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Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:45 pm
by Alak
lol it does seem pretty reminiscent of Infamous (good game btw). How would this Predacon absorb energon through his hands? Suction? Teeth? Drills? Season 2 is full of Transmetals and their armors are pretty tough as it is.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:55 pm
by starshadow
PRIMUS! Looks like TM Star has a new rival in sucking energy. OAO

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:58 pm
by una
(Oh yeah, that is an awesome game. XD)

Ummmm Magic? :wink:

Nah just kidding XD

I think I will have to change that.

Since he will be a leech and like NK pointed out to me, some types of a bunch of teeth. In my head, some of his teeth can be turned to claws when he transformed into his robot mode. So when he jumps on someone, he can dig his claws into them and then bite as well to start draining the Maximal of energon.

(I hope this sounds more realistic unless someone has another idea? XD)

Do you guys think I should make him alittle bit more shorter? If he was, it will be harder for them to get him off like on the back or something like that.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:21 pm
by NaitoKage
I imagine just suction like energy absorption since that worked for Clawjaw, it'd probably work the same for Parasite. You don't need to make him smaller, he's already around Rattrap's size.

Heh.. Vampires.. EVERYWHERE! :P Hmm.. Starshadow and Parasite are going to hate each other. He's probably also going to be a pest to Orcariner, and I imagine Glowstick wouldn't care for him either since he's a walking medical nightmare, much like Nemesis.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:24 pm
by una
Okay what he said! XD Didn't like that teeth idea anyway that I wrote.

Don't look at me! Vampires weren't on my mind when I made this character! XDD

Yeah, Parasite can have suction on his palms to drain the unlucky fellow. XDD

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:34 pm
by NaitoKage
Well to drain the life out of someone is something a vampire tends to do,europeans vampires suck blood, Chinese vampires and some girlfriends/wives suck souls(Badum tish!),etc..

Though methods are a bit different. Parasite draws energon by grabbing someone and pulling the energon out , StarShadow just has a habit of biting people on the neck and sucking the energon out. Either's not really pleasant, though I guess at least Parasite doesn't leave holes.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:37 pm
by una
I know XDD It's same thing just in different methods of doing it XD

So is everything good about Parasite's powers and everyone okay with the method?

Parasite will see everyone as food. XDDD

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:39 pm
by starshadow
Hehehe...Star will have lots of electrical energy to "satisfy" Parasite's thirst. He would just hate that zap.

One thing I don't know is that is he going to stick on her all the time since the kitty has lots of energy or is he going to avoid her to get zapped? :P

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:44 pm
by una
Like it says, he will do anything to get his fill of energon. Parasite craves it so when he sees anyone even his own team, he is thinking: FOOD!!!!

So one minute he will call you friend then you turn your back and BAM! He drains you dry.


He's a psychopath.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:51 pm
by Alak
Hmm I'm not even sure if Orcariner would notice Parasite sucking his energy. His season 1 armor is thick enough to keep him alive and kicking after fighting Frilla, Starshadow, and Terrorsaur all at once (that's right, I remember ya'll ganging up on my whale :D ). Season 2 is doubling that armor as well as his power output. If Parasite somehow got through, Orcariner would probably go about his business not realizing someone so small is attached to him (more armor = less sensitivity). They'd probably be able to coexist like a remora and a manta ray a la commensalism.

That is until a Maximal realizes there's a Predacon stuck on Orcariner and tries to shoot it off. Orcariner will confuse it with friendly fire and fight back. Optimus will get mad and thrash both Maximals before realizing there's a leech on the bigger one, and so he'll thrash Parasite too. I just summarized Season 2 OC Episode #5 right there.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:57 pm
by una

I can see that happening.

For the biggest guys, I think Parasite will be smart enough to wait until they are damaged or can't fight back before he could drain them(if he is not too hungry, of course. XD If he is, he will be more impatient. XD). I believe that will be the only time Parasite could get a handle on people like Megatron, Optimus, Orcariner..those with heavy armor.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:06 am
by Alak
If he can get through those guys' armors, then it'd probably be a good idea to wait for them to be healthy. Healthy means they have more power -> more for Parasite to feast upon! Nice, healthy, fattened up victims for the leech to have copious amounts of energon to consume.


Rampage. The guy has virtually endless amounts of energy, is close to Orcariner's size, and is self repairing. Parasite could leech on him non-stop til the end of Season 3. Then again, good luck getting through the armor of a crab tank. The most vulnerable part of his body would be his face, and I don't think any Predacon wants to go kissy kissy with a cannibal.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:10 am
by una
Yeah! XD

Parasite will do anything and I mean it.

*prepares for kissy kissy scene in S3 if Parasite lives that long* XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Crap! Image has entered my head! XDD Rampage will kill him XD

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:21 am
by NaitoKage
You do know that the highest for fangirl bait on this website is Rampage, Depthcharge, and Dinobot right? So while many of the Predacons are smart enough not to, apparently alot of fan girls would love to pucker up with a crab. :P

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:08 am
by Blazemane
Wow. Scary. But definitely interesting.

As for rank, I personally think it'd be kinda' low. He could be devastating in battle against the Maximals, but as a member of the Predacon crew, he sounds dysfunctional- even when comparing him to the other Predacons. Anyone have a different opinion?
So while many of the Predacons are smart enough not to, apparently alot of fan girls would love to pucker up with a crab. :p
A cannibalistic, serial killing crab, too.