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Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:03 am
by NaitoKage
You appear to have based her appearance off Scylla as well, though giving her an eye patch and pirate background. Surprised you didn't include those. Now I see what you mean by suction cup lasers, like Scylla's from BW 2. Hmm..That worked for her since she was rather inaccurate for a squid being based off a G1 toy, Though you'd get the same effect from the laser shotgun sorta. I'm pretty sure having every suction cup as a laser would be a problem though, so.. stick to Laser shotgun since the random scatter of laser blasts would still be less then 100 or 1,000 laser beams firing out at a target.

You could have lasers at the tips of the tentacles, but they'd probably be weaker then the shotgun.

Hmm.. clinging to Glowstick while also having the love habits of Artemis. Scary, and you'd probably fry Glowstick's logic circuits from confusion since even he sees himself as creepy.. though I'll admit his head looks better then Scuba or Ikard..

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:35 am
by starshadow
I sorta hate the old Cecaelia so I decided to throw away the old stuff and give her the new stuff like redesigning. I've done the new pic in school and it looks pretty different from squid lady. :D

Hmmm...the shotgun...I'm going dump it in the recycling bin...and good idea about the tips. I could add a beam blades on each tip.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:28 am
by starshadow
Bumps in for the edit, voting starts now.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:20 pm
by Alak
I'm not entirely sure how up-to-date the RPG rules are, but here's number 7:
VII.) Important prior to submitting your character's profile: Each player may only have two characters in total to play. A player can have either two original characters, or two canons, or one original and one canon (equaling two total). If a player choses to play two characters, then both characters must have opposing allegiances. This is to keep the numbers down for both Maximal and Predacon teams, and to keep the numbers more fair, because we don't want this game turning into something like the Generation One series. :roll:
OOP might change her mind since the Predacons are outnumbered, even with the addition of Manterror.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:23 pm
by una
I have another character I'm working on. A Predacon.

I'm just still thinking about her bio. though. XD

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:32 am
by NaitoKage
Suction cup lasers is still too many lasers Star. Tentacle end is fine though, but again it'd be treated like Scylla's lasers (which are fairly weak) or Tarantulus's machine gun legs. You'll probably want to equip her with some sorta primary weapon, like a torpedo/missile launcher or anything you'd want. Since she's a singer, it'd oddly make sense for her to perhaps have a sonic blast weapon? Those would work well on land or underwater.

Speed seems a bit fast for a octopus which.. generally are a slow ground crawling creature, but they do make sudden bursts with their siphon so I guess it's fine.

Terrorbite on the other hand looks rather.. thrown together, and I'm not sure why your tiny octopus is stronger then a Mako shark, and we'd have to figure out how to make Terrorbite move on land..though I guess Grav lifts are the popular option. So again, I vote Octopus over Shark.

Alak also makes a good point..

Una: Feel free to take your time. The Predacons always welcome new members.. even if we have to reprogram them to join.. mwahahahaha!

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:22 am
by starshadow
Cecaelia's original tech spec's a lil weaker than the one I've posted(the original stats was less than 45) but I have to use all of the 45 points... sheesh! As for Bite, i thought of a harpoon gun or a spiked anchor but I guess those things are quite useless.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:25 am
by NaitoKage
Harpoon guns or anchor guns arn't really useless. Heck, the grappling hooks the Spiders use are basically that.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:29 am
by starshadow
True...I could install a sniper scope on the harpoon gun. Shoot a maximal and reel him in then rip him to pieces. YAY FISHING!

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:04 pm
by Alak
Eh, I don't think the scope would be necessary. Harpoons and spear guns don't have a lot of range on them, at least comparatively to firearms that do use scopes. Maybe you could have her use a weapon sight similar to EOTech products.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:07 pm
by NaitoKage
A Speargun with a holographic sight? Well I guess you can mount them to why not? *L*

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:37 am
by starshadow
I've added another weapon in Cece's bio. Now I'm waiting for the ranking..

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:40 am
by NaitoKage
Venom blaster eh? Quickstrike would be proud. Probably could change from darts and just use energy blasts like him, I figure that would be Cybervenom/concussive damage so it would weaken the target based on their endurance as well as knock them around from the hit like a quasar gun but without burns or circuit damage.

As I stated, you can have lasers at the end of the tentacles, but not all the suction cups. 8 lasers. I mean heck, Scylla had overkill with 24 lasers.. even though they were ridiculously weak. Blending in outside of the Ocean can also be fine. You'll probably want to rely on such natural stealth skills of the octopus.

as for Rank.. 6 seems fine for now.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:47 am
by Phoenix
Only two characters allowed now? I could have sworn it was 3..

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:59 am
by NaitoKage
Three if you play a canon character as the third.