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Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:35 pm
by Alak
((OOC: Well I sure fell behind. I'll just warn you guys ahead of time that this is going to be a pretty sloppy post. I'm just going to pretend that Orcariner had already left base since the last post so that he isn't THAT far behind...))

Dinobot's silhouette was far from view as Orcariner brought up the rear of their ranks. The killer whale was hovering across the terrain at a fairly consistent speed, but it was not much faster than the lackluster movement he had in his previous form. His tactical headset was warning the orca that he was drifting too far from the others. The best option of covering ground would be to transform into his vehicular mode. Orcariner dismissed the notion as he preferred to remain as close to the ground as possible. Flying seemed too complicated for him, and there was no point in trying to travel at optimal speed during a simple recovery mission.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:01 am
by Night-Hunter
Sonar groaned softly as he finally regained consciousness, he felt like he was hung over his head hurt so bad. His right ear twitched when he heard what appeared to be ruckus coming from either inside or outside the Maximal base.

This might be my only chance to escape, might as well take it. Sonar thought, pushing himself to his feet.

He stumbled a bit before regainning his footing and exiting the brig and into the pathway. He wahe narrowed his optics when he spotted Saber-Fang, she hadn't noticed him yet.

Saber's head was pounding, that surge or what ever it was had knocked her outcold. Her optics widen when she remembered that Optimus was dead, what had gone wrong?

The sound of hurried foot steps from behind caught her attention, she turned around but all she saw was a brown blur then once again... Darkness.

Sonar smirked as Saber-Fang slumped to the floor, he nodded once before saying. "Until next we meet, my love."

With that said, he bolted for the exit.

((OOC: I have returned!))

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:08 am
by Phoenix
(ooc: Poor AirRazor.. Actually from the looks of it, I think Dinobot may be headed for the Darksyde to get the disks while he has the chance, which puts AR all to her lonesome self. Seems the Maxi-Bird is about to have a very bad day indeed. I do believe Orcariner is on his way but he is very slow so he's taking his sweet long time to catch up. Not sure who else were heading there.)

"Ah yes. Such entertainment!"

Megatron watched as the altercation between his two new Predacon recruits went sour as Onyx interrupted them. The black stallion had caused some problems recently but perhaps he could still be useful to the Predacon cause provided his actions tonight was of any indication. They would just have to wait and see if Onyx could keep his rebellious nature in check. If not.. well.. there were ways to assure his loyalty.

After a few more moments and still no Maximals had interfered, the Predacon leader's already bloating confidence had gained new vigor in knowing that these two fuzors were about to be under his command. He activated his comlink to the Predacon computer.

"But I suppose while they are still distracted, I should attend to business. Computer," the tyrant ordered while the combatants were still otherwise preoccupied, "Access the new creatures' activation commands. Quickly!"
Whitegrazer wrote:"Aurora, get behind something quick."
Whitegrazer did not have to tell the little ermine twice. She had already caught a few bullets recently and dodged a considerable amount more, so she was in no hurry to repeat the experience. Her beast mode had already started making some repairs to the fortunately mostly superficial wounds, but these repairs were ongoing and quite frankly frustratingly slow. For a creature who came to be much thanks to the efforts of some rapid acting nanobots, all such abilities had ceased before Aurora even came online.

Aurora moved out of sight as quickly as her clawed paws would let her, letting the larger Maximals fight this battle for her. Only if, and that was a pretty big if, the fire ant got past their initial wave would she be forced to join in the battle. Nevertheless she readied her weapons in preparation.

Rattrap's voice caught her attention.
Rattrap wrote:"The spiders an' Starshadow are also gone, I take it,"
"They ran like the cowards they are," Aurora scoffed as way of response, not making any effort to hide her contempt for the Predacons.

Seconds later the bulky shape of Rhinox joined the fight, forming a rather unwelcoming blockade for the approaching ant. Aurora smiled as she saw the brown and green giant, happy to see he was finally out of the CR chamber and appeared to be functioning to full capacity again. Now she knew it would be all right. There was no way the crazy ant could harm the likes of Rhinox.
Rattrap wrote:"Let's go, guys! Those who already left are gonna need back-up. We gotta amscray!"
Making a gesture like you would a captain aboard a ship, Aurora sent a glance over to Whitegrazer who almost appeared a bit distracted for a moment. The tall female had a similar look on her face as she had earlier that day while Primal had still been alive and heading towards his target.

Oh Optimus..

Aurora forced herself to shake the feelings of helplessness and sadness off, focusing on the task at hand instead. There would be time to mourn.. later. Right now they needed every Maximal to gain the advantage. So she merely tugged at Whitegrazer's hand to get her attention before following Rattrap outside.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:31 am
by New Moon
((Sorry if this will be bad but I've had little time to really get on here between school and work.))

Among all the chaos Frilla began to wonder if they would really be able to get to the pods in time when they were now dealing with the escaped Predacons, most of all the crazy ant Inferno. But at the moment her main focus was getting the shields back at full power, if not that most of it so the Predacons wouldn't be trying to slag them later if they ended up coming for the Axalon. So as Rhinox had told her she was doing just that, her fingers quickly dancing across the keys as she went to work of pulling up the status of the shields and began trying to restore power to them. But this would take some time in getting them at any decent capacity to take some of the milder hits the Predacons would dish out. Of course that's if the fighting ended up back here.

Likewise with Feralnight she was prepared to fight Inferno if the insect proved to get past the others, and luckily both Aurora and Wintersong arrived in time before surprisingly Rhinox decided to take the task of bringing down Inferno. Well that certainly got solved quick and she highly doubted the bug would be getting out so easily. "To the pods we go then."She said, glad of how quick this had been taken care of before she put her feather daggers back into place before taking their others' lead and flying up towards the aerial hatch and flying out,"Beast mode!"The fuzor called out before she transformed and angled herself in the direction Rattrap was headed and quickly took off at full speed to join them.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:34 am
by Wintersong
((I do kind of want to put in I did have Wintersong come into the bridge in my post before the last one I just did the other day but I think it was overlooked. So I improvised and sped that up a bit in my last one which is why she hasn't gotten around to leaving yet. But I'm pretty tired tonight so only trying to clear those two things up before I head to bed and will edit this in the morning or post a reply.))

"Right behind you."Wintersong said as she came to the lift next as it hadn't even come up yet that she jumped down, landing on it below before stepping off. Though she took a quick second to sniff the air and caught Dinobot's scent among the rest before her paws folded up to settle on her wheels followed by the thrusters coming out from her sides,"Hope this is fast."She said to herself before the boosters switched on to maximum and the white tigress found herself going faster then she had in a long time, not since back on Cybertron when her form had been somewhat akin to a sports car on modern day Earth. Luckily the speed she was going at reached as fast as 55 mph at the most, but certainly nothing close to going as fast as Cheetor in the sky but she was confident this could get her to her teammates before long.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:14 am
by starshadow
Starshadow was testing her new upgrades and weapons not far from the Axalon. She had just finished testing Mortem's firepower and her shocking abilities.

"Hmmm I wonder what this does.." she said as she looked at her wings. Do they hover mid air or fly? She kept moving her wings while wondering how they work but it was a mistake as she heard something activate.

"Oh slag- AHHHHHHH!!" the wings took her to the sky. She had flown before but it was a long time ago. Starshadow was screaming as she flew uncontrollably, "DEACTIVATE! DEACTIVATE!" the thrusters deactivated and the femme fell from the sky and landed on the ground.


Cecelia transformed into her beast mode and quickly changed the color of her body to blend into her surrounding and followed Umbra.

"Eww..hate dirt.." she crawled beside him and rubbed her tentacles together to get some dirt off it, "when are we going to shoot them?"

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:13 pm
by Night-Hunter
The second Sonar was outside the Maximal ship, he didn't even bother looking around, he simply took off at high speeds before transforming into his beast mode.
Deactivate! Deactivate!
A shiny blur shot past him and hit the ground.

What in the pit was that!? Sonar thought before and angling his wings toward the now small dust cloud and transformed out of his beast mode.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:34 pm
by starshadow
Starshadow rubbed her head from the crash and stood up. "Ughhhh...mental note...don't deactivate thrusters when flying." she looked around and saw a brown furry bot flying above her. Her vision was slightly blurry so she couldn't recognize him.

"Sonar? Shouldn't you be in a- got out.." she looked at him from head to feet, "no upgrades? And shorter?"

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:44 am
by Night-Hunter
Starshadow rubbed her head from the crash and stood up. "Ughhhh...mental note...don't deactivate thrusters when flying."
Sonar simply raised an eye brow at her new look, what had caused such a drastic change?
"Sonar? Shouldn't you be in a- got out.." she looked at him from head to feet, "no upgrades? And shorter?"
Sonar shook his head with an annoyed sigh and chose to ignore her comment and asked a question of his own along with a snide comment.

"Great, another head ache. Care to explain what is going on?"

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:22 am
by Phoenix
Terrorsaur wrote:"Our course of action is obvious my fellow predacons, let us aid our new brother in arms in scrapping this maximal and put his fears of our allegiance to rest. Waspinator! Nemesis! Back me up"

The smirk on Nemesis' face turned into a much more sinister grin as Terrorsaur started barking out orders again.

Finally.. Some much needed action!

She straightened and spread her wings out before shooting up into the sky, gaining a fair amount of altitude before making her approach towards the giant and his soon to be evaporated foe. Nemesis chose to hold back a little, mostly due to the fact that her avian nature, transmetal as she might be, could resemble AirRazor at a distance and this new Predacon, this Tantrum, hardly struck her as intelligent enough to tell the difference.

But whereas Terrorsaur wanted to go the violent route, Nemesis decided to go down the path of diplomacy.. for now. In the far distance her radar was picking up another large object heading towards them, one she could not help thinking might be the Maximal equivalent of the large Predacon below her. Another Maximal signature also caught her attention, this one was very close by. In fact..

She glanced down to where AirRazor's remains ought to be but all she could see in its place was the scorched ground at Tantrum's feet.

The Maximal somehow escaped? Judging by the other signature, someone else had come to the rescue. And more were approaching. So the sooner they could persuade their new comrade to follow their lead, the better. The Maximal, AirRazor, was of little concern right now. Even if she somehow survived Tantrum's blast, she would fall victim to their joint efforts quite easily.

"Tantrum," she called out from above, ready to get out of the way quickly if needs be, "It's a pleasure to see a fellow Predacon with such hatred for those pesky Maximals. Quite the display of power you showed there. However I would conserve some of that rage and energy for the Maximal reinforcements who are on their way as we speak. Join us and we will slay them without showing mercy!"

(ooc: Sleepy.. 2:20 am.. zzz.. )

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:28 am
by starshadow
"Well..the Maximals and Predacons agreed to a truce and decided they should go on a shopping spree. I got these beautiful upgrades for a cheap price. Want some recommendations, Sonny boy?" Starshadow leaned closer to him as she smirked, "Just kidding. I don't know what happened actually. There was this bright light that knocked everyone out. I woke up looking like this."

She looked at her glowing blue claws and poked Sonar with one of them, unintentionally shocking him.

(voltage of shock is not high enough to paralyze or knock him out. Just giving him a lil pain)

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:32 am
by Night-Hunter
"Well..the Maximals and Predacons agreed to a truce and decided they should go on a shopping spree. I got these beautiful upgrades for a cheap price. Want some recommendations, Sonny boy?"
Sonar narrowed his optics in annoyance.
"Just kidding. I don't know what happened actually. There was this bright light that knocked everyone out. I woke up looking like this."

She looked at her glowing blue claws and poked Sonar with one of them, unintentionally shocking him.
"That's rather interest- AGH!" The shock itsself didn't exactly hurt him, it did however surprise the heck out of him.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:36 pm
by WorpeX
"Maximal!" he hissed the word like an insult. "You! YES, YOU! You are DEAD!"
The reality of the situation hit Airazor like a knife to her throat. No... she thought, now completely aware that she was surrounded and helpless. She had gone into battle before her allies had arrived and now she was about to face the consequences. The protoform was no maximal, yet she still had no idea why it was fighting Manterror... but that was of little concern at the moment as bullets began to whizz by her head.

Airazor easily dodged the first few shots from Waspinator but soon they began to hit their target. A handful grazed her legs and arms but one was a direct hit to her chest. The bullet stung as it ripped into her feathers and metal frame. The impact took her attention away from the battle for a moment, which was why she got lucky that the new Predicon's boulder was never thrown and instead fell onto the poor Waspinator.
"Ooopsie," he shrugged it off. "No matter, I have gun!" "Bye bye, Maximal!"
This time there was no way out. She was near to point blank range from the large predicon soldier and she was already badly damaged. It was over. She was about to be turned into complete and total slag. Still, she attempted to get away. Her movements slowed from damage, she turned around to fly in the other direction just as she was hit with a massive amount of force. She shut her eyes immediately and wondered if this was the beginning of the end. Her auditory sensors picked up two voices, one familiar scream and the other from an unknown presence...
That was a close one little lady, are you alright? Seems to be dangerous to fly alone out here.
Her body felt like putty as it hung limp in the air. Airazor had given up trying to keep airborne as she waited for the all-too-familiar crunch of the ground. A few moments passed until she realized that it should have come already. Suddenly, it all made sense. She wasn't dead!! The force she felt was from another bot shoving her away from all the bullet fire. Reactivating her optics, she saw a gold and black transmetal body holding her gently in his arms. Her spark skipped a beat as she gazed on the handsome bot which had just saved her life. Luckily, Tigatron was no where nearby else he might have been rather jealous.

"Thank you. I owe you my life." She said in a soft voice and smiled slightly before attempting to wiggle out of his arms. As she moved her body, pain shot through her as a reminder of the damage she had sustained. Luckily it was minimal compared to what could have happened. "Ugh..." She groaned, but still managed to free herself from the unknown bots grasp and get herself back into the air again. She stumbled for a moment, but quickly regained her balance. "The Maximals!" She remembered. Her allies were just about to walk into a bees nest of predicons. "Airazor to Orcareiner!" She yelled, attempting to access her comm link but the response was met with only static. Waspinators bullet pierced through her communicator. She had no way of helping them!!

Turning to Aerostriker, she informed him of the bad news. "We have to go back and help my friends! They will be scrap if we don't!"

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:05 pm
by Wildfire94
The reaction he got from these suppose to be new Predacons was a lot different then what Onyx had expected, in fact he expected a bit more of a struggle from both but not two completely different ones. The black stallion leaned his head away as the cobra head, which also served as a tail, snapped too close to his head for comfort followed by a very slightly painful clamp of this fuzor's claws and it became relatively clear what his combined beast form was. Already he was growing a quick dislike for Quickstrike. On the other hand Silverbolt was a lot more civil soon as he realized he was not there to harm them, especially since Megatron wouldn't be too thrilled for them being damaged much. "Gladly so, just wish it would be that easy to say you would have no quarrel with the Maximals."He said calmly to Silverbolt, hiding his irritation of the scorpion/cobra fuzor that was clamped down on his leg and gently set Silverbolt down on all four feet. Now he had to deal with the other.

"Unhand my leg, I am not your enemy."Now Onyx showed his much more irritated tone towards Quickstrike, more then ready to wrestle him off if he had to. And at the moment trying to pull on those pincers would do little good as there was little room to work his fingers so he did the one thing he knew and aimed a good punch on the gold and green fuzor's head with a reasonable amount of force that might have made him a little dazed for a few moments and enough Onyx could pull himself free at the expense of a few deep scratches. He was just lucky to have thick armor sometimes.


Meanwhile Silverstreak was running after the transmetal cheetah who was now faster in the skies, none the less she was determined to help her fellow Maximals get those two pods or possible teammates who could have activated when landed much like she did. But she would also be going into her first actual battle against the Predacons compared to having to watch the arachnids and the red ant being put in the brig and having to help her new teammates. For now she could only mentally prepare herself for the worst and hope her skills would prove useful in the battle field like she had been training for.

However the young silver fox's thoughts were interrupted as she could have sworn she heard something far behind her, well two separate sounds in fact that could be Feralnight and Rattrap finally catching up. But she was sure either of them would get there long before she would since Feralnight being a flier would still cover such a distance quickly and Rattrap's new upgrade would give him an advantage of speed due to the hotrod vehicle mode he now had.

Re: "S2: Aftermath"

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:58 am
by Phoenix
"Gladly so, just wish it would be that easy to say you would have no quarrel with the Maximals." He said calmly to Silverbolt, hiding his irritation of the scorpion/cobra fuzor that was clamped down on his leg and gently set Silverbolt down on all four feet.
"But why should I want to harm these 'Maximals'," Silverbolt asked, puzzled. "They've done me no wrong."

Megatron, having completed the change in access code, decided that this would be an ideal opportunity to spin his web of deceit and secure the loyalty of these new arrivals. He stepped out of his place of concealment and cleared his throat.

"Ahem. Allow me to explain. I am Megatron, your leader," he announced.

"I knew it!" Silverbolt added, excited. Finally, someone who could help bring him some clarity. And Megatron certainly carried himself with an air of authority -- this had to be his noble leader.