"Chain of Command"

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Icebreaker looked towards Cheetor and Valkyire, then looked towards Orcariner Looks like I'm going to have to big guy. Oh well! Just need to get some hills..Heh he then said grabbing the cord with his flippers, then started to pull the whale and sled, his clawed feet leaving deep impressions in the ground as he pulled. The Ice sled atleast removing a large part of the burden of trying to move the whale without it, and Icebreaker's own physical strength was well above the average maximal's.

Hey Cheetor, Valkyire. If you guys get too far ahead don't worry, we'll catch up when we get to some hills or my field dampers finish recharging.

Rhinox watched the spectacle of the Penguin towing the Whale, starting to ponder over the situation while also surprised how strong Icebreaker was. He then looked towards the others as they got ready to leave.

(Yeah, we can find you guys out there if thats what you want.)
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Cheetor had sympathy for Ocariner, but he was already really worried about the ship in the distance, and he knew he would ever get away with running ahead of the group again, so he could only get to the ship as fast as the whale could be carried.

Then it suddenly hit him- he could still make the group go faster.

"Icebreaker, mind if I lend you hand, or... at least a mouth?" he asked.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Icebreaker looked towards Cheetor Thanks for the offer Spots, but that could get a little dangerous.. like right now. as Icebreaker finished his sentence the cord started to become loose as the whale was starting to build up Momentum, Icebreaker hopped up onto Orcariner's back holding the cord as the sled barreled along down the hill and then up the next. Yahooo!
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner had not moved this fast since he had his old alternative mode back on Cybertron. It was quite exhilarating and Icebreaker's whooping was only adding to the excitement. Using his pectoral fins, the killer whale tried his best to maintain their speed by pushing himself every time they reached the top of a hill. Elevating his tail, Orcariner flattened his tail fins and angled them to make himself as aerodynamically efficient as possible.

"This isn't so bad after all," he said, as they accelerated down another slope.

Through the corner of his eye, Orcariner could see Cheetor sprinting alongside of them with ease. It appeared that their spotted friend was also enjoying the adrenaline rush.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((Are the Preds at their base already? If not, where are they?
And i mean Megatron's team))
NaitoKage wrote:Icebreaker looked towards Cheetor and Valkyire, then looked towards Orcariner Looks like I'm going to have to big guy. Oh well! Just need to get some hills..Heh he then said grabbing the cord with his flippers, then started to pull the whale and sled, his clawed feet leaving deep impressions in the ground as he pulled. The Ice sled atleast removing a large part of the burden of trying to move the whale without it, and Icebreaker's own physical strength was well above the average maximal's.

Hey Cheetor, Valkyire. If you guys get too far ahead don't worry, we'll catch up when we get to some hills or my field dampers finish recharging.

Rhinox watched the spectacle of the Penguin towing the Whale, starting to ponder over the situation while also surprised how strong Icebreaker was. He then looked towards the others as they got ready to leave.
Valkyrie had a better idea.
There where better ways for Orcariner and Icebreaker to travel. The rivers she saw on the map she programmed into her memory banks.
"Orcariner and Icebreaker would travel a lot faster to our destination if you'd pick one of the 2 rivers running near the crash sight.
Cheetor could travel along side the river while i take the air. This way, if my calculations are correct, we can get to the crash site in 70% of the time we'll need if we get Orcariner and Icebreaker riding the icebeam thingies Icebreaker can create. Plus your energy reserves won't be as low."

It was the fastest and energy efficient way her databanks could come up with.

"This way we'd only have to get the both of you into a river from this location."

Valkyrie smiled slightly, seeing the Penguin and whale where having some fun.
It was good for moral, but not the main objective of this mission.

((Lets start posting in Blitzkrieg from this point on.))

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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Feel free to have Skyfire, Saber and Rhinox join in on the conversation, guys. :) Unless you just want to move ahead quickly to reaching the base and then making it night time. ))

Rattrap, watching Cheetor dash off with the rest of Valkyrie's team, lightly shook his head. "You sure it's a good idea letting him go off on that mission?" he asked the gorilla.

Optimus looked down at Rattrap before dropping to his knuckles and beginning to walk back to the base. "He'll be fine," he replied. After all, Cheetor had done well during the last battle. Primal's confidence in the younger Maximal was growing more and more. It wasn't like he was meant to hold his hand through every fight or mission.

Dinobot fell in behind Optimus Primal, walking back to the Axalon. He took another glance at the standing stones behind them before looking forward again in deep thought.

The rat still had doubts about the cheetah's ability to stay out of trouble and take care of himself, but he was in Val's hands now, far from the Axalon. "So what now?" Rattrap inquired as he got down on all fours and followed the ape and giant lizard.

"Now we wait," answered Optimus as they walked. "If that beam was some kind of communication signal, maybe someone will answer it. Until then, we have enough to do at the Axalon to keep us occupied."

"I still don't got a good feelin' about this," Rattrap muttered. "If somebody does answer that signal, uh, what happens if they ain't so nice?"

"We don't have a choice." The Maximal leader briefly glanced at the rodent beside him. What was done, was done. The signal was long gone now through space and would very likely reach its destination at some point. There was no stopping the consequences now. Thanks to Terrorsaur, unexplainable and mysterious events were going to unfold. "Someone out there is going to know that we're here," Optimus added as his gaze turned to the sky.

Even Dinobot was curious to know who or what it was that was going to answer. It could be an interesting turn of events.

Glancing back at the saber tooth, Primal asked her, "How are you holding up, Saber-Fang?" He had seen some of the rough combat that she had between Starshadow.
Last edited by Optimal Optimus Primal on Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox nodded as Optimus spoke, he then spoke up Your right, we do have alot to do back at the base.. and I think I just thought of something making more work... I noticed our guardsmen Orcariner appears to be having alot of trouble in his beast mode.. We have some busted up Grav lifts in the back of the ship.. I think I could strip them for parts as some form of propullsion system, he wont be the fastest on the team.. but I think it's better then leaving him a sitting protoform when Predacons attack..

Rhinox then looks towards Optimus and the others Unless you guys have any better ideas?
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"You sure it's a good idea letting him go off on that mission?"
"He'll be fine,"
Saber had Optimus' confidence about Cheetor, the cub had the makings of a great warrior, he just needed to grow up and mature.
"So what now?"
"Now we wait," "If that beam was some kind of communication signal, maybe someone will answer it. Until then, we have enough to do at the Axalon to keep us occupied."
"I still don't got a good feelin' about this," "If somebody does answer that signal, uh, what happens if they ain't so nice?"
Yeah, no kidding. Saber thought.
"We don't have a choice." "Someone out there is going to know that we're here,"
But who? She thought as she continued walking.
"How are you holding up, Saber-Fang?"
Saber looked up at the sound of her name, she had been quiet most of the trip back to the Axalon.
"I'm alright." She said she gave him a small smile before looking away and being quiet again.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Your right, we do have alot to do back at the base.. and I think I just thought of something making more work... I noticed our guardsmen Orcariner appears to be having alot of trouble in his beast mode.. We have some busted up Grav lifts in the back of the ship.. I think I could strip them for parts as some form of propullsion system, he wont be the fastest on the team.. but I think it's better then leaving him a sitting protoform when Predacons attack.. Unless you guys have any better ideas?
"Hey, that ain't a bad idea, Big Green," Rattrap agreed. "I... you know... I could help ya with that." It seemed to require some effort for the rodent to volunteer. But just because he could be lazy or selfish didn't mean he was "cold-hearted." Orcariner could use the help with that beast mode and Rattrap was more than capable of assisting Rhinox with his idea.
"I'm alright."
Optimus was not entirely convinced of Saber's answer. If he didn't know any better, he thought something seemed to be troubling her, and it wasn't just her wounds from battle. "Is there something on your mind?" he asked her warmly. He continued to walk straight ahead on all fours but looked to his side at the saber tooth. No one had to hide anything from Optimus, and he wasn't going to force them to share their secrets and troubled pasts if any of them had them, but he always wanted to offer his help.

The Axalon appeared not far in front of them as the group trekked along. Dinobot remained quiet at the tail end, wondering what work he'd tackle on the broken ship. It certainly wasn't something he wanted to do; he was a warrior for crying out loud! But since there were no Predacons in the area, he had to do something to keep busy.


It was a success getting Valkyrie off of his back where he couldn't reach her, but Megatron was furious about Terrorsaur's actions. That imbecile. The energon was wasted because of him, and he doubted that it had any effect on the Maximals. Oh, how he wanted to wring his neck and tie it in a knot. Hm, perhaps when they returned to base.

The large t-rex, momentarily lost in his anger, took his time leading the Predacons back to the Darksyde. However, he did notice Starshadow's sudden disappearance, as well as Tarantulas's. Although Megatron grew suspicious of those two, and didn't like those in his crew with their own agendas, he had his own schemes that would require his undivided attention. And if he was clever enough, he could tie them into the others' plans without them knowing. Patience, though. Patience.

"That beam," Megatron's voice rumbled, breaking the silence among the group. "Any ideas on what it might have been? Perhaps a signal, yesss. But to whom?" he inquired as they neared their lava-surrounded ship. Of course, if he didn't know, he doubted any of the others did.

Terrorsaur was hanging hanging back in the group, and out of reach of others while he flapped his wings. He knew he was in trouble for what he did, but it still seemed like a good idea at the time. After all, he couldn't have taken Primal on his own, so why not try taking them all out at once? Right? No, Megatron probably wouldn't buy it.

(( OOC: Sorry, guys, I'm just winging it to keep things moving and helping Dal and Venatrix. ))
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Vena's gone busy too eh? Not surprising, it is the holidays after all and some people have more productive things to do then Jellybean Russian Roulette and Ducktails on Nes.. :oops: )

Coming from behind the Predacons was the skittering of 8 legs, Tarantulas catching up with the group then speaks up rather calmly Whom we shouldn't concern ourselves but rather..when.. However we do know one thing..from the new recruit's report of "alien sentry guns", they will be hostile..


Rhinox smirked It must be for you to want to assist. Alright, it shouldn't be too bad.. other then figuring out where to mount the parts on him. the rhino then trudged along towards the Axalon as the lift lowered.

Rhinox, Maximize! he then shouted while transforming to robot mode, then stepped onto the lift and entered the ship.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: I've only been waiting for Saber to reply, who hasn't posted in this topic since the 18th. So if you don't mind, NK, I'm going to make a little jump here and start my post with the alien probe arriving. That way it'll just be you and I posting while we wait for the others to come back; hopefully soon after the holiday. I feel like we're falling behind. Ven will just have to pick another time to speak with Megatron. ))

Out in space, not too far from the planet, was a response to the signal from the standing stones. An alien probe appeared, entering the planet's atmosphere and headed straight for that particular spot where the Predacons and Maximals had fought earlier that day.

Optimus sat outside below the Axalon, relaxing with some literature, as the silence of the night, save for some peepers and crickets, surrounded him. A streak of light from the star-scattered sky in the near distance caught his eyes, and he gazed at it in wonder for a moment. A stasis pod perhaps? "Hm," he exhaled and thought it best to seek Rhinox's opinion and the ship's sensors.

Entering the ship, Primal came up beside the brown and green Maximal at a console where the Axalon's scanners were already tracking the falling probe. "Rhinox, can you bring up an analysis of that object? Is it a stasis pod?" If it was, they would have to make haste to retrieve it before the Predacons got their hands on it.


Meanwhile, at the Darksyde, Megatron had witnessed the same exact anomaly. "Flier!" he called for Waspinator, "Incoming stasis pod!"

The giant wasp flew over to the mighty tyrannosaurus rex and hovered beside him, awaiting his commands.

"Plot vector to crash point," Megatron demanded.

"Oooo, Wazzzpinator sees it heading for standing stones," he buzzed.

"Hm. Then not a stasis pod, nooo," the Predacon leader corrected himself. "But an answer to that signal Terrorsaur activated." He paused and grumbled before saying, "The Maximals will have detected it as well, yesss. We must get there first and secure the area! Waspinator, come with me!" And before the wasp could object to his commands, Megatron had already moved out quite swiftly as he hurried on his two large feet.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

((OCC: Sorry that i haven't posted, i was busy and kinda forgot.))
"Rhinox, can you bring up an analysis of that object? Is it a stasis pod?"
Saber had just walked into the control room when she heard Optimus speak to Rhinox.
She looked at the object on the screeen and narrowed her optics, it didn't look like a stasis pob then again she wasn't a scientist, she was a retired general, so this wasn't her line of work. But she was interested none the less.
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Unread post by una »

(Sorry guys, my internet was crapping out on me for weeks but I hope it's steady now.)

Scorponok watched as Megatron left with Waspinator. That means he was in command until Megatron returned but Megatron didn't get him the order. So can he give orders?

Idiot! You are second in command. Of course you can! Incompetent!

"Forget it!"

Scorponok kept eye on the computer and on his commander as he zoomed in on the standing stones.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox sat back looking at the computer as it displayed a object landing, displaying a 3d scanned image of it's shape Wrong profile for a stasis pod.. but, it isn't a meteor either.. Rhinox then looks towards Optimus as asks Prime! Where's it headed?

Rhinox turns in his chair slightly Right for.. the standing stones..

(Sorry about that, but it makes that bit quicker if I post Primal's line as well. Heh..)
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OOC: Sorry OOP. Christmas time, my daughter having her christmas break from school. Husband having 2 weeks vacation.
So my agenda is booked till the end of next week. ^^
I planned on posting today, and so i got out of bed freakin early, to get it done.
Sorry if i saddled you up with even more work.
Forgive me ;) ))

Venatrix was looking like any other ordinary lazy cat, seemingly sleeping on top of the Predacon ship, right above a small stream of lava.
It was relaxing, feeling the heat brushing through her fur coat. But she wasn't sleeping at all.
The black cat was alert and listened to Megatron and Waspinator.
Meanwhile, at the Darksyde, Megatron had witnessed the same exact anomaly. "Flier!" he called for Waspinator, "Incoming stasis pod!"

The giant wasp flew over to the mighty tyrannosaurus rex and hovered beside him, awaiting his commands.

"Plot vector to crash point," Megatron demanded.

"Oooo, Wazzzpinator sees it heading for standing stones," he buzzed.

"Hm. Then not a stasis pod, nooo," the Predacon leader corrected himself. "But an answer to that signal Terrorsaur activated." He paused and grumbled before saying, "The Maximals will have detected it as well, yesss. We must get there first and secure the area! Waspinator, come with me!" And before the wasp could object to his commands, Megatron had already moved out quite swiftly as he hurried on his two large feet.
So the that thing entering the admosfear was seemingly the answer to the strange beam sent into space from the last battlefield at the standing stones.
Megatron didn't gave her an order, and so she stayed where she was.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]