Character Bios 2.0

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Unread post by Alak »

Wrote this after seeing that freak of nature Photoshop pic that NK posted.

Beast Mode
Robot Mode

NAME: Fu-Ton
FUNCTION: Berserker
ALTERNATE MODE: Grizzly Bear/Great White Shark/North Pacific Giant Octopus Fuzor
HEIGHT: 4 meters if standing (beast mode); 4.5 meters tall (robot mode)
QUOTE: *insert incoherent babble*

RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: Fu-Ton’s origins are quite simple. He fell from the stars in a Maximal stasis pod and crash landed on the unknown planet where the Beast Wars were being fought. The thing about falling from orbit is that there are many things that could go wrong. In Fu-Ton’s case, everything went wrong. The pod’s computer system was incapable of performing its regular duties in maintaining the health of the protoform inside. The scan system was also malfunctioned, therefore, it proved indecisive when choosing an alternative form to combat the radiation. Rising from the pod, a glitched out transformer rose into the light forged with the very powers of a bear, shark, and octopus. Such physical prowess was a marvelous spectacle to behold if the viewer was able to see past his convulsed hideousness. Another side effect of the crash left Fu-Ton to be mentally questionable with his processor functioning at only 10%. No reprogramming necessary, Fu-Ton pledged his undying allegiance to his “mother” a.k.a. the first individual he had ever laid eyes on: Megatron. The Predacon leader won the capture-the-pod race and reached the crash site first. While taken back a bit, it was a warm welcome to see such mindless devotion.

WEAPONS/ABILITIES: He is able to swim in rivers against the most powerful currents and even in the deepest ocean abyss. Fu-ton is also a capable runner on land, and is able to use his tentacles for climbing and grappling. This Predacon also has the uncanny ability to stay put. Megatron was blessed when Fu-Ton crashed at his feet. His new soldier will obey every command without question and won’t go anywhere Megatron is not present unless ordered to do so. It’s a nice break from all those lousy grunts who are MIA half the time. As his name implies, Fu-Ton is equipped with very comfortable fur. If Megatron wishes it, he may be used as a pillow or a foot rest after a hard day’s work.

Weapon 1: Automatic Shotgun. This is retractable in the middle of his left tentacle-hand. It is capable of fast firing 7 shells at low recoil before needed to recharge. While menacing in the battlefield, the power of each individual shell packs less stopping power than that of a pump action shotgun.

Weapon 2: Electrostatic Pellet Gun. This is a fully automatic submachine gun that discharges rounds which would have an effect similar to that of an EMP. It is capable of quickly weaving into the crevices of heavy armor and slowing down circuits and drivers. The larger the target, the more rounds it takes to bring it to a halt.

Weapon 3: Combat knife.

WEAKNESSES: Fu-Ton is dumb, and that is the most politically correct term that may be used to describe him. He is incapable of strategizing and adapting to changes around him. The Predacon plays the role of the berserker in which he would throw every weapon, including his own body, at his opponent without holding back. This is an extremely forward approach which can be exploited by much weaker opponents who normally wouldn’t stand a chance against him head on. Fu-Ton obeys no one but Megatron. Combine this with his refusal to settle for anything except a completed mission, Fu-Ton often winds up continuing a futile battle. He also is unable to speak coherent words.

SAMPLE POST: The transformer keenly looked up at his new mother. He would cherish her. He would protect her. He would destroy anything that would seek to harm her.

“Indeed,” acknowledged Megatron to this description.

The leader turned to the mutated thing that was happily panting before him. It was a monstrosity in appearance, but at least it seemed willing to go with his cause.

“Tell me,” he said, “What exactly is it that you call yourself?”

The beast yipped and stuck its tongue out again and continued its incessant panting. Megatron politely smiled and nodded, but his eyes showed doubt for the creature.

“A name,” he pursued the question, “What is your name?”

The fuzor cocked its head and unleashed audio hell unto Megatron’s receptors. The blasted animal not only could not speak properly, but it was annoying like nothing he had ever heard. It sounded like an amalgamation of someone screaming bloody murder in a torture chamber, a beast growling, a yeti-like screech, and an infant giggling.

“The one time,” Megatron moaned, turning away from the fuzor, “The one time I get to a pod before anyone else.”

He glanced back at the animal and it still returned its dumb look. Those blasted beady eyes.

“I end up finding some incompetent… some incoherent… freak!”

The fuzor stopped panting and started to whimper. Megatron turned in surprise and looked at the sadden creature. He narrowed his eyes and slowly brought his hand up to stroke his chin.

“You,” he said, “understood that?”

The creature nodded.

“This is certainly an interesting revelation, yesss. You are not the greatest of communicators, but you can understand my words. You can feel my emotions.”

He turned around and started to pace himself.

“You can obey me.”

Turning, Megatron noticed that the creature was following him as he walked. The fuzor was obviously loyal to him for some unexplained reason, but Megatron was not one to question the reason for loyalty as long as loyalty was there. He knew the animal had developed an attachment. Megatron’s previous insult had certainly brought out an emotional effect, and perhaps it was something he could use to his advantage.

“I ask again, and you will answer me this time,” he said with a firm tone, “What is your name?”

The fuzor let loose another series of indescribable sounds to Megatron’s discontent.

“Give me an answer I can understand!” he demanded, “Or I will leave you here stranded in these woods! Never again shall you bask in my presence!”

Looking unsure of itself, the fuzor yapped and whined and barked and growled. It desperately hoped something could be understood. Finally, it picked an easy sound and continued to repeat it over and over again. Megatron looked down with a cocked brow. It was completely foreign to him, but he needed to call this thing something aside from the usual derogatory insults. By now, any insult could be referring to anyone in his crew. The fuzor continued to repeat that sound.

“Did you just say… futon?” Megatron asked, “Like the furniture?”

It was a stretch, and based on the animal’s confused expression, it was obviously a long stretch.

“It matters not,” waved the larger Predacon uncaringly, “A name is a name, yesss. However, it would seem silly if I registered you in the computer as ‘futon’. I have an idea, however! I shall make a cheap play of words and deem that you will be known to the universe as: Fu-Ton! Oh, the brilliance! Yesss, oh yes indeed!”

Fu-Ton jumped and proceeded to pant again with his tongue out. Megatron cared not, for he had acquired yet another soldier for the Beast Wars. Even if it was another body to carelessly throw against Optimus Primal, it was a body nonetheless.

“Welcome, my friend,” his voice boomed, “to the Beast Wars!”
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Awesome. I got a quote for you.

"Fu-Ton, SMASH!!"
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by una »

Okay, I finally got an idea for a Predacon but there are things I probably need to fix like his stats and powers. Also, when or if approved, he will come into play in Season 2. When? Still figuring that out but first, I want to see your thoughts on what I have now and like I said, I know I will need to improve on him.

That's why I will post his bio up and hear any suggestions you guys can give me. :D

(I tried as best as I could to give him weaknesses to go with each of his abilities)

NAME: Parasite
HEIGHT: 5"7'
QUOTE: Ah, I love a good energon drain in the morning.

SPEED: 7.0
RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: Parasite is not special with his Energon draining ability but what sets him apart is that fact that he needs to do it in order to survive or that's what he tells himself. After his first feeding from a lone Maximal he attack when he was low on energon, he grew to love the act of draining unexpected Maximals and watching their bodies die in front of his eyes. He kept on doing it which marked him as a criminal and lead to him being arrested by the Security Force. Deemed insane, he was sent to an instutition and watched as the Maximal scientists tried to take away his abilities. Too attached to his powers, he fought his way out by pretending to be cured and caught the scientists off-guard, draining them all as he laughed at their dying faces. He destroyed the faculity before he tried to hide. He went hiding inside a loading deck which were loading some pods inside a ship. Taking the chance, he got inside one of the blank pods not knowing where he will be going.

He can shoot balls of Energon towards his opponent. They don't use too much of his energon supply so he can shoot muliples of them without worrying about draining himself.

Shock Jump
Parasite can jump even higher if he shoots a shock of Energon below him.

Energon Drain
An ability to suck Energon from his opponent by touching them with the palms of his hands. The more he drains, the more his opponent becomes weaker. If he drains them for too long, they can be severely damaged or die.

Energon Surge
With a big boost of energon, he can cause an energon surge that can spread for a couple of blocks.

WEAKNESSES: Parasite is powerless without energon. If he can't drain anyone, he is practically useless, psychotic and desperate like a drug addict wanting the next fix. That is all he lives for and he will do anything to get it. When he drains someone, he can only drain them with the palms of his hands so any opponent can dodge or grab his wrists to avoid it. His Energon Surge power is a last resort as it takes all of his supply so if he is in a sticky situation, he will deploy it and run away. Also, he has to be careful with unstable energon. It powers him up a lot to the point he can overload.

"Need energon."

He repeated the sentence over and over again as he stalked the dark forest. His metallatic silver body was dragging along slow and sluggish against the muddy ground. Nothing was important around him. He didn't care where he was, what planet he was on, or was he alone. All he cared for was to get some energon.

A noise like the sound of someone transforming caught his ear. He smirked in delight as he spied of the Maximal that had landed unaware of his presence. From the look, it was a female. Oh goody even better.

He wondered how he should do this. Should he come to her or should he act helpless and have the Maximal come to him all too eager to help? The latter sounded much more fun.

Dropping flat on the ground, he let out a scream of pain and coughed. The Maximal took the bait as he could feel the trembling of her approaching footsteps. Her face looked down on him in concern.

"You must have come out of the pod. I will get you to base quickly!"

"Energon. Need energon." He weakly said towards her, "I'm so depleted."

"We have some rechargers back at base." The Maximal answered, "We will get you an alternate mode and some energy in no time."

He smiled back at her then the smile twisted into something more sinister as he grabbed her wrist, "Actually, you will do!" Taking the Maximal by surprise, his other hand clapped down on her face and soon, she began to scream as she realized what was going on.

Was it painful? He didn't care.

Her screams echoed across the forest as he continued to drain the energon within her.

Yes! He could feel it! The energon coming into his systems, the relief, and even pleasure he felt kept him from letting go of the Maximal. Her struggling was only taking more energy out of her but he didn't tell her that. He enjoyed it when they struggled. It tasted better when the victim gave him dessert.

Then he stopped.
His metallic features were covered in a blue glow. His hands were powering up energon discharges. Standing up, he looked down at the Maximal who was motionless and gray. Oops, he killed her. Oh well.

"Thank you for your energon, my dear!"

A maniac laugh came out of his mouth before he jumped and used the energon to boost higher, zipping through the trees and making his escape before her comrades found her corpse.
Last edited by una on Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Huh.. So he's like an Action master, with Clawjaw's Energon leeching ability. You know, you could of just had him transform into a giant flea, then you wouldn't need Shock jump. Though.. this ability list.. Una, do you own a PS3? :P j/k

As for the stats, they come up to 46. As a season 2 character, you could have up to 50 if your a transmetal, or 48 as a fusor. Though.. not sure in Parasites case because we don't.. have action masters? And as for Energon surge.. Does this just send out a explosion of energy from the character, or like a force shockwave like a concussion effect?
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Unread post by una »

I have to research what you mean with Action Masters and yes, yes I do have a PS3. :lol: I'm guilty of this idea borning from watching my bro play his Evil playthrough of inFamous and bio-feeding off people. XDDD

The Energon Surge is like a shockwave in a limited distance. Parasite only uses it if he is ambushed or something like. He will rarely use it.

I guess he could be a transmetal since he will be there when that wave hits and turns the ones who would be transmetalized. XD

What jumped into my head was that his pod crashes into a mountain of energon but that Planet Buster ignites an explosion but instead of killing him, he survives in his Protoform state (like what Airazor looked like inside the pod except I can see Parasite having Depth charge's form, the one he had before getting a beast mode.)
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

He'd still have a transformation then. and Action masters came from G1, they were transformers which lost their ability to transform, but were generally stronger not requiring energon as they had near infinite energy from being infused with Nucleon. Any toy that doesn't have a robot mode, fans tend to call a Action master.

Heh, I knew it was from Infamous. :P
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Unread post by una »

And I thought I hid that so well. :wink:

Well, I guess he will be like an action master then except he won't have a beast mode. Will that be alright or do I need to think of a beast mode?

I was thinking of one but I didn't know what animal so I just thought of what if the freak accident caused him to be able to survive without one.

That was my thought process through the thing. XD
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Fleas, Leeches, Ticks,Vampire bats, Lamprey, plenty of creatures do similar things that Parasite does. So you don't need to go without a beast mode, plus from the sound of your write up, he could of just been doing that stuff on Cybertron anyway. Draining energon from others is not a unknown ability.

The only case other then that would be Transmutate, which.. was so messed up she.. he.. it.. had the Intelligence rating of 1.
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Unread post by una »

Okay, I will give him a beast mode then.

I was planning on him just being a newborn that just got twisted but I guess I could come up with a past for him in Cybertron. :D

Edit: I'm going with a Leech. A very big leech Parasite would be. XDDDD
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Yep. Specially since it's not unusual for Predacon criminals to come out of stasis pods, or he could of been reprogrammed. Generally speaking, it's more common for blood sucking creatures or creatures that live off others like a parasite to be aquatic or live inside others.. so even a Tape worm could be an option.. though I'm sure you'd officially horrify everyone with that alt mode, more so then the Squid, Octopus, or Spiders.

Okay, Leech it is. Just remember, those are amphibious creatures, so Parasite can swim.
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Unread post by una »

Sweet! Though not so sweet when he attaches to others. XDD Ew

I better rewrite his bio. :D
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Unread post by NaitoKage » Well, this goes for jawed leeches, but theres also those with proboscis, aquatic leeches, and land leeches. Then there's leeches which can suck with either end, I believe that's the ones in the video since some leeches slither rather then inch worm. And apparently some species have up to 5 eyes.
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Unread post by una »

Wow, all those leeches. YIKES! It was very interesting though! :lol:
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Yep. They hunt their victim until they get em', sounds like something Parasite would do. Hm.. if he's transmetal, just have to figure out some sort of.. vehicle mode. Most tend to fly, though I imagine in his case, even a land vehicle would work out for fast movement. Like a motorcycle, or.. something kinda like a train.
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Unread post by una »

I think motorcycle will go well with him. :D

I think flying will take the stalking part out and he won't like that XDD What a creep. XD

Edit: Rewrote his bio. :D
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