Blackarachnia just smirked at Aurora's reaction to her move, and it didn't leave when she heard what the young ermine muttered, "Well,"I should have picked skunk as my alternative mode..,"
if you were skunk, then you wouldn't have anyone worrying about you getting captured. The Predacons have learned from that messy business with the virus that made Rhinox...well... you know."
"It will take time," she admitted, "You did work closely with Tarantulas, the creepiest of all the Predacons. Even more so than the purple tooth fairy even."
"I think we can all agree to never allow a spider an inch or they will take it all," she snapped her pinchers. Since Tarantulas wasn't in her head anymore, the thought of killing him never left her mind. If she ever saw him again, she will kill him, and she meant it."And he was in your head for a while,"
Blackarachnia didn't say anything about the whole trust issue. After all, she didn't expect them to do, but it seems many of them wanted to trust us. It was so unnerving. She wondered how Nemesis coped with all of this. It was down right insulting yet such an unusual situation that she couldn't help but be agaped with it.
Oh, for pit's sake, if she turned Maximal and smiled and laughed with these goofballs, maybe she should have Megatron kill her out of mercy. If he ever did those sorts of things.
Blackrachnia hit her com-link to response, "I'm closeby. I was just talking to your little friend, or was as she seems to have gone out of sight." Man, that ermine was fast. "What's going on?""Aurora and Blackarachnia, where are you two?"
"Rhinox and Whitegrazer, be advised," he called to them over his comm. link. "Keep your distance from Starshadow. You could get infected by her through her fluids."
Whitegrazer didn't know how her Vok side would react to such a intersting virus, but she wasn't going to try it. Especially, since she had Tarantulas' virus still running through her veins. Still dormant."Copy that, Optimus,"
((OOC: Hey, OOP, is Optimus just talking to Rhinox here or both him and Whitegrazer? If so, I will delete this. ))
"Rhinox, flash grenades are coming your way via a drone. You and Whitegrazer can use them against Starshadow. The parasite inside of her goes by the name Visia, and she will seek dark places for cover. We need to get her out of the Axalon until we can figure out if there's anything we can do to help Starshadow,"
"Protoform X is going to follow her,"
"Predacons?," Whitegrazer asked, hearing what Optimus just told them. Were they coming here? Was Megatron that desperate to have a X on his side? Well, it made sense, but Megatron didn't seem to understand what he would gained. Or Megatron did and made plans for it. This was Megatron, of course, he had some thing up his sleeve."Let him. As contagious and unpredictable as Starshadow is at this moment, we can't keep her here. She's too much of a risk to the rest of us, and we don't currently have a cure in our possession to protect ourselves. X may very well help defend us against the Predacons."
Good thing she was repaired. She must do what she could to help her friends. Maybe if she could persuade X and Starshadow to help them, that would give them extra firepower. Though, it could also cause problems since X and Starshadow were unpredictable. She had to try, though. Any help would be appreciated.
Part of her wanted to establish the link with Optimus, but then she hesitated again, holding the area where her spark would be. She just wasn't ready yet, and it pained her.
Whitegrazer smiled at the drone as she picked up the flash grenades, holding a couple to Rhinox. She hoped they didn't have to use any of these. A curiousity peeked abit about the drones. Optimus probably knew, but right now, she was curious. After all, a drone was a drone, and she couldn't feel anything from it. "You use Glowstick's voice, but you not him. So who are you?"Try not to be in the same room as her when using these.
"Aw, you can do better than that, my dear," X laughed, holding her enough to keep his little kitten in his grasp but not too hard to cause any harm. He brought harm to everything in his hands, and he hoped to avoid that with Nightstar."Away from you, you lousy creep.."
"Oh, my dear, you know I wasn't thinking clearly during Omicron," X soothed. It was true. When he and Nightstar finally did their escape, it wasn't enough that they escaped their tormentors and their lab, but to escape the colonists above. He had hoped for compassion, but the colonists only showed them fear and contempt. Freaks of nature. Born out of sick curiosity and twisted ambition. A playground for sadists and bullies. He realized that even in the above world, people like him had nothing. Rage boiled inside of him. He regretted his actions, but he couldn't control the instincts borned into him by those scientists. They created their monster, and now, he was just fulfilling his duty. Feeling pain, and giving it in return. "Maybe I should have none better than to trust them, but they can be useful when they want to be.""Really? First you left me to die in burning Omicron, got me blinded and almost completely melted into a pile of slag with your stupid plan, brought me here to these MAXIMALS, the ones I have been fighting for years and now you want me to accept HER as one of us?!"
X couldn't help but be happy when Nightstar showed some jealousy at Whitegrazer. "Ooooooo, is that jealousy I feel from you? Is that what it takes to draw you out? Oh my dear, maybe I should do that more often."
Whitegrazer noticed Rhinox's quizzically glanced towards her, "He wants me to kill him." She told him, wanting to explain. "I felt it when I communicated with his spark. He is drawn to my power, and he wants me to use it on him. I'm not going to." Her power is for healing, not destruction. She refused.
Whitegrazer nodded and chased after both X and Starshadow."Follow them!" Rhinox told the equine. "Rattrap, man the controls on the bridge. Open the doorway closest to their route and let them out."
"Ouch!" He shouted in pain and surprise, but his expression twisted in joy. He bowed at his companion. "Forgive my dear, I will need a good punishment after this is all over." For now, X submitted to her will. For now. Only for NightStar. He spoke towards her with a calm whisper. "I know this Megatron is after us. I will not allow him to get us, and I know the Maximals would protect us if we asked because they are suuuuuch good people." He said with sarcasm like his companion did earlier. "If we play our cards right, we will be able to show them all the horrors we been through. I sense something approaching, but I needed to know something from this Optimus. Also, from her. That's why I'm staying as long as I have." He referred to Whitegrazer. He wanted to see for himself, and he wanted to experience it too. "I know I did badly at Omicron, but this time is different. I won't allow either side to capture us again.""ENOUGH!" she discharged electricity out of her body, just enough for him to release her and she looked at him with bared fangs, "I'm tired of wasting my time with this nonsense. You either listen and come with me quietly or you can stay here to wreck havoc for all I care! I won't let Megatron have his chance to grab hold of me...Not now, not today! And with your slagging attitude, you'll get us both captured and forced to do his will!"
Whitegrazer stood her ground as she kept her distance between X and Starshadow, "The Predacons are coming. I know you two don't want to be in Megatron's hands. If you two help us defeat them, we will make sure they don't have you."
X looked back, "And if we do help you defeat them? What then?"
"If you wish to go, then you can go. Though, wouldn't be advantageous to have a base and defenses? Megatron isn't the giving up sort as Starshadow would probably tell you."
X just smiled, "You are trying to keep us here, aren't you?" He just shook his head. "You are either fearless or stupid." X knew she didn't fear him, but he did sense her apprehension towards him. Oh, he didn't blame her for that. He had learned a long time ago to accept strangers' kindness, only to release them from the pain of living. Yes, maybe she did want a release for her pain. He would gladly give it to her, only if she didn't release him first. Though, it didn't seem she was willing. A shame.