SWEET! PRIMUS! (Has anyone used that joke yet or an I just truly original as I am intelligent (considering that both levels are negligible I'd say that's a yes Silver) Quiet subconscious!!!)) Wow was that three convos all at once? Was that two questions? Or three? or four? AAAAGGGHHH!!!! Continuous loop ERRROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 110011101010101012 SLAG!
OK now that the silliness has been taken care of I would like to welcome our creator to our midst... unless of course it is Screamer acting as Primus... #shifty eyes# investigation to follow. Keep up the posting and before you know it you'll be looking back and saying HOW DID I GET TO 400 POSTS?!!!! Have fun.
Thanks for the big warm welcome you guys!
Your all super groovy!! Yeah!
Sapphire, thanks for the invite to the BW meet up, I'll give it a miss this time but i'll be up for the next one though.
Wow, I'm off for a while and the new bots are streaming in behind my back!
Welcome to the board Primus!
And since I don't have anything else to say, you'll just have to fill in the blanks for me