ gun.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

I think a limit of 3 guns should be good.
Do you want me to get rid of one of mine then? I have four. Of course, my character is a munitions expert, but still, what do you think?
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by transformersvoice »

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Unread post by xCubicZirconia »

(I'm gonna try this but I've never really made a profile for my ocs so tell me what I need to work on...and tell me if she sounds mary sue *sweatdrop* I'm a no0b at profile writing, bear wit meh. Ok here goes.)

NAME: Autumn
FUNCTION: Medic/Warrior
ALTERNATE MODE: Margay/Wild cat
HEIGHT: Robot Mode - 5'0
QUOTE: "Meow!"

RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: Autumn comes to Earth by accident when a small battle took place on Cybertron. Allspark, her sister that betrayed the family, threw her into a stasis pod and launched it into space expecting it to kill her. Inside the pod she blacked out but somehow ended up on Earth in the past where the Maximals were and met Cheetor, who later became her love interest and sparkmate. She's very hyper and cheerful but if one makes her angry they're going to have one mean fight on their hands. She says 'meow' almost everytime she speaks to someone.

WEAPONS/ABILITIES: Her tail turns into a whip and she has two short swords on each side of her belt.

WEAKNESSES: She always tries to help, sometimes being tricked by the Predicons. She's easily distracted by random things like bugs, flowers, small animals, etc.

SAMPLE POST: The small cat was dozing in a tree when the sky clouded up and began to drop rain onto the earth below. She was awakened by a drip of water falling onto her nose, which startled her so she transformed into beast mode with her two short swords out in front of her, "Oh! It's just rain, meow..." With those words, Autumn decided to run back to base before the storm became worse.

(*shrug* I need to fix anything? Does it sound good or bad?)
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Unread post by Tor »

Blazemane wrote:
I think a limit of 3 guns should be good.
Do you want me to get rid of one of mine then? I have four. Of course, my character is a munitions expert, but still, what do you think?
Hmmm... you ARE the munitions expert, and I trust you won't abuse having four guns. Steelclaw can have four guns.

CZ: Your profile is a good foundation. Somethings you can improve on, your stats only go to 39.5, which is fine, but I just wanted you to know you have 5.5 stat points left. Since you kinda didn't mention anything about being medically inclined, how's about she just be a warrior? Besides that, your character looks pretty good.

A consideration for roleplaying: Try to make your posts five sentences or longer. If you just post 'Dinotor laughed, nodding.' that doesn't really get the RP going.

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Unread post by Venatrix »

Name: Valkyrie

Functions: Stratigist / Historian / Ace
Faction: Maximals
Rank: Axalon CEO / Recon / Pilot
Motto: "Knowlage is my greatest weapon. You'd be wise not to underestimate it."

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 10
Speed: 6
Endurance: 5
Rank: 8
Courage: 6
Firepower: 5
Skill: 8

Physical Discription:
-Beastmode: Philippine Eagle (Picture is coming)

-Robotmode: (Still working on it)

Valkyrie is a fast flyer in robot mode, but even faster in beastmode.
Her greatest abilitie is her mind. She can process situations much faster then other bots, and come up with the best way to deal with situations almost instantly.
Besides by smart and wise, she can hold her own with her nearly ancient hand-to-hand combat style.

In beastmode, she has her powerful wings, strong beak, and sharp talons to attack her opponents with.
In robotmode, she can hold her own with hand-to-hand combat, and feather missles shot from her wings. These missles are smaller and less powerful then those from Silverbolt.
on her wrists she has 2 rapid firing vulkan guns which fire armor piercing bullets out of each of the 3 barreled guns.
Her cunning mind is her most powerful weapon. She hardly ever lost a stratigy game.
She also has the ability to use her wings as shields, and is able to absorb a decent amount of energy and kinetic attacks.
Megatron's tail-rocked launcher, or inferno's guns are strong enough to get past her wing shields.
Valkyrie only uses her wings as shields as a last ditch effort to defend herself or somebody else, for when they get hit, it hurts her as much as any other part of her body.

Valkyrie is a calm and easy bot to talk to. And her wisdom is aften usd by her comrades when they need advise. Even Rhinox and Optimus see her more as a teacher then an officer.
She loves flying, for when she flies, she has little to think about but the sky.
She enjoyes observing the younger bots fooling around.

Nothing is known about Valkyrie before she joined the Axalon crew, and only Optimus Primal, as the ranking officer of this exploration quest, knows about it in some detail.
Maximal archioligists found an ancient spark inside some soort of containment unit. They estimate its age to be around the time the first known Transformers where being created.
Maximal scientists tried to unluck the secrets of the spark, but failed as the spark's health deteriorated each time it was released from the containment unit.
This spark was surprisingly weak, while it's power output was huge.
They desided it was to dangerous for them to continue the research, and had the spark injected into a protoform with a unit specialy designed to keep this spark functional.
Valkyrie was born.
The maximal scientists where shocked by the huge quantities of data she could process and store, and in no-time, she was concidered smarter then any of the scientists working on her.
Soon she was accepted as a Maximal, and joined the Maximal space exploration program.
She went on the maiden gvoyage of the Axalon maany years before she even met Optimus Primal.

Valkyrie's spark holds her memories and personality, as well as the ability to process all the commands needed to move her body.
But her spark is far to advanced for the Maximal body it was given, and it sometimes is unable to follow the commands given by her spark correctly.
This causes her to get hit while she could've easily dodged an attack, or simply freeze up, and is forced to reset her body like resetting a computer after it crashed.
(More details will be revealed in due time... Yesssss)

Sample post:
After her latest glitch, Valkyrie hooked herself up onto her personalised observation monitor, where she could read the latest set of errors bugging her core processor.
Not realy a core processor. But more like system to have her spark function properly to control this modified body.
Though not perfect, noting the bugs an d glitches that keep popping up, it was better then all the other attemps the Maximal scientist made to have her spark function with a Maximal protoform properly.

Then her intercome buzzed with the voice of her new commanding officer's voice asking her to come up to the bridge and do the last pre-flight tests on the Axalon with the rest of the crew.
Valkyrie replied back to the bridge, to Optimus Primal.
"I'm on my way sir. Just need to finnish the last few settings on syncronisation of my body to my mind."

She was worried however, that these glitches will become more frequent, and more serious in time.
To her calculations, they might even result in a complete shotdown eventualy.
But that wont happen today.
She disconnected herself from the device, and closed her chest plating after removing the wiring, and left her quarters to once again play her role as the ship's CEO.
Last edited by Venatrix on Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Name: Venatrix
Functions: Special Ops
Faction: Predacons
Rank: Predacon special forces
Motto: "I'm the Predator,guess who's my prey?"

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 7
Speed: 7
Endurance: 5
Rank: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Skill: 7

Physical Discription:
Black panther. Compleetly black, accept for her yellow eyes. Practicly invisible at night.
-Robot mode:
Mostly black, with some grey parts. Yellow optics.

Venatrix is a true predator. Having almost an endless source of patience, she can stalk her prey till the perfect moment comes she can strike. She also had special training in armed and unarmed combat. In other words, she's quite deadly with, or without her weapons. She also has remarkible skills as a field Medic as she can take care of nearly any wound that she or her teammates gain, without using any special equipment. Her unique tracking and stalking abilities make her a very good spy or scout. When she stalks, she is unable to even hear herself moving. Her senses are nearly perfect. Besides these skills, she's smart, fast, agile, and very calculating.

-Twin blades (robotmode)
These blades are customized blades, made for Venatrix. The blades themselves aren't much different then any other cybertronian blade, however, her skills in wielding them is masterful.

-Longsword/Semi-automatic sniper rifle
This longsword was rather odd appearance. Where there should be sharp edges on the sword's edges,instead there lay fabricated gaps between a few inches below the tip and a few inches above the hilt. Within these gaps she could activate dense energy beams which could cut through a rock or even cybertronian armor with relative ease. Besides being a energy sword, it could also be transformed into a semi-automatic sniper rifle.

In snipermode it can fire short and dense energy beams that can burn a hole in nearly any piece of armor from a large distanse.
When the semi-automatic mode is activated, it fires 5 short, but powerful beams of energy every second.These beams aren't calibrated to be leathal, and can be used in situations where she needs place cover fire, or in possible anti-air situations.
Venatrix used to be a ranged specialist in her asassin days, and is very skilled in using both the sword and rifle mode.
When the beam has been turned off, she can use the sword to knock her opponents out, like a club.

-Claws (both modes)
Both in Beastmode as in Robot mode her claws are her primary weapons when she's not using her blades in bot mode. Combined with her unarmed skills, these claws are a force to recon with.

-Teeth/jaw (Beastmode)
Her razorsharp teeth, and powerfull jaws make it almost impossible to escape critical injuries when she has her prey within her claws.

Venatrix is a very complex female. Hard to bond with, and hard to read her. But when you get her to talk, she has a tendency to be nice..... sometimes.

Venatrix has been part of the Predacon Special Forces for some time. The Predacon council usualy send her kind to do all their dirty work. Assassination, Black-Ops, etc. She had done some missions side by side with the infamous Ravage. They used to make a good team together, having him take on the targets at long range, while she takes the short ranged targets, and guard eachothers backs constantly this way.
Their cooperation didn't last how ever, since his skills where needed elsewhere , and they never seen eachother since.
After that she usualy worked alone.
Eventualy she was starting to get bored with the concept, and didn't feel that her skills where used in her current missions.
Not untill she reseaved the latest mission.
Infiltrate the rougue group of Predacons under the leadership of Megatron.
However, on the first day of going undercover, she was found out by Dinobot, and desided to take him out as her mission orders surgested.
However, she didn't count on the fact that Dinobot was more of a warrior, like herself, but stronger and more experianced.
She was disarmed rather quickly, and was about to be terminated when Megatron stepped in and stopped Dinobot.
He gave her the option of joining him, or go offline.
Given it llittle thought, she desided to join Megatron's forces, and ended up helping Dinobot with stealing the golden disks.

Venatrix desided to follow Megatron not for his carisma or plans, but to learn from Dinobot, and become a much more skilled warrior then she already was.
She challenged him often to a dual, and lost every single one of them.
She learned a lot from these duals, and became more and more difficult for Dinobot to beat.
Eventhough he would never admit it out loud, she was starting to get stronger, and he knew she had him teaching her his skills, sharing his knowlage of being a warrior, unwillingly. And he let her.

Venatrix has learned the way of the warrior from Dinobot, and also inherited his weakness, his honor.
She would never attack her opponent when he or she is unarmed.
Surprise attacks were originally her specialty before she met Dinobot,but now she wont even consider attacking someone without giving them a chance to fight back.
Last edited by Venatrix on Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:02 am, edited 5 times in total.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Unread post by xCubicZirconia »

Tor wrote:
Blazemane wrote:
I think a limit of 3 guns should be good.
Do you want me to get rid of one of mine then? I have four. Of course, my character is a munitions expert, but still, what do you think?
Hmmm... you ARE the munitions expert, and I trust you won't abuse having four guns. Steelclaw can have four guns.

CZ: Your profile is a good foundation. Somethings you can improve on, your stats only go to 39.5, which is fine, but I just wanted you to know you have 5.5 stat points left. Since you kinda didn't mention anything about being medically inclined, how's about she just be a warrior? Besides that, your character looks pretty good.

A consideration for roleplaying: Try to make your posts five sentences or longer. If you just post 'Dinotor laughed, nodding.' that doesn't really get the RP going.

^^ I guess it'd be better if she was just a warrior. What are the things I need to improve? ^^;
I guess I'm just gonna have to read the rp threads to learn how 2 rp properly on a forum.
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Unread post by Tor »

Venatrix- Rank will be assigned by the staff.
I'm having a problem with Venatrix's functions. I don't think we should double up the warriors as medics. Predacons, I'm sure, wouldn't send their soldiers to med school instead of drilling them. So pick one or the other. Also, I'm pretty darn sure that honor shouldn't be her only weakness. Perhaps she has weak chest armor. Just give her more of a weak spot so she doesn't seem overly powerful.
Valkyrie's profile is better, besides the 'CEO of the Axalon' part. I think a CEO would stay on Cybertron, hmm? I'm intereseted to see more of her character.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Like i mentioned on her first profile, Valkyrie is a char that will grow within the game. And i believe the boss-monkey already knows where i'm trying to go with her.
As for her being the Axelon's CEO, i've already been thinking of another function for her.
She's a bot with a large amount of wisdom, and observing abilities. Plus she seems to be able to have a command of her own, if not for her glitches.
If anyone has another name for her rsank on board the Axalon, i would love to hear it.

Venatrix her profile was copied from an other bio i had of her. In this RPG, she's not a medic, so i'll delete that part.
I'll also add a more fundemental weakness to her.

After that, i might even give both bio's some more detail. But that depends if i can keep this motivation on the same level as it is now ^^

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Unread post by starshadow »

Erm...I think it's best for everyone to post their RPing OCs here ^^ Just to make it fair to everyone since the previous Bio template didn't give the stats thingy a number limit and I've seen some with 7 to 10 for their stats.
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Unread post by Tor »

Fear not, good RPers! Your Ranks are coming. Either myself or Blazemane will be handing out the ranks soon, count on it.

A note: If we come of as overly critical or even borderline mean, we want you to know, we aren't trying to bash your character, we're only trying to help you improve your character so we can all have an enjoyable experience in the RP.


Edit: Oh yes, since there is an overblow in OCs were going to ask that from now on, you may only submit one OC at a time, just until the Canons have time to prepare.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

I have a semi- good question.

Say we start at a low rank, right... is there a way to go up in rank during the RP? Based on performance or something?
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Fear not, good RPers! Your Ranks are coming. Either myself or Blazemane will be handing out the ranks soon, count on it.
Thank you for all of your help with this RPG so far, Tor and Blazemane! You two have been tramendous assistance.
Edit: Oh yes, since there is an overblow in OCs were going to ask that from now on, you may only submit one OC at a time, just until the Canons have time to prepare.
That is a great idea, Tor. I'm wondering if we can allow another OC in during the second episode or wait until the third? Maybe even later, though, because we need to develop the characters we have now before everyone tries wrestling each other to get all of the attention all at the same time. I know Xzuk and Darkshadow are anxious to join the game, and it's only a matter of time before more players want to jump in. :shock: :lol:
Say we start at a low rank, right... is there a way to go up in rank during the RP? Based on performance or something?
I think that's a great question, Xzuk. That actually crossed my mind the other day and I think it would be pretty neat if we kept ranks updated throughout the game as characters progressed. But I'll leave the final decision up to Tor and Blazemane.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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